
Realm of Ascension

The Temple of Temporalis is a multi-dimensional plane that grants the wish of any who complete all its challenges

me_mo_3923 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Hide n Seek

In the heart of the jungle forest, the trio faced the first challenge of the 2nd room—hide and seek. Little did they know that three formidable opponents awaited them—Shadow Stalkers, masters of concealment and psychological torment.

As the challenge commenced, the Shadow Stalkers, draped in shifting shadows, proved elusive. Their very presence induced an unsettling psychological torment, causing doubts to fester within the minds of Akira, Sil, and Halo.

Amidst the struggle, a mysterious figure emerged—a character who called himself Chameleon. Cloaked in ever-changing hues, Chameleon offered guidance to the trio. With a sly grin, he explained the intricate concept of Syn—an energy that needed constant maintenance to remain potent. Chameleon delved into his own lore, revealing the existence of concealers—conduits that served as gateways to the elusive Syn, requiring a continuous supply to sustain their abilities.

In the jungle's labyrinthine depths, the trio devised a method to track and capture their elusive opponents. Halo, with her heightened perception, served as the eyes, discerning subtle disturbances in the Syn-laden air. Sil, with his glass manipulations, created reflective surfaces to distort the shadows, revealing concealed figures. Akira, leveraging his hardened Syn coating, stood as the anchor—a beacon of stability in the swirling chaos.

The struggle intensified as the Shadow Stalkers, recognizing the threat posed by the trio, attempted to manipulate their perception. Chameleon, ever the cunning ally, countered their psychological attacks, guiding the trio through the intricate dance of concealment and revelation.

In a climactic moment, the trio executed their plan—disrupting the concealers, severing the supply of Syn to the Shadow Stalkers. As the veil of shadows lifted, the opponents stood revealed, their once-formidable abilities nullified.

However, unbeknownst to the trio, Quint, the vigilant administrator, observed the unfolding events through concealed surveillance mechanisms. The ethereal veils of Astrum Spire allowed him to monitor the participants without their awareness.

Quint's keen eyes widened as he witnessed Chameleon offering strategic assistance to the trio. However, it wasn't just this trio that caught Quint's attention. Through the surveillance, he noticed a pattern—Chameleon discreetly aiding certain teams while remaining a passive observer to others.

In the dimly lit control room, Quint leaned forward, analyzing the footage. The concept of administrators like Chameleon providing assistance to specific teams raised alarms. It was against the regulations of Astrum Spire for administrators to directly interfere with the challenges. Chameleon's clandestine interventions, however well-intentioned, blurred the lines of fairness and adherence to the established rules.

Quint's stern expression betrayed a mix of concern and contemplation. While Chameleon's actions may have facilitated exciting dynamics and unexpected turns in the challenges, Quint grappled with the ethical implications. The delicate balance of the ascension process hinged on fair play and the unpredictable nature of the trials.

The chapter unfolded with a subtle tension—a revelation that administrators like Chameleon, while possessing the ability to observe and guide, were bound by the regulations not to interfere directly. The clandestine assistance provided a compelling layer to the unfolding narrative, adding a layer of intrigue to the veiled depths of Astrum Spire.