
Chapter 10: Birth of a New Legend

A bit of a rushed job but here I present the next chapter.

At 10 am sharp, the Imperial Army training ground was filled with high ranking officers, bureaucrats, aristocrats and even the Imperial Royal Family. A lineup never before seen in an inspection ceremony for a newly formed unit. But due to the strings pulled by Zettour and the promise of showcasing the Imperial Army newest trump card, the lineup of guests was possible.

"Oi, am I dreaming…"

"This is insanity! What kind of monster the Zettour is rearing under his command."

Multiple people from the stand are exclaiming at the impossible feat being broken again and again that they start to think all this was a joke if not for their own eyes looking at the prove in front of their eyes.

"Speed 800, altitude 25,000. Still accelerating!" The observation team keeps relaying the data they collect at the moment.

"Speed 900, altitude 28,000! Still no sign of slowing! Impossible! Is the equipment malfunctioning!" The weak will start to deny the proof he is looking for.

The crowd at the stand already turned silent after the initial rowdy response. Meanwhile Zettour is struggling to keep from smiling wide like a madman. Why wouldn't he? He basically struck not a gold mine, but a mountain of treasure trove.

If Tanya is considered the equivalent of a missile able to accurately track and take down enemies of the Imperial Army and the Empire, then Ray is equivalent to a tactical nuke that can decimate an army by estimation. And that's the lowest estimation given by yours truly.

"Speed 1000, altitude 40,000! Target stops accelerating but continues to climb in altitude. Estimate to halt at 50,000!"

"What! That's almost four times higher than a warplane could get to!" The crowd replied in disbelief while the important figure on the stand was already eyeing Zettour with stares and glances. If not a straight double promotion, then he might get a higher nobility title very soon.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, this is the first part of the demonstration and as everyone could see. This person is an extremely talented mage. In fact he was hailed from an ancient nobility family of magi which unfortunately declined but as you can see, a matter of national importance. A strategic class resource that can assure the victory of our Fatherland." Zettour made a speech while inwardly apologizing to Tanya for stealing the spotlight for her Unit's debut. Though, we all know Tanya herself is in fact very happy and willing to let someone else take the spotlight. Her title even, so she can retire to the rear.

"His performance indeed dwarfed the infamous Argent of the Silver Wing that reached her ceiling on altitude of 18,000."

Then Zettour clapped to give the signal to Erich who stood near the communication post. Erich nodded and order the communication staff to radio Ray to initiate his offensive demonstration. The target is a fortification 2 km away from here but can be clearly viewed by eyes and several large screens that show the live feed of the empty fort that Zettour asked to build three months ago.

"First wave is Artillery Shot." Zettour announced while the crowd was wondering what an Artillery Shot spell from a single mage can do to the fort even if let say the firepower doubled or tripled.

Erich then initiated the count down.

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Firing!"

There was a deafening silence for a few seconds before rabid cries and exclamation rose from the crowd as precisely 73 beams of purple energy rained down from the sky like a meteor shower and impacted the fort, destroying 30% of it at the first volley.

"Next is the Explosive formula.

"Starting the countdown in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Firing!"

At this point, almost everyone in the training ground got their reality and commonsense shattered by the display of might.

Not only did 73 Artillery Shot spells be fired by one person, they immediately went to Explosive Formula that by standard should cost 8 times the mana for Artillery Shot. That gargantuan amount of mana is inhuman and beyond the limit of humans. It was like the legend of old, a feat only godlike beings could achieve.

Then exactly 73 more balls of volatile and chaotic mass of purple energy descent from the sky onto the fort and decimate it into a crater not even rubbles remained.

Annihilation. A total annihilation by a single person. A feat not even a few dozens of mages could replicate.

Not even the Emperor can keep his calm from the way he gripped the expensive and finely ornate chair. Which put a bigger smile on Zettour's face.

"What do you think, your majesty?" Zettour bowed respectfully to the emperor and waited for his response.

"You did well, Lord Zettour." Instead of Sir, he was upgraded immediately to Lord. The Emperor is extremely pleased but frown also quickly marries his face.

"However, what happened today is a matter of national importance and of course also of utmost secrecy. No words will be shared by anyone in this venue to anyone else. This is an imperial decree."

"Of course, your majesty. The Intelligence office will make sure what happened today will not be leaked and our agent will work hard to ensure so." Zettour bowed deeply before openly threatening the bureaucrats and aristocrats that usually are the troublemakers.

"Now, without further ado. The final demonstration, he will fight against the newly formed Wing and the Argent herself." This was however not part of the plan and a decision completely made on the spot by Zettour.

"Sir, I don't think this is wise if the Wing will be sent to repel the potential invasion from Dacia." Erich tried to dissuade Zettour but was given a silent treatment which made him grip his teeth and forced to give the green light for the communication staff to relay the order to Ray and Tanya.

Ray cut off his Flight spell and rapidly dropped from the sky. Tanya did so too and descended to an altitude of just 300 above ground with her unit lined up behind her. While Ray rapidly gains speed from his fall. Just as he closed to the ground, he released a shockwave at the ground to create an explosion to offset the momentum and came to an immediate halt.

Everyone on the stand gets a chance to gaze at the person who decimated the fort alone. It was Ray in his flight mage uniform and 72 floating rifles behind him just like how Tanya had her unit. Scrap the heroic look, he practically looks like a deity standing amidst mortals with his incredibly pure and dense mana felt by everyone and made them involuntarily look at him with awe and fear. Like a dragon among men, which isn't necessarily wrong because of the Reactor Core.

There is a reason why only phantasmal species like the dragon who stood at the apex have such a thing as a Reactor Core. Mana itself is the spring of life, vitality of Mother Earth. The Primordial goddess that birthed the gods and other godlike creatures like dragons. The Core itself is a blessing from the primordial mother to her childrens. Guess who usually has a core too? Gods, the gods also have Divine Core. The source of their divinity. To have one is to symbolize yourself as the most beloved and blessed child of the primordial mother and the apex of their food chain so to speak.

To stand before Ray with his Reactor Core working at full throttle is like a puny sheep before a proud and mighty lion. A chained lion is still a lion regardless. Of course, Ray is totally oblivious of this as he worries constantly about the blackmail from Zettour to show his might while also trying to tone it down to not reveal his full capacity.

"I will say this once and only once. I will not hold back even against you, Tanya. Please focus everything you and your unit have on their defense if you all want to walk out of here alive." I warned them with an emotionless gaze due to my Self-hypnosis for my own battle personality.

"Annihilation Mode, load enchanted round, casting Optical Spell." I gave vocal order to my Tri Formation Array despite being able to command telepathically but I gave her a handicap for this friendly match.

My mana surges immensely out of my body. It creates a pale purple flame like aura over my body.

"This mana reading! Tch, what part of this is a friendly match! Are you trying to exterminate us!" Tanya panicked as she quickly regained her calm and gave order to her increasingly chaotic command chain. "Deploy Pyramid formation! Everyone get behind me and layer your Active Barrier!"

"I swear I'm gonna make you pay for forcing me to use this cursed tool, Rayyyyy!" Tanya shouted with grief and sorrow as she is forced to use Elenium Type-95 again and be subjected to more mental corruption.

"Loading complete. Tri Formation Array, synchronized firing." Like a God delivering his judgment and the detachment from humanity with his apathetic expression as he shot down his own fellow soldiers with 73 laser beams of Optical Spell.

Tanya shouted intensely, trying to keep her consciousness and sanity from the corruption that crawled into her head with its taint. Even till her utmost limit, she fails to defend against the concentrated beams of attack and her strongest trump card, the strongest shield casted with Gospel Magic granted by Being X. She failed to defend against the attack as her shield slowly cracked and fractured under the absolute power.

In sheer defiance and instinct to survive, she begged. Begged for anything that can help her survive despite being unnecessary since Ray will stop the moment she is no longer capable of combat. She did and the being she proclaimed as devil, the Being X granted her prayer in her moment of need with a wide and welcoming smirk and the time halted for everyone but Ray.

"A threat you may be, you did help me break her resistance. For the first time she prayed to me with such irresistible sincerity and faith. You have my personal thanks, Reincarnator. Perhaps I can tolerate your previous offense for completing the awakening of my apostle, my living representative."

"For your utmost sincerity and faithful prayer, I shall grant you another blessing." Being X spoke before disappearing as the time resumed as normal.

Clouds gathered and cast a shadow over the training ground but only about Tanya, the cloud parted into a small opening while golden light cast over her and her mana refilled, her shield mended and her presence became inviolable, like an angel descending on the mortal plane. Just her lingering aura made everyone feel at peace and calm. Her injured unit even started to rapidly heal.

The religious ones start to shout it as a miracle of god. The clever minded one like Zettour and the others including the Emperor can already see Tanya's worth as propaganda material. Nothing spiked morale better than religious movement.

Truly the Fatherland is blessed by god. The fierce warrior that is like the incarnation of God in battle and the angelic saintly figure that spoke God's words in battle under the name of the Fatherland. Both twins separated on birth without parents. There is no doubt this is a doing of God, many exclaimed.

"Enough, the battle concluded in favor of Rayark von Einzbern." Zettour hastily stops the battle before it turns for worse after such good reception.

Since the battle was over, I healed the wounded troops with Medical Formula before waiting for this inspection to end already. I am very eager to get a taste of the Dacian army and finally level up as I should instead of progressing only up to level 50+ after a whole damn year.

While the top brass is having a talk in the stand. I walk over to Tanya and apply better healing magecraft than the general Medical formula. She was helped by Visha and brought to the nearby medical tent to receive better care. I might have gone a little overboard wanting to test the limit of her power. However what worries me isn't her physical injuries which are trivial to fix compared to her mental injury, namely the spread of corruption.

If what Being X mentioned is what I think it meant. Tanya's mental defense might have totally collapsed and fully corrupted by whatever Being X is trying to do to her.

Immediately after entering the medical tent, I set free my Tri Formation Array to apply Medical Formula to fully heal Tanya's flight mage back to health. While I walk straight to Tanya which is under the care of three doctors and multiple nurses, running diagnoses on her body with various equipment they prepared in the medical tent.

"How is her condition, doc?" I asked with worry and guilt in my voice.

The doctors are personnel affiliated personally to Zettour since anything regarding me and Tanya is kept under secrecy by the Intelligent office. They were prepared in advance personally by Zettour because he already planned for the fight between me and Tanya's new Wing. Zettour expected one of us would be injured, thus preparing the best doctors in the Capital and the best care to make sure the trump cards of the Empire weren't damaged before they could use us.

"Nothing to worry, Lieutenant Rayark. Major Tanya suffered no complication other than exhaustion. Nothing a good sleep cannot fix." One of the elderly looking doctors said and give me a reassuring pat on my shoulder thinking I am feeling worried and guilty for injuring Tanya.

"Geez, that Zettour. He is pushing too far for a simple demonstration of power for the Emperor. To pit two siblings against another. Can't he do it another way like sending you two against the Dacian force instead?" The elderly doctor tried to provide emotional support for me due to his misunderstanding. "No need to blame yourself, you are just carrying order as you are told. You did nothing wrong."

"No, it's fine doc. As long as she is fine." I said after confirming she is fine. Physically at least. As for her mental wellbeing, I have to wait until we are in privacy before I can check her.

After I left the tent, I saw Charlotte waiting for me outside the tent and Erich. Both were talking about something until I showed up.

"Ah, M- Lieutenant Rayark. The Brigadier General Zettour is requesting your presence at your moment of convenience. He and the imperial majesty have something to talk with you in private." Charlotte almost stuttered cutely before she corrected the way she addressed me since we are in public right now.

"Lead the way then." I nodded in reply and requested Erich to show the way. Three of us walked to the stand where the Imperial Majesty was having idle talk with Zettour while others asked how he was able to discover both me and Tanya's talent and took us under his wing.

"Ah, the man of the hour had arrived." The Emperor stopped his idle talk with the people around him and turned to me with a bright smile.

"Yes, your majesty. I heard that my presence is required?" I bowed with my arm crossing my chest before looking up to ask my question.

"Indeed so. In light of your importance to the Empire, I must do whatever it takes to keep you on our side." The Emperor said very forwardly without wordplays and trickery of any sort which is also my favorite type of person to talk to.

"To put it bluntly, I would give you a rank promotion. However, the military has its own system of merit that limits what I could give you without any deed to justify your promotion. Still, you are a great asset to the Empire to be left unrewarded. Thus I will grant you the title of Knight for the Order of the Black Dragon."

Two of the several escorts of the Royal Family walk forward with two beautiful made boxes from expensive woods that I definitely don't recognise. Inside the first box is a gold Maltese cross, enameled in blue, with a gold-crowned black dragon between the arms of the cross. The gold center medallion bore the royal monogram the Emperor's name.

The content of the second box is the Star of the Order which is worn like a medal on my uniform as proof of my membership in the Order. The former badge is more for ceremonies while the star is for everyday use.

"With this, you should have revived your family that fell from its nobility rank and thus I announce. As the Third Emperor, current ruling monarch of the Empire, I appoint you to the rank of Knight bearing the title, Knight of the Realm, Protector of the Fatherland."

I naturally kneel, have seen knighting ceremonies before from movies etc. Then as according to normal knighting ceremonies, the Emperor tapped his ceremonial sword on my shoulders and blabber a bit before the crowd cheered and clapped fervently.

However, the mood didn't last for long when an urgent call from the border reached Erich who immediately informed Zettour.

"So, the pack of rabbles finally arrived, huh… Is the Argent awake yet?" Zettour asked Erich but before Erich could speak, a petite figure slipped past the crowd of people and stood in front of Zettour with a salute and hardened expression.

"Major Tanya Von Degurechaff, reporting for duty. I am combat ready sir."

"Are you sure?" Zettour asked, seemingly out of concern for her wellbeing. But Tanya insisted she was fine and Zettour gave the green light for us to be dispatched.

"Absolutely, sir." Tanya replied without a doubt. Then her gaze shifted to me and oh god. She definitely is mad about the battle but restraining herself because her duty comes first.

"If so. Then the Argent and her Wing of Flight Mage will be sent to delay the advance of the Dacian forces while covering the retreat of the Southern regional army to regroup and muster a counterattack." Zettour ordered.

"Yessir!" Both Tanya, the Wing Commander and me myself, the second-in-command received the order with a salute.

"Though, I also allow you to show off a little if you want. If you are capable, you can take on the entire Dacian forces yourself." Zettour added while eyeing Tanya since he already knows her intention to give her unit a live training and to collect a feat on their maiden battle.

He basically gives her a green light since the better she performs, the better it is for him. He might even get a promotion soon at this rate.

"That is indeed my intention, Sir. The Dacian forces as far as I know are untrained soldiers and using pre-modern technology. Rather than wasting time organizing an attack with the regional army, the nearby garrison should be enough along with my Wing if Flight Mage to deal with those uncivilized barbarians." Tanya said with surprising steel in her voice as her teeth grinding together and seemed to be holding off her anger.

"That's a bold claim you just stated, Argent. However, with the recent display of both your Wing and Ray. I have little doubt you can't achieve what you said." Zettour maintains a neutral opinion to Tanya's suggestions but no doubt he is supporting it. However, he is in the public. He cannot show himself showing his favoritism to us.

"I will await the good news from you, Argent. Godspeed."

"Yessir." Both me and Tanya saluted before we left to group up at the regional command post to obtain info of the enemies and form the strategies.


"You bastard!"


After confirming no one else nearby, Tanya suddenly grabbed me by the collar and slammed me to the wall with Reinforced strength.

"You! Do you know what have you do- Oh, god forgive me. I don't know what came over my mind to suddenly assault y- Ahhhh! Fuck! Curse you Being X! What have you done to my mind!" Tanya angrily shouted before suddenly turning to disbelief that she slammed me to a wall but after a burst of willpower, she got a hold over her mind and bit her tongue out of desperation for some mental clarity which the pain temporarily granted her.

For me, her being corrupted or whatever. Pose no harm to me or my future plan. I only previously agreed to help her in hope for cooperation. However, now that I have a stable foundation under me. My logical side of my mind wanted to ignore her plight and perhaps profit from it. But my empathetic side wanted to help her out of a sense of duty since we are allies with each other.

With blood staining her lips. She maintains the hold on my collar and stares at me with the betrayed look on her eyes. She grit her teeth before saying. "You better have a way to fix this mess you created, Ray." Then she let go of me and walked away very hurriedly.

Though I didn't reply to her and kept my silence, I did find something interesting to say the least. I noticed her body is stronger and better than before, exponentially so with almost double her previous state. Perhaps it's the blessing that Being X just gave her.

It's a well known fact that Tanya has stunted growth due to her lifestyle in orphanages, constantly starving by the lack of food and thus nutrition. Then intense training in the military. She is basically already in the age of puberty and yet she isn't going through it yet because of the above reasons. However, the blessing Being X gave her somehow fixed her body back to its natural state while enhancing it and thus triggered the process.

Evidently, the reason why she suddenly walked away in a hurried pace without looking back is due to her face turning red and I caught a glimpse of it. With all this information, my Tactical Analysis concludes that Tanya is now mentally unstable due to her puberty which worsen when stacked with her mental corruption. Yet, all I felt right now is a need to observe and research this intriguing rare phenomena. I wonder if my overuse of Self-hypnosis is starting to rebound on my real self.

(Sorry, this look kinda forced.)

After reaching the war room, Tanya is briefed by Erich and the others regarding the movement of the Dacian force into the Empire border.

"Oh God, thank you for this once in a lifetime opportunity." Tanya said with both her hand together as if praying instead or the usual spite and hate in her voice when mentioning Being X.

She is probably rejoicing at the fact that the Dacian force has absolutely no air force, only infantrymen.

"What's wrong with Major Degurechaff?" Erich asked the communication staff that is contacting others to gather information regarding enemy forces.

"About that, Major Degurechaff just asked about the situation regarding the air war with the Dacian forces." The communication staff replied immediately.

"So, what is the situation for her to act this strangely?"

"The Imperial Air Force said they… Their recon plane couldn't spot any enemy aircraft. They deduced the enemy air power is absent for this invasion."

"What! Impossible… is… this is basically just suicide. What can mere infantrymen do even if they have 600,000 of them on our border? Those numbers are meaningless with our superior war machines." Erich said in disbelief.

But then again, the Grand Duchy is indeed lacking in technological advancements. That's why the Empire never considered them much of a threat to begin with.

I entered at that moment and ignore the fact Tanya is praying to god that their enemies are extremely lacking which means her 'comrades' in this battle will have lesser casualties compared to usual.

Yeah, she now refers to the military personnel as 'comrade' instead of the usual 'human resource'. That shows how severe her mental corruption is. She isn't even aware by the look of it.

"When should we depart, sir?" I asked which surprised Erich because he didn't notice me entering.

"Ah, Sir Ray. Congratulations for becoming part of the highest chivalry order under the Imperial Monarch himself. As for departure, I would say as soon as possible. The HQ intended for the Argent and her Wing to delay the enemies until reinforcements arrived. But Sir Zettour changed his mind and requested for you two to lead the Wing and destroy the Dacian force if possible."

"I see. I shall gear up to deploy immediately. Tanya should already order her Wing to gear up too and wait for us in standby." I said before saluting and leaving.

Right outside is Charlotte again waiting for me as usual. She is still in her usual military uniform instead of gearing up to be deployed. This is because she isn't part of the Wing Tanya had assembled. Her real task is none as Zettour specially assigned her to be my adjutant only and relieve her from any other duty. Sort of like my secretary almost.

"You forgot that you were supposed to wear this." She came closer with the two boxes that I received from the Emperor. She took out the medal for the Order of the Black Dragon. Then she helped me latch it on my uniform and tidy up my slightly ruffled uniform from my Tanya getting a little rough before nodding with a beaming smile. "Mm, you definitely look better now, sir knight." She said while her hand went to pat my head but I instinctively evaded it by now with a quick backstep that left a small pout on her face but her expression changed to normal immediately when the door opened behind me and Erich and Tanya walked out of the war room.


Erich looked at both of us, wondering what delayed me from gathering up with the rest of the Wing. Then he saw the awkward attempt of Charlotte trying to hide something. Even if her expression is normal, the blush she had from trying to tease me as usual couldn't escape Erich's sharp gaze. Though he didn't comment on it and just made a fake cough and asked me to not be late as he walked away with Tanya. When we are both alone again, Charlotte drops her fake expression and blushes deeper.

"He definitely thinks we are kissing or something." I commented from my logical deduction of what Erich could hypothesize after observing us just now.

"Eh, me and Master… Kiss…" Charlotte blushed deeper and tried to cover her face while I looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Are you a pedophile to get aroused from the thought of forcing yourself on an underage child." I said without shame of exploiting my physical appearance as a child. "Anyway, if there is nothing else then wait for my return. Shouldn't take a long time to exterminate those Dacian peasants with muskets."

"Master, you too shouldn't make a habit of saying such scary words. It's inappropriate for someone your age after all." She countered with indignant huff before leaving with a little stomp as her way of revolt. Though, she still did as she was told and waited for my return. I shake my head with a sigh of her childish display that makes me wonder who between us is the elder as I walk away.


"What took you too long Ray? Come on, we are flying immediately." Tanya greeted me without the hostility she previously held. Not even an ounce of anger. I shrugged and went into formation before the whole Wing took to the sky following Tanya's lead.

The altitude we are flying is around 7000. Quite high for this units standard but for me, I take at least 10,000 to be considered high in my book. We accelerate quickly to enter the battlefield as soon as possible.

Halfway through, we pass by a long line of retreating soldiers, definitely the border guard. They gave us a salute, thinking we are going on a suicide mission to delay the enemies. Not that I blame them for thinking so. A Wing, less than 100 Flight Mage against 50 thousands advance force of the Dacian forces.

Ten minutes later, we arrived and saw lines upon lines of advancing enemy soldiers amounted to 50 thousands.

"Commander to all units." I heard the magic coms broadcasting Tanya's voice. "Operation is a go! Defeat the enemies that dare bare their fangs on the Fatherland! The fate of this battle is on our shoulders!"

"Affirmative!" Everyone replied to the coms and blasted their Flight spell to enter combat while Tanya's squadron stayed in place to maintain air superiority despite enemies having no air unit in battle currently. Still, it's a protocol.

"Sir… are we not joining the other's?" Suddenly my squadron of mages asked because I was still staying in place instead of joining the formation.

"About that. You all can proceed without me." I said while deploying my Tri Formation Array. "I'll provide fire support from here."

Seeing the dreaded 72 rifles that decimated them in the mock battle, none of them questioned my decision since it's the most logical and proceeded without me.

"Now, time to get this done quickly and enjoy a hot bath." I do feel fatigue slowly building up on my body after all the activities today.

I Trace and load the Gae Bolg enchantment rounds and multicast Artillery Shot spell before opening fire on the enemies. Each spell took out at least 20 enemy soldiers until they started to deploy the Active Barrier.

"Ray, I left you incharge over here. I will lead my squadron to seek and destroy the enemy's HQ." Tanya suddenly radioed.

"Roger that." I gave the formal reply before broadcasting her orders to everyone else to temporarily shift the command chain on this location to me while the Wing Commander is away.

Seeing my Artillery Shot start to become less effective. I swap the spell for Explosive Formula.

"Attention to everyone. I am deploying Explosive Spell. Vacate the target area to avoid friendly fire."

"I repeat. Vacate the target area to avoid friendly fire."

After giving the warning, my mana surged which turned me literally into a beacon at night to any magic detection device. What happened next is 73 consecutive explosions differ only by a millisecond by each explosion. Each has a yield equal to 5 tons of TNT. Not much but considering each explosion has an effective radius of one and a half meters, concentrated explosions of 73 of them are wide enough to wipe out a thousand of the enemies.

This leaves many in awe and question if they are even needed anymore.

"Damn that's insane!" One of the flight mages said while regrouping with his teammates after the explosions.

"Yeah, I'm officially putting his name on the list of people I never wanna mess with." Another replied.

"Yeah, packed enough firepower to be a standalone Wing I should say."

"Hey! Focus on battle first. Talk can come later."

"Yes, Lieutenant Weiss!" The three slackers immediately saluted and quickly rejoining the battle formation.

Then another mage suddenly call for Weiss's attention.

"Lieutenant Weiss, enemies is deploying anti-air formation. What should we do?"

"Of course, we should keep distance and lay continuous suppressing fire. But we must refer to the deputy first and get his order." Weiss quickly refer back to the tactics he learned during his military training.

"I will contact the deputy immediately. Meanwhile, the rest of you stay on alert."

"Yessir!" The mages saluted and carry out the order.

Then Weiss contacted Ray to obtain his order to follow the tactics he had in mind.

Back to Ray. He continues to use Tri Formation Array to lay barrage of spells while he himself is targeting the high profile targets such as the leaders to cripple the enemies command chain. But he was interrupted by Weiss's sudden transmission.

"Lieutenant Ray, the enemies are deploying anti-air formation. I seek your permission to allow us to change tactic to keeping distance and lay suppressive fire, sir." Weiss stated over his transmission.

"Wait, I remember this is part where Tanya lecture her people to not play by books and actually by situation on the battle." I paused for a moment and remember this part.

Yeah… This is an important lesson to Weiss and everyone. Messing this up will stunt the Wing's growth and even cost them later in the future.

"Lieutenant Weiss." I open the transmission and called.

"Sir?" Weiss sound confused when instead of the order, it's me calling for him.

"With all due respect to your intellect. Do you think in a million year those outdated inferior guns they wield can even put a scratch on your Passive shield?" I asked him my question.

"But, sir. According to the-"

"Answer my question first, Lieutenant Weiss." I replied with a stern tone and even purposely put this conversation on open broadcast for everyone mage of our own to hear.

"No sir." Weiss replied hastily.

"Then, why are you switching tactics? What stated in the books isn't absolute, Lieutenant Weiss. That is for the situation if and I say IF, the enemies pose threat to the mage. If Dacian guns cannot even scratch our shield, what is there a need to change our current tactics?" I explained and hopefully this is enough to send the message to everyone. In case it's not enough, I add the little cherry on top for the finishing.

"The next time you don't use your head and ask me dumb question that waste my precious time. I will put on a 'reeducation' that make you beg me to put a bullet in you skull my self. Do you understand, Lieutenant Weiss?"

"Absolutely, sir." Weiss replied with bated breath and anxiety filled voice.

I replied with an acknowledging hum before ending the transmission.

At least everything is going smoothly here and we will win in another hour at this rate of progress after I sniped off all the leaders and leave the enemy troops in chaos like hedless chickens. Cleaning them up will take most of the time actually.



[Name: Rayark

Age: 10

Level: 52 (36%)

Main Class: Magus

Support Class: Technomagi

Title: Expert Magus

HP: 1370 (1 VIT= 10HP, Base 200 & 5/Lvl)

HP Regen: 60 HP/Min (1 VIT= 1HP/M)

MP: 9595 (1 WIS= 5MP, Base 150)

MP Regen: 420 MP/Min (1 Wis 1MP/M)


STR: 30+12.5% = 33.75

VIT: 30+12.5% = 33.75

AGI: 30+12.5% = 33.75

DEX: 30+12.5% = 33.75

INT: 83+40% = 116.2

WIS: 80+40% = 112

LUK: 14


Stat Point: 15


Fiction Adaptation LV -

Mana Manipulation LV 46/- (Supreme)

Pseudo Reactor Core LV 34/60 (GrandMaster)

Alteration LV 24/50 (Master)

Combat Mastery LV 22/40 (Master)

Tracing LV 45/50 (GrandMaster)

Supernatural Physique LV 25/50 (Master)

Pickpocket LV 25/30 (Master)

Enhanced Mind LV 33/50 (GrandMaster)

Time Alter LV 14/50 (Adept)

Tri Formation Array LV 13/50 (Adept) [+6]

Soul Manipulation LV 4/30 (Novice)

Dimension Tear LV 1/20 (Novice)

Dimension Shift LV 5/50 (Novice)

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