

The feeling of betrayal is a hard thing to swallow. Trust is something I give for I am expecting that she will never betray the trust I have given to her. But really, not all things go along your way.

"Kriszt, it's not that I feel sorry that is why I am telling you the truth, I did not love you even a bit. It was all about your popularity, your like a trophy that I can brag to my circle of friends but now that you have lost the very thing I only like about you. We are done and by the way, the man who you consider your bestfriend is actually my lover for years already. We had planned this for long long time and now that we are married and have conjugal properties, once your dead, it will all become mine. It's a pity that all the things you've worked hard in your life is all gone to the very woman you love and the man you trust hahaha."

Her words only gave me deep sense of grief, anger and sadness as my memories of the past slowly flash in my mind. The laughters, the sadness, the joy and accomplishments we shared are all lies.

I have met her at the lowest point of my life. My mother and father passed away because of a fire that caught our house burning when both of my parents were inside our house sleeping while I was away for a modelling gig.

I had been very busy that day, when they called me I only managed to answer briefly because of my busy schedule as a rising idol.

I was overcomed with loneliness, self-blame and sadness for not being with my parents at their last moments. I loved them that's why I worked hard to make their life better by being an idol who is famous around the world. I met her at a bar called "Temptations", drinking for how many bottles of alcohol, that I did not remember anymore.

I was quiet like a ticking time bomb ready to explode at the very least trigger. I was wearing a cap to hide my face for I'm famous and I do not want people to know of my problems. I became an idol but I still like my personal privacy as much as possible especially when I am in a bad mood.

At that time, she was like the sun, shining with brightness to my lonely and dark world. She pulled me from the abyss although I never cared for her at first. She was so persistent that I just gave in and welcomed her in my world because of the loneliness I felt from being left behind alone by my parents' death. What I didn't know at that time was she pulled me from the abyss to later throw in hell-like world where what only surrounded me was grief, sadness, betrayal, hate and darkness that seemed to consume me...