

Chapter 221 - Soaring Cultivation

Wang Lin stared at the pill furnace as he thought about Yun Fei. He slapped his bag of holding and took out a piece of jade. This was the piece of jade he got from Yun Fei.

He placed the piece of jade on the table and said, "This piece of jade was with the person who had the pill furnace. See if there is any connection between them."

Li Muwan's beautiful eyes lit up. She picked up the piece of jade and scanned it. After a while, she frowned slightly and whispered, "Qihuang Sect… this should be from the Qihuang Sect. The recipes inside of this jade are clearly from the Qihuang sect. Brother Wang, did you get this at the inner part of the Sea of Devils?"

Wang Lin nodded.

Li Muwan lightly bit her lower lip and said, "Then it has to be the Qihuang Sect. The Qihuang Sect was originally a sect from a rank 4 country, but, after conflicts with an enemy sect, they moved into the Sea of Devils and have disappeared without a trace. It seems this pill furnace belonged to the Qihuang Sect, meaning that the method of opening the seal is lost. Wan Er only knows that this seal can't be carelessly opened. It requires a series of procedures and the right timing to open. If it is opened by force, it will damage the pill that is side. Also, Wan Er feels that the pill isn't ready yet. Even if we open it correctly, it won't have reached the potential it could have if we were to keep it sealed for a while longer."

Wang Lin secretly nodded. This was the only explanation of why Yun Fei didn't open it herself, but tried to exchange it for the removal of her restriction.

Li Muwan said, with a determined look, "Brother Wang, Wan Er will go to the Cloud Sky Sect's library to see if there is any information on opening the seal. If the pill is for increasing cultivation, then it will increase the chances of you reaching the Nascent Soul stage."

Li Muwan took out several bottles of pills and handed them to Wang Lin. After she explain what all of the pills did, Wang Lin left.

Wang Lin left the southern courtyard under Li Muwan's reluctant gaze. After all, Wang Lin's cultivation was too low. If he stayed with Li Muwan for too long, it would attract people's attention.

Therefore, Wang Lin left the southern courtyard and decided to go into closed door training back in his room.

He and Li Muwan had already made arrangements and left each other a transmission jade. Once she opens the seal, she will send the pill to him.

At the same time, for Li Muwan's safety, Wang Lin left the devil Xu Liguo and the second devil to protect her. With those two working together, they should even be able to hold off a Nascent Soul Cultivator for a bit.

That amount of time would be enough for Wang Lin's main body to appear. Also, only the devils that had a link to Wang Lin could still connect with him while he was inside the heaven defying bead's space.

Just as Wang Lin walked out of the southern courtyard, a gentle voice came out of the white fog behind him.

"Your name is Wang Lin?"

Wang Lin's steps stopped. He turned around and saw the white fog roll as a middle aged man walked out. He was very handsome and very refined. He had the aura of a fairy.

This person was outer sect elder Sun's son, Sun Zhenwei.

Wang Lin calmly said, "I am."

Zhen Wei revealed a friendly smile and chuckled, "Did you just go to see your teacher's ancestor?"

Wang Lin sneered in his heart, but he calmly nodded.

Sun Zhenwei looked at Wang Lin and smiled, "In two months, I will also be someone that can be considered your teacher's ancestor. You are very diligent, and that's good. If you have any questions about alchemy, you can ask your teacher's ancestor, and if you have any question about cultivation, you can ask me."

Wang Lin's expression remained normal as he calmly said, "If there is nothing else, disciple still has a batch of pills to attend to."

Sun Zhenwei became angry and his face sunk, but he quickly smiled again. After glancing at Wang Lin, he took out a flying sword and said, "This flying sword is called green wind. Consider it a greeting gift. Take it." With that, he waved his hand and the sword moved toward Wang Lin and floated in front of him.

After Wang Lin received it, he clasped his hands to say his thanks, then turned around and left.

Sun Zhenwei kept smiling as Wang Lin disappeared. A cold light flash across his eyes as he secretly thought, "This brat is only at the Foundation Establishment stage, so he will the perfect pawn to monitor Li Muwan. Hmph, even if he suspects that something is up with his cultivation, he won't be able to find anything."

Wang Lin walked all the way back to the courtyard he resided in. After entering his room, he formed a restriction and placed it on the flying sword.

The flying sword shone a cold light. Sun Zhenwei giving him the flying sword was well within Wang Lin's predictions. At most, the flying sword was just a means to spy on him.

Wang Lin sneered. His restriction not only stopped the monitoring effect of the flying sword, but did so in a way that Sun Zhenwei wouldn't notice.

After throwing the flying sword to the side, he took a deep breath and put his hand on his brow to enter the heaven defying bead. Wang Lin knew that he was short on time. With the heaven defying bead, he had about 2 years of time.

There wasn't much time remaining.

Wang Lin sat crossed legged inside the heaven defying bead and before him were more than 10 bottles of pills. Some of the bottles were sealed with wax.

These pills were the best of the pills Li Muwan had made in the past 200 years. All of these pills were very suitable for him and would increase his chance of reaching the Core Formation stage.

Wang Lin followed Li Muwan's directions and placed the bottles in order of what he needed to take from right to left. He picked up a bottle and opened the wax seal. A strong aroma of medicine floated out of the bottle. Inside it were 10 lychee nut sized pills.

This pill was called the Qi-Zuo pill. It was a rank 2 spirit pill. By using a lot of rare ingredients, not only did it provide a large amount of spiritual energy, it also helped widen the channels in one's body.

This Qi-Zuo pill was one of the 18 rare pills in the old Luo He Sect. In the cultivation world, it was a very rare pill and a grade above the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The thing that made this pill so rare was its effect to widen the channels. Even within the Cloud Sky Sect, there weren't many pills that widened the channels, and all of those pills were rank 4. For a rank 2 pill to increase the channels was extremely rare.

Inside the Cloud Sky Sect, there were only 20 or so of these Qi-Zuo pills and all of them were made by Li Muwan.

Wang Lin picked up a pill and put it into his mouth. Then, he immediately began to cultivate. Spiritual energy flooded into his body and he immediately noticed the difference between it and the Foundation Establishment Pill. The Qi-Zuo pill had more than double the spiritual energy of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The boundless spiritual energy slowly calmed down as it was swallowed by the ancient god's tactic. After a while, Wang Lin swallowed another pill.

Time slowly passed by and Wang Lin's cultivation had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment after taking all of the Qi-Zuo pills. This method of pill consumption that disregarded any negative consequences in the future was something only Wang Lin was willing to do.

It has to be said that even in the few pills specialized in cultivation methods, no one would take this many pills in such a short amount of time. First of all, absorption was a very big problem. The absorption time varied depending on the pill, but it takes at least a few days or even longer to completely absorb all of the spiritual energy in the pill so none is wasted.

Aside from the fact that the materials for pills were rare, cultivators don't want to be wasteful, so they absorb as much of the spiritual energy as possible, but the pills contain a fairly large amount of spiritual energy. If too much gets absorbed at once, not only will it not help, but it will increase the chances of a devil entering the cultivator.

And if too many pills are consumed in a short period of time, or so to say, if cultivation is raised too quickly in a short period of time, then even if there is no harm to the body, it will have deadly effects on future cultivation.

But none of these problems existed for Wang Lin. First of all, with the ancient god's tactic, the spiritual energy in the pills are rapidly absorbed. And as for the effects on future cultivation, this was only an avatar and not the main body. In fact, the avatar was basically just a super "pill" in a way.

However, the amount of power in this "pill" was beyond anything a normal pill would have. It was a human shaped pill to help his main body break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

After using up all of the Qi-Zhuo pills, Wang Lin picked up the second bottle. He wasn't sure how hard reaching the Core Formation stage will be for his avatar. It has to be said that back then, by using the Underworld Ascension Method, he formed three sub cores, then fused them together to make a core embryo. Then, only after taking a series of pills from Li Muwan did he finally reach the Core Formation stage.

Li Muwan didn't say the name of this pill, but said that Wang Lin will know when he sees it. He broke the wax seal, then looked inside the bottle and let out a faint smile.

Inside the bottle were 5 purple pills. Wang Lin immediately recognized these as the Tian Li pills he took before.

It seems Li Muwan has spent a lot of blood and sweat in these past 200 years to refine these Tian Li pills again. In fact, this was true. The Tian Li pill was a rank 3 pill and the materials went extinct with the country of Hou Fen. It was only after coming to the Cloud Sky Sect and by using her status of elder that Li Muwan managed to get the materials to make more.

However, even the Cloud Sky Sect didn't have much of those materials. After refining 5 of these pills, all of the materials for it were used up.

In fact, a vast majority of materials for the pills Wang Lin was taking were materials Li Muwan got from the Cloud Sky Sect. It could be said that the cost for Wang Lin's cultivation this time was paid for entirely by the Cloud Sky Sect.

Chapter 222 - Heaven Stealing Seven Furnace

The Tian Li pill was something that could increase the chance of forming a core. It was a rare pill that was only given to core members of a sect or if the member had some great contribution.

5 Tian Li pills was already an enormous amount. After all, Li Muwan was only 1 person. It must have taken her years of effort to make these pills.

After Wang Lin looked at them for a bit, he picked one up and put it in his mouth.

This Tian Li pill was several times stronger than the one his main body took all those years ago. After all, the Tian Li pills back then used substitution materials.

Time slowly passed and the first Tian Li pill failed. Although it failed, it did move all of Wang Lin's spiritual energy to his dantian.

The second Tian Li pill also failed, but the spiritual energy in Wang Lin's body became even more concentrated. If one looked in from the outside, Wang Lin's dantian was like the sea and all of the meridians in his body were like rivers. The spiritual energy flowed from the meridians into his dantian, forming a whirlpool in the middle.

Every time this whirlpool spun once, all of the spiritual energy in his body would surge. The process looked very strange.

The third Tian Li pill also failed, but the whirlpool in Wang Lin's dantian spun even faster. Soon, a drop of golden liquid gathered in the center of the whirlpool.

Wang Lin didn't immediately take the 4th pill, but sat there and cultivated. After a long time, the whirlpool started to slow down and there were now three drops of golden liquid in his dantian.

These three drops of golden liquid were formed by all of the spiritual energy in his body. The moment the 3rd drop appeared, all of the spiritual energy had disappeared everywhere else in Wang Lin's body and even the whirlpool in his dantian was slowly fading.

Wang Lin used the ancient god tactic. However, instead of the spiritual energy being absorbed by his body, he forced the spiritual energy to cycle through his body.

There was no such thing as Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, or Nascent Soul to the ancient gods. After all, none of them would give up their outer power method, so, besides Wang Lin, no one else had ever used the ancient god tactic for inner power.

So when all of the spiritual energy in his body condensed into three drops of golden liquid, Wang Lin was very confused, but he couldn't find any memories that would explain it.

He could clearly feel that within each drop of this golden liquid, there was enough spiritual energy to match a Core Formation cultivator. He felt that this was very similar to when he was at the Jue Ming Valley in the country of Zhao and used his Ji Realm to form the cold essence bead.

However, in the end, Wang Lin's body was destroyed and his Ji Realm fused with his soul. He could never use that cold essence bead technique again.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked at the three drops of golden liquid. He picked up the 3rd bottle. This bottle didn't have a wax seal and there were more than 30 black pills inside.

This pill was called the Suo Ming pill. Li Muwan said that this pill should be taken after reaching the Core Formation stage. At the Foundation Establishment stage, only one could be taken, otherwise, a person's body will swell up and their spiritual energy will go into chaos.

Wang Lin calmly picked up this pill and then, without even looking at it, he threw it into his mouth. Suddenly, slivers of spiritual energy appeared in the originally empty meridians. Soon, under the effect of the ancient god tactic, Wang Lin's body was filled with spiritual energy again.

He quickly cycled the spiritual energy into his dantian again. The whirlpool that was fading started to slowly spin again, until it was rapidly spinning once more.

After an unknown amount of time, the golden liquid in Wang Lin's dantian increased to five drops.

A sudden feeling of swelling appeared in Wang Lin's dantian. His eyes lit up as he consumed the last 2 Tian Li pills and started to cultivate.

The two Tian Li pills surged through Wang Lin's body like a giant wave. The pressure generated by the wave soon pressed upon the five drops of golden liquid.

Suddenly, the 5 drops of golden liquid that were originally apart started to come closer together. Soon, the 5 drops collided and fused together.

At the same time, under the effect of the 2 Tian Li pills, Wang Lin's dantian cracked. The cracks couldn't be stopped and soon, Wang Lin's entire dantian shattered.

These shattered pieces of his dantain merged into the golden liquid along with the spiritual energy from the Tian Li pills. Soon, everything merged together to form a golden core that was the size of a fist in Wang Lin's lower abdomen.

There were numerous lines connecting the golden core to the meridians. A huge surge of spiritual energy appeared as the golden core spun once.

At the same time, Wang Lin opened his eyes. His eyes shined brightly as he crossed the threshold between Foundation Establishment and Core Formation.

During all of this, Li Muwan was at the library for more than a month. In this month, she had almost never left as she searched through the library for a way to open the seal.

In fact, she had already found three methods to open the pill seal, but each of these methods had a chance of lowering the effect of the pill or making the pill useless.

Li Muwan was unable to accept these risks. She had a feeling that this pill was the key for Wag Lin to break into the Nascent Soul stage.

Sun Zhenwei had been keeping an eye on Li Muwan's actions. He had already felt that there was something strange going on with her being inside the library for so long.

But no matter how much he guessed and analyzed, he couldn't figure out what. And as for that disciple named Wang Lin, he had been in closed door training for a month and hadn't gone to see Li Muwan at all.

The flying sword Sun Zhenwei gave Wang Lin still hadn't had any response. Although all of this was normal, Sun Zhenwei still felt like something was off.

But there was only about a month left before the cultivation pair ceremony. Whenever someone form the sect came to congratulate him, he was obligated to greet them, so he no longer bothered with his matter.

The few Nascent Soul cultivators of the Cloud Sky Sect also knew that Li Muwan didn't like the idea of the cultivation pair, so they didn't question why she had been inside the library for so long. They even opened up the secret areas that were normally restricted for her as a favor to try to mend the rift between them.

About 20 days away from the day of the cultivation pair ceremony, Li Muwan finally found another method, one that had a higher chance of success.

She carefully calculated in her heart that with this method, there was a 50% chance of opening the seal without harming the pill. Even if it wasn't successful, the harm done to the pill would not be very large. At the very least, the chance of the pill becoming useless was the lowest out of all the methods.

Seeing that time was up, she decided to use this method.

After she made her decision, she quickly recorded the method. However, she didn't leave immediately, but read some other stuff for most of the day before finally leaving.

In fact, Li Muwan had recorded many things during her month long stay here. She had also read many things besides things related to the pill seal.

The reason she did this was to deceive others. Li Muwan wasn't new to the cultivation world. In fact, after experiencing so much, her already clever mind became even more sharp and cold.

If she was not like this, it would have been very difficult for her to survive as a woman in this cruel world of cultivation.

This caution came actually more or less from Wang Lin. It could be said that Li Muwan gained some of Wang Lin's caution during their time in the Sea of Devils. This caution had saved her many times after they split up.

She knew that in the Cloud Sky Sect, there were people, especially Sun Zhenwei, who wanted to know what she had been searching for for so long here.

As a result, Li Muwan's caution played a very big role. Even if someone came to spy on her, it would be very difficult for them to find what she was really looking for.

Even if they traced the recording technique she used, they still wouldn't be able to find much. During her stay here, Li Muwan recorded many things and things regarding the pill seal only made up a small portion of that.

Soon after she left, Sun Zhenwei walked in. After he walked in, he took out a purple token and on the token, the word "Cloud" was clearly written.

The moment this token appeared, the space 3 meters before him sudden distorted as 2 men in grey robes walk out. The two looked at the token and kneeled on the ground. "Outer sect disciple greets the Cloud Order," they said.

"This scripture library has always been guarded by the outer sect. What have you two found out in the month that you have been spying on Li Muwan?" Sun Zhenwei's face was no longer gentle, but revealed a trace of darkness.

One of the men in grey whispered, "Elder Li's search was all over the place, from pill recipes to medication effects. From disciple's observation, there wasn't anything that stood out."

Sun Zhenwei frowned. He didn't believe that Li Muwan would waste a month of time to look at random things. He pondered for a bit, then asked, "Did she record anything?"

The other man in grey calmly said, "She did, but they were equally as random. It was as if elder Li didn't have any real goal. However, there is another possibility."

Sun Zhenwei's eyes lit up and he said, "Speak."

The men in grey calmly said, "Elder Li is very clever and cautious. She already knew that there would be people spying on her, so she purposely hid her search among other things. If that is really the truth, then she has succeeded."

Sun Zhenwei snorted. He had already guessed something was up, but he remembered that there were only 20 days left. He really wanted to see what Li Muwan could do about it.

Sun Zhenwei was also no longer afraid of Li Muwan's friend. During the cultivation pair ceremony, there would be many Nascent Soul ancestors present. If that person tries anything, the ancestors will take care of it for him.

After Wang Lin reached the Core Formation stage, he consumed several bottles of pills. As the ancient god tactic absorbed all of the spiritual energy in the pills, his cultivation shot up and broke through the early stage of Core Formation into the mid stage.

But Wang Lin still felt that this speed was too slow. He ignored the consequences and kept taking pills, but he could feel the effects of the pills decrease.

Li Muwan told him about this phenomenon. This was what happened to one's body after taking too many pills. This phenomenon was very mysterious. Although all of the spiritual energy was still in the pill, the moment the spiritual energy entered Wang Lin's body, a large portion of it would disappear before the ancient god tactic could even activate.

This phenomenon was called body barrier.

This was a problem that anyone who takes a lot of pills will encounter and the only method of fixing this problem was to take even more precious pills.

Otherwise, there was no other way. No matter how much time passes, this barrier will still exist in one's body.

After continuously taking pills for days, the body barrier appeared in Wang Lin's body, but he couldn't stop taking pills now and Li Muwan had also taken this matter into consideration.

In fact, with an alchemy master like Li Muwan, Wang Lin didn't even have to think about the pills at all, because she had already prepared everything perfectly.

Wang Lin picked up the bottle from the ground. What was in this bottle was the key to get past the body barrier. The pills in this bottle were called Body Barrier Breaking pills. Although they were called that, they didn't really remove the body barrier. They were just pills that Li Muwan made with some very rare materials that would help one's body better absorb the effect of pills.

If you only look at the rank, this pill was only a rank 1 pill, but if used properly, it could have some amazing effects.

After taking this pill, Wang Lin quickly took several bottles and swallowed all of the pills inside. Although the speed at which the spiritual energy was dissipating hadn't slowed down, the rate that Wang Lin's body absorbed them had increased greatly.

For a normal person, although it increased the rate, they would only be able to feel that they were absorbing spiritual energy a bit faster.

But with Wang Lin's ancient god's tactic, that slight increase gave it enough time to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy that would have normally dissipated.

With this method, Wang Lin's cultivation shot up from mid stage Core Formation to late stage. Although he hadn't reached the peak of late stage, he was very close to the Nascent Soul stage.

But all of the pills Li Muwan had given him were used up.

On this day, Wang Lin awake from his cultivation inside the heaven defying bead. He could feel a call from the devil Xu Ligou. From his earlier agreement with Li Muwan, he knew that this meant that she had found way to open the seal.

Wang Lin stood up and took a step forward. His body suddenly faded as if he had broken through space and disappeared without a trace.

In a garden in the northern courtyard, pieces of golden light appeared from the void and fused together into a human shape. Soon, the figure became solid, revealing Wang Lin's figure.

The moment Wang Lin appeared, his eyes lit up as he looked at the flying sword he had left on the ground. He waved his hand and picked up the sword. There was a restriction made from divine sense placed on the flying sword. The restriction was rather clever, but, as he suspected, the effect of the restriction was for monitoring.

Wang Lin calmly threw the sword and it got stuck in the ground. He opened the door of the room as he walked toward the gate.

But just at that moment, his steps stopped as the gate silently opened and Zhou Lin walked in.

After he saw Wang Lin, his eyes immediately focused on him. He immediately detected the difference in Wang Lin. It has to be said that before he went into closed door training, Wang Lin was only at the 3rd layer of Qi Condensation . He couldn't even see through Wang Lin's cultivation now. Even if the current Wang Lin's cultivation wasn't at the late stage of Core Formation, he thought that Wang Lin was at least at the mid stage. He let out a bitter smile and said, "Teacher is currently being watched. She asked me to take you somewhere to meet you."

Wang Lin calmly looked at the person and nodded.

Zhou Lin walked into the garden and closed the gate. He looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and said, "This…should I be calling you uncle… still… forget it. Since you are my teachers friend, you are my uncle. Uncle, this way please."

Zhou Lin shook his head. He was actually still in closed door training, but he received a message from Li Muwan to come out early. Zhou Lin was an orphan who was saved by Li Muwan and had been following her ever since. He was filled with respect and gratitude toward Li Muwan.

From Li Muwan's words, he realized that the disciple he took in was her friend. It took him a very long time to sort this all out in his head. This was why, after he saw Wang Lin's cultivation level, he was only startled and not surprised. He just assumed that Wang Lin's cultivation had always been like this and that he had been hiding it before.

Zhou Lin arrived in front of his room. He waved his hand and the door glowed. After that, he opened it.

Zhou Lin turned around to look at Wang Lin, then walked into the room.

Wang Lin didn't move, but spread his divine sense and secretly placed a restriction that he could activate at any time on Zhou Lin's body. Only after that did he walk into the room.

Wang Lin was cautious toward everyone. Although Zhou Lin was good to him before and was also Li Muwan's disciple, when it was time to be cautious, he would never be sloppy.

Under the scan of his divine sense, he only found a fluctuation of spiritual power from the pill furnace and everything else seemed normal.

The moment Zhou Lin entered the room, he touch his bag of holding and took out three pieces of jade. He placed them under the pill furnace. He took a few steps back as he formed a few seals and shot them toward the pill furnace. The pill furnace glowed and sank 3 inches into the ground.

Zhou Lin took a deep breath and grabbed the furnace. After turning the furnace a few times, a ray of light appeared on the wall before him.

This ray of light moved like a dragon waving its tail. It moved quickly and soon formed a formation.

Zhou Lin took a few steps back and respectfully said, "This formation is connected to a secret chamber that teacher has secretly prepared and no outsider knows of. Uncle, please enter. Disciple will stand guard here and report to uncle if anything happens."

Wang Lin didn't move, but stared at the formation on the wall. After a while, he looked at Zhou Lin and said, "Your teacher is inside the secret chamber?"

Zhou Lin secretly sighed. He knew that Wang Lin wouldn't believe him. He bitterly smiled as he took out a jade and said, "This is a piece of jade teacher gave to disciple. Uncle, please take a look."

Wang Lin took the piece of jade and scanned it. He looked at Zhou Lin, then walked toward the wall. The moment he touched the wall, his body instantly disappeared.

Zhou Lin's expression remained normal as he turned the pill furnace and made the formation disappear. He placed some herbs into the pill furnace and began to concentrate on alchemy, but in reality, he kept his divine sense spread out so that if anything happens, he will immediately notify his teacher.

Zhou Lin didn't know what relationship Wang Lin had with his teacher, but he knew that everything he had now was from Li Muawn, so if Li Muwan asks him to do something, he will give it his all.

He also knew that his teacher must be doing some mysterious things that are related to the cultivation pair ceremony in 20 days. Once he gets involved, he will be dragged into this matter as well.

When Wang Lin appeared again, he saw Li Muwan.

Before him was a chamber. Although the chamber wasn't large, the most eye catching thing in the chamber was the pill furnace. On top of the pill furnace were 7 black dragons. Right now, the 7 dragons were spewing out purple smoke that was slowly rising up and condensing into a purple ball.

Within the purple ball was a small pill furnace with a piece of yellow paper on it. Li Muwan's eyes were glued to the pill furnace, her expression tense. When she saw Wang Lin, she softly said, "Above us is the square outside the Cloud Sky Sect's main hall. To open this pill seal, we will need to borrow the power of the 7 Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces."

Chapter 223 - Opening the Pill Seal

The origin of the Cloud Sky Sect's seven Heaven Stealing Pilling Furnace was very mysterious. Rumor has it that the founder of the sect created nine of them. They were sealed under the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain, waiting for disciples that could summon them.

But no matter how strong the founder was, he was still not even at the Spirit Severing stage due to the rank of the country, so even if there was some power within the pill furnaces, no one really bothered to steal them.

But the power of the Heaven Stealing Pill Furnace was great, so using the words "heaven stealing" wasn't exactly wrong.

In the ancient records of the Cloud Sky Sect, these nine Heaven Stealing Pill Furnace were all fakes. The founder of the Cloud Sky Sect once saw the original furnace and memorized the design, then forged the pill furnace from his memories.

The reason why it was nine pill furnaces was because the founder's cultivation level wasn't high enough to make one pill furnace containing all of the things he had memorized, so he had to make nine pill furnaces to contain them all.

As a result, the nine Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces were created.

There was another mysterious aspect of the Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces: they couldn't leave the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain range. The moment they leave the mountain range, they will turn into scrap metal. This phenomenon has caused some higher rank cultivation countries to come investigate, but they found nothing. However, because of this, they gave up on the idea of stealing them and supported the Cloud Sky Sect instead.

Therefore, the Cloud Sky Sect was able to develop quickly and became the number one sect in the country of Chu.

Li Muwan had a serious expression on her face as she stared at the gas spat out by the seven dragons on the pill furnace. She whispered, "To open the pill seal, we need spiritual energy and the right time of day. We must borrow spiritual power from the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces when they are in use."

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He stood next to Li Muwan and watched the pill furnace. He whispered, "Does the Cloud Sky Sect always make a pill once a month?"

Li Muwan gently nodded. She said, with a gentle voice, "Yes. The Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces can only be used at a certain time of day once a month to get the maximum effect. Only elders of the Cloud Sky Sect have the privilege to use them. Some rare pills require the Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces to make."

Wang Lin slightly nodded. He pointed at the pill furnace with seven dragon heads before them and asked, "Is this also a Heaven Stealing Pill Furnace?"

Li Muwan revealed a proud smile and charmingly said, "This furnace is not a Heaven Stealing Pill Furnace, but the effect is about the same. This pill furnace was secretly made by Wan Er after studying the Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces for all these years. This was originally my ace against the Cloud Sky Sect if they ever decided to act against me. If they do, then Wan Er will use this pill furnace to affect the seven pill furnaces during a pill refining and turn them to dust. This will also release all of the spiritual energy in the pill furnaces, causing all of the Nascent Soul cultivators to be too busy trying to repair the pill furnaces to chase me. After all, these pill furnaces are everything to them."

Wang Lin grinned. He nodded and no longer spoke as he stared at the pill furnace. After a long time, he suddenly asked, "You just said that above here are the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces. Are there thousands of years of spiritual energy stored inside of them?"

Li Muwan was startled. She said, "That is true. There are thousands of years of spiritual energy in those pill furnaces. There could only be more and not less because these pill furnaces have been used to refine pills for thousands of years. After each pill is made, some spiritual energy will remain inside the furnace."

Wang Lin's eyes suddenly brightened. He circled the seven dragon head pill furnace. He then gently touched it. It let out a crisp sound.

He didn't turn his head and asked, "Can you steal the spiritual energy from the Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces above us with this pill furnace?"

Li Muwan's eyes widened as she realize what Wang Lin meant and asked, "You want to cultivate in this pill furnace?"

Wang Lin turned around. He smiled at Li Muwan and said, "Yes. If I were to cultivate in this pill furnace, it would be every effective. However, it wouldn't be with this avatar body, but my main body."

Li Muwan's expression became strange. Just as she was about to speak, the amount of purple gas coming out of the dragon heads suddenly increased. Large amount of gas floated up, forming a dark cloud above the pill furnace.

Inside the dark cloud was the pill furnace with the pill seal on it. The furnace glowed red and the pill seal started to flutter up and down.

At that moment, on the ground above this chamber, the elders of the Cloud Sky Sect were staring at the sky, calculating the time of day.

These elders were all master alchemists of the Cloud Sky Sect and one of them was one of the three rank 5 alchemists, Ouyang Zi.

Ouyang Zi was originally the disciple of the inner sect's sect head, but he willingly gave up the chance of becoming sect head to focus all of his attention on alchemy.

This person's passion for alchemy had reached an unimaginable degree. He didn't care about cultivation or power. It could be said that he didn't care about anything other than alchemy.

Ouyang Zi's goal in life was to refine the legendary rank 9 divine pill.

But his goal was just too far out of reach. Even rank 6 countries could only make rank 6 pills. Even the few geniuses that would sometimes come along could only make rank 7 pills.

Precisely because of how difficult alchemy was, the Cloud Sky Sect was protected by a giant demon sect from a rank 4 country. It has to be said that rank 5 pills are the limit of what a rank 4 country can make.

All of this showed the importance of the Cloud Sky Sect to the Giant Demon Sect.

Ouyang Zi was a rank 5 alchemist and had reached the early stage of Nascent Soul. If he wasn't so focused on alchemy, he would have already reached late stage and would've become one of the sect's ancestors.

Although he was only at early stage of Nascent Soul, his status was much higher than Li Muwan, who was an outsider.

Today, he was going to refine a rank 5 pill. He had prepared for several years for this. Besides himself, he asked six other people to come help him with sacrifice refining.

Sacrifice refining was a pill refining technique Ouyang Zi invented himself.

In his mind, pill refining was an act that defied the heavens, so there needed to be sacrifices. It was similar to the Ancient God's Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, only the sacrifices he was making were pills.

Ouyang Zi had a head full of white hair and looked very old, but his eyes shined a demonic light. He let out a very mysterious aura that made none of the other six alchemists dare to look at him directly.

It has to be said that this demonic light had the ability to affect one's soul, but if used in alchemy, it allowed one to see inside of the pill furnace.

He obtained this ability when took a Ghost Sight Pill. This Ghost Sight Pill was very mysterious. Only one out of ten people that take the pill manage to obtain this vision. Everyone who fails goes blind.

Such a vicious pill obviously had very good effects. If one successfully absorbs the Ghost Vision Pill, they will gain ghost vision.

Ghost vision was one of the reasons he was able to walk this far on the path of alchemy.

Currently, Ouyang Zi was wearing a large gray robe while staring at the sky. After a while, he frowned and said, "When I refine a pill, I hate it when other people are watching. Junior brother Sect head, do you not know this?"

Three people walked out of the main hall. One of them was the sect head of the inner sect. He let out a bitter smile and said, "Didn't I tell you guys already? When elder martial brother refines a pill, he doesn't allow anyone to watch."

With that, he clasped his hands at Ouyang Zi and said, "Elder martial brother, these two are guests from the cultivation country of Tianwu. They want to see elder brother refine a pill, what do you say…"

The two people behind him were both thin and tall, but both of them emitted a very powerful aura. Clearly, their cultivation levels were very high.

Ouyang Zi frowned. He coldly said, "Scram!"

The sect head's expression remained normal, but the two guests' faces changed. They displayed a mocking expression, but they didn't do anything and left.

The Cloud Sky Sect's head, Yuan Tian, already told them about this before, but they insisted on coming. After letting out a sigh, he accompanied the two and began chatting with them.

In his view, these two were here to buy pills and their offer was very attractive, so he still needed to accommodate them a little.

After the three left, Ouyang Zi continued to calculate the time. After about ten breaths, his eyes lit up. His hand formed seals as he jumped into the air and shot out seven rays of light onto the seven pill furnaces.

Currently, his large robe fluttered in the wind, making him look very majestic. The six alchemists watched him with looks of admiration.

The seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces began to move after the light landed on them. They moved in a circle as if there was a giant hand moving them from above

Six of the pill furnaces formed a circle with the seventh at the center.

At the same time, in the underground chamber, Li Muwan's dragon pill furnace also reacted.

Li Muwan took a deep breath. She bit her finger and immediately formed several seals with her hand. She shot the seals at the seven dragons on the pill furnace. The seven dragons moved as if they were alive and floated around the chamber. They all coiled up.

Soon, the seven dragons turned into illusionary pill furnaces. Six of them formed a circle while the seventh one fused into Li Muwan's dragon furnace.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Without a word, he waved his hand and shot an illusionary circle onto the ground. Then, his hand formed a seal as he shouted, "Main body, appear!"

Wang Lin's main body with white hair and a purple star on the forehead appeared without a sound through the illusionary circle.

The moment he appeared, the chamber became cold. Even the illusionary pill furnaces in the air became a bit blurry.

Li Muwan stared at Wang Lin's main body with a look of longing. Soon, her eyes lit up. This was the person she had been waiting for for more than 200 years. The avatar was just way too inferior compared to the main body.

After the main body appeared, he walked toward the center of the chamber. When he arrived before the dragon pill furnace, he turned to look at Li Muwan. Li Muwan's heart felt cold after seeing the cold gaze. She was too familiar with this gaze. It was exactly the same gaze that Wang Lin had when they met 200 years ago. After 200 years, the coldness in his eyes was even more intense than before.

Li Muwan took a deep breath and quickly formed a seal. Under her control, the lid of the pill furnace slowly moved aside.

Wang Lin's main body jumped into the pill furnace and started cultivating without any hesitation. Soon after, the lid of the pill furnace was closed.

At this point, at the ground above the chamber, Ouyang Zi raised both of his arms and held them wide open. He then muttered something to himself. After a short while, he stared at the pill furnace in the center. Suddenly, green gas came out of the pill furnace until it formed a giant hand that began to grow.

Ouyang Zi took a deep breath and took out a bag of holding. He dumped countless heavenly treasures into the giant hand.

Then, the giant hand closed and turned back into green smoke as it returned to the pill furnace.

Ouyang Zi's eyes lit up as he shouted, "Pill sacrifice! First sacrifice, rank 4 Demon Blood Pill!"

The moment he finished speaking, one of the six people took a few steps forward and slapped his bag of holding. A white jade bottle appeared from the bag of holding. He walked up to one of the pill furnaces and broke the seal on the bottle. He carefully poured out a blood-red pill. The moment the pill appeared, the area was filled with the smell of blood.

Currently, the person's face was a bit pale. His right hand was trembling as he held the pill, but he clenched his teeth and put the pill into one of the six pill furnaces.

The moment the pill entered the pill furnace, the furnace let out a loud roar. Immediately after, a blood-red light shot up into the air, forming a pillar of light that reached the sky.

The same scene happened in the chamber as one of the illusionary pill furnaces formed by one of the dragons shot out a pillar of red light. Aside from the size, the pillar of red light was identical to the one outside.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Looking at the scene before him, he asked, "What kind of pill refining technique is this?"

Li Muwan's eyes were filled with respect as she whispered, "This is Ouyang Zi's own refining method called sacrifice refining. Basically, he is using various rank 4 pills to make a rank 5 pill. Although the success rate isn't high, it is still much higher than normal methods."

Currently, at the ground above, Ouyang Zi's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Second sacrifice, rank 4 Luo Lin Pill!"

Another person arrived next to a pill furnace. He took out a blue pill and carefully placed it inside the furnace.

Suddenly, a pillar of blue light appeared from that pill furnace.

Then, Ouyang Zi went out all and put in four more rank 4 pills. Now, six pillars of light shot out into the sky. These pillars of light could be seen even outside of the Cloud Sky Sect mountain range.

Ouyang Zi was very nervous. He stared at the pill furnace in the middle and muttered, "This must succeed! This must succeed! If I succeed this time, I will have three rank 5 pills. Combined with the three rank 5 pills the sect has, I will have six. With six of them, I could use the rank 5 pills as sacrifices and have a taste of what it's like to refine a rank 6 pill."

His eyes shined a never before seen light as he stared at the pill furnaces. After taking a deep breath, he shouted, "You six, the refining has started!"

The six alchemist revealed looks of excitement. If they succeeded this time, then they would have helped created a rank 5 pill. This was something all alchemists dreamed of.

The six of them jumped into the air and floated above the six pill furnaces. They sat down cross legged in the pillars of light and urged the spiritual energy in their bodies to move.

Ouyang Zi didn't hesitate at all. His body slowly landed on top of the last pill furnace and he closed his eyes.

At that moment, in the underground chamber, the six illusionary pill furnaces also emitted their own pillars of light.

Inside the center of these pillars of light was the pill furnace with the pill seal on it. Below the pill seal was the pill furnace Li Muwan made, with Wang Lin's main body inside of it.

Although Wang Lin's main body was inside the pill furnace, it was currently not absorbing any spiritual energy as everything was being prepared for the opening of the pill seal. As for absorbing spiritual energy, Wang Lin could wait until after the pill seal opened.

Li Muwan's expression was serious. Her hand constantly formed seals as she shot them to their respective pill furnaces. Shortly after, countless slivers of light came from the six pillars of light and went toward the pill seal in the middle.

Slivers of spiritual energy was stolen by Li Muwan from the sacrifice of the rank 4 pills. This was how the problem of needing plenty of spiritual energy to open the pill seal was solved.

In reality, Li Muwan only needed two things to open up the pill seal. One of them was location. She needed a place with plenty of spiritual energy, but no spirit vein in the ground. This problem was solved by Ouyang Zi.

Now they only had to wait for the right time to open the pill seal.

Aside from location, the second requirement was the time. Only by opening the pill seal at the same time of day as when it was sealed would the requirement of time be met.

The smaller the time difference, the less damage the pill will suffer. If the time difference was too large, then the pil will suffer damage.

Wang Lin already knew all of this after Li Muwan explained it. Now the question was: what was the correct time to undo the seal?

Li Muwan checked many books and found one time. That time would be at 45 minutes past midnight.

As a result, the best time to refine pills and seal pills was 45 minutes past midnight. It has to be said that when it comes to refining pills or sealing pills, the best time to do so is when the Yang and Ying separate.

Of course, this only applies when refining a very precious pill. As for normal pills, people wouldn't bother with it.

But this guess wasn't very accurate. In reality, there were some alchemists who were afraid of other people stealing their pills. They would purposely alter the time when sealing the pill. As a result, even if someone steals the pill, they wouldn't be able to properly open it without knowing the correct time.

Li Muwan's solution to this was to use a method that would use a massive amount of spiritual energy to overload the pill. This sacrificed a bit of the pill's effectiveness to open up the pill seal.

In a way, as long as the time wasn't too different from when it was sealed, the pill seal would be removed and the pill would also suffer a lot less damage compared to normal methods. But if the time difference was too large, it would make the pill useless.

Li Muwan's expression was serious as she whispered to Wang Lin, "Because of the existence of this pill furnace, the chance of Ouyang Zi succeeding is not high. Knowing his personality, he will use a blood sacrifice technique. At that moment, there will be a burst of spiritual energy. That is the time to open the pill seal."

Time slowly passed. Currently, at the ground above, Ouyang Zi opened his eyes. He noticed that the spiritual energy in the area was rapidly decreasing. There wasn't enough spiritual energy to make a rank 5 pill.

This was the first time he had encountered something like this. Right now was the critical moment in the refining process, so he didn't have any time to think about it. A cold light flashed across his eyes as he shouted, "Blood sacrifice!"

The expression of the six surrounding alchemists suddenly changed, but they soon showed determined expressions. Without any hesitation, they all exploded their own cores. A series of booms occurred as the area was covered in a bloody mist. As a result, the spiritual energy in the area suddenly increased.

The spiritual energy in the area reached its peak. Ouyang Zi's eyes lit up as his hand formed a seal and shot at the pill furnace before him. The pill furnace started to absorb the spiritual energy in the surroundings like crazy. Soon, even the six pillars of light started to converge toward the center pill furnace.

Ouyang Zi's expression became even more serious. This was the make or break moment, so he couldn't make any mistakes. He had already failed multiple times before, so he wasn't sure if he would succeed this time.

At that moment, in the underground chamber, Li Muwan pointed at her brow and spat out drop of core blood. This drop of blood floated in the middle of the six pill furnaces. Suddenly, all of the pill furnaces shook as the pillars of light collapsed and moved toward the pill furnace at the center.

The pill furnace released a rainbow colored light. Under the pressure of all that spiritual energy, the pill seal started to slowly curl up until it was completely rolled up and fell off the pill furnace.

At the same time, an unimaginable amount of pressure from the spiritual power inside the pill furnace appeared, causing the pill furnace to explode. A round, cyan colored pill appeared.

But at that moment, a crisp crackling sound filled the air as cracks appeared on the pill.

"A rank 7 spirit pill!" Li Muwan's eyes widened. Although she was prepared, she still couldn't help but burst out in surprise.

Chapter 224 - Forming Nascent Soul

Li Muwan stared at the pill as she muttered to herself, "Something is wrong. If it was a rank 7 pill, there would have been a reaction. Why has there been no reaction?"

Wang Lin grabbed in the air with his right hand. The pill flew into his hand and he carefully examined it.

This pill's color was cyan and bursts of spiritual energy leaked out from the cracks on the pill, increasing the density of spiritual energy in the room.

Wang Lin looked at Li Muwan and asked, "This is a rank 7 pill?"

Li Muwan took a few steps forward and stood next to Wang Lin. She took the pill from his hand and carefully examined it. She sighed and said, "To be more accurate, this is a pseudo-rank 7 pill, so it is really an upper rank 6 pill. We must have missed the correct time to open the seal by too much time, which caused the pill to crack. If we had opened it at the correct time, it would have been above rank 7. The Qi Huang Sect is part of a rank 4 country, so they must have created a rare upper rank 5 pill and then sealed it. From the looks of the seal, it must have been at least several thousand years ago."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he stared at the pill and asked, "Do you know what pill this is?"

Li Muwan's pondered for a while. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "The Qi Huang Sect has three pills it is known for. If Wan Er is correct, this is the Cyan Cloud pill. This pill should allow you to break past the Core Formation stage."

Wang Lin pondered a little. After taking the pill from Li Muwan, he said, "Wait for me!"

Li Muwan nodded. She looked gently at Wang Lin and said, "You can relax. Even if you fail, Wan Er will destroy the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces. If I do that, they won't chase us."

A cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes. He calmly said, "Things shouldn't be that troublesome." With that, he sat down in front of the pill furnace. He pointed his finger at his brow and disappeared.

Li Muwan bit her lower lip. If she was gone from her house for too long, it would arouse suspicion. After pondering for a while, she waved her right hand on the wall and a formation appeared. Li Muwan walked through the formation and disappeared from the chamber.

At that moment, at the ground above the chamber, Ouyang Zi's refining had reached its end. His eyes were filled with excitement as he muttered to himself. After a long time, he let out a grunt as he jumped up. He waved his hand and the lid flew off the pill furnace.

At that moment, the sky changed color. The previous dark sky suddenly lit up as a golden pill floated out from inside the pill furnace.

Six souls slowly appeared around the pill. These souls were the ones who sacrificed themselves before. They sat down cross legged, floating around the pill.

Ouyang Zi's expression became serious as he clasped his hands and shouted, "It is all thanks to you six fellow cultivators that my pill was successfully created. I cannot repay you guys enough. This pill will be called the Six Dao Spirit pill in honor of all of you."

The moment those words were spoken, the six souls let out a pleased expression. They looked at the pill with some unwillingness on their faces as they disappeared.

At the same time, the pill slowly descended and was grabbed by Ouyang Zi. Although his expression was calm, he was very excited in his heart as he thought, "I finally succeeded! Now I will be able to try refining a rank 6 pill!"

As for Wang Lin, he sat in the heaven defying space, cultivating, staring at the pill in his hand. After a while, he revealed a decisive look and threw the pill into his mouth.

The moment the pill entered his mouth, it turned into a line of blue spiritual energy. As the blue line traveled through Wang Lin's body, the ancient god tactic kept devouring the endless spiritual energy of the blue line.

At the same time, Wang Lin's core quickly rotated as it grew larger.

Slowly, slivers of purple spiritual power appeared in his core. As more and more of that purple spiritual energy gathered in his core, his cultivation finally reached the peak of late stage Core Formation.

Currently, his cultivation kept increasing as his core kept growing bigger. Soon, drops of golden liquid dripped from his core as if his core was melting.

His body also became transparent at that moment, allowing him to see all the changes happening in his body.

Wang Lin was very calm as he focused all his attention on cultivation while waiting for the moment that his Nascent Soul forms.

For Wang Lin, the meaning of forming his Nascent Soul was very different from other people.

Once he successfully forms his Nascent Soul, the first step of his plan will be complete. After that, he will fuse his main body and his avatar, then use his avatar to break through to the Nascent Soul stage on his main body.

Once his main body can break into the Nascent Soul stage, then his Ji Realm will also have its first breakthrough. At that time, he will be the strongest person in the country of Chu.

Even inside the Sea of Devils, he will have the ability to set up his own sect and compete against Spirit Severing cultivators.

The important thing was that he would have the ability to return to the country of Zhao to get his revenge. Teng Huayuan; this name was something that Wang Lin had hated for more than 400 years. This was a hatred that could no longer be described. If anyone dared to block his path, they would have to pay the price in blood.

Wang Lin didn't know what cultivation level Teng Huayuan had reached in these 400 years, but as long as he hadn't reached Spirit Severing, once Wang Lin reaches Nascent Soul, his fate won't change.

Wang Lin couldn't believe that in a mere 400 years, an early stage Nascent Soul cultivator would be able to break into the Spirit Severing stage. It has to be said that after Nascent Soul, even each small stage, it's extremely hard to break through.

The cultivation world was a pyramid. The higher you go, the fewer there are.

Among the seven cultivation levels of Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Spirit Severing, Soul Transformation, and Ascension Seeking, Nascent Soul was the barrier. If one can reach Nascent Soul, that means they have truly stepped into the cultivation world and can reach for the top of the cultivation world.

Other than revenge, there was something else that was urging him to get stronger: the danger he constantly felt from the red haired man in the land of the Ancient God.

He believed that with the red haired man's genius mind, he would find another way to escape from the land of the Ancient God. Once the red haired man escapes, the first thing he will do is to find Wang Lin.

After fusing with the inheritance of knowledge, he could feel that he was slowly changing every day. This was a change in his mentality as his thoughts became more and more in line with the thoughts of an Ancient God.

Before entering the cultivation world, Wang Lin's biggest dream was to pass the state exam, make his parents proud, and allow his parents to live a good life, but when fourth uncle gave him the chance to become an immortal, everything changed. Back then, he thought the city near the village was already the biggest city out there. As for the King's capital, he never even through about it or seen it.

When he first entered the world of cultivation, his goal was to become an immortal. At the same time, he learned that the country of Zhao was only a small country on this planet.

Then, there were some major events that forced Wang Lin to constantly find new ways to make himself stronger. His goal was to return to the country of Zhao and get his revenge. After visiting one country after another, Wang Lin's horizons broadened a lot. He found out that the ground he stood on was called planet Suzaku and that the country of Zhao was only a rank 3 cultivation country. Above that, there are rank 4, rank 5, and even rank 6 cultivation countries.

He knew that the real ruler of planet Suzaku was the country of Suzaku.

After he received the inheritance of knowledge, his horizons were once again expanded. The vast cosmos was filled with countless planets like planet Suzaku. The Ancient God's size and power to casually destroy a planet made Wang Lin feel intoxicated.

At that moment, Wang Lin's mentality changed and his goal became to pursuit higher cultivation. Only by becoming stronger would he be able to survive in this cultivation world.

It could be said at that moment, Wang Lin broke free from his sole goal of revenge and changed into the goal of reaching higher cultivation levels. The mentality of someone unwilling to be stepped upon and someone who wishes to pursuit the limit of his strength.

This mentality was something a strong person must have at all times.

After 10 days, Wang Lin left the heaven defying space. The moment he appeared, he fused with his main body inside the pill furnace. At that moment, slivers of spiritual energy started to be drawn from the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces in the area above the chamber.

His main body and avatar were at the final stage of fusion. If anything went wrong here, then all this effort would have been wasted. Currently, Wang Lin was very calm. He was completely absorbed in the fusion of his main body and avatar.

Time slowly passed. Aside from the Ji Realm, there was another thing that was blocking Wang Lin: his own talent. As for whether this would succeed or not, no one really knew for sure.

The thousands of years of spiritual energy that was stored inside the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces was slowly being drained by Wang Lin. His ancient god's tactic absorbed all of that spiritual energy like a black hole.

The moment the main body fused with the avatar, the ancient god's tactic also underwent a change. In the first level of the ancient god's tactic, there was only devour.

The second level was absorption.

Devour and absorption are two completely different levels. Devour means that all types of energy that enters Wang Lin's body will be devoured and used by Wang Lin. This is a passive state.

Absorption is an active state where one can absorb someone else's cultivation.

In reality, the reason the Ancient Gods are so strong is because of the ancient god's tactic they possess. Every ancient god, when they awaken after being born, have the ancient god's tactic imprinted in their mind.

As an Ancient God, only after reaching the second level of the ancient god's tactic would they have strong attacking capabilities by using the ancient god's body to activate the second level of the ancient god's tactic. All of the spiritual energy within miles would be absorbed and devoured by the first level of the ancient god's tactic, forming a loop.

But the ancient god's tactic was something that only belonged to the ancient gods. If Wang Lin had gotten the inheritance of power, he would be able to reach the second level, but with his current mortal body, it was too difficult.

Although Wang Lin's ancient god's tactic had some differences compared to the real second level, it was nothing.

Time quickly passed and it was now the day of Li Muwan and Sun Zhenwei's cultivation pair ceremony.

On this day, the entire Cloud Sky Sect was filled with a festive atmosphere. There were no clouds within miles of the sect. The sky was blue and countless lights were flying toward the sect.

Almost every sect and every cultivation family in the country of Chu were gathered here. All of the people that came were also elders and important members of each sect or family. This type of atmosphere was something only the Cloud Sky Sect could have. If it was any other sect, it wouldn't be possible.

Because there were too many guests, the Cloud Sky Sect's defensive formation had been extended to cover the entire mountain range. Countless outer sect disciples had also been sent out on patrol while greeting all of the guests.

It has to be said that Li Muwan's position in the Cloud Sky Sect was quite unique. After all, she was one of the three rank 5 alchemists in the sect. Sun Zhenwei's position was also very well known. He was the son of an elder of the outer sect who was at the middle stage of Nascent Soul and the only person in the last century who might break into late the stage and become one of the ancestors of the sect.

In addition to all of this, the outer sect also had high hopes for Sun Zhenwei. Once he reaches Nascent Soul, there will be a series of actions done to set him up as one of the candidates to become the next head of the outer sect. If his father successfully becomes a sect ancestor, then he will become the outer sect's sect head for sure.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be paired up with Li Muwan in the cultivation pair ceremony. In one sense, it was the inner sect's way of chaining down Li Muwan, but also for the outer sect to pave the way for Sun Zhenwei to become the outer sect's sect head.

All of the visitors knew of this matter. It could be said that this ceremony was for the inner and outer sects to establish a closer relationship.

After all, the Cloud Sky Sect was split into two parts. The inner sect practiced alchemy while the outer sect practiced cultivation. Only because of these two working together has the Cloud Sky Sect reached the heights it has today.

Sun Zhenwei was wearing a long red robe. His tall and straight posture gave him a gentle, yet cool atmosphere. He was currently standing behind the elders of the inner and outer sect, welcoming guests.

Although he was smiling, his eyes were still twitching. In fact, the closer it got to the day of the ceremony, the more nervous he got, as if there was some disaster coming.

He felt that it was ridiculous to have this feeling. Today, almost all of the late stage Nascent Soul ancestors had come out of their closed door training to attend the ceremony. If anyone dares to cause trouble, the only road for them will be death.

Unless their cultivation level was Spirit Severing.

But Sun Zhenwei didn't believe that a Spirit Severing cultivator would step so low as to mess with the Cloud Sky Sect. And even a Spirit Severing sect had to be wary of the Giant Demon Sect that was behind the Cloud Sky Sect.

As a result, Sun Zhenwei couldn't find a reason to make him this nervous. He secretly smiled and thought he was over thinking matters.

But although he said this in his mind, he kept thinking of the cold gaze of the person that was talking to Li Muwan.

At that moment, an old man in a grey robe was several steps in front of Sun Zhenwei, looking at him. He took a few steps until he was before Sun Zhenwei and whispered, "Zhenwei, don't think so much. If that person who knows elder Li shows up, then I will make him pay. No matter how powerful his cultivation is, it will be pointless. I have already discussed the matter with the sect head, so you can relax."

The old man's tone was flat, but it contained a dignified atmosphere. This person was Sun Zhenwei's father and an elder of the outer sect.

Sun Zhenwei respectfully replied. Although he could lie to everyone about Wang Lin's matter, he could not lie to his father. He had long told his father about his encounter with Wang Lin.

When he heard that the sect head was involved, he felt very confident. When he raised his head to look at the sect head, he saw the old man with white hair turn around and faintly smile at him.

This person was the outer sect's sect head, Liu Fei. This person's cultivation was very mysterious. It was said that he had taken a pill to hide his cultivation and was already at the late stage of Nascent Soul. Unless someone has higher cultivation than him by a step, it was very hard to see through his cultivation.

Standing next to this old man was another white haired elder. He was the head of the inner sect, Song Qing. Behind him was a group of people with varying levels of cultivation, but if they were in any other sect, they would become the head alchemist of that sect within a day.

"Hao Ran Sect's sect head, Sima Yunnan and elder Xu Li are here to celebrate this occasion." A voice boomed from the distance, traveling all the way through the Cloud Sky Sect's mountain range.

At the same time, two rainbows arrived together. The two rainbows landed inside the sect, revealing two figures. One of them was wearing a purple robe and was filled with an ancient atmosphere.

This person was the Hao Ren Sect's head, Sima Yunnan. After he arrived, he let out a laugh and said, "Brother Song and Brother Liu, congratulations!"

Accompanying him was Xu Li, who was wearing a light green robe. With Xu Li's status, he couldn't talk, so he just clasped his hands and smiled.

The outer sect's sect head, Liu Fei, laughed and took a few steps forward. He clasped his hands and said, "Fellow cultivator Sima, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. If it wasn't for my sect sending out an invitation, I don't think I would have ever seen you again."

The inner sect's sect head, Song Qing, rubbed his chin and said, "Old man Sima, you promised me a 1000 year old Zhu fruit. Did you bring it today?"

Sima Yunnan laughed, "The two of you don't need to embarrass me so. Forget it, since your memory is so good, I did bring the Zhu fruit. However, I have a grandson who is about to form his core, so you better give me some 180 Grain Pills, or I'm not giving you the Zhu fruit."

The three of them let out a laugh as they exchanged a few words with each other. Liu Fei waved his hand and Sun Zhenwei quickly guided Sima Yunnan to the main hall.

Sima Yunnan carefully studied Sun Zhenwei and said, "You really are a genius. So young, yet you have already reached the door to the Nascent Soul stage. Very good. Within 100 years, the Cloud Sky Sect will have another Nascent Soul cultivator."

Sun Zhenwei let out a gentle smile and said, "Senior is too kind. Junior doesn't deserve this praise."

Sima Yunnan nodded and walked into the main hall with Xu Li.

There were several tables positioned within the main hall filled with fine wine and fruit. There were already many people inside the main hall, chatting with each other.

After Sima Yunnan arrived, he couldn't help but talk to many other people along with Xu Li. Sun Zhenwei quietly took a few steps back and left the hall.

After he left, Sima Yunnan and Xu Li sat down near a table. They looked at each other and Sima Yunnan asked, with a voice transmission, "You said that that person is hiding within the Cloud Sky Sect?"

Xu Li's expression remained normal and replied with a voice transmission as well, "Sect head, that is only my guess, it is not necessarily accurate. That person was filled with a demonic aura and disappeared around the Cloud Sky Sect. Also, three months ago, a mysterious person appeared in the Cloud Sky Sect and was able to escape under the pursuit of three Nascent Soul cultivators of the Cloud Sky Sect. According to the description from the spies, I believe it is the person I met. As for whether or not that person is hidding here, I'm not sure."

Sima Yunnan pondered a little and thought, "If this person is as Xu Li says, then he must be a great evil from the Sea of Devils. Hehe, the Cloud Sky Sect has attracted the attention of a great evil from the Sea of Devils. How could it not be a good thing for my Hao Ran Sect?"

"Lou Yue Sect's Tianyi Zhenren and elder Shi Tianlai came to celebrate this occasion." Another loud voice came, causing Sima Yunnan to look outside.

At that moment, all of the sects and cultivation families were arriving. Aside from the big sects that were welcomed by Sun Zhenwei personally, everyone else started to arrive in the main hall.

Soon, the entire main hall became almost packed as they chatted with each other. Some of the less social people were sitting in corners by themselves or cultivating with their eyes closed.

Arounding the walls of the main hall stood a row of outer sect disciples who were all Core Formation cultivators or higher. They stood there with their backs as straight as pine trees as they looked straight ahead.

Shortly after, Liu Fei and Song Qing walked into the main hall. Behind them were dozens of elders followed by Sun Zhenwei. Among them was Li Muwan with a purple veil over her head.

After they entered, all of the visiting guests of various sects and cultivation families stopped talking and turned to look at them.

In the main hall, Liu Fei looked at Song Qing. He smiled and took a few steps back. Song Qing nodded. His gaze swept across the entire main hall and he said, "Fellow cultivators, this is a day of celebration for my Cloud Sky Sect…"

He wasn't even able to finish speaking before the ground suddenly started shaking while a monstrous pressure appeared from underground. Under the pressure of this monstrous presence, all of the Nascent Soul cultivators in the hall stood up in terror. They all spread out their divine sense underground to see what was going on.

Li Muwan's eyes revealed a tender look. She knew that Wang Lin had come!

Chapter 225 - Take This To Refine A Pill

In the chamber under the square outside the main hall, a crack appeared on the lid of the pill furnace Li Muwan made. With a loud bang, the crack extended from the lid down to the body of the pill furnace.

At the same time, a ray of rainbow light leaked out from the crack. The light became brighter and brighter and as the crack got bigger. The entire chamber was covered in the rainbow colored light. At that moment, the chamber was like a fairy land, covered in endless rainbow colored light.

Another wave of cracking sounds came and more cracks appeared on the pill furnace, causing even more light to escape. A hand reached out from the pill furnace and with a bang, the pill furnace exploded and scattered all over the chamber.

A young man with flowing white haired floated out of the pill furnace, his body alternating between transparent and solid. His eyes were closed as countless circles of colored light gathered around his back. If one looked closely, whenever this person's body flickered to the transparent state, they could see a small person that looked exactly like him in his dantain. The little person was emitting a rainbow colored light and looked very mysterious.

His body kept changing between transparent and solid while emitting a great amount of pressure. After a long time, his body stopped changing and started to become more solid.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and, at the same time, the little person also opened his eyes. The little person's eyes no longer had pupils, but looked like they were replaced by red lightning. This wasn't just a single lightning bolt, but a cloud of red lightning.

A destructive force came from the red lightning and all of the rainbow colored light in the room immediately dissipated as it escaped upwards.

There were countless rays of red lightning wildly moving around the chamber. The shattered pieces of the pill furnace were instantly turned to dust.

When the cultivators in the main hall above noticed what was happening, they all spread their divine senses out to check what was going on. However, the moment their divine senses went underground, they were repelled by a powerful pressure, causing them all to withdrew their divine senses in shock.

The sky above the entire Cloud Sky Sect changed as a powerful pressure burst forth from underground. It felt as if the entire Cloud Sky Sect was shaking.

Rainbow colored clouds gathered in the sky and the entire main hall started to tremble.

All of the members' of the different sects and cultivation families' expressions changed. A few of the people who had seen this before exclaimed, "This… this is someone reaching the Nascent Soul stage?"

The moment those words were said, besides the Nascent Soul cultivators in the room, everyone else revealed looks of disbelief. It has to be said that reaching the Nascent Soul stage is a very important matter and you would normally have someone guarding you during the process.

Now that someone had just reached the Nascent Soul stage in the Cloud Sky Sect, the first thought everyone had was that the Cloud Sky Sect had just gained another Nascent Soul cultivator.

Just when the surrounding sect and cultivation family members were about to express their congratulations, Sima Yunnan let out a laugh and said, "Congratulations to the Cloud Sky Sect for obtaining another Nascent Soul cultivator. I wonder if I know this person? Why don't you invite that person here for us to see?"

Song Qing and Liu Fei looked at each other, then turned around to look at the elders. All of the elders tried their hardest to think of who would be trying to break into the Nascent Soul stage right now, but couldn't think of anyone, so they all shook their heads.

As a result, the two's expression slowly turned ugly. Song Qing's face was dark as he slowly said, "Sorry, fellow cultivator Sima. Even I'm curious as to who this cultivator is. If we can invite him out here, then we will be sure to let everyone meet him." There was a hint of darkness in his voice, especially the word invite, it had a very heavy tone behind it.

The moment those words came out, all of the cultivators' eyebrows raised. If there was no one in the Cloud Sky Sect who was trying to reach the Nascent Soul stage, then this would turn into a very interesting situation.

At the same time, all of the surrounding cultivators of the various sects and cultivation families felt a hint of regret. This person was really unwise in where they decided to break into the Nascent Soul stage. It seemed that the day that person broke through was also the day that they'd die.

The Cloud Sky Sect's face was greater than everything. This person was definitely going to die!

The Sky Cloud Sect's outer sect head's expression was extremely ugly. He forced a smile and said, "I want to see who has the guts to use my Cloud Sky Mountain to reach Nascent Soul. His Nascent Soul is mine!"

Liu Fei's face sank. He waved his sleeves and disappeared. At the same time, all of the Nascent Soul cultivators left the main hall. All of these people went out with bystander attitudes. It has to be said that with Cloud Sky Sect as the number 1 sect in the country, it was hard to see something like this happening.

As for the reason everyone gathered today, it seemed they all had already forgotten about it. Compared to reaching the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivation pair ceremony just couldn't compare.

Just as they exited the main hall and walked into the square, the seven Heaven Stealing Pill Furnaces let out loud humming sounds. Then, the seven pill furnaces all got pushed outwards, as if there was an invisible hand moving them. Large cracks appeared on the ground in the center of the square.

A thick layer of cold air escaped from the cracks in the ground. The square suddenly became very cold.

Although Sima Yunnan's expression was normal, he was secretly shocked. This type of aura was not something a normal Nascent Soul cultivator could release.

He turned to look at the others in the square. Although the ten or more Nascent Soul cultivators all had calm expressions, their eyes all displayed how serious they were.

Liu Fei let out a cold snort. He moved like lightning into the cracks in the ground as he shouted, "Fellow cultivator used my Cloud Sky Sect to reach Nascent Soul. Do you think the Cloud Sky Sect can be pushed around?"

Right after he entered the crack, a scream came from inside. This scream came from Liu Fei right after he finished his sentence and was filled with fear and panic.

As a result, all of the surrounding Nascent Soul cultivators backed up. They all looked at the crack with serious expressions as if there was some ancient demon down there.

Sun Zhenwei's father, the grey robed man, didn't back up, but charged forward. All of the other Nascent Soul cultivators in the Cloud Sky Sect also took out their magic treasures.

At this point, Sun Zhenwei had also left the main hall. Because he didn't have the ability to teleport like the Nascent Soul cultivators, he was naturally a step behind.

Li Muwan slowly walked out as well. She looked at Sun Zhenwei's back and let out a mocking expression. She then looked at the crack in the ground with a tender look.

Just as the grey robed elder was about check the crack, he noticed Sun Zhenwei and said, "Zhenwei, go back inside. You shouldn't be out here."

"Since you already came, don't leave." A voice as cold as the chilly winds of winter came out of the crack.

Sun Zhenwei's body went soft as he fell to the ground. He was very familiar with this voice. This was the voice that had caused him to be so nervous lately.

Then, a young man with flowing white hair floated out from within the crack. There was a shining purple star on his forehead. He was like a thousand year old unmelting ice. The moment he appeared, the surroundings got even colder.

In his right hand, he held Liu Fei by his hair. As he rose up out of the crack, Liu Fei's pale face and closed eyes also appeared.

At the same time, Sun Zhenwei's father quickly backed up as he stared at the young man. All of the other Cloud Sky Sect's Nascent soul cultivators' eyes also became cold.

All of the surrounding Nascent Soul cultivators from other sects and families were all shocked besides Sima Yunana. They all quietly watched from the side to see how this would develop. After all, if even Liu Fei couldn't stand up against this person, then even if they all went up to help, it would be pointless.

Song Qing sucked in a breath of cold air. He waved his hand to an elder. Just as the elder took out a jade and sent it out, the white haired youth turned to look at the elder and Song Qing, revealing a mocking smile.

Song Qing's heart suddenly shook. He felt as if he was completely seen through. He only ever got this feeling when he met the sect's ancestors. He couldn't help but take a few steps back in horror.

As for that elder, he was even worse off. He immediately dropped the jade and didn't dare to move. He felt that if he continued to try to send the jade over, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Song Qing took a deep breath. He look at Liu Fei, who was in the white haired man's right hand. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Fellow cultivator, this whole matter is a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!"

This white haired youth was Wang Lin. His gaze swept across the crowd. When he looked at Li Muwan, a hint of tenderness flashed across his eyes. He raised his left hand and said, "Come!"

Li Muwan let out a beautiful smile as she walked toward Wang Lin. All of the Nascent Soul cultivators moved out of the way as no one dared to fight for the Cloud Sky Sect right now.

Sima Yunnan took a deep breath as his eyes lit up. Sima Yunnan was a very ambitious person, but the Cloud Sky Sect had alway been above his Hao Ran Sect. Although he hated them greatly in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

The moment that white haired youth appeared, he immediately remembered Xu Li's description. He was now 100% sure that this was the disaster that came from the Sea of Devils.

But even he didn't expect that this person's cultivation level would be high enough to easily take care of Liu Fei. His heart couldn't help but be shocked.

At the very least, he wasn't able to see through Liu Fei's cultivation, so this youth's cultivation was something he didn't dare to think about. But at the same time, he was very happy. The stronger the youth was, the higher the chance of the Cloud Sky Sect being wiped out today. Especially now that Liu Fei, who said he wanted that youth's Nascent Soul, had been easily defeated. On that day, the Cloud Sky Sect really had lost a lot of face.

Everyone moved out of the way as Li Muwan walked toward Wang Lin. Even Song Qing, whose face was pale, forced a smile as he got out of the way.

Only the grey robed man's face was extremely ugly, mostly because Li Muwan was his daugher-in-law. She immediately walked toward that man when he called her. This made him feel embarrassed.

But he was very smart. Despite being angry on the inside, his expression quickly returned to normal as he moved out of the way.

Li Muwan slowly walked through the Nascent Soul cultivators. Normally, when they met her, although they would greet her with smiles, they would still be arrogant and forceful in their speech. But today, all of these Nascent Soul cultivators showed signs of fear and their attitudes toward her had changed as well.

Li Muwan knew that all of this was because of one person. A person who caused them fear, a person they dreaded, a person who could easily defeat Liu Fei. This person was her man, Wang Lin.

After arriving next to Wang Lin, Li Muwan let out a smile like a flower blooming. At that moment, Li Muwan felt a deep sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Wang Lin's gaze moved and landed on Sun Zhenwei. Sun Zhenwei's face was pale as he stared at Wang Lin. His normal gentle smile was long gone, replaced with hatred.

Wang Lin softly said, "Die!"

The Ji Realm immediately moved and the entire square was instantly covered in an unimaginably powerful divine sense. All of the Nascent Soul cultivators took deep breaths. Their nascent energy almost went out of control as they trembled.

This feeling left just as fast as it came. Sun Zhenwei quivered, then his eyes became unfocused. His body fell down and twitched a bit before becoming motionless.

The grey robed man stared at Sun Zhenwei, dumbfounded, as his eyes became red. He quickly moved next to Sun Zhenwei and took out a bottle from his bag of holding. However, his hands began to tremble until he threw away the bottle. He stared at Wang Lin and shouted, "Why?!"

Wang Lin shook his right hand. Liu Fei's body trembled as he opened his eyes. His face was pale and his cultivation was being suppressed by a mysterious force. His eyes were filled with rage as he shouted, "If you want to kill me, just kill me. Why humiliate this old man?"

Song Qing's heart was very anxious. Although he didn't send any messages to the ancestors, they still should have noticed that something was wrong. Why were they not here yet?

He took a deep breath. He knew that all he could do was stall for time. He forced a smile and said, "Senior, the Cloud Sky Sect didn't know that elder Li was your friend. I'm sorry for offending you. This is the Cloud Sky Sect's fault. How about you come with me to the main hall and I'll try to make it up to senior?"

With his age, how could he not know what had caused of all this? He secretly thought that the ancestors were really too nosey. Li Muwan was doing fine, but they had to mess with her, resulting in her friend coming. As for Sun Zhenwei's death, he didn't mind it too much. In his mind, Sun Zhenwei was only a core disciple of the outer sect.

Wang Lin ignored Song Qing, but pointed at the grey robed elder and slowly said, "Today's business is my own personal affair. If anyone dares to intervene, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The grey robed elder let out a crazed laugh as he slapped his bag of holding and seven purple flying swords came out. The moment the flying swords appeared, they released a monstrous sword energy. He used his Nascent Soul cultivation to control the seven flying swords to attack Wang Lin.

Li Fei revealed a frustrated expression, but in the end, he sighed and didn't say anything. Before, when he entered the crack, he was surrounded by a powerful destructive force. He felt his Nascent Soul go out of control and knew that Wang Lin would only need a single thought to kill him.

He hadn't felt like that in a long time. Not even the ancestors could make him feel like that. After all, Liu Fei's cultivation was already at the peak of mid stage Nascent Soul, only one step from the late stage.

Wang Lin's expression was still calm. As for the seven flying swords flying toward him, he completely ignored them. His Ji Realm moved again and the flashing red lights appeared in his eyes.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. The grey robed old man coughed out blood as his eyes became unfocused. His Nascent Soul crawled out from the top of his head and tried to escape.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slapped his bag of holding with his right hand and took out a bronze colored mirror. Both of his hands formed a seal as he threw the bronze mirror. The mirror shone a green light that immediately landed on the escaping Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul let out a scream as it emitted green smoke.

Wang Lin waved his right hand and put away the bronze mirror. He held the Nascent Soul with a merciless expression as he waved his hand and wiped out the consciousness of the Nascent Soul. He handed the Nascent Soul to Li Muwan and said, "Take this to refine a pill."

Li Muwan let out a sweet smile as she obediently put it in her bag of holding. She nodded and delicately said, "Ok, this should be able to make a high quality spirit pill."

The surroundings became very quiet. The people inside the main hall also appeared in the square and they all saw what had just happened. None of them dared to breath too loudly as they looked at Wang Lin. Xu Li was among them and he quickly lowered his head to cover up how shocked he was.

As for the surrounding Nascent Soul cultivators of the Cloud Sky Sect, they were all angry, but none of them dared to speak as they looked at Wang Lin with dread.

The Nascent Soul cultivators of the other sects all backed up even more. They decided that no matter what, they wouldn't get mixed up in this.

Shortly after the grey robed man was killed, Wang Lin moved without any hesitation. He waved his right hand and Liu Fei's body was forced to follow him closely by an invisible force. Wang Lin hugged Li Muwan as he charged toward the closest elder of the Cloud Sky Sect.

The elder's expression immediately changed as he attempted to teleport. However, just as he was teleporting, he felt an unimaginable pressure surrounding him, as if he was being played around with by a giant hand. He suddenly coughed out blood as he was forced out of his teleportation. He felt a cold sensation in his abdomen. As he looked down, he saw that his Nascent Soul had already been taken.

At that moment, Wang Lin's figure had already moved on to the next elder. All of the Nascent Soul cultivators moved back and took out various magic treasures to attack Wang Lin.

Nascent Soul cultivators were not to be taken lightly. They all had their own dignity. If they were fighting 1 on 1, they might run, but when they were fighting many against one, even if that one's cultivation was very high, they would still dare to fight.

Of course, the most important thing was that these elders knew that the ancestors would be here soon.

However, they still had to hesitate a bit when using their magic treasures because Liu Fei was so close to Wang Lin. As a result, their attacks were a bit slow.

Just at that moment, five powerful divine senses appeared in the depths of the Cloud Sky Sect. Soon, five figures shot out from deep within the mountains like meteors. Their speed was so great that they arrived several times faster than if they had used teleportation to get to where Wang Lin was.

In almost an instant, the five of them arrived in the sky above the main hall square.

"Stop!" An angry roar came from the sky like the roaring wind.

Although their speed was great, Wang Lin's speed was even greater. His figure hadn't stopped for a second as he hugged Li Muwan while killing all of the Cloud Sky Sect's elders.

Wang Lin's Ji Realm repeatedly flashed. The red lightning also moved madly inside his eyes. In an instant, Wang Lin killed three more Nascent Cultivators while they were still unprepared. Wang Lin gave the Nascent Souls to Li Muwan for alchemy. Even if their Nascent Souls attempted to escape, they wouldn't escape the chase of the bronze mirror.

As a result, of the nine Nascent Soul cultivators the Cloud Sky Sect had, including Liu Fei and Song Qing, five of them had already been killed. As for Liu Fei, whether he was alive or dead was unknown.

At this point, only three Nascent Soul cultivators were left, including Song Qing. The three Nascent Soul cultivators were standing back to back, revealing horrified expressions.

In reality, if these Nascent Soul cultivators swarmed Wang Lin and attacked all at once, even if Wang Lin somehow managed to kill them all, he would be heavily wounded. That was why Wang Lin didn't charge in, but waited for someone to come to investigate first.

Then, he took the opportunity to use his powerful cultivation to shock everyone. That was why he didn't kill Liu Fei or anyone else at first. He used this shock to allow Li Muwan to safely arrive next to him. After that, he wouldn't have any worries left.

For this battle, Wang Lin's goal was to cause shock and awe.

He used the shock created the moment he killed Sun Zhenwei's father as an opportunity to start killing.

All of this was so that these Nascent Soul cultivators couldn't group up and attack.

At the same time, Liu Fei was his ace. If they grouped up and attacked, then he would immediately use Liu Fei as a meat shield.

The reason he didn't kill any outsiders was to prevent them from interfering. After his display of power, all of the other Nascent Soul cultivators were already filled with fear.

After killing three people, Wang Lin stopped and looked up into the sky. He saw five white haired elders looking at him with eyes filled with rage.