
The Ace in the Shadows

Late in the evening, during dinner time, Claire and her Espeon had become the stars of the evening. The children of the Blackthorn family were immediately drawn to this graceful-looking Pokémon, and even the adults were no exception, especially Professor Oak's assistants, who began pestering the old man for details. However, the professor kept his word and did not disclose any information.

Meanwhile, Archer discreetly attempted to contact his superiors regarding this mind-boggling discovery. Originally, I had considered restricting all communications in and out of the ship with advanced jammers, but I finally decided against it in consideration of my future plans. The more information Archer shared about me, the more Team Rocket would covet me, and that was precisely what I wanted.

After all, who wouldn't covet a six-year-old scientific genius who might become the backbone of their faction? As for the children's original allegiance, it didn't matter much to such organizations; young minds were easy to mold, and there were various methods to influence them.

Almost everyone on Oak's team knew that I was the one who made this discovery. Oak was merely assisting me by the side, but due to my status, they couldn't approach me directly, so they continued pestering Oak.

"That's a really graceful-looking Pokémon. What type is it, by the way?" Grandma Isabel, who sat beside me enjoying her dinner, couldn't help but ask as she observed the children chasing around the new Pokémon.

"It's a Psychic type, with pretty decent potential and bloodline. If nurtured properly, it even has a chance to break into the epic stage in the future," I replied, taking a sip of my soup.

"And before you ask, Grandma Isabel, no, I haven't yet found a rock, ground, or steel type variant evolution. Maybe in the near future," I added before Isabel could voice her question. I knew her favorite types were rock and steel, and her aura also had an affinity for them. I had already given her a Mega Evolution stone for her main Pokémon, Steelix, which was in the Pseudo-Legendary class.

It was then that I remembered that I had acquired a special Pokémon for her two years ago with pretty top notch potential, whose species was capable of Mega Evolution, but I had yet to give her the Mega Stone. Being too hasty might harm the Pokémon's foundation, although resources could accelerate its growth. Such a method is not always recommended unless one can compensate for the drawback. In the wild, a Pokémon with decent potential might need centuries to reach the Palladium stage naturally, but with the influence of trainers and resources, it could be achieved in merely a decade, and if one was ready to spluge, then you could even cut short this time much further.

"Say, Grandma Isabel, how is the Pokémon that I gave you to nurture doing?" I inquired. Isabel had always wanted to break into the legendary class, but the harsh truth was that she did not have the talent to breach the barrier.

Only an exceptional Pokémon could help her achieve this stage, bearing the burden for both during ascension. Her Steelix, although of decently high potential, was not up to par to help her achieve this monumental task. So, I provided her with a Pokémon with high enough potential that it could even be considered for my roster.

I was originally hesitant to give away such a high potential pokemon, but then I was unwilling to give up on the thought of adding my Tyranitar to my team. My Tyranitar is a Pokemon that I would go to any lengths to find, and it was still a few years early, as in my last life, my Larvaitar was born when I was around twelve, and I still had six years worth of waiting to find my partner, so I reluctantly gave away a second heavy tanker to Isabel so that in the future she might have a chance to breach the legendary stage.

"Oh, that child is doing great. Would you like to take a look?" She casually pulled out a specialized Poké Ball that I had crafted, and with a toss, a massive behemoth manifested from the Poké Ball.



Species: Iron Armor Pokémon

Gender: Male

Status: Healthy

Level: 637

Stage: Diamond

Height: 3.9 m

Weight: 1230 kg.

Type: Steel/Rock

Potential: Purple

Ability: Rock Head

Hidden Ability: Heavy Metal


HP: 1101

Attack: 1120

Defense: 1613

Special Attack: 768

Special Defense: 768

Speed: 698


Iron Head, Metal Claw, Harden, Mud-Slap, Iron Defense, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap, Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Take Down, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Iron Tail, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Iron Head, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Head Smash, Outrage, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Autotomize, and Flash Cannon.


Isabel's Aggron stood towering at close to 4 meters tall, dwarfing the average height of their species, which was around 2 meters. But this behemoth was a true alpha among its kind. With a staggering purple potential, it ranked as the second-highest potential Pokémon in the entire Blackthorn family, excluding my own Pokémon.

The Aggron's potential even rivaled that of the Dragonite Guardian God of the Blackthorn family, who had been around for almost five millennia. Only my grandmother Alice's Tyranitar boasted a higher potential with its Dark Purple status. Even within our family, Pokémon with purple potential were exceedingly rare—I could count each one of them on my fingertips.

With just a single glance, I could discern that Isabel had been taking exceptional care of the Aggron. Merely level 23 when I gifted her the Pokémon two years ago, it had already ascended to the Peak of Diamond stage and was on the brink of breaching the Palladium stage in just a month or two. It seemed Isabel had spared no expense in nurturing the Aggron, yet upon closer inspection, I realized its foundation was remarkably sturdy.

Perhaps she had invested as many resources in the Aggron as I do in my Lucario, and that's saying something. I doubted any other family could match our spending, especially considering that the resources I crafted for these Pokémon were of supreme quality, unmatched by anything available outside the Blackthorn family.

As the Agrron moved in for a hug, Isabel used her steel aura to pin the behemoth down. The scene was comical—a millennia-old woman restraining a 4-meter behemoth onto the ship's deck.

The sight left everyone on the deck shocked; even Oak's eyes widened in surprise. He had never encountered such a superior specimen of Aggron before, so he was understandably intrigued. However, the children merely gave the behemoth a passing glance before returning to their pursuit of the Espeon.

The shock and intrigue that rippled through the crowd on the deck didn't dissipate quickly. Conversations buzzed with speculation and wonder about Isabel's remarkable Aggron. Even the seasoned researchers among Professor Oak's team exchanged impressed glances and murmured in hushed tones.


Two weeks had passed since the departure of the Blackthorn family for the grand event in Hoenn, an occasion that had captured the attention of all four known regions. Yet, amidst the fanfare, within the heart of the Pokémon world's most prestigious family, the two pillars of the family the old Ancestor and his lifelong friend were bracing themselves for a different kind of spectacle—a conflict that would drench both Johto and Kanto in the blood of their enemies.

The Blackthorn family was poised for large-scale warfare, their intentions extending beyond mere defense. Once the initial defensive measures were successful, they planned to unleash an offensive onslaught, hunting down all those involved. The revelation of the League's involvement in the tragedy four years prior had shifted their stance entirely. They were prepared to embrace the ruthless reputation that had characterized them for millennia, believing that the passage of time had dulled the memories of their ferocity—a notion they intended to dispel with a fresh reminder.

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Alfred?" The old ancestor's voice cut through the solemn atmosphere, his gaze fixed on his longtime friend. They had just received updated intelligence from the League's end via their network of spies. The League's drastic measures, including plans to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives to achieve their goals, were outlined in the report clutched in the Ancestor's hands. Despite the dire contents, the Ancestor remained unperturbed, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he turned to Alfred.

"It seems like little Aron was right," he remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "There will always be anomalies. It seems you cannot stay hidden away this time, my friend. You might have to help deal with one of the legendaries." The ancestor's tone was matter-of-fact, tinged with a hint of amusement. "And if Aron's inkling is right, they might even have plans for Moltress. That Kid Red is good, but he's still not at the level to deal with Moltress alone. We'll need little Cecilia there as a backup."

Alfred, though outwardly calm, felt a surge of apprehension at the prospect. He knew the risks involved in revealing his true identity, but if the situation demanded it, he would not hesitate to step into the fray. The Ancestor's mention of Cecilia, another Blackthorn who had recently stepped into the ranks of the legendary stage, only underscored the gravity of the impending conflict. The mention of Aron, the enigmatic young prodigy, drew a contemplative look from Alfred. How did the boy possess such uncanny foresight? It was a question that lingered in the minds of many within the family.

As the ancestor spoke, only the two friends were privy to the conversation. If any of the other core elders had overheard, they would have been shocked. Alfred, the ultimate trump card of the Blackthorn family, harbored a secret known only to Isabel and the Ancestor himself.

Unbeknownst to even Aron, Alfred was a true legendary stage trainer who had reached this pinnacle eight centuries ago. The knowledge of his legendary status was a closely guarded secret, one that had been safeguarded by the Blackthorns for close to eight centuries, ensuring that anyone who threatened it met a swift end.

"Say, is that the same Zapdos in the North? Or is it a different one? And it seems our scout teams have been lax; we have had a new Articuno so close to our southern shores, and we were blind about it," Alfred pondered aloud, his brow furrowing as he assessed the situation. If the Zapdos were indeed the same ancient one they knew of, their options would narrow considerably.

"Yep, my friend. Unfortunately, it's the same old Zapdos. Even I will have to struggle to keep her in check, even with my three legendary Pokémon together. But luckily for us, our old guardian Dragonite has fought against her multiple times, so he should be able to hold his own. I suggest you take the Articuno in the south. Let's leave the youngest Moltress to little Cecilia and that Kid Red," the Ancestor smirked, his mind already making tactical decisions.

The Zapdos, being the oldest of the trio, warranted the mobilization of their strongest force. As for the youngest Moltress on Mt. Silver, it would serve as a formidable challenge for Cecilia, who had yet to face a true legendary Pokémon in battle. And the Articuno, whose knowledge was lacking, would be left in the capable hands of his trusted friend Alfred, who always seemed to emerge victorious despite the odds.

"So, what are you going to be doing?" Alfred inquired, a knowing smile spreading across his face. He was well aware of his friend's penchant for combat.

"Of course, I am going to get my tenth legendary trainer kill. I have stayed at number 9 for a few centuries now. I'd like to make it a double digit, a new achievement, don't you think?" The ancestor's aura flared with excitement as he reminisced about his past conquests. He was a true battle maniac, a warrior born and bred. One of the reasons he had taken a liking to little Aron was their shared love for the thrill of battle, their innate warrior spirit shining through with every move.

"It's all your fault that I'm still at three kills. Every time you snatch away the opportunity to face legendary trainers, you throw me into almost unwinnable scenarios," Alfred scoffed, his frustration simmering beneath his words. He couldn't help but reminisce about the old days. In their few millennia of history, the Blackthorn family hadn't reached the peak solely because of their strength; they were ruthless when it mattered, even more so than the other Legacy families.

In their long and storied history, the Blackthorns had claimed the lives of more than a dozen legendary trainers. If anyone truly knew the staggering numbers, they would flee from these monsters. The world remained ignorant of these matters, as battles between such powerhouses were always shrouded in secrecy, hidden away from the eyes of the world.

Even during the last great war a millennia ago, the other legacy families were only aware of two confirmed legendary trainer kills. However, the Blackthorn family had taken down six legendary trainers during the long conflict. Yet, in turn, they also lost their previous ancestor, the revered leader whose legacy they still upheld.

Their strength was not just in their prowess in battle, but also in their ability to strategize, manipulate, and strike when least expected. The majesty and depth of the Blackthorn family's power were unmatched, a force to be reckoned with in the shadows of the Pokémon world.


In the heart of a lush, untamed forest, nestled deep within the wilderness, lay a remote location known only to a select few—the domain of a wild, legendary stage Goodra. This pseudo-legendary pedigree Pokémon, with its ancient bloodline, had made this secluded spot its home, and it was also a secret gatekeeper. However, beyond the surface, beyond the watchful eyes of any human intervention, lies a secret beyond comprehension.

Surrounded by towering trees and dangerous Pokémon, this seemingly ancient shrine was, in reality, the headquarters of the Aura Guardians—a clandestine organization tasked with safeguarding the balance of the Pokémon world. Few knew of its existence, and even fewer knew of its true purpose. Only the top echelon of the Aura Guardians, the old monsters who shunned human society, dwelled within these hidden halls.

Though the exterior hinted at an ancient shrine lost in time, the interior belied its true nature. Furnished with the latest technology, the central hall boasted a vast expanse, with a massive, round wooden table occupying its center. The table, large enough to comfortably seat hundreds, was surrounded by chairs placed at irregular intervals. Only close to three dozen chairs were occupied, while the rest remained empty—an indication of the exclusive nature of the Aura Guardians.

According to tradition, only those who had achieved the rank of Epic Trainer, having passed rigorous screening processes, could become full-fledged members of the Aura Guardians. Those below this rank were considered mere apprentices, still in training. At the helm of the organization stood the enigmatic Grandmaster—a true legendary class trainer whose identity remained shrouded in mystery. Anonymity was a hallmark of the Aura Guardians, who operated from the shadows to maintain balance and order in the Pokémon world.

Within the ancient temple, only five individuals were physically present; for the rest, they were image projections, their identities concealed by image processing that blurred their faces from even their fellow guardians. Only the Grandmaster held knowledge of the true identities of all members—an indication of the utmost secrecy maintained by this powerful organization. As they convened within the hallowed halls, the Aura Guardians stood as silent sentinels, their presence a testament to their unmatched strength and influence in the unseen realms of the Pokémon world.

Today, the esteemed members of the organization had convened under the order of the Grandmaster, who had called for the meeting upon the request of one of its most honored members, Agatha Blackthorn. Current members of the council could propose names of apprentices they would like to train for the order or suggest names of Epic class trainers who have shown great potential and character to join their ranks. Today, Agatha was here to suggest her sister Cecilia for admission to the ranks of the Aura Guardians.

"So, how are the preparations for the upcoming event in Hoenn going? We don't want any mistakes. Although, on the surface, the League has organized the event, it's us Aura Guardians who have taken the responsibility to ensure safety," the Grandmaster spoke, his tone reminiscent of a soothing flower. The question was directed to his left, where sat Professor Oak, whose face was not obscured like others.

For those who wanted to reveal their identities among their peers under their own volition, the Aura Guardians had no issue. There were a few others who openly displayed their identities, including Agatha Blackthorn. Amongst the rest, Samuel Oak held a revered status in the Aura Guardians, as he was one of the four legendary class trainers that the Aura Guardians currently boasted.

"Well, Grandmaster, everything has been moving smoothly, but the organization called Team Rocket has planned to create chaos during the event. For now, I am simply monitoring their movements; however, their true purpose is unknown." Oak's projection gave a brief summary of the upcoming event. The Guardians were already aware of all the ploys these so-called shadow organizations were carrying out. No matter how many times these groups were eradicated, they simply kept sprouting like mushrooms in the rain.

"Ah, Giolla's descendant. She was a decent child until she was conquered by pride. She could have been one of our strongest supporters if she hadn't strayed from the path," the grandmaster sighed. The Empress was someone he had known since she was an infant. She was a once-in-a-millennia genius, but being born with the blood of royals, pride had finally caught up to her, and she finally met her match at the hands of the current Blackthorn Ancestor, who had only spared her life because of his personal intervention. It had been more than eight centuries since that event occurred, but the memory still remained fresh in the Grandmaster's mind.

"Forget them. Let that kid play around; just make sure he doesn't cause any harm." The grandmaster casually dismissed Giovanni's involvement. He didn't even consider him a threat, as long as the Empress didn't personally take to the field. He wouldn't bother with Team Rocket's actions, as the other Guardians could handle it.

"What about the League? Is there any way we can rein them back? They are simply poking a sleeping dragon," the grandmaster remarked. He was from the time of the previous Blackthorn ancestor. Even the current Ancestor of the Blackthorns was a few generations his junior. But when it came to strength, he truly didn't have an idea about who could come out on top. The kid had been a beast since the time he was born and had been forged in the fire of war since he was young. His gaze unconsciously shifted towards Agatha, who was also from the Blackthorn family. He still had to know why little Agatha had requested to convene a meeting.

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