
Chapter 112: Welcome to my parlour.

Qin Qianyu left Wu Yihuan's room and followed the senior doctor. The pair made small talk along the way.

"Ma'am, please pay no mind to Doctor Li, he's actually very enthusiastic about treating the patient."

"Hmm? . . Just the one? . . So you're telling me that if Yihuan didn't have the background she has, he'd treat her less enthusiastically or how he treated those guards? or maybe not at all?"

"I . . Ah . . "

"Hmph, I understand that some people need motivation or a reason to be motivated into action, but surely when a life is on the line, having a strong background shouldn't be at the forefront right?"

"Mhm, it is as you say. But he was genuinely concerned about the patient which was why he called security."

"I understand that, but, he didn't even ask who we were, or what we were there for. His ability to understand the situation extended as far as his own ego. He showed it himself, in the way he speaks with everyday people."

" . . . "

"He wasn't wrong in calling for help, but, he didn't even bother asking why he needed help in the first place. The reason he didn't ask about our identities or the reason we were there was because he didn't care. All he saw was that his territory had been encroached upon and all of that, speaks volumes about his "enthusiastic" character."

Qin Qianyu said no more. She wasn't here to debate mannerisms or characteristics. The senior doctor entered the lab and Qin Qianyu took stock of all the tools, devices, and machinery and nodded.

"Mhm, this'll do nicely."

"I'll leave you to it ma'am."

He did just that. Qin Qianyu got to work immediately.

She was here for two reasons.

One, she needed to make a dose to repair the work she had previously done on Wu Yihuan's womb.

Because she had been unconscious all this time, she hadn't been able to take any of the medication she had left for her before she went abroad.

The other reason was to make a pill so that the chemical imbalances from the cocktail mix she had been given at the other hospital, has a higher chance to right itself and not cause any permanent damage to her cerebrum.

As Qin Qianyu worked throughout the night and early morning hours, several things had taken place.

A video was posted anonymously of an idol and his fans being berated by a young woman.

The video title, "She berates a Great."

Fans of this idol soon became divided because some believed that their idol was in the wrong.

Others however, believed what he had done was nothing in comparison to what Qin Qianyu was doing.

[Heh! . . Look at how snooty she's acting. She has the nerve to berate our Owen like that in public, what about her!? . . She needs to take a leaf from her own book!]

[That couple though! It was two unruly fans that shoved them, why is it now Owen's fault? There was an earthquake in the north, was that caused by Owen too? Unbelievable! That nosy lady too, she's a glory hog out looking for attention.]

[I hate people like her the most! They're the worse! You can't reason with them because they think they're so high and mighty.]

[I bet she knows that couples background and she's brown nosing them. I've seen plenty of scums like her in my workplace. They all look and sound the same, and she definitely looks and sounds just like them.]

[Our Owen even knelt down to them, and she brushed him off! . . Yet she wants to blast his character? . . Look in the mirror *****!]

[What! . . I can't even call her a *****!? . . Fine, Look in the mirror Female Stray Mutt in Heat!]

[Hahaha! . . That's her new name from now on! If anyone finds more images of her, post it here with Female Stray Mutt in Heat! as the pictures caption.]

The fans vehemently backing Owen Xi mocked the couple and Qin Qianyu. The more sensible fans did nothing.

Those with an objective thought didn't think anything wrong with what Qin Qianyu said, in fact a lot of it made sense.

But no matter how one looked at it, the entire situation then, it had brought Owen Xi a lot of bad publicity.

"Find out who the hell posted that damn video, get rid of it now! . . Delete all these comments from these dumb fucks! Don't they realised it's making me look worse!?"

"I've been doing my best since it was posted. The person that did it must have some skills or serious backing because the usual channels aren't cutting it."

"FUCK! . . "

Owen Xi was beside himself. He was sleeping peacefully when his phone started receiving messages after messages, an hour before his normal wake up time.

It was all because the whole incident at the airport was now picking up pace and trending across all the entertainment news groups and sites.

"Owen, you've been dropped from 'One Shot' they're claiming your character in the film isn't required now as the screen writer has ditched it and written him out."

"What! . . Didn't they say they wrote that character especially with me in mind!? . . "

"They . . They did, but they also said it was because they changed it from a woman to a male because a certain female star had prior commitments. That artist is now freed up so they're going back to how it was originally written."

"Bullshit! . . Lying fucking pricks! The fucking lot of them!"

" . . . "

"Whose the star? Do you know yet?"

"Mhm, . . It's Murong Meimei."

" . . . "

"Fine! . . Screw them! . . Keep trying to get that video down and shut those idiots up! . . If that woman sees any of this, I can tell you now that none of us will live to see the new year."

"Mhm . . On it."

The manager left and Owen Xi could only cup his face in his palms.

"Murong Meimei! . . Again! First you get in the agency through the backdoor, then take my endorsements from me and now this!?"

Owen Xi was familiar with Murong Meimei, they were both artists contracted under RAID Entertainment.

If he knew that it was also her that posted that video of him at the airport, he would probably break his own face against a wall.

Murong Meimei had heard about how he would fake coming off a flight, chat with some fans and hook a few for a late night rendezvous at some seedy hotel.

She was hoping to catch him in the act, record it all and publish them.

It was all because she was originally slated for the role in One Shot, but since she had taken Owen Xi's endorsements, a scheduling conflict arose.

A movie was better exposure than the small endorsements she was doing so she reverted to tricks to get him off and herself back on.

She had hoped to have caught him out with his fans, but the incident outside the airports was just as juicy.

She didn't know who or where that woman came from but she noticed that Owen Xi had recognised her.

Murong Meimei just assumed that it was an ex fan of his that he had his way with. She didn't realise that the young woman was Qin Qianyu herself as Qin Qianyu herself had changed so much since she had last seen or spoken to her.

Inside a downtown apartment, a mature woman walked around in a flimsy satin half robe.

She pulled back the curtains letting the natural light in.

She walked in a certain direction and knocked on the door.

"Meimei, it's time to get up."

"Good morning Aunt, I'm already awake. I was just about to head out for my morning jog."

"That's fine. You're so diligent! Haha, I'll have your breakfast ready for you when get back."

"Thanks Aunt, you're the best."

"Oh stop it. Alright I'm going to shower then, be careful when you go out, there's no telling when a weirdo would pop up."

"I will Aunt, thanks."

The woman left happily.

When she heard how her best friends daughter was being mistreated by the school, her own biological family and even Meimei's so called best friend and her best friends family, she put her foot down then and there and decided to help the girls out.

Wei Xinyi was absolutely livid. She vowed to do her utmost for her departed friends daughter.

She hated them all for putting Meimei through all of that.

"Just because you have money you all think you can walk all over Meimei! . . Heh! Just you wait till she's an international superstar. She'll have the last laugh then."

The woman thought to herself as she entered the bathroom.

If she only knew the truth. But now, she's just another puppet under Murong Meimei and she didn't even know it herself.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of a rural village near the boarder. An old man sat waiting.

It was Wú Haodong.

In the distance, two men approached. One was complaining without stopping to take a breath, the other, he kept looking over his shoulder as they walked.

When they saw Wú Haodong, the pair had originally thought that he was a statue. That was until they got so close that Wú Haodong opened his eyes.

His face scowled when he saw the pair. He cocked his eyebrow and looked behind the two, then at the pair themselves.

"Welcome to my parlour. You're a long way from home, how did you walk here?"

"Huh!? . . Has the morning sun fried your brain old man? . . How'd we walk here? . . . We flew!"

"Hmhm, funny, but it's a valid question don't you think? Did you walk quickly, slowly, with a limp?"

"Why such a round about question old man?"

"Because, I want to know if you both like to go back alive, still walking or if you prefer being carried, because you're dead!"

Wú Haodong says. He had recognised the pair. They were Tang Mu and the elder that served him.

Tang Mu looked at the old man annoyedly. He and the elder had driven all day and night before the car ran out of fuel.

They couldn't stop for gas in case they were spotted and caught by the police.

The pair had been walking for 6 hours straight and had just come up to this area where they saw this old man.

Tang Mu stammered as he looked to Wú Haodong,

"Who . . What are you talking about!?"

"Heh! . . Hasn't Tang Huiyang told you about me?"

" . . . "

The elder had no idea about the conversation Tang Mu had with his brother. He just knew that his brother told him to leave the country.

Tang Mu looked at the old man and the details his brother gave him flooded his mind.

"You . . You're the old guard?"

"And you're the one's that messed with my family!"

" . . . "

"Hey! What are you waiting for? It's just one old dude! Go fuck him up so we can get out of here!"

"Elder? . . "

"Pfft! . . "

Wú Haodong snorted as he and Tang Mu watched the elder boost away from them heading towards the forest.

"Hey dummy, I wouldn't go that way if I were you."

The elder turned back and looked briefly. He said nothing in response to Wú Haodong as he carried on running.

His instincts were screaming at him to get as far away from the old man as possible.

"Tsk! . . Saan! . . . Bring the fool back!"

A thunderous roar echoed out causing Tang Mu to flinch. The elder was much more worse off, as the roar sounded out right next to him.

Bai Saan stood on his hind legs and with a single paw, he pushed the elder backwards before pouncing and standing over him.

Bai Saan lowered his head and roared again in the elder's face.

This scared the living life right out of him. He then instinctively brought both his arms up to protect his head.

Bai Saan saw this and snorted through his nostrils. He opened his mouth and bit down on the arms.

In a blink of an eye, he flashed right next to Wú Haodong along with the elder's arms, however, the elder's body was still in its original place.

"Tsk! . . Saan, I meant for you to bring all of him over . . . . What am I supposed to do with those!? . . Hm!?"

Tang Mu fumbled behind his back, he retrieved a pistol and aimed it at Wú Haodong.

"If you don't let me go, I'll fucking shoot you dead then deal with the fucking beast!"

"You're too noisy!"

Wú Haodong flicked his wrist and a stone flew out hitting Tang Mu between the eyes. He squeezed the trigger firing three times.

Wú Haodong shimmied twice where he sat. The third shot, he didn't have to move, the last bullet, it went skywards.

Tang Mu saw this and only that. His eyes had rolled backwards into his head and he fell to the ground immediately after due to fainting.

Wú Haodong picked Tang Mu up and dragged the elder's body into the woods. He went in a certain direction and soon came to a crevice in the ground.

He tossed the dead elder down. He then took the arms out of Bai Saan's mouth and tossed those too.

He didn't even bother waking Tang Mu up. He just punched him in the neck and following the cracking sound of bones, tossed him down the hole as well.

"Looks like we'll never find out were they had run away to."

"Keep looking for them, get his picture out to every airport, train station, bus stop and taxi stand and rural police stations out there . . . "

" . . . Someone's bound to have spotted him somewhere."

"Yes sir, I'll get on it right away."

The police station in the capital had been very busy trying to track Tang Mu down. They had received a report stating that Wu Yihuan was given a chemical cocktail that could make her brain dead.

The police had also done an autopsy on the elderly shop keeper and found that he had the same concoction in his system too.

Tang Mu was labeled as the likely suspect to have had this done to them.

During their investigation, the officers found that the blow to the head the shopkeeper had received led to complications which stemmed from the deadly cocktail interfering with the brain causing his death.

The police had reviewed every video of the riots to see if the blow came from them when the riot officers attacked.

Luckily for them, they only did body shots. That left the strike that Tang Mu did initially inside the store as the only strike to the head.

The investigation team concluded that Tang Mu had wanted to silence them to keep him self in the clear.

Now that things were falling apart, Tang Mu was on the run, and it could be for that very reason. It was because he ordered the use of those chemical cocktails that's led to the death of one victim already and another that hangs in the balance.

If the two victims couldn't give evidence, then the narrative he wrote would be the only story out there.

No one would be able to state otherwise.

You may have all noticed the cover change. I was asked to remove the the previous one. They wanted me to pay a monthly licensing fee to continue using the previous image. So for those that liked the plain one, I’m sure you’re like this one, I say it’ll grow on you eventually.

There are other things but I won’t vent them here, I’ll just this please show me all those things when you write your own novel or short story.

Lastly. Thanks for all the support. Giving it to me really means a lot.

Ravagenericcreators' thoughts
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