
Rebirth Of Revenge

Cindy is a young woman of 27, working as a florist, also having a gift for fashion designing. Cindy also was investigating the death of her best friend Amy, who had died two years ago. While everyone believed that Amy had committed suicide, Cindy for some reason was never convinced that Amy’s death was a suicide and always knew that there's more 'than meets the eye' . Therefore, she was secretly trying to solve the case on her own as the police wouldn't help her. And after two years of trying, she finally found the real murderer yet she couldn't believe herself. When she confronted the murder at the same place where Amy had died and finally found the real reason of her death , she never thought she would have to face the same fate as Amy. But in her last moments, Cindy eagerly wished to fix everything and God actually granted her wish! Cindy who thinks she is dead, wakes up 7 years back in time. As grateful as she is for getting a second chance, she also swears to punish those who deserve, protect those she loves and to take revenge on those hideous monsters that caused her so much pain in her previous life. In this second chance at life, a whole new journey awaits Cindy. In a facetious way, the story of Cindy's revenge continues as she faces new interesting adventures in her love life along her way....

Eshaal22 · Kỳ huyễn
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Like a butterfly out of her cocoon

Cindy was still processing what was going on and going through the old stuffs in her old apartment. Cindy realized that she had gone 7 years back in time. She was 20 years old and in her freshmen year in college again. Everything still felt so unbelievable to her. Being in daze, Cindy went in front of the mirror, and looked at herself while eating a pancake.

"This face, this body was supposed to be buried in the darkness of the ground by now. That monster! Not only did he take Amy away from me, he tried to end my life too! How fool I was to be in love with him since highschool! I wasted my whole youth on him. But this time I gotta make everything right. I was given a second chance for that purpose only!" Cindy kept thinking to herself when Amy entered the room.

"Hey, you okay now?" Amy asked Cindy being concerned about her.

"Never better."

"Then why aren't you getting ready yet? Amy's sweet, gentle voice suddenly changed into a harsh tone. A complete 180 degree change in character.

In her last life, Cindy would have counter attacked Amy and they would start fighting all over the place but in this life she didn't do anything, she was just grateful for Amy's presence and didn't say anything except for smiling as she was so happy to finally be happy to hear Amy's voice again.

"Give me a couple of minutes, I'll be ready in no time." Cindy replied in a gentle tone, surprising Amy because that was not the reply Amy was hoping for.

Looking at the calendar Cindy realized that it was the first day of her college. That's why Amy was telling her to get ready fast. She looked at the clock and realized that they were really getting late. So, she quickly got ready after finishing her pancakes and got out of the room.

"Hey, I'm ready. When are we gonna leave?"

Amy and Mrs. Choi's jaws dropped as they saw Cindy. They were completely astonished. They couldn't believe their eyes and felt as if they had seen someone else. It was a whole new look of Cindy that they didn't know of.

Cindy was wearing a white dress with her hand embroidered daisies in it as if it was embracing spring in every single stich, complementing her inner beauty. Her dark, long, loose hair was covering her back . She had discarded her glasses that she always wore and had worn contact lenses which allowed people to see her sparkling brown eyes. The pink blush on her cheeks was shining brightly as she smiled. Her lips were adorned in a subtle pink tone that complimented her whole look. It was as if she was a butterfly that had finally come out of her cocoon spreading her magnificent wings.

Mrs. Choi and Amy, they both couldn't believe that the girl that always embraced a shabby look could look so pretty.

"What happened to you guys? Am I looking weird?" Cindy finally asked after a while of complete silence in the room. Amy rushed to her at once that had Cindy startled.

"What's wrong wit….." Cindy couldn't finish her sentence as Amy grabbed her face with both of her hands with a doubtful shocked face.

"Who are you? What did you do to my Cindy?" Amy asked as she couldn't believe if it was really Cindy that was standing in front of her!

"What the hell are you talking about?" Cindy counter-questioned Amy being unable to understand that it was because they had never seen Cindy in such a look.

Amy made Cindy look at the mirror beside them and at that moment Cindy realized that accidentally Cindy had taken the get up from her previous adult life. She never had worn make up before passing college and that too happened because she was then dating Mark and therefore Amy had made her start wearing make up. As Amy and Cindy were talking, Mrs. Choi slowly came forward and started pinching Amy's cheeks really hard.

"Aaaahhhhh!!! Mrs. Choi why are you pinching me?" Amy asked while rubbing her cheeks out of pain.

"Omo (in her native language)! It really is our Cindy! This is not a dream." Mrs. Choi screamed in joy.

"Yes, she is! But why did you pinch me? You should have pinched her!"

"Because she's looking too pretty that I couldn't bring myself to pinch her.

While they were arguing with each other, Cindy was there, witnessing their craziness that she missed all those years. It made her happy at the same time, a bit insecure. She did not want to lose this life again. But she let all the scary thoughts get out of her mind and enjoy the moments as it was. She began to have tears out of joy.

"Why are you crying again?" both asked at once.

"Nothing! I just love you guys so much! Now let's go! Aren't you getting late now?" Cindy said to Amy as she was wiping the tears that rolled down.

They both left for college as they waved Mrs. Choi goodbye. As Cindy and Amy was walking through the road, everyone looked at them. Two beauties walking together. Amy knew how to express her beauty from the beginning. With the red top that she wore, she represented the warmth of the spring. As for Cindy, it was as if she brought spring along with every step she took. They both had people amused by their looks. Amy was used to the attention but she was more happy for Cindy who was always insecure and timid around. She suddenly felt like a proud mother.

"Hey, Amy. I know I'm looking pretty but could you stop looking at me?" Cindy tried to lighten the mood between them.

"Huh! Who said you look pretty? You look okay. But not more than me!" Amy replied. "But I gotta say, I raised you so well my child. Mommy's so proud of you!"

"Whatever you say'', Cindy chuckled.

As they both entered the college, everyone was looking at them like they had seen celebrities! They both got the recognition as the most beautiful ladies in the entire college being the center of everyone's attention as soon as they entered.

Cindy noticed them. Confused as she was, Amy grabbed her hand telling that they were looking at them. She looked around. She could see their eyes full in awe and excitement. Cindy finally felt the confidence that she never felt in her last life where no one even cared about her existence unless needed. But in this life, they all were dying for her attention instead.