
Chapter 3

Author Note:- Hey readers thanks for reading this,

you all might(pun intended) have already known this, but let me remind you again that my naming sense sucks I mean it's really bad, let me give you an example since as long as I can remember from my childhood till now I had bought chick's (Baby chicken) in pair for more than 10-15 times and I have named them all same two names every time I got them.

so yeah it sucks that much.

Help me here by suggesting hero name for MC, please make it reasonable.

Also keep in consideration that MC will be copying most of useful quirks, so suggest me any quirks you can imagine which is not shown in canon.

||Please enter any random quirk you could think of here||



As I walk into the room I make sure to close the door and lock it then started collecting some pencils, paper and few other small objects I sat down on the bed and summoned the status screen.

[Name: Okita Aki]

[Gender: Male]

[Age:3 year]

[Quirk: Not Awakened]

[Physique: Adaptability]

[Special Ability: Cut | Copy | Paste]

[Quirk Library +]

I mentally clicked on the quirk library




Enhanced vision

Enhanced Stamina

Weapon Body]

I think my quirk collection is pretty small or I'm just too picky.

Guess who I got ICE from? It's maiko, this quirk has so much potential but she never practised with it so she is only able to make a small amount of Ice and thinks her is quirks Minor Ice creation, and without much potential.

In sports festival Shoto was able to freeze half of the stadium because he has been training his quirk since childhood and having Endeavour for his father who has a crush on All might*Ahem* I mean he wants to surpass All might, He must have made Shoto's training as hell.

Anyway back to the present, I selected Telekinesis and Copy+Paste on my Quirk column.

[Name: Okita Aki]

[Gender: Male]

[Age:3 year]

[Physique: Adaptability]

[Quirk: 1. Not Awakened

2. Telekinesis]

[Special Ability: Cut | Copy | Paste]

[Quirk library +]

I waited and waited a confused look appeared on my face, I don't feel any changes did something go wrong? but status clearly shows I got the Quirk.

Then I suddenly remembered in anime when All might gave Izuku One for all it didn't manifest immediately but took some time but in a flashback, it is shown All For One using AFO to transfer quirk from one to another it happens instantly,

I think it depends on the potential of quirk or Body modification type quirk manifest instantly,

maybe I should wait for a little, It may have to do with my original quirk that has yet to show up, or maybe my physique is adjusting my quirks right now making it so I would be able to host multiple quirks.

I choose Telekinesis as my first quirk because I can train it without anyone knowing as long as I'm not using it too close to mom she might feel it as her telekinesis allows her to move things without looking at it, so she must feel her surrounding by telekinesis.

[Time Skip almost 10 minutes.]

I can feel it, it is strange to be able to feel things around me like this, I need to practice so it doesn't hinder me, My range is something around 2 Meter(Around 6 1/2 feet) it pretty big considering it just Awakened I was expecting it to be much lower, Is this how Luffy and other One piece character felt when they used Observation haki? My Otaku sense is tingling.

I concentrate on a piece of paper in front of me and imagine trying to float it, it moved slow rising till it was just above my hand, this, this feeling of having a superpower is really amazing, I can feel my heart throbbing from the excitement of being able to manipulate things.

I tried lifting pencils and other small things so I can lift multiple objects, let's see how much weight I can lift.

look around my room I see a huge box fill with toys and an action figure of the hero's around the box it's out of my range so go near it try moving the Action figure of All might it should be about 4-6 kgs feeling it I try moving it towards me see it floating towards me putting it down I move towards my toy car which I used to drive to pass the time it should be around 50kgs I try lifting it moved upward slowly for few moments then fell down I feel a headache coming, massaging my head I move towards the bed and lay down Ugh. looks like my limit is around 50 or 45 kgs. I will surpass my limits GO PLUS ULTRA.

my inner fanboy is awake, But I think for now I should rest a little.

[Time Skip 30 mins]

I feel normal after some rest, I need to find some recovery type Quirk, they are already rare but All for One Gives nomus hyper regeneration quirks like candy, Damn I'm jealous.

*Knock knock*

"Aki-sama it's time for your study's your teacher is here" I hear Maiko's voice through the door,


I already studied in my previous life but I still have to do it again because, Although I studied in a previous life but all of that was in English here All books are in Japanese except some books which are in English majority are in Japanese, and I don't know how to read or write in Japanese and I can't just show my parents that I somehow miraculously learnt how to read and speak English on my own.

I got up and unlocked the door, Maiko came in with a serious look on her face, She takes her profession seriously.

She helps me change my clothes, it was embarrassing in the early days but I got used to it, looking around my eyes fell on a toy lizard, with a mischievous glint in my eyes I moved toy lizard just Beneath her left foot as she was half-kneeling arranging my hair's.hehe~ this going to be fun*Ahem* I mean I'm just practising applications of Telekinesis.

As she is done she stands up suddenly her face frozen moving her head robotically towards me"A-Aki-s-sama can y-you see what's beneath m-my leg"

"Move your leg a Little" she moved her leg, head of the toy lizard could be seen even she could see it " looks like you crushed a poor lizard," I said innocently

"kyaaaaaaaa" she screamed while running out of the door.

" Hahaha" I laughed so hard, one day accidentally I found out that she is afraid of lizards.

I go to the hall where my tuitions usually take place after the knocking door I go in "Good afternoon Sensei" I said while bowing a little I learnt it from eloquent lessons damn they are a pain in the ass. He is my English teacher a middle-aged man with black eyes and black hair, the Enhanced Vision quirk I have I got it from him.

"Come sit down and open the Textbook and show your homework book, did you remember every alphabet from the last lessons?"

"Hai Sensei" Of course I remember and did my homework after all I'm a good boi.


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