

Chapter 1810 - Pack of Dragons, One Vermillion Bird Devours the Earth Vein!

Du Qing looked up at the sky in the distance. He vaguely felt like the person he was chasing was a terrifying existence. His heart couldn't be helped but be overwhelmed by hesitation. He didn't know if he should continue his pursuit.

After a long time, Du Qing clenched his teeth and there was coldness in his eyes.

"I'm not willing to give up now. No matter what, I must catch up and have a look. If all of this is just a false illusion of strength, then I'll kill him… If… If his cultivation level is good and equal to mine, then I need to change my perspective. The Blue Dragon Sect is destroyed and it can't be changed. If he were to join the Blue Dragon Sect… the influence of the sect would increase greatly!" Du Qing was the old ancestor. Even though he was moody, his mind was not ordinary.

After making up his mind, Du Qing reached at the void before him and a paper crane appeared before him. He threw it and it expanded into a smoke crane. It let out a cry and flew forward.

Du Qing followed it into the distance.

"With this exotic treasure from the Great Soul Sect, this person won't be able to escape for long!"

A thunderous rumble echoed across the earth of the Heavenly Bull Continent, then a giant Vermillion Bird covered in fire rushed out. The world

became distorted and the earth dried up, seeming ready to collapse.

Wang Lin's white hair fluttered as he stood on the head of the Vermillion Bird, his eyes shining brightly.

It had been half a month since he devoured the second earth fire soul. During this period, Wang Lin hadn't wasted any time; he had been rapidly moving forward. Everytime he encountered an earth fire vein, he would absorb its soul.

During this half a month, Wang Lin had devoured nine earth fire veins. Combining with the two from before, there were now 11 earth fire dragon souls.

His fire essence was far more powerful than back in the cave world; it had more than doubled its strength! This kind of shocking change seemed to have made Wang Lin's eyes turn red as he continued to devour like crazy!

Wang Lin had long become aware of the fact that someone was chasing him. Even though he hadn't seen the person chasing him, he clearly knew who it was.

This person had to be the old ancestor of the Blue Dragon Sect, the Void Tribulant Du Qing!

This matter was not difficult to analyze. To dare to pursue him and for this long meant that that person was confident in their strength. Among the people Wang Lin had provoked since he came to the Immortal Astral Continent, only the Blue Dragon Sect's old ancestor had the strength.

"From Kang Ran's memory, the old ancestor is at the early stage of Void Tribulant… But whether that is true or not is not something Kang Ren is qualified to know!

"He may have indeed gone through nine Arcane Tribulants to reach the early stage of Void Tribulant, or he could still be in the Arcane Tribulant stage!" Wang Lin would obviously not believe Du Qing's cultivation level from just Kan Ren's memory.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the Vermillion Bird under him let out a shocking roar. The more earth fire veins it devoured, the faster the Vermillion Bird became. Although it couldn't compare to the mosquito king, it was almost as fast as Wang Lin.

The Vermillion Bird let out a roar and disappeared without a trace. Half a day later, a ray of light closed in and Du Qing appeared. He had chased for half a month, getting closer and closer to Wang Lin, but his mood was becoming more and more gloomy.

During this half a month, he had seen nine withered-up fire veins. That feeling of disbelief became stronger and stronger, and this shocked him greatly. Even his earliest thoughts began to shake.

"Another place!! Damn it, how many will this person devour before he stops? How can I chase? How could I dare to keep chasing…" Du Qing looked at the withered earth fire vein below and his scalp went numb.

"By the time I catch up, not only will I be no match for him, but I will get injured by him. Then my pursuit will become a big joke…" Such a thought keep surfacing in Du Qing's mind.

He hesitated for a moment before he let out a roar at the sky. He was going to risk it. Until he saw the other party's exact cultivation level, he was unwilling to retreat like this!

"I have declared to the outside world that I'm at the early stage of Void Tribulant, but in truth, I'm only at my seventh Arcane Tribulant. Nevertheless, my fire wood body has strength far beyond ordinary cultivators. My physical body is like that of the people from the ancient country. I don't believe I can't battle him!! Even if his cultivation level is comparable to mine, his body can't be as powerful!!" Du Qing seemed to have found confidence in that roar. He charged even faster under the guidance of the smoke crane.

After seven days, the Vermillion Bird under Wang Lin had become even larger. It seemed to cover the sky as it flew. During the last seven days, he had absorbed three earth fire dragon souls!

The 14 earth fire souls had caused the power of Wang Lin's fire to increase greatly. It was twice as powerful compared to back in the cave world!

Behind him, Du Qing arrived at the withered fire vein Wang Lin was at before, and his face was pale. These days of pursuit were a type of torture he had never suffered before.

This kind of torture was not affecting the body, but the mind! He had seen the withered earth fire veins one after another. This feeling was enough to make him go crazy. He would rather never pursue Wang Lin, or damage his own cultivation while fighting Wang Lin than to continue suffering this torture.

Four days later, in another part of the Heavenly Bull Continent, the roar of a dragon slowly dissipated. A giant Vermillion Bird charged out from underground.

Half an hour later, Du Qing's figure appeared once more. He stared dumbfoundedly at the earth for a long time…

"16…" At this moment, Du Qing wondered if this mysterious person named Wang was a soul of the earth fire vein…

Two days later, in the northern part of the Heavenly Bull Continent, where there were the most mountains. The mountain ranges were endless here, and there was no trace of vegetation. It was completely black, giving a depressing feeling.

The ground was dry and cracked, and a hot aura seemed to exist and spread across the void.

This place was very remote and few cultivators came here. Most of the time, this place was silent, but at this moment, a shocking roar came from the depths of these mountains.

This roar was the roar of the fire dragon soul, and it was different from the ones Wang Lin had heard before. This roar shook the world and almost became corporeal. Not only could he hear it, but all living beings could hear it!

This was no longer a soul roar, but a soul powerful enough to let out a real roar!

After devouring so many earth veins, this was the first one Wang Lin could not devour, as it contained such a terrifying soul! A giant Vermillion Bird flew out from the mountain, and on the head of the Vermillion Bird, Wang Lin suddenly looked back.

Behind him, the mountain trembled and hundreds of thousands of feet of mountain range collapsed. A fire dragon with the head that was 100,000 feet large with a body of unknown size charged up.

This fire dragon was clearly a soul, but it looked like it was real. It was obvious that this branch was far stronger than an ordinary branch.

"This is a child branch and not a sub branch!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He had carefully scanned the area before. When he saw how powerful the soul was, he was even more confident in his speculation.

A main fire vein could have countless sub branches. However, a child branch was very different. A long time ago, it might have been connected to the main vein, but it had separated and become an independent existence!

A child vein was basically a child of the main vein. Aside from its strength, there was no difference between it and the main vein!

"I wonder how many child veins are in the Heavenly Bull Continent… However, there obviously shouldn't be a lot. Devouring a child vein is the same as devouring a large amount of sub veins. Since I have encountered it, there is no reason to let it go!" The Vermillion Bird under Wang Lin let out a cry and turned around in the sky. It charged at the incoming earth fire dragon soul.

The earth fire dragon soul was fierce and large amounts of fire spread out, covering the surrounding hundreds of thousands of feet of area in the sky. This included Wang Lin and his Vermillion Bird.

The surroundings were sealed off by fire and the black smoke of the fire burned all breathable air. At the same time, even the space in the area began to distort, causing everything here to become blurry.

Only the giant fire dragon closed in, its ferocious eyes revealing its tyrannical nature as it charged at Wang Lin's Vermilion Bird.

Wang Lin let out a cold snort. Although this child vein was strong, equal to a mid stage Arcane Void cultivator, it wasn't enough for Wang Lin to retreat. His right hand formed a seal and pointed at the fire dragon.

"16 earth fire branch veins, appear in my name!" The moment Wang Lin's words echoed, 16 fire dragons appeared around the Vermillion Bird and rushed at the incoming fire dragon.

It was at this moment that a ray of light closed in from the distance. Du Qing had finally caught up!

He spotted the cloud-like flame that was hundreds of feet wide. He heard the roar from the flame, and at that moment, his body trembled. Cracks appeared on his originally juvenile body and he turned into a purple wooden man!

The moment he turned into a wooden man, fire spread out from his body and surrounded him, but it didn't damage the wood at all.

Du Qing also had a fire essence!

The reason the fire essence had appeared on its own was because that roar represented the fire of the Heavenly Bull Sect! And Du Qing was a fire essence cultivator recognized by the Heavenly Bull Continent!

If it was an ordinary vein, it wouldn't have the power to affect Du Qing's fire essence. However, this child vein was no different than the main vein, so it could achieve such an effect.

Du Qing's expression changed. His gaze landed on the cloud of flames in the distance. He could see the strange scene of 16 fire dragons and a Vermillion Bird devouring a fire dragon hidden inside the flames!

There was also a person with white hair standing on the head of the Vermillion Bird. His white clothes were extremely conspicuous in the fire. Although Du Qing only saw the back, he had the illusion that he was looking at a mountain!

"That's him!" Du Qing's eyes lit up.

Chapter 1811 - Scaring Du Qing!

"He is currently trying to devour the earth fire here. The earth fire here is not normal, so he can't devour it as easily. Right now is the best time to kill him!" Du Qing revealed a decisive gaze. He charged into the fire without hesitation.

Du Qing saw Wang Lin. Inside the fire, Wang Lin also felt Du Qing outside the fire!

An aura that was infinitely close to Void Tribulant came from Du Qing's body. When his body became a wooden body, Wang Lin sensed this even more clearly.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. He had long known that Du Qing was chasing him, and being caught up to was expected. At this moment, he didn't panic or even pay any attention to Du Qing. The 16 fire dragons and the Vermillion Bird charged at the incoming fire dragon formed by the child earth fire vein.

The two were not far apart. As the two sides closed in, they immediately collided. Even though Du Qing wanted to charge in, he was a step too slow.

The 16 fire dragons were the first to come in contact with the child earth vein soul, and a thunderous rumble echoed across the earth. The moment the two collided, Wang Lin pointed down as he stood on the head of the Vermillion Bird.

The 16 fire dragons roared and wrapped around the child earth fire vein like chains, tying it down. The soul of the vein let out a deafening roar.

At the same time, the Vermillion Bird under Wang Lin charged out and overlapped with the child earth fire vein soul. It began its crazy devour and fusion.

All of this happened in an instant. From Du Qing's perspective, everything had happened smoothly without any delay.

The child earth fire vein soul's body twisted and it continued to roar. It was no longer fierce but revealed a painful expression. One could vaguely see the Vermillion Bird inside it and the white-haired Wang Lin standing between the horns on its head.

Wang Lin raised his left hand and controlled the 16 chains formed by the fire dragons. It looked like he was holding the chains.

This was a shocking scene, enough to shake the heart of any cultivator that saw it.

Wang Lin was surrounded by fire as if he was the emperor of fire. Even the dragon below him seemed like it had to yield to become his mount!

The dragon's roar was heaven-shaking. It was at this moment that Du Qing rushed through the sea of fire and closed in on Wang Lin.

As Du Qing closed in, Wang Lin suddenly looked up. The fire dragon under Wang Lin had to raise its head as Wang Lin's left hand pulled the chains. It let out a violent roar that wanted to tear the world apart, and fire rippled in all directions.

At the same time, an endless source of fire erupted from the 16 chains in Wang Lin's left hand and entered his body. The cry of a Vermillion Bird came from the fire dragon below Wang Lin.

When the Vermillion Bird cried, a powerful surge of earth fire from the fire dragon below rushed into Wang Lin. At this moment, the power of fire he controlled was heaven-shattering!

Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved it at the void before him!

This wave contained his fire essence that had increased in power several fold. The power of this fire essence was equal to the full power of all of Wang Lin's essences in the cave world!

One essence was comparable to the seven from before!

The growth of his fire essence was what made Wang Lin very excited along the way!

With this wave, the world rumbled and the sea of fire gathered around him. It fused with the fire essence inside his body and formed a giant handprint.

This handprint had clear fingerprints; it was Wang Lin's right hand! This right hand was thousands of feet tall and burned everything in its path as it flew toward Du Qing!

Du Qing's pupils shrank. His right hand formed a seal and a large distortion appeared around him. The distortion turned into a vortex and then a giant, wooden arm stretched out toward Wang Lin's handprint.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When the handprint and the wooden arm collided, a thunderous rumble echoed and a terrifying shockwave scattered.

Wang Lin's handprint collapsed, but the wooden arm formed by Du Qing's spell was surrounded by a sea of fire from the collapsed handprint and began burning.

Du Qing let out a muffled groan. He retreated three steps and suddenly looked up.

He saw Wang Lin unphased, standing on the fire dragon. However, the fire dragon's body trembled and began to collapse on a large scale. It was as if its flesh and skin were being split open.

This was because Wang Lin had transferred all of the force from Du Qing's attack onto the fire dragon. He had borrowed Du Qing's power to seriously injure the fire dragon he still could not devour.

The fire dragon let out a miserable cry and retreated. Its body continued to collapse, and everytime it collapsed, the Vermillion Bird inside its body became even more clear.

Du Qing's expression changed and his eyes revealed a gloomy gaze. He had seen through the fact that this white-haired cultivator was borrowing his power to devour this earth fire.

When he looked up, Wang Lin's cold gaze met with Du Qing's gaze for the first time!

With this blow, Wang Lin had seen through Du Qing's cultivation. This person had not reached the Void Tribulant stage, he was still at the Arcane Tribulant stage. From the power of that attack, he was stronger than the Sovereign but could not compare with the likes of the Seven-Colored Daoist or Old Ghost Zhan!

Wang Lin had seen through how strong Du Qing was, but Du Qing wasn't able to see through Wang Lin.

"Judging from the aura, this person is at most at the peak of Spirit Void and hasn't even reached Arcane Void… But such a cultivator could not have withstood my attack or devoured the earth fire!

"His body should have collapsed from my spell, but his expression didn't change at all. Also, he transferred most of the force into the dragon soul below him, so it's impossible to see through his true cultivation!

"But I don't believe he is only at the peak of Spirit Void! He must be hiding his cultivation level; otherwise, he wouldn't have escaped back in the Blue Dragon Sect!" The two looked at each other and began to speculate about the other.

Du Qing was a cautious person, and everything he had encountered along the way made him hesitate. After seeing his attack repelled, his eyes shined as he stared at Wang Lin, and he didn't act recklessly.

"Who are you? Why did you destroy the Blue Dragon Sect? If you don't give me an explanation, then you can stay here!" There was a flash of coldness in Du Qing's eyes as he spoke.

"Your Blue Dragon Sect disciple wanted to refine me into a puppet. I just destroyed your sect and didn't kill a single person. That was me being kind." The 16 fire dragons controlled by Wang Lin's left hand that were binding the large fire dragon trembled. The earth fire soul let out a roar as its body collapsed even more. The Vermillion Bird's shadow began to overlap with the dragon as the devour was about to complete.

When Du Qing saw this, his body began to distort again and he was going to turn back into a wooden person. The roar from this child vein affected the fire essence in his body, causing it to become restless.

"What a joke. You killed thousands of my Blue Dragon Sect disciples, and you say you didn't kill a person!" Du Qing stared at Wang Lin and the fire dragon soul below him. He began to hesitate again.

Wang Lin gave him a mysterious feeling, and everything he saw made Du Qinq lose confidence.

After hearing Du Qing's words, Wang Lin simply decided to not speak anymore. He stood on the fire dragon's body and continued to control his fire essence to devour this fire dragon soul.

After a short period of calmness, the fire dragon soul let out an extremely poignant and anxious roar. Du Qing's fire appeared outside of his control and the coldness in his eyes became even stronger. If he continued to ignore the call of the fire, then his fire essence might start rejecting him.

"Give me an explanation!" Du Qing no longer hesitated; he charged at Wang Lin. As he closed in, Wang Lin sneered and he pointed at the sky.

The sky rumbled and the clouds churned, then a giant palm print appeared in the sky. It was the War Spirit Print!

The moment this print appeared, the world changed colors, and it charged at Du Qing.

The moment Du Qing saw the palm, his expression changed greatly!

"The World Sect's grand handprint, War Spirit Print!! You are someone from the World Sect from the Soul Cloud Continent!!"

After hearing Du Qing's words, Wang Lin's heart skipped a beat. As the War Spirit Print descended, he formed another seal and pointed at the sky.

Seven-colored light instantly gathered before Wang Lin and shrouded the surrounding area. The Seven-colored light rapidly gathered to form the Seven-Colored Lance!

The moment the lance appeared, Du Qing's pupils shrank and were filled with horror. He no longer charged forward but retreated several steps.

"The Dong Lin Sect's Seven-Colored Spell, you… you… Are you someone from the World Sect or a disciple of the Dong Lin Sect!?"

"What do you think…" After using two different spells, Wang Lin raised his right hand and millions of restrictions flew out from his hand into the sky. The world changed colors as a giant, ancient umbrella suddenly appeared before Du Qing's eyes.

Du Qing's body trembled and he revealed a look of disbelief. He subconsciously retreated a few steps and looked at Wang Lin with extreme fear in his eyes.

"The strongest sect in the 72 continents personally appointed by the Celestial Emperor, the Three Dao Sect… Song Yun Dao's spell that is not passed down… Realm Burning Umbrella…" Du Qing's face turned deathly pale and his scalp went numb. He didn't think Wang Lin had learned these in secret. These spells looked extremely authentic, and they were not things one could secretly learn!

"Who the hell are you!?"

Chapter 1812 - Comparing Essences With Wang Lin

Du Qing had cultivated for many years and had experienced a lot. His body was even made of wood. He had seen through many things in life, and few things could terrify him so.

But the white-haired cultivator before him had made he feel shock, and his scalp had tingled many times.

First, it was all the withered earth fire veins. Then, once he caught up, it was the spells from the Dong Lin Sect, the World Sect, and the Three Dao Sect.

All of this made it impossible for Du Qing to judge wang Lin's identity and origin. From his point of view, Wang Lin was shrouded in veils of mystery. After one layer was lifted, there were countless more.

"He might have really stolen them, like entering all those sects to learn these spells that are not passed outside!

"Or he has a very deep background… To get these spells from those sects…" Du Qing's face turned as he retreated 100 steps and countless speculations appeared in his heart.

"If it is the former, then that person is very cunning and is good at hiding. His cultivation level should not be what it seems, and he will be very difficult to deal with… Such a person, although difficult to deal with, should have no problem if I kill him…

"But if it's the latter…" Du Qing's pupils shrank.

"If it's the latter, this person can't be provoked! To make the Dong Lin Sect and the World Sect give him those spells is already difficult. But to make Song Yun Dao from the Three Dao Sect, who was appointed by the Celestial Emperor, give up the Realm Burning Umbrella. That's… That's simply too terrifying…

"What kind of background can do this…" Du Qing thought of something, and his face became even more pale.

Although Du Qing was hiding his shock, Wang Lin still saw through some of it. He was standing on the dragon soul and was absorbing the power of the fire. It would take some time before he would finish, and although he wasn't afraid of being disturbed, the effect would be better if he could absorb it in peace.

He originally thought he would have to have a vicious battle with Du Qing, but looking at it now, it didn't seem like he would need an intense battle for Du Qing to leave.

"Do you still want to battle with me…" Wang Lin's expression was calm as he stood on the head of the dragon. He spoke while absorbing the fire.

The majesty in his voice echoed across the world.

"The chance of the latter is not likely. He might only knew these three. Perhaps he used them before me to scare me away! This should be his limit!" Du Qing had cultivated for many years; how could he be easily fooled? When he heard Wang Lin's words, he laughed.

He charged at Wang Lin. Distortions appeared around him, revealing his purple, wooden body. Fire surged out from his body and surrounded him.

From a distance, this was a shocking sight!

"I don't believe that you know a fourth spell from one of the great sects!"

As Du Qing spoke and closed in, Wang Lin laughed. When Du Qing heard this, he felt a hint of mockery in that laughter, and his heart trembled.

Wang Lin sat there controlling the 16 fire dragon chains and waved his right hand at the sky.

The world was surrounded by black wind. The black wind churned and roars came from within. 13 black dragons moved within the black wind.

At the same time, the 13 black dragons opened their mouths and breathed out the wind of extinction. Countless raindrops moved within the wind. It was like the dragon king summoning the rain!

If that was it, it wouldn't be surprising, but every drop of rain gave off a dazzling, golden light as it fell. Each drop of rain turned into a soul that let out a sharp roar as they charged at Du Qing.

"Call the Wind, Summon the Rain, Magic Arsenal… Lands Collapse, Mountains Crumble…" Wang Lin's cold voice echoed as the earth rumbled. Large amounts of cracks appeared on the earth and illusionary volcanos appeared on the land above the earth fire vein. The volcanos all exploded with black smoke, and endless lava erupted.

"Dark Moon Clear Sky!" Wang Lin pointed at the sky with a roar. A bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky covered by the black wind.

It was clearly day, so the appearance of this moon was extremely strange!

The moment the moon appeared, Wang Lin pointed at the incoming Du Qing. The mark of a moon quickly appeared on Du Qing's face and quickly spread.

"How is this spell!?" Wang Lin waved his sleeve as he stood on the head of the fire dragon and looked down at the pale-faced Du Qing, who was shocked once more!

"Dark… Dark Moon Sect… The first spell of the Dark Moon Art…" Thunder rumbled in Du Qing's mind. The Dark Moon Sect was one of the nine sects and thirteen factions of the Eastern Continent!

Du Qing suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were bloodshot. He had been shocked by Wang Lin's display of spells, but he had already chased Wang Lin for a long time, so he had no face to retreat!

Even now, he had only attacked once!

"So what if you have large amounts of spells from the other sects!? Your cultivation level must be lower than mine, or else you wouldn't use such methods to stop me!

"You doing this just means you wouldn't dare to attack!" Du Qing roared. He had never encountered such a situation that was difficult to back out from. He decided to go all out as he suppressed the shock in his heart and charged out. He waved his right hand and a large amount of fire condensed in his hand from his body. A large amount of purple gas also came from his wooden body and flew toward Wang Lin.

"This old man's cultivation was obtained all on my own. Although I don't have as many fancy spells as you,I have three essences! This old man has suffered the Arcane Tribulants with three essences; how could I be scared of someone like you who only has the fire essence!?

"This old man wants to see how many essences you have to be so arrogant!" Du Qing let out a roar at the sky and the fire in his right hand combined with the purple gas and turned into a sea of purple fire. The purple fire colored the world as a heat wave surrounded Du Qing while he walked toward Wang Lin.

"Great earth essence!" Du Qing stepped forward and his left hand reached at the ground below. Cracks came from the land below, making everything tremble, and specks of yellow, sand-like crystals flew out. They gathered before Du Qing's left hand like a cloud of yellow mist.

Inside the mist was a dense earth essence aura. The aura spread out and the earth became twisted. The surrounding area seemed to turn into a large desert!

"Weight essence!" Du Qing looked up at the sky and let out a roar. The reason he was able to become an Arcane Void cultivator and pass through several Arcane Tribulants, aside from his body, was due to his weight essence.

The reason he was sheltered by the Great Soul Sect was also related to this essence!

Weight essence, the comprehension of all weight in the world, from as small as a grain of sand, to as large as a continent. When it expanded, it would include the understanding of the changes in weight, and he would be able to change weight with just a thought.

This weight essence was not common on the Immortal Astral Continent, and it required a special talent to comprehend. Du Qing originally didn't possess the qualification, but his wooden body contained a trace of weight essence, which had allowed him to slowly comprehend it.

It was invisible after it appeared, but it gave Du Qing's purple sea of fire weight!

Since ancient times, there were two different kinds of comprehension of fire. The key difference between the two was whether the fire had weight!

One side said there was weight to fire, and the other side thought that fire was merely a phenomenon, so there was no weight!

Even now, people were still divided on this subject, but it had no effect on spells. With his weight essence, Du Qing gave his fire weight!

As a result, the power of his fire increased greatly!

At the same time, the earth essence mist in his left hand changed under the effect of the weight essence, and it felt like Du Qing was holding a continent in his hand!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. After displaying his three essences, Du Qing charged at Wang Lin like a war celestial.

"It doesn't matter who you are! Die for this old man!"

Wang Lin was still standing on the head of the fire dragon soul, and his pupils shrank. With a thought, the fire dragon roared and retreated. At the same time, the spells Wang Lin had used earlier all flew toward Du Qing.

The Seven-Colored Lance, the War Spirit Print, the opened Ancient Umbrella, and the Dark Moon Clear Sky inside the black wind all flew forward. They were all famous spells on the Immortal Astral Continent, and this was Wang Lin's full power!

Due to the existence of the fire dragon, Wang Lin was connected with it. With the dragon offsetting a majority of the aftershock, Wang Lin could battle Du Qing!

He had even sealed the Sovereign and dared to fight against Old Ghost Zhan and the Seven-Colored Daoist. How could be afraid to battle this little Du Qing?

If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin couldn't open his storage space, Du Qing would certainly lose once the Yi Si Puppet came out!

Thunderous rumbles echoed, but Du Qing's cultivation was too powerful. Even though he hadn't used any spells, those three essences were his most powerful attacks.

The thunderous rumbles echoed and all four of Wang Lin's spells collapsed, but the power of Du Qing's essences still created a shockwave and reached Wang Lin. The fire dragon soul under Wang Lin could no longer bear it, and it let out a cry as it suddenly collapsed.

The fire dragon turned into a giant ball of fire that surrounded Wang Lin.

Du Qing charged through the impact of the four collapsed spells. He was going to close in to deliver a fatal blow to Wang Lin.

But just at this moment, Wang Lin's voice slowly came out from the fireball.

"Do you think I only have one essence… Do you think three essences is a lot…"

If someone else said this, Du Qing could ignore this, but since Wang Lin had said it, Du Qing felt his heart tremble for some unknown reason.

Chapter 1813 - Too Vicious!

The collapse of the earth fire dragon turned into a giant fireball that surrounded Wang Lin. Outside the fireball, the 16 fire dragons roared and fused with the fireball.

One could vaguely see the shadow of a Vermillion Bird inside the fireball!

From afar, this fireball looked like an egg, and a shocking change was happening inside!

As Wang Lin's voice echoed, the side of the fireball that was facing Du Qing distorted and a face appeared.

This was a cold face, it was Wang Lin's face!

He coldly looked at Du Qing, and Wang Lin's face slowly spoke.

"Merely three essences… Thunder essence, appear!" After Wang Lin spoke, thunderous rumbles echoed and thunder descended from the sky.

The moment the thunder appeared, the world changed colors as if countless bolts of thunder had appeared in the sky. As thunder gathered from all across the world, the illusion of a giant war chariot appeared.

The chariot looked bronze, but it was formed by thunderbolts. There were six thunderbolts connected to the chariot as if they were pulling it.

There seemed to be a blurry figure standing on this thunderbolt chariot. The figure was wearing a blue cloak, but it was impossible to see it clearly!

"This… This is the thunder war chariot of the thunder essence! Only someone with a powerful thunder essence can cause this kind of change to occur!! This person… Not only does he have the fire essence, he also has the thunder essence!" Du Qing was not surprised Wang Lin had two essences, but he was shocked that Wang Lin's thunder essence could cause this!

"Life and death essence, appear!" Wang Lin's face on the fireball spoke once more.

After he spoke, white gas came from the sky and black gas came from the earth. The black and white gases formed a vortex before Wang Lin.

The auras of life and death came from the vortex. Wang Lin had already tested that the ethereal essences were not affected by the Immortal Astral Continent at all. The auras of death and life, two auras that shouldn't coexist, fused perfectly.

"Ethereal essence!! This person… This person is the same as me, two corporeal and one ethereal!!" Du Qing's expression became ugly. This was already the limit of his expectations. He thought Wang Lin only had one corporeal and one ethereal.

"So the reason you're so arrogant is because of these three essences! Even if it's three…" Du Qing roared, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Wang Lin.

"Three… Karma and true and false essences, come out!" Wang Lin's words caused Du Qing's expression to change. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes were filled with disbelief as he watched two vortexes appear before Wang Lin!

One vortex constantly changed between real and fake. When Du Qing looked at it, he felt like his mind was being pulled into an illusion. This made him gasp.

"This… This…"

The other essence contained karma. Karma was a grand dao and was extremely complicated. It was chaotic inside, and just like karma, it was impossible to see through the changes in it!

"Three ethereals, three… This person actually has such luck to obtain three ethereal essences!!" Du Qing's eyes were filled with shock, and he subconsciously retreated a few steps. Even the fire and earth essences in his hands became dim.

"Three ethereal and two corporeal… What kind of talent does he have to have five essences? This… This is unheard of even in the Great Soul Sect!!" Du Qing recalled his own words. Three essences were really nothing to this person.

"So what if you have five essences? Having a lot of essences doesn't mean you're powerful…" Du Qing was shocked once more but he gritted his teeth and roared.

"Five? Slaughter essence, appear!" A crack appeared between the eyebrows of Wang Lin's face on the fireball. A coldness filled with slaughter rushed into the world. This slaughter aura was extremely dense, and red snow fell from the sky, covering the earth in red!

Before this slaughter aura, Du Qing retreated a few more steps. He no longer looked at Wang Lin with fear but sheer terror!

"Slaughter… Slaughter essence!! It's the slaughter essence!! You actually have the slaughter essence!!" Du Qing almost screamed. On the Immortal Astral Continent, the slaughter essence was even more rare than his weight essence. Even if one only had one essence, the slaughter essence would be enough for them to become a ruler!

The formation of the slaughter essence meant that one's hands were dyed in blood. One had to end countless lives for the slaughter essence to appear. At least this was what Du Qing believed.

"Damn it, he actually has the slaughter essence. He… How many people has he killed? This is an extremely vicious person!!"

"Restriction essence, appear!" Wang Lin's words were like a heavy punch that landed on Du Qing's body, causing him to retreat more than 100 feet. He saw blood lines appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. They flew out and formed a restriction.

The aura of the restriction essence erupted.

"Seven!! It wasn't six, but seven! He… He…" Du Qing retreated once more and looked at the seven essences floating between him and Wang Lin. His scalp went numb and thunderous rumbles echoed in his mind.

The shock Wang Lin had given him was too much! But the shock he felt now was even stronger than before. The thought of turning around and escaping kept appearing in his mind.

"To have seven essences, to have spells of powerful sects, to be able to absorb the earth fire vein by force, to cause the change in thunder… This kind of person can't be provoked!!"

It wasn't that his cultivation was lacking, but he didn't know how many terrifying things would appear if he faced Wang Lin. How many aces had Wang Lin not taken out yet?

When he attacked twice before, he didn't even injure Wang Lin at all. From that, he deduced that even if Wang Lin's cultivation level was not his match, it should be similar!

In such a situation, combining Wang Lin's mysterious nature and Du Qing's caution, how could he battle?

"So what if you have seven essences!? Do you dare to come and fight with me!?" Du Qing clenched his teeth. Even though he wanted to escape, he had to say a few words first; otherwise, this pursuit would simply be too humiliating.

"Do you really want to fight?" Wang Lin's face inside the ball of fire said, and his eyes lit up. As he spoke, a terrifying pressure erupted from the fireball.

This pressure was shocking, and the moment it spread out, the fear in Du Qing's eyes increased greatly. He quickly retreated without hesitation, and a look of horror appeared on his face. He looked at Wang Lin's face on the fireball and golden light spread out from the distorted face.

The golden light spread far and wide like a sun. A golden print the size of a head slowly flew out from the fireball.

After it appeared, the golden light shined brightly and shrouded the area. The golden light gave off the aura of an extremely pure celestial bloodline, but there was another force within. When Du Qing felt this aura, he gasped once more!

That aura coming from the golden print, although there wasn't much, it could split the world apart!

It was enough to make anyone who felt it and understood it go insane!

"Grand… Grand Empyrean…" Blood flowed out from the corner of Du Qing's mouth and he quickly retreated. The shock from the print had injured his origin soul. He could tell at a glance that this print was a spell that was condensed into a treasure by a Grand Empyrean.

The strength of this treasure was secondary; the real power of this treasure was to shock people. It could shock everyone! Forget Du Qing, even the Great Soul Sect, even all the powerful sects on the Heavenly Bull Continent would tremble in fear after feeling the aura from the golden print!

Because unless a Grand Empyrean had personally given this treasure to someone, it would immediately collapse once it was in someone else's hand. This was common knowledge on the Immortal Astral Continent!

Grand Empyreans often gave treasures like these to their close disciples. This was their method of telling everyone that no one could touch this person!

With Du Qing's cultivation level, he couldn't tell which Great Empyrean had made it. Over the countless years he had been alive, he wasn't even qualified to see a single Grand Empyrean.

But this aura that made him tremble in fear and far exceed all other powerful cultivators was something only a Grand Empyrean could have!

Du Qing coughed out a mouthful of blood. He retreated while looking at Wang Lin with an accusing gaze and roared!

"Damn it, if you have that kind of treasure, take it our earlier!! If you had taken it out earlier, then only ghosts would try to hunt you down. Even if you had slaughtered the entire Blue Dragon Sect, I'd pretend I hadn't seen!!

"You… You're too vicious!! Simply too vicious!! There is no one like you!!"

Du Qing's performance even shocked Wang Lin. He didn't expect this golden print to have such a powerful effect. It made Du Qing cough out blood and roar out such words while completely ignoring his status.

Chapter 1814 - Xuan Luo's Senses

"This golden print had such an effect…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he opened his mouth. He inhaled and the golden print disappeared into the mouth of Wang Lin's face that had appeared on the giant fireball.

When the golden print disappeared, the golden light disappeared from this world.

Wang Lin put away the golden print and slowly said, "I won't send you off!"

When the golden print disappeared, Du Qing secretly felt relieved. He retreated a few steps and was about to leave. During the pursuit, he had been shocked many times by Wang Lin. Finally, the golden print with the Grand Empyrean aura made him give up all thoughts of fighting. He wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Vicious!! Simply too vicious!!" Du Qing was quite depressed and retreated 100 feet. He suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Lin, who was surrounded by the fireball.

"This person's background is very powerful, and he was also gifted a treasure by a Grand Empyrean. Meeting someone like this is my fortune! How can I be confused and just leave like this? If I can obtain pointers from a Grand Empyrean, my cultivation level will definitely increase!

"If I follow him and obtain that background, I will no longer need to worry about the Great Soul Sect. I will no longer have to send the Grand Soul Sect the good treasures I find!" Thinking about this, the depressed expression disappeared from Du Qing and he became excited.

"Yes, that's it. This is an opportunity that countless cultivators dream of. If another sect on the Heavenly Bull Continent found out that he possess a treasure gifted by a Grand Empyrean, they would go crazy. They would immediately invite him as a guest and give him anything he requested…

"The heavens have eyes, my fortune has arrived. Right now, only I know his identity, and I must not let anyone else know. This benefit is for me alone… I just don't know which Grand Empyrean stands behind him… It doesn't matter which one!" Du Qing's body was made of wood and had no heart, but he felt like he could hear his heart beating at this moment.

"Haha, a heavenly fortune, this is a heavenly fortune." Du Qing's eyes lit up and he looked at the fireball Wang Lin was in. He took a deep breath and forced out a smile.

"A misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Fellow Cultivator, this is a misunderstanding. I had thought that the Blue Dragon Sect was too old and wanted to rebuild it. Fellow Cultivator came just in time to help. In fact, I caught up to thank Fellow Cultivator." Du Qing didn't even blink as he spoke.

"Oh?" Wang Lin looked at Du Qing with a smile that wasn't a smile. It was as if he had seen through Du Qing's thoughts.

"Since Fellow Cultivator is devouring the fire, this matter is important, so how could I leave? Fellow Cultivator can rest assured as I'll protect you and not let anyone near!" Du Qing wasn't shocked by Wang Lin's gaze. He was afraid that Wang Lin wouldn't believe him, so he pointed at the sky and spoke once more.

"The law of the Immortal Astral Continent above, today I will guard Fellow Cultivator and hold no evil intent at all. Or else let the heavenly thunder destroy my dao and my soul!" With that, a ray of red light appeared, containing Du Qing's oath, and shot off into the distance.

This was the symbol of an oath on the Immortal Astral Continent. Few people would break the oath, as the law of the Immortal Astral Continent was the witness!

Wang Lin looked at Du Qing with a meaningful gaze and slowly said, "Forget it. Since you want to, I'll give you a chance to help guard me."

When Du Qing heard this, he became excited. He was worried that the misunderstanding from before would cause Wang Lin to become cautious and disgusted at him. Once that happened, he wouldn't have a chance to approach Wang Lin and would miss a chance at a great fortune.

When he heard Wang Lin agree, Du Qing became spirited. His expression became serious and he nodded at Wang Lin.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang can rest assured, this old man will risk his life to keep you safe!" As he spoke, he stepped forward and appeared a thousand feet in the air and sat down. His divine sense spread out and shrouded the area, but left the area around Wang Lin alone. He did this to allow Wang Lin to be at ease.

Wang Lin's expression remain neutral. Du Qing didn't hide his intent and could be clearly seen by Wang Lin. This was caused by Wang Lin's golden print. Du Qing clearly wanted to get close to the Grand Empyrean that had given Wang Lin the golden print.

"This is good too. There are many things I don't know since its my first time on the Immortal Astral Continent. There are many things I can't find with a soul search, so I need such a person around… And he asked me, rather than me seeking his help, so I hold the initiative!" Wang Lin sneered in his heart and closed his eyes. He slowly hid himself inside the fireball.

Du Qing strictly obeyed his oath and carefully checked the surrounding area. Du Qing made up his mind to give a good performance to offset the unpleasantness from before.

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, three days went by.

During these three days, Wang Lin had a sliver of divine sense outside guarding against Du Qing. At the same time, his body was inside the fireball, rapidly absorbing the fire essence inside.

This fireball was formed by a child vein. It was not a branch vein, so the absorption was slow. It contained a large amount of fire essence and even had laws hidden inside.

This law was the will of fire. Not only did Wang Lin need to devour the fire essence, he needed to devour this will.

The 16 fire dragons moved around the fireball and had slowly disappeared during these three days as they fused with the fireball. A will of fire spread out from the fireball. Du Qing was the first to feel it. He looked over at the fireball but didn't speak.

On the fifth day, the sun rose into the air and dispelled the dark. At this moment, the fireball Wang Lin was in released an earth-shattering rumble.

This sound was extremely loud, and as the rumbling continued, the fireball started to shrink until it was 100 feet wide. Inside the raging fire, one could faintly see Wang Lin's figure and a Vermillion Bird circling him.

The cries of the Vermillion Bird came from within the fireball, and as the cries echoed, the fireball began to shrink once more. It wasn't fast, and after several hours, it was 70 feet wide.

However, inside the 70 foot fireball, a will of fire spread out. This will shrouded the world and seemed like it was going to fight against the will of the earth fire.

It was like two wills of fire had appeared on the Heavenly Bull Continent!

This feeling was very strange. One of those wills was the earth fire vein of the Heavenly Bull Continent. The other will was the 70 foot fireball Du Qing was looking at!

Du Qing looked at the fireball and gasped. "Indeed someone worthy of being given a treasure by a Grand Empyrean. His fire essence could even resist the will of the earth fire here!"

Just at this moment, the rumble from the fireball became even more intense and it shrank from 70 feet to 30 feet! Wang Lin walked out from the 30 foot fireball!

His white hair fluttered as he sat down beside the fireball. His expression was very serious as he formed a seal with his hand and pointed at the fireball.

With this, the Vermillion Bird cry inside the fireball was heaven-shaking. The 30 foot fireball shrank again until it was only 10 feet!

A Vermillion Bird that had shrunk many folds could be seen circling the 10 foot fireball. Bursts of Vermillion Bird cries came from the fireball.

This caused Du Qing's eyes to reveal a strange light. He stared at the fireball and a thought emerged in his mind.

"This Vermillion Bird is the body of his fire essence… He's channeling all the fire essence from this earth fire vein into the Vermillion Bird. Could he be…" Thinking about this, Du Qing's eyes widened and were once again filled with fear.

"Could it be that he wants to form an essence true body!?" Du Qing gasped and the fear in his eyes became even stronger.

"Once one has an essence, one can enter the third step: Nirvana Void. Then they can use the essence to absorb the power from the vast world and become invincible! A corporeal essence is easier to obtain, but if one wants to reach Arcane Void, then one must personally comprehend an ethereal essence.

"The more essences one has, the stronger one becomes. This is common knowledge among the cultivators of the Immortal Astral Continent!

"Essences are also divided into layers. From the beginning of forming an essence, to condensing an essence treasure, and finally reaching completion. Each of these steps must be reached one by one. However, legend states that among geniuses, some can take it one step further after completing their essence: to from an essence true body!

"An essence true body is very rare, and once it appears, its power is beyond terrifying! In my whole life, I have only see the old ancestor from the Great Soul Sect with a soul essence true body, and no one else… This… This Fellow Cultivator Wang is really trying to form an essence true body!" Du Qing looked at Wang Lin with disbelief.

On the Immortal Astral Continent, the ancient countries had 35 states. The Ancient Dao Country occupied 12 states. The Sky State was the location of the royal capital.

There was a place with green mountains and a flowing river. The leaves fell and the river raged. Deep inside the mountain, there was a towering, blue altar.

This altar gave off an ancient aura, and a young man in black was sitting on the altar. He looked young but gave off an ancient feeling, as if he had existed for a long time.

He was Xuan Luo.

When Wang Lin took out the golden print on the Heavenly Bull Continent, Xuan Luo, who had gone into closed door cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes.

"He is coming…" Xuan Luo revealed a smile. He knew that the disciple he had chosen would not die in the void and would arrive on the Immortal Astral Continent!

Chapter 1815 - Forming an Essence True Body!

"With my golden print, he should be fine in the celestial land… Now that he has arrived, there is no rush to pick him up… Let him hone his skills so that he can become even better in the future!" Xuan Luo muttered to himself. He wouldn't go the celestials' land. After all, with his status, it was not good to go too many times, as it could cause unnecessary trouble.

Just like how if the Grand Empyrean of the celestial kept coming to the Ancient countries they would be expelled or even sieged.

On the trip before, although he had left, he had received some injuries, so he had gone into closed door cultivation. The other reason he had gone into closed door cultivation was the regret he felt for not being able to wait for Wang Lin.

Now that the regret was gone, there was no problem with his injuries.

"Disciple Wang Er, the Immortal Astral Continent is your home and the Ancient Dao is your hometown. Teacher will wait for your return here…" Xuan Luo revealed a kind smile and slowly closed his eyes as he immersed himself in cultivating.

In the Heavenly Bull Continent, Wang Lin was sitting next to the fireball and sending seals into it. This caused the Vermillion Bird inside to become even more clear and its roar even louder.

"Essence true body, form!!" A few hours later, when the Vermillion Bird became even more clear and the will of fire became stronger, Wang Lin opened his eyes and let out a roar.

This roar entered Du Qing's ears and was like thunder rumbling in his heart. He stood up, and the fear in his eyes was indescribable.

"It really is an essence true body!!! He really is forming his essence true body!!"

After Wang Lin spoke, the 10 foot fireball rumbled and the Vermillion Bird inside stopped moving. The tail feathers of the Vermillion Bird began burning and slowly turned into a pair of human legs.

The essence true body was slowly forming!

Du Qing personally saw this, and his expression became dumbfounded. This was his first time witnessing the formation of an essence true body. It gave him great benefits and even opened a path for his future cultivation.

This path was originally blurry, but now it became even more clear.

"True body!! This is a true body!! I actually saw the process. This kind of thing is extremely rare, and I, Du Qing, actually saw it!!" Du Qing looked excited. He had passed through seven Arcane Tribulants, but he wouldn't dare and wasn't confident about the eighth or ninth Arcane Tribulants. What he had just seen helped his fire essence grow!

This scene looked simple, but in truth, the pressure Wang Lin was facing was monstrous. Sweat covered his forehead and instantly turned into gas. It made him look like he was hiding inside fog.

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His fire essence wasn't strong enough to form an essence true body, but he had devoured 16 branch veins and a child vein along with the will of fire within it.

All of this caused Wang Lin's fire essence to have its own will. This caused his fire essence to fight against the earth fire of the Heavenly Bull Sect for control of the fire in this world!

This change and expansion had given Wang Lin the idea of forming an essence true body. However, this was very difficult, and even with his full force, he only managed to form a pair of legs!

The 10 foot fireball gradually become dim as time passed, and showed signs of extinguishing. The Vermillion Bird with a pair of legs inside remained motionless, but it began to slowly wither.

There was not enough fire essence. Wang Lin's eyes shined and he charged at the earth below. He landed on the mountain and his hand pressed down on the ground.

With this, Wang Lin's divine sense spread out from his hand, entered the earth, and quickly spread. Thousands of kilometers, tens of thousands of kilometers, hundreds of thousands of kilometers, millions of kilometers…

This was the first time had Wang Lin spread out his divine sense like this on the Immortal Astral Continent and covered such a large area. Despite this, he didn't even cover 10% of the Heavenly Bull Continent; it didn't seem to even reach 5%.

However, this size was infinitely close to the size of the cave world. In this area, there were 172 branch earth fire veins and two child earth fire veins!

"172 earth fire souls, come out for me!" Wang Lin let out a roar and raised his hand. As his hand rose, the earth trembled. All the earth fire veins within Wang Lin's divine sense began to tremble.

If one looked from above with a powerful spell, they would see countless mountain ranges collapse and fire dragon souls flying out.

There were a few plains where cracks appeared. Lava erupted from them and the dragon souls charged out!

Rivers suddenly dried up and collapsed. Those dragon souls flew through the sky!

A total of 172 earth fire dragon souls charged out in this large area and roared in the sky. Ordinary cultivators couldn't see their bodies, only some third step cultivators could feel it.

At this moment, these 172 dragon souls seemed to be pulled by a powerful force toward Wang Lin from all directions.

These dragons were much faster than cultivators. They moved like they could use spatial bending and instantly appeared in the sky above Wang Lin and Du Qing

Du Qing's expression was dumbfounded as he stared at this. He seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

He saw the fierce roar from the dragons as if they were going to rebel. However, they weren't able to overcome the will of fire, and they rushed into the fireball that was about to extinguish.

Under the control of this will, they closed in!

This will of fire was something Wang Lin had obtained after absorbing the child earth fire vein, and it belonged to him. Aside from the main vein, all other veins would be controlled by this will!

Thunderous rumbles echoed as the 172 fire dragon souls rushed into the fireball. The fireball began burning even brighter. The Vermillion Bird that had formed the legs of the true body roared once more.

The resulting thunderous rumble was heaven-shaking when the 172 fire dragon souls rushed into the fireball. As the Vermillion Bird inside absorbed the fire dragon souls, the hands of the essence true body appeared, and it let out a joyous cry.

The four limbs had appeared! The only things left were the head and body, then Wang Lin's fire essence true body would form! Du Qing trembled and retreated. Although he was just an outsider, he could tell how difficult it was to form an essence true body. Even such powerful fire essence could not form an essence true body.

This scene frightened him.

"No wonder an essence true body is so rare. Forming the essence true body is too difficult, and it becomes more difficult as the true body forms. Only then does it truly show how terrifying an essence true body is!

"This person has seven essences, he… If all seven of his essences form true bodies, then he…" Du Qing gasped and didn't dare to imagine.

Wang Lin was panting on the mountain peak. He looked at the fireball and the Vermillion Bird that had formed the four limbs, but it was far from being complete…

"Two child vein dragon souls, come out for me!" Wang Lin gritted his teeth and pressed his hand on the ground. Thunderous rumbles echoed and a roar could be heard. Within the range of his divine sense, two powerful fluctuations came from two different directions.

To the east of Wang Lin, a snowy mountain that had not melted for tens of years trembled. At this moment, all the snow melted instantly and turned into a sea as it flowed down to the earth. However, before it got far, sizzling sounds echoed as all the water turned into white gas. The soul of a child earth fire vein appeared inside the white gas and charged toward Wang Lin.

To the west of Wang Lin was an inland sea surrounded by the Heavenly Bull Continent. At the bottom of the sea, there was a mountain range, and it looked like a dragon!

At this moment, the mountain rumbled and a giant vortex appeared in the sea. As the sea raged, a fluctuation of soul came from the mountain. Large amounts of sea water gathered to form a sea dragon, and it charged out from the sea.

This sea dragon looked like it had no relation with fire, but every drop of water was filled with endless fire essence. The sea dragon's body trembled as its blue body turned red, and the water turned into lava!

This lava dragon roared and charged toward Wang Lin.

All of this happened in an instant. When Wang Lin raised his hands, two shocking roars came from the east and the west as the two child earth fire vein dragons rushed over!

It seemed like even the sky itself was being burnt, leaving two long scorch marks. The ferociousness of the two dragons even made Du Qing's expression change!

Wang Lin looked up and his eyes shined. He leaped into the air toward those two dragon souls.

"Du Qing, I'll give you a chance. Contain one of the dragon souls for half an hour!" Wang Lin's words echoed as he charged at the lava dragon formed by the sea water.

Du Qing's expression changed rapidly and he clenched his teeth. Purple light surrounded his body. He transformed into his wooden body and walked toward the other child earth fire vein dragon soul.

Chapter 1816 - Emotions about the essence true body

Du Qing had gone through seven Arcane Tribulants, and although he hadn't reached the early stage of Void Tribulant, he was still unfathomable. If not for the fact that Wang Lin had many methods, it would be difficult for Du Qing to yield.

This person was also very cautious and ever-changing. He could bend to achieve his goals. In order to help Wang Lin, he used his strongest power. Purple light surrounded his body and his weight essence appeared.

The dragon soul roared. The moment it closed in on Du Qing, it trembled as if its weight had increased countless fold. It let out a cry and fell from the sky. It continued to struggle but was unable to escape.

As the dragon roared, fire spread out from Du Qing's body out of his control as if it was going to cause him backlash.

Wang Lin saw this and gained a new understanding of Du Qing's weight essence. He no longer paid much attention to Du Qing. Aside from the sliver of divine sense to guard against Du Qing, Wang Lin focused on the lava dragon before him.

The purple fire dragon gave off a high temperature, and as it closed in, it burned the world, creating large amounts of black smoke around it. It didn't look like the soul of a fire dragon but a demonic dragon!

As the fire dragon soul surrounded by black smoke charged at Wang Lin, he stepped forward and raised his right hand. His hand formed a seal, and with a wave, there was a flash of blood light. The blood sword appeared before Wang Lin and sliced down on the fire dragon soul!

This slice caused the world to change colors and thunderous rumbles to echo. The moment the blood light touched the fire dragon, there was a loud bang. The fire dragon felt pain and retreated to dodge the blood sword.

But the blood light was too fast. Just as the fire dragon soul retreated, the blood sword swept by and a portion of the fire dragon soul was cut off!

Thunderous rumbles echoed as the fire dragon soul that had a section cut off retreated. Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He was at a key moment of forming his essence true body. He charged forward without hesitation and grabbed the section of the fire dragon soul that he had cut off. He then threw it into the fireball.

The fireball absorbed that section of the dragon soul and became even more intense. The essence true body that had formed its limbs began to show signs of forming its torso.

Wang Lin moved like lightning and crosses 10,000 feet, appearing above the dragon soul. He moved like the clouds, and although he couldn't suppress the dragon soul with one essence like Du Qing, his sword was amazingly sharp.

At this moment, above the fire dragon soul, Wang Lin raised his right hand and golden light appeared in his palm. This golden light caused Du Qing's heart to tremble.

His pupils reflected the golden print in Wang Lin's hand!

The moment the golden print appeared, the mere fire dragon trembled and its eyes were filled with fear. It didn't want to come here; it had been called by Wang Lin. When it saw the golden print, it just wanted to escape. In a flash, it fled thousands of kilometers away until only a black dot could be seen.

Wang Lin remained calm and pointed at the escaping fire dragon. The golden print shined brightly and flew off into the distance.

Wang Lin didn't even look at the result before he turned to look at the fire dragon that was being suppressed by Du Qing.

Just as he turned around, a thunderous rumble came from the distance. There was a flash of golden light and the golden print flew toward Wang Lin. The existence of the fire dragon could be felt inside, and it let out a desperate roar.

This scene made Du Qing's heart skip a beat.

"No wonder it is a treasure made by Grand Empyrean… From the looks of it, he hasn't even used its full power…" Du Qing's eyes lit up as he smiled at Wang Lin.

"Congratulations, Fellow Cultivator, on obtaining the two child earth fire veins. Your essence true body will soon be complete."

Wang Lin gently shook his head. He didn't speak, and his right hand touched the golden print. One of the dragon souls flew out toward the fireball.

After the fireball absorbed one fire dragon, a thunderous rumble echoed. The essence true body's torso began to form.

But after half a torso was formed, the fire began to dim and showed signs of extinguishing. Wang Lin frowned at Du Qing.

Du Qing didn't speak but could guess what Wang Lin wanted. The dragon soul suppressed by him flew toward the fireball.

It closed in in an instant and the fireball absorbed the fire dragon soul. As the soul roared, it was completely absorbed by the fireball.

After absorbing another child earth fire vein, the fire surged once more. The torso of the true essence body began to form once more!

At this moment, the essence true body contained a torso and limbs. Only its head remained a Vermillion Bird, making it look very strange.

But the power of fire had reached the limit and the fireball suddenly collapsed. It turned into specks of fire that absorbed by the essence true body without a head.

As the fireball collapsed, an extremely powerful pressure came from the incomplete essence true body. Du Qing was not far away, and when he felt the pressure, he was shocked.

Even with his body, he had the urge to escape into the distance. This showed how powerful an essence true body was.

"This is not even a complete true body, yet it has such a powerful pressure…" Du Qing took a deep breath and longing appeared in his eyes. He wanted to form his own essence true body.

"188 branch veins and three child veins, but I still can't form the essence body… It is really too difficult, and requires too many resources… With this level of difficulty, it is no wonder it could never form in the cave world. There aren't enough resources in the cave world to form even one essence true body; it is simply impossible." Wang Lin let out a sigh. He now knew the difficulty of forming an essence true body and felt emotional.

"The further it progresses, the more fire essence it requires. I wonder how much fire essence is required to form the head…" Wang Lin pondered as the fire essence true body that was missing a head turned into a sea of fire and entered Wang Lin's left eye.

When it entered his left eye, a shocking changed to his left eye. The normal fire mark disappeared and was replaced with double pupils.

These double pupils gave off an extremely demonic feeling.

After moving his head, Wang Lin walked forward. As he moved, a shadow appeared behind him. It seemed to move with his body, but its appearance couldn't be seen clearly.

This sudden change cause Du Qing to gasp.

"Could this be the change that happens after obtaining an essence true body, a shadow? I have seen the old ancestor of the Great Soul Sect a few times. It always looks like a shadow is following him.

"No matter what you do, it mimics. This is especially true when you use spells."

Wang Lin frowned. He seemed to notice the change to his body after the essence true body formed. After pondering a bit, the shadow behind him began to fade until it disappeared.

"Let's go back to the Blue Dragon Sect. I need to live there for a while." Wang Lin looked at Du Qing.

When Du Qing heard this, his spirits immediately became high and he smiled. He clasped his hand "This is my honor. Fellow Cultivator Wang can rest assured. I'll send all disciples out to search for the earth fire dragon veins and have the elders go extract them for Fellow Cultivator to use."

Wang Lin's expression remained the same as he slowly nodded. He turned into a ray of light with Du Qing and left. The child vein under the mountain slowly withered.

In the Heavenly Bull Sect, two rays of light quickly flew across the sky. Du Qing's cultivation level was higher, so he was naturally faster than Wang Lin. As they moved forward, Du Qing glanced at Wang Lin and began to ponder.

"What cultivation level is this person at… He looks like he is at the peak of Spirit Void, but he could take two of my attacks, and it didn't look like he used his full power…

"Although cultivation level could be hidden, speed is also a good indication of cultivation level… Let's see how fast he is!" Du Qing silently pondered and slowly increased his speed. He flew past Wang Lin, and the distance between them increased.

"I can't make it too obvious, I only need to see a bit. After all, I need to rely on him to get in contact with that Grand Empyrean…" Du Qing didn't dare to take it too far. When he saw that Wang Lin was unable to keep up, he was about to slow down when his pupils shrank.

Because Wang Lin's cold gaze fell in Du Qing's eyes. Wang Lin waved his right hand and a black fog appeared. A sharp roar came from within the black fog.

This roar was extremely harsh and had the power to shock one's mind. Du Qing was not far away, and when he heard this roar, he felt his heart tremble. He even had the illusion that his body was going to collapse. This roar seemed to come from something extremely ferocious, and it was going to tear this body apart.

"What kind of beast is this!?" Du Qing's expression suddenly changed.

The mosquito king appeared from within the black fog. Its huge mouth, its mountain-like body after it had shrunk itself, and the black spikes that covered its body all shocked Du Qing!

"Fellow Cultivator Du, you're too slow, you have to keep up," Wang Lin said slowly and then stepped forward into the mosquito king. The mosquito king charged forward and disappeared without a trace.

Its speed shocked Du Qing.

Chapter 1817 - Esteemed Green Bull

Looking at Wang Lin and the mosquito king who had disappeared into the distance, Du Qing revealed a bitter expression. He wanted to slap himself and suppress the horror in his heart as he flew at full speed to catch up.

"Ah, this person has many treasures and essences; even his beast is extraordinary… He has a powerful background and has even formed an essence true body… He can't be provoked or compared to…" Du Qing continued to comfort himself, but still felt wronged.

"Damn it, why am I so poor… I really… can't compare!" Du Qing felt more and more miserable. He flew for half a day and still didn't catch up to Wang Lin.

"This person is a genius of the heavens, like the true disciple of those great sects, so I can't compare… But I, Du Qing, have obtained my cultivation level and my treasures all on my own. Although he is better than me, I bet everything he has was given to him by that Grand Empyrean… Hmph, he is just lucky." Only when Du Qing thought of this did he feel a bit better.

If he found out about Wang Lin's identity and origin and learned of Wang Lin's more than 2,000 years of hardship, his heart would not be so balanced. If he had been born in the cave world and had Greed's luck, he still wouldn't have been able to come out from the cave world like Wang Lin after 2,000 years!

In a flash, half a month went by. During this half month, Wang Lin paused several times to wait for Du Qing to catch up. After flying for half a month in a row, the mosquito king was still in high spirits and didn't show any fatigue. After it had gone through many metamorphoses, its speed had reached a terrifying degree. Not even Du Qing could catch up.

As it flew, it could absorb the aura of the Immortal Astral Continent and cultivate like a cultivator. As a result, it flew faster and faster, and now it was several times faster than Wang Lin flying on his own.

Du Qing was behind and was in a sorry state. During this half a month of time, he had been constantly flying without rest. Every time he saw Wang Lin and the beast he feared waiting for him, he felt depressed.

Looking at the mosquito king, his eyes were filled with disbelief. He had seen many fierce beasts in his life, but not many had this kind of speed.

"Ah, not taking out the golden print earlier was simply too vicious. Now, looking at it he clearly, he had the means to prevent me from catching up, but he deliberately let me catch up… This person is too vicious!" Du Qing smiled bitterly.

A few more days passed. When Du Qing felt like he had almost reached his limit, the Blue Dragon Sect appeared in the distance.

Looking at the Blue Dragon Sect, Du Qing turned toward Wang Lin, who was very calm and was not breathless at all. Then he looked at the beast below Wang Lin, who looked like it hadn't flown enough. Du Qing didn't know what to say.

The moment the two closed in, all the disciples of the Blue Dragon Sect came out. The three elders that weren't sealed also flew into the sky.

They originally thought that the old ancestor had captured the person and returned. However, when they saw that the old ancestor was running out of breath while Wang Lin looked very calm, they were stunned and didn't know what had happened.

"What are you all standing around for? Come greet this old man's good friend. This is my close friend, and he has helped us greatly. This old man has invited him here to say thanks." Du Qing's glare immediately caused everyone in the Blue Dragon Sect to scatter.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang , please, please…" Du Qing smiled and greeted Wang Lin.

This sudden change caused the expressions of all the Blue Dragon Sect disciples to change, but their fear for the old ancestor was deep-rooted in their hearts, so they remained silent. They watched the old ancestor invite that vicious person into the back mountain.

The middle-aged man that had lost his arms had now recovered, and his eyes lit up. "There is something strong. The old ancestor's personality can be said to be extremely vindictive. The only explanation is that mysterious person named Wang is someone even the old ancestor fears, so the old ancestor is treating him like a guest."

"The old ancestor has likely fought this person and was not his match…" The other two elders looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Du Qing led Wang Lin to the back mountain. Although this place had also been destroyed, the mountain was still there and the cave inside had remained intact.

The inside of the cave was very luxurious. Countless head-sized night pearls were lighting up the cave like stars. There were many rooms - one for refining, alchemy, and closed door cultivator. It had everything a cultivator needed.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang, this place is simple, but I hope you can bear with it for now until the sect gets rebuilt. Then you can change to a better place to rest." Du Qing forced a smile. He already thought that this place was very good. The ground was the Eastern Sea Stone that increased the amount of aura of the world gathering here. The night pearls were not ordinary; they simulated the starry sky, allowing one to feel the vastness of the world.

The alchemy room was also luxurious. Everything inside were things he had stolen.

"It's OK." Wang Lin looked around and then sat down. He looked at Du Qing and suddenly spoke.

"Fellow Cultivator Du, I came from another continent. I wonder, where is the main earth fire vein in the Heavenly Bull Continent?" The Heavenly Bull Continent was too big, so Wang Lin couldn't find the main vein in a short period of time. He would need to spend a lot of time to find it.

When Du Qing heard this, he understood Wang Lin's intent. After pondering a bit, he sat down across from Wang Lin and spoke.

"The Heavenly Bull Continent holds the fire element and contains mostly earth fire veins. Rumor has it that the earth fire veins connect together to form a formation that suppresses the Heavenly Bull. Legend has it that the Heavenly Bull was slaughtered by the Celestial Ancestor. Its body was made into the continent and its origin soul is being suppressed by the fire.

"This is just a rumor. Many people have searched for countless years but found no clues.

"However, there is another rumor. The fire veins were not placed by the Celestial Ancestor, but are the veins of the Heavenly Bull… The main earth fire vein you're looking for should be the largest vein that goes through the entire Heavenly Bull!

"The Great Soul Sect has a connection to the vein!" When Du Qing said the last sentence, his voice suddenly became quiet. He waved his right hand and restrictions appeared to seal the area.

Du Qing whispered, "The Great Soul Sect is one of the nine sects and thirteen factions. They have countless experts and many mysterious spells. When talking about this sect, we have to take some precautions just in case.

"I have fire as one of my essences and have a strong sense toward the earth fire. Every time I go to the Great Soul Sect, the fire inside my body is suppressed. It is as if there is a powerful will that makes all fire yield.

"According to my analysis, that should be where the main earth fire vein of the Heavenly Bull Continent is located. There is even likely someone who has an extremely powerful fire essence in the Great Soul Sect.

"And I also know the old ancestor of the Great Soul Sect, Esteemed Green Bull, has a very high cultivation level. He is the same as you and also has an essence true body!" When Du Qing spoke of Esteemed Green Bull, his eyes were filled with fear.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, and he remembered this name.

"With my cultivation level, I'm only qualified to become an outer elder in the Great Soul Sect. I have a predecessor that is an inner elder of the Great Soul Sect. It is through that relation and my position as an outer elder that the Great Soul Sect is sheltered.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang has a treasure gifted by a Grand Empyrean, so you should be treated as an honored guest. But if you were to affect the main earth fire vein, then…" Du Qing spoke with a hint.

Wang Lin's expression remained unchanged. He only knew two people in the Great Soul Sect.

"Have you heard of two disciples in the Great Soul Sect named 'Fan Shanmeng' and 'Fan Shanlu?'" Wang Lin looked at Du Qing.

"Fan Shanmeng!!" Du Qing's expression changed.

"I have heard of the name 'Fan Shanmeng.' She is a core disicple of the Great Soul Sect and one of the two geniuses of the Great Soul Sect! Fellow Cultivator knows her?"

"I've heard of her." Wang Lin pondered and changed the direction of the conversation.

"What about the Gui Yi Sect? That sect is also in the Heavenly Bull Continent. How do they compare to the Great Soul Sect?" Kang Ren's cultivation level was not high, so he couldn't compare with Du Qing in terms of knowledge. Wang Lin didn't know much from the information he had extracted from Kang Ren.

"The Gui Yi Sect is very strong and right now seems to suppress the Great Soul Sect by a bit. The ranking of the nine sects and thirteen factions might change. Over the last few years, a disciple named Yun Yifeng appeared in the Gui Yi Sect. His cultivation is very powerful and he is very talented. Aside from the older generation, he is the number one expert!

"I've had contact with this person. He is extraordinary!" Du Qing thought about how Yun Yifeng had merely swept his sword and several members of the Great Soul Sect were forced to retreat.

"Speaking of Yun Yifeng, I just thought of something. He had said that there was someone who only cultivated for a bit more than 2,000 years and had unfathomable cultivation. Even he didn't dare to draw his sword before this person! Even the four geniuses of the Eastern Continent weren't qualified to be called geniuses before this person!

"Back then, this matter set off a huge wave. There were many doubts, but the Great Soul Sect remained silent and even the Gui Yi Sect didn't explain.

"Now many years have passed, and there's an 80% chance that those words are false. This old man doesn't believe such a person exists…" As Du Qing spoke, he didn't notice that Wang Lin's eyes had lit up for a moment.

"Who in the world could only cultivate for 2,000 years and make Yun Yifeng not dare to draw his swords, much respect…

"If that kind of person really exists, then wouldn't he already be famous… He could be accepted as a disciple by a Grand Empyrean…" As Du Qing spoke, he suddenly stopped and seemed to remember something. He blinked as he looked at Wang Lin.

His pupils suddenly shrank and a bold thought appeared in his mind. This thought made him gasp and made his gaze toward Wang Lin become filled with uncertainty.

"Since the Heavenly Bull Continent has earth fire veins, then does any of the surrounding continents have thunder veins?" Wang Lin avoided the topic Du Qing had brought up.

Chapter 1818 - Overestimating your own capabilities?

"This… I have only gone to Cloud Wave Continent, the Kang Yang Continent, and the Peaceful Soul Continent. This is only about half of the entire Eastern Continent. Within these three continents, there are no thunder veins.

"I really don't know the answer to your question… But I can help you inquire about it. Perhaps someone in the Great Soul Sect knows. After all, the Great Soul Sect is one of the nine sects and thirteen factions. Their disciples go out to test themselves and often tells the sect about things they find. This is part of their training." Du Qing shook his head. The Immortal Astral Continent was endless, and few people had been across the entire Eastern Continent. Du Qing had gone to a total of four continents in his life, and that was already extraordinary.

Wang Lin nodded and pondered. A moment later, he looked at Du Qing and seemed to speak very casually.

"Where is the Dong Lin Sect?"

"Dong Lin Sect?" Du Qing's expression suddenly froze. After pondering a bit, he began to speak.

"The Dong Lin Sect is one of the nine sects and thirteen factions. It is in the northern part of the Eastern Continent in the Great Sage Continent. Rumor has it that this sect is very mysterious and few disciples ever come out."

Wang Lin asked a few more questions and then revealed a tired look. Du Qing was as cunning as a devil, so how could he not realize Wang Lin's intent? He quickly got up to leave, and before he left, he left an oath.

"Fellow Cultivator, rest assured. This old man will launch the entire sect to find the earth fire vein. If it can be extracted, I'll let the disciples bring them back to Fellow Cultivator."

After Du Qing left, he immediately issued several decrees as he promised Wang Lin. The three elders each led a group of Blue Dragon Sect disciples out in three different directions.

There was also the elder that had been turned to wood and sealed as a punishment. Du Qing released him and gave him the chance to pay for his sins. He was sent off to search for a child vein.

Wang Lin sat by himself inside the rather luxurious cave, and the light from the night pearls shined on him. It looked like he was surrounded by fog and looked unreal.

He was still pondering and Du Qing's words were echoing in his mind.

"I need to form a true essence body for my thunder essence as well… I can't put all my hopes into the Dong Lin pool… After all, there may be some exaggeration in Su Dao's memories…

"If I want to form my thunder essence true body, I will need a large amount of thunder… Since the Immortal Astral Continent has earth fire essence, there must be thunder essence…

"However, right now the priority is to form my fire essence true body… I might have to personally take a trip to the Great Soul Sect…" Wang Lin frowned. To him, the Great Soul Sect was a behemoth that was difficult to shake.

"Du Qing said that the Great Soul Sect's old ancestor's cultivation is unfathomable and that he has also formed an essence true body…" Wang Lin rubbed his temples and sighed.

"My cultivation level is not high enough… However, it's not like I don't have any methods…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he thought of the Gui Yi Sect. After all, that old man named Ma knew of his connection with Xuan Luo.

Soon, Wang Lin gave up the idea of searching for the Gui Yi Sect for help. There were too many unknown factors, and he didn't like using another's name to make others do things.

"I must rely on myself. Although it is difficult, if I can use Spatial Bending on the Immortal Astral Continent, then it shouldn't be impossible…" Wang Lin closed his eyes and no longer thought about his essence true body. He slowly began to look for ways to integrate with the world.

This spell was very important for Wang Lin's actions in the future. Once he re-obtained it, his chances would increase.

As his divine sense scattered, it slowly spread out from the cave and shrouded the world, but no matter how much Wang Lin tried, he couldn't fuse with the world.

At most, he could integrate a sliver. This sliver wasn't enough for him to move far away; it could only teleport a short distance. This was not what Wang Lin wanted.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier preventing him from entering. This was the law of the Immortal Astral Continent and a pressure. With this pressure, a person's divine sense would find it difficult to squeeze in.

This was not like the cave world, where there was no invisible barrier or pressure. Any cultivator who had comprehended Spatial Bending can fuse with the world to move.

But thanks to this pressure, he couldn't fuse with the world and use Spatial Bending.

Wang Lin vaguely understood this pressure was not just affecting against him, but it was like this across the entire Immortal Astral Continent. That's why even with Du Qing's cultivation level, he couldn't do it.

"Perhaps only after my cultivation has reached a certain level can I force my way in and move like that…" A few days later, Wang Lin had tried many times but was still not successful.

But he didn't give up. Wang Lin's personality had always been like this. The more difficult it was, the more determined he became. His divine sense kept changing inside the Blue Dragon Sect as he attempted to squeeze in.

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, one month went by.

Wang Lin was in closed door cultivator during this whole month, but the movement of his divine sense made it so the disciples of the Blue Dragon Sect didn't dare to get close to the back mountain.

Du Qing was still in the Blue Dragon Sect. When Wang Lin spread out his divine sense for the first time, Du Qing was aware of it. However, he couldn't figure out what Wang Lin wanted to do.

After several days of observation, he suddenly understood Wang Lin's intent.

"He is trying to fuse his divine sense with the world and then move by fusing with the world… This is simply impossible… Teleportation can be done, but this method is obviously used to travel far further than teleportation. Only those old monsters at the peak of Void Tribulant who understand a lot about the law of the Immortal Astral Continent and have the strength to resist the pressure can do it." Du Qing shook his head and slowly stopped observing Wang Lin's actions.

After one month of time, the disciples of the Blue Dragon Sect hadn't managed to find an earth fire vein outside the scope of Wang Lin's divine sense. Not even the four elders could do this.

They were still widening their search.

Wang Lin had forgotten the passage of time. He continued to try to fuse his divine sense with the world. He didn't seem to ever become tired as he continued to try. If he failed once, he would try twice; if he failed twice, he would try ten times!

Another three months passed, Wang Lin couldn't even remember how many times he had tried, but the result was still the same.

After four months of time, some disciples of the Blue Dragon Sect had found some fire veins that hadn't withered, but even more disciples were still searching.

Wang Lin still kept trying. He had to continue figuring out Spatial Bending; otherwise, the rest of his plans would be difficult to complete.

Du Qing had become used to Wang Lin's divine sense surrounding the Blue Dragon Sect. He looked at Wang Lin trying countless times, unwilling to give up, and felt disdain in his heart.

However, he would never show it, but the disdain in his heart was becoming stronger and stronger.

"This is simply impossible. This person is too stubborn; this is just a waste of time. If fusing with the world is so simple, then anyone could do it…

"His cultivation level is clearly not high enough, but he keeps trying. I don't know how he caught the eye of a Grand Empyrean… Foolish." Du Qing shook his head.

In a flash, three more months passed!

Wang Lin had spent seven months in closed door cultivator studying this spell. He was sitting there with his eyes bloodshot, and there was irritation in his divine sense.

Du Qing saw this and sneered.

"I don't know if I should tell him that he is overestimating himself. Although he has caught the attention of a Grand Empyrean, has many treasures, and his beast is extraordinary, his current actions are him overestimating himself!

"I want to see how long he plans to try. When he still fails in the end, what kind of expression will he make…" There was a hint of contempt in Du Qing's eyes, but there was also jealousy.

"How come I, Du Qing, was not accepted by a Grand Empyrean… Do Grand Empyreans all like fools like this?" Du Qing was unconvinced.

During the past seven months, Wang Lin's seemingly stupid actions slowly changed Du Qing's mind. He felt like Wang Lin's mind had some problems.

Inside the cave, the blood lines in Wang Lin's eyes became even more numerous. After seven seven months of time of spreading out his divine sense, even he found it almost unbearable, but he didn't give up. Although he was still trying to fuse with the world, he was forcing himself now!

To be more precise, he was using this method to stir his avatar that was growing inside the stone shell in the void!

After trying it for several days, Wang Lin understood that with his cultivation level, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake off this pressure from the world.

However, he still had a last resort, which was the avatar growing in the void! This avatar was born within the law of the Immortal Astral Continent and could even be said to be part of the law. So whether his divine sense could integrate with the world depended on the avatar.

However, Wang Lin could feel that his avatar was asleep and couldn't be awakened without some special method. That's why, during these seven months, Wang Lin had continued to spread out his divine sense until he became tired and his origin soul even showed signs of withering.

On the last day of the seventh month, Wang Lin's origin soul showed signs of withering due to not having a chance to recover for seven months. Just at this moment, his eyes released a bright light.

Somewhere in the void between the cave world and the Immortal Astral Continent, there was a huge, stone shell floating there. Inside sat Wang Lin's sleeping avatar, and at this moment, the avatar suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment the avatar opened his eyes, Du Qing was waiting with disdain to see Wang Lin making a fool of himself when his expression suddenly changed. He revealed the horror he had shown seven months ago!

He suddenly stood up and was completely dumbfounded. What he saw made him forget how to breathe.

"This… This is impossible!!"