
Infancy and Early Childhood

It has been a weak since I had successfully time leaped to the moment of my rebirth and I have to say, I'm loving every moment of it! It just feels so nostalgic and warm to look at each and every corner of my home once again! Granted most of my time is being spent in my sleep but to once again witness my father practicing with his sword, Lilia earnestly tending to her duties as a maid and my mother's now intelligible expressions brings me no small amount of joy! But what gave me the most happiness was my mother Zenith's loving gazes at me as she cooed and played with me… When compared to her broken form after I had 'saved' her from that dungeon, her smiling face now was just too full of life and precious and there were times I couldn't keep myself from tearing up when she was showering me with her love and affection.

Ah, there's also the benefits that come with being a baby! I could once again suck on my mother's incredible breasts! Yes I am a degenerate sue me! And from what I gathered, even more so as I now discover that I have a serious mommy fetish! Could you believe it? Even when I was first reborn to this world, I didn't feel anything towards her, I just appreciated her wonderful breasts and my breastfeeding time with her and that was about it. But now that I was looking at her as my mother, I could feel something stirring in me… Something primal. Have I really fallen that much after loosing my family that I was even excited by the thought of incest? A line I had never thought of crossing!

Now that I think of it, have I not frequented brothels and tasted pretty much every kind of pussy there was short of the sea and the heavenly races? Not to mention all the noble women and female adventurers I had seduced and bedded? Fun times! The sheer amount of experience I have accumulated as a lover might have skewed my preferences more than I thought! I mean I still liked lolis and big breasts that's a given, but now I had also gained a certain appreciation for the forbidden fruit so to speak. And that brings me to my current conundrum. How should I proceed? Hmm… I guess a little naughty fun time with mommy from time to time should be healthy Hihihi!

Anyways, I had made good use of these days in order to increase my mana capacity to even greater lengths than my previous one! On the day I was born, after I was fed I had attempted a weak chantless water ball spell which nearly took away all of my mana, leaving me extremely exhausted. On the second day I could just barely cast a single normal powered water ball, third day it was three water balls, fourth day six water balls, on the fifth it was twenty which baffled me as I remember the increase should have been a constant x2 instead of the variable increases I was getting, but didn't let that bother me as I was steadily getting stronger regardless.

One major thing that was different from my previous loop was that I now acted like a real baby. Not just so that Lilia my dear maid wouldn't have to be creeped out this time, but also for Paul and Zenith to learn early on how to be responsible parents as I wanted them ready for when my sisters will eventually be born. So I cried when mommy Zenith was away and I needed feeding, I cried when Lilia didn't play with me when I 'needed' attention, I cried when my father Paul did something stupid and hurt me because of his inexperience. I cried in the middle of the night for a rude wake up call for my parents to get used to as I remembered my sisters had tended to do so quite frequently.

Any flaw I saw in parenting was met with my fierce cries. And any good act was met with my joyful laughter! And before I knew it a month had already passed and Paul and Zenith had really gotten into the role of responsible parents much to my surprise as I didn't expect for them to get used to it that fast, especially Paul! Though some of their load was lightened thanks to Lilia, they still had to revise their sleeping habits in order to share the burden of parenting.

Another half a year went by, and I could now sit up straight and crawl around the house. Though I could now speak quite well, I only used mommy and daddy and lili to interact with them. Though I knew they will eventually notice that their son is a prodigy, I wanted them to have the experience of normal parents as much as possible for the benefit of my sisters, but after seeing their earnestness in raising me to the point of exhaustion, I toned down on my 'training' and instead focused on spending quality time with them. I also had to lay the grounds of how I shall learn to speak and read so I may not seem too weird or suspicious, so I encouraged them to tell me or read me stories which they lovingly did.

My mana capacity had finally reached to the point that I could not effectively exhaust my mana reserves with conventional magic without being noticed, so I had switched to gravity magic instead, one of the most mana taxing magic that exists. After creating a small stone with magic, I maintain it afloat and spin it in high speeds using gravity from all sides which was incredibly taxing not only on my mana, but on my mind as well for I was not yet ready for intensive concentration, but nevertheless it helped with depleting my mana reserves so I kept at it.

My daily physical exercises comprised of flexing my baby body and using my extremities as much as possible in order to get my motor functions back as soon as possible as I was not overjoyed with the limitations of my current body and seeked to rectify it as soon as possible. Having agency in fulfilling your basic needs is vital.

So the days turned to months, and before I knew it, I was three years old and I have to say, I loved being small again! I loved the attention I got from my mother as this time we were a lot more closer to each other than in my previous loop. We talked about a lot of things, mostly me listening as my mother talks about her adventuring days and happy memories about her time with her estranged family.

In the previous loop I didn't even bother, but getting to know Zenith had made me respect her even more. Truly, I would have never thought how complex my mother actually was, for example I didn't know that she had been a rebellious neet just like me for a while in her youth back at Millis! Spending most of her time in the library, reading romance novels, dreaming and waiting for her prince charming to come and save her from her boring life… Considering how responsible and hardworking she now is, I am shocked and awed! This made me love her all the more as now I can relate to her on a deeply personal level.

We also had our quality time with our book reading sessions where she would open up a book with me against her bossom as she would read to me enthusiastically, even the boring academic ones on my insistence and I have to say it was really fun! I mean, how could you even make a topic like geographical differences between farmlands and grasslands so fun?! I don't know how she does it, but I appreciate her for it as my main motivation in making her read me such a boring book is to lay the grounds to my complex form of speech which I had planned to adopt soon. I had also wanted Zenith to understand that it was thanks to her investment in me that I was able to speak so fluently which will be beneficial for my sisters as I'm sure Zenith will try to emulate what she did with me for my sisters as well.

Soon the 'book reading' sessions gradually turned into 'teaching how to read' sessions! Zenith was ecstatic to teach me when she saw how eager I was to learn how to read so she made time for me even at the expense of her clinic hours every day to teach me how to read and even write.

Due to being much closer with each other this time around, she even took me to her clinic to show me around, as well as show off how amazing she was and that magic was awesome!

Mommy~ You're going behind father's back again to secretly make your son a mage~ Isn't that against the teachings of Millis?~ Don't worry I shall convert you to the one true faith Roxyism in no time~

It was funny so I humored her, complimenting on her skills and repeatedly gushing about magic and how amazing it was which made her the happiest I had ever seen. One time when I complimented her about how beautiful she looked when she used magic, I was rewarded with a tight hug which almost choked me! But I wouldn't have minded even if I'd died to those breasts! Hihi!

Speaking about my mom's breasts, unfortunately in this world children were weaned when they reached their first year in life. But thanks to my enthusiasm I was able to prolong it for half a year more before my mother sternly denied me those tits which I definitely couldn't accept. So I concocted a plan and it worked! I had somehow managed to convince her that her milk had miraculous effects on me such as making me a lot healthier despite my 'fragile' health. I hadn't straight out suggested such a thing of course as that would be suspicious, instead I had made her believe that after I was denied access to her milk, I become sick and only her milk could keep me healthy!

I wasn't about to give up on such delicious tits so thanks to my deep knowledge in the magical arts, it wasn't that hard for me to appear sickly a few days after I was denied her milk! She panicked after her spells of healing and detox didn't work out, but I was able to surreptitiously plant the idea that milk would save me! Of course as bright as she was, I was her ultimate weakness so it didn't take long for her to get back to feeding me her milk. At first she refused to breastfeed me directly and just fed me her milk with a cup, but after my incessant insistence she had eventually caved in, giving me back my birth right! And so our breastfeeding sessions continued where it had been left off. But this time we had kept it a secret from the others thanks to my insistence. I had brought up the case that it would be devastating for me if Lilia and father were to know I was still dependent on my mother even though I was a big boy as Paul would put it. She had begrudgingly agreed, though I suspect it was mostly thanks to my cute looks. She just couldn't say no to me!

And that brings us to the present, right now I'm in the bathroom naked along with my mother Zenith. She was scrubbing my body as I was sitting on her lap facing her, all the while sucking on her breast. I have to say that at this point, I might be addicted to the taste of her milk. Her milk had a fruity sweet taste, with a unique fatty flavor that I had come to associate with her fat breasts! Knowing how I liked her milk, Zenith opted to use it regularly in cooking just for me as well which I appreciated, but getting it directly from the source was the best in my opinion.

"Moo Rudy~ When are you going to stop being such a momma's boy? You already ate my pudding, so you shouldn't need any more of my milk today~"

Ah yes, I may have also given the idea of how to make pudding to my mother, and on my request, just for me she makes her pudding with her own milk, it gave me a certain type of satisfaction on an instinctual level. When she'd shared the ones she had made with ordinary milk with the other housewives, her popularity skyrocketed as everyone wanted to learn how to make it and Zenith was kind enough to share the recipe which was cheap enough for an ordinary family to cook. With my insistence in the naming, 'Zenith Pudding' had become a thing now in the Fittoa Region and soon, other places as well. And soon, I shall taste the real deal.

Zenith Greyrat POV

She tried to sound chiding but her voice gave away her appreciation to her son's love for skinship. Her son just shrugged and went back to sucking on her breast. She certainly felt loved and considered herself very lucky to have such a loving husband and son. In her talks with the neighboring wives, she was surprised to learn that none of their sons and daughters were apparently as intimate with them as her Rudy was with her which made her all the more happy but also slightly worried as well. She had asked her maid Lilia about this and was given the answer that little boys were more into their mothers at that age, some even going as far as declaring love for their mothers though it was a phase and it would soon go away, to which she was relieved to hear as she wanted to be the best mother she could be for her little baby to grow up to be a healthy young man who was strong and independent. So if spoiling Rudy was healthy for a boy his age as her maid had stated, she would continue to do so for now as she enjoyed her time with her little boy. Little did Lilia know that her seemingly innocent advice to her madam that day would have larger consequences.

It all began during another one of their bathing session as Rudy liked to call it. Rudeus was acting a little embarrassed today and even avoided her touch when she was about to pull him to her lap. She was a little hurt by it as Rudy never walked away from her before,

"Rudy, what's wrong? Did mommy do anything to hurt you?" Her voice came out more worried than she had intended to

Rudeus was avoiding eye contact with her while his body facing away from her. He mumbled something, but when she asked for him to repeat again, he suddenly faced her, his hands uncovering his groin as he spoke in a high pitched panicked voice, "Mommy my pipi is acting weird!"

She was stunned for a moment, but then, 'Kyaaaa! My little Rudy is growing so fast!' she thought as she looked at her son with pride as he now sported a hard on the size of her pinky finger, and considering his age he certainly took up after his father and most probably was to be as virile as he was when he grew up!

She always knew her son was special, he had learnt how to read and write only after a month of her tutoring and he even helped Lilia with the house chores earnestly which she knew won the heart of said maid. He even learnt some of the basic sword techniques just by watching his father practice! Can you believe it? Simply put, her dear son was amazing and she was proud to be his mother!

As he was looking increasingly worried due to her silence, she quickly shook her head, gathering her thoughts as she tried to comfort him, "It's not weird at all, Rudy! In fact it's great! It means you're growing up! It is what happens when little boys become big boys~ After a little while it will become normal again~" she cooed as she knelt down to his eye level, giving him a reassuring smile.

This seemed to calm her boy down as Rudeus breathed a sigh of relief, "then I'm a big boy now then, am I right mommy?" he asked with pride to which Zenith giggled, before answering "Yes you are my big boy~"

This seemed like the right answer as said big boy ran up and threw himself in his mother's bossom which Zenith reciprocated with a tight hug. After washing and scrubbing each other clean, Zenith was not ready for what came next, "Mommy, it's still big! Why isn't it going back to normal like you said it would?"

Zenith didn't know what to do… As she wasn't experienced with taking care of little children not to mention little boys, she could only stiffly answer with, "you can stroke it to calm it down my dear"

After hesitating for a moment, determination burned in her boy's eyes as he surprised her once more, "Mommy can you help me? I don't understand how to do it… It's so embarrassing I can't go anywhere with this!" Her son said in a distressed tone which broke her heart.

She remembered her husband telling her that he used to masturbate a lot even when he was really young, maybe Rudeus too was like his father in that aspect, so it was better if Paul had a talk with her son, "Rudy you stay here I'm going to call daddy so he will tell you everything you need to know"

Just as she was about to leave the bathroom, Rudeus clang to her leg and begged, "Mommy please don't tell father! It"s embarrassing!"

"But Rudy your father c-"

"No! I can never speak about these things with father! Mommy you are the one I trust the most!" She was flattered to say the least, no mother would not be happy to hear such words coming from their children's mouth. But she felt conflicted, even if it was her son, for a Millis follower like her to teach something like that to her son, she wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

Seeing her hesitation, he added, sounding hurt, "Wait… Mommy are you disgusted with me? Is that it? You don't love me?" he said, as he began crying!

She panicked as she quickly tried to salvage the situation, "Of course not my dear~ I'm only asking to get your father because he knows these things more than me~" she cooed in her son's ear as she hugged him tightly, not noticing the mischievous expression on his face.

"Then if you are not disgusted with me, you will have no problem touching it right?" He presented his erect member to her. She had no choice but to touch it as she didn't want Rudy to misunderstand that she was in any way disgusted with him, so she hesitantly touched his penis eliciting a sensual moan from her son which she didn't quite expect from a three years old.

As she was inspecting her son's penis, she began to feel her son instinctively humping in her hand, which shocked her as she was about to teach him how to do it by himself, looks like she didn't even need to apparently… Her son's eyes were closed and he was moaning with delight as he continued humping away at her hand. At some point she absentmindedly began stroking him which elicited an appreciative moan from her son. Not that she was aroused, but she was fascinated that her little boy had instinctively figured out how to mate. She had read about it before back in her family library, how animals and to some extent humans know how to have sex instinctively from birth and it had always fascinated her… How could they know something they have never seen or known before? Could Rudy have read it in a book? She herself had read about it back at Millis that's how she first came to know what sex was but there was no book on sex in their current home she was sure of it. For a moment she thought if her son had somehow witnessed her nightly activities with her husband, but quickly shook that idea away as they had made sure to keep the door closed by the time Rudeus learnt how to crawl. If Paul was the one who taught him these things, then Rudy wouldn't have been this embarrassed of letting his father help him.

Though many wouldn't believe it, before marrying Paul she was a little bit of a bookworm herself and was curious about many things, liked to experiment with her healing magic and was generally known for her curious nature. But soon she had to conform to the teachings of nobility with the insistence of her mother. But after a while, being the perfect little lady her mother wanted her to be was just too constricting for her nature so she had to ran away.

After running away from home and becoming an adventurer, even after settling down and becoming a mother she still maintained her curiosity. So now seeing her son who was enthusiastically exploring his own sexuality made her curious. She wanted to see more so she increased her stroking and was quickly rewarded with his son's first orgasm, as he quivered with delight, thrusting away his hips. Though nothing came out from his tip, his small penis was twitching and pulsing which tickled her hand, eliciting a giggle from her.

After calming down, Rudy hugged her as he said, "Thanks mummy! From now on when I become a big boy I will go to mommy so she will calm my pipi!" He placed a kiss on her cheek and happily left the bathroom, leaving behind a very conflicted mother before she even had a chance to retort back.

Rudeus POV

Hihihi! All according to plan! Soon it wouldn't be long before I can tap that ass! Though I have no intention of getting in between her and my father as I cared about them too much for that, but eventually Lilia also will be joining the family. Mother would have the right after that to have some of her own fun with others and what better way than me as the option? I mean, I'm just helping my father to keep it in the family! Man I can almost taste the forbidden… It's hot!

After that, every time we bathed, I would suck on her bountiful tits while she would be giving me a handjob just like in those hentai! Even outside of the bathroom, I would ask my mother for a handjob any time of the day while father and Lilia were away and she would humor me. Though at the start she hesitated a lot, lately she didn't mind that much, even complimenting me for lasting longer than previously.

She had perfected the art of giving handjobs so much so that even with my increased stamina and endurance I couldn't last more than a minute! So in order to last longer, I had proposed she used her feet instead of her hands and I must say, that day when I had my first footjob by mother something awoke in me. The way her pussy lips constricted and moved along with the movement of her legs, I didn't even last half a minute! Yet I kept asking for it time and again as watching her move her exquisite thighs the way she did, the way her beautiful white feet moved along my member… Let's just say that for the first time in my life I have sympathized with those degenerates who demanded to be stepped on…

All through this unfortunately I could see that she wasn't at all aroused by our 'little adventures' as she probably sees this as nothing more than spoiling her little baby, but as I grow up I hope to change that! It wouldn't be easy as her religion would be in the way, but as long as I could convince her that a little mother-son time is all just innocent fun and doesn't constitute as sin, things should work out okay! Hopefully!

As for my magical training, all I can say is that I love the Laplace Factor! I now had the mana capacity I had when I was seven years old so I can now maintain a low powered gravity spell all day! So I had switched to instead training my Almighty Push which had become my favorite spell after Ran Ma, the dispelling magic. Almighty Push works just like in that anime where the antagonist could freely choose a focal point to create a repulsive force almost functioning like a barrier. The perfect defense for me who has no Touki! It was thanks to this gravity magic that I was able to thwart many of my enemies and be unaffected by the fire breath of the True Dragon! And the best thing about it was that due to it's high cost of mana, as well as it's high complexity which had costed even me who knew the basics of how gravity works many years to perfect and master, it was nigh impossible for any other to copy! So I can use it without the fear of it being used against me! At my peak I could only use a normal charged one about a hundred times at most, but in this life I hope to make it up to at least five hundred! I estimate Sylphy could have used it up to only fifteen times in the previous loop if she ever learnt how to use it, but in this lifetime I hope to increase her to more than fifty!

If only Sylphy too could learn with me but unfortunately, though she was intelligent and extremely gifted, she was not a reincarnated individual like I was so teaching her magic this early could bring about unintended accidents as I'm not even sure she could understand me enough to comprehend the intricacies of magic yet. Though maybe I should push for an early meeting with my dear elf regardless as I had missed her and wanted to make it up to her as much as I could after what I had done to her... It was also getting closer to the time when I exposed myself to my family that I could use magic, so I better get on with that as I missed my Goddess!

A few days later, there was a tremor along with a large sound of an explosion and the next thing all the residents of the house flocked towards the room it originated from. Things played out in a rather similar fashion as my parents agreed to hire a magic tutor for me while dividing my training hours just as it had been in the first loop. Now the reason I had seen it fit to repeat history so to speak was to get rid of any potential obstruction for Roxy becoming my teacher in this life. I still remembered my parents' urgency in hiring a magic tutor as they had been rightfully afraid after seeing my magic display that I would hurt myself if I was not trained properly.

If I had just broached the subject with them that I could use magic instead of such a display, they might have procrastinated on the decision which was definitely not welcome for me as I had a compelling suspicion that Hitogami was obsessed about keeping Roxy away from me to prevent our child from ever being born. So I didn't want to give him any chances to do just that. I could still remember that damn so-called God gloating about it like yesterday…

Thanks to the Ritual to keep my mind safe from the Divine, I had gained the ability to hide my real thoughts from Hitogami, but that doesn't change the fact that the damned divine being could sense the future so he must have made his moves which either hasn't manifested yet, at least not here in Buena village, or his moves were thwarted by Orsted.

My biggest advantage was that, if my intensive research about time travel and clairvoyance was to be believed, Hitogami only came to predict the future changes I shall be doing in this world AFTER I time looped and not before! So he can not muster too many peaces against me just yet!

And I have good reason to believe that Orsted will keep an eye on me and protect me as I am sure in the previous loop he must have already figured out my feud against Hitogami before his possible death as I was killing apostles left and right and wasn't actually being discreet about it. I am sure he will try to recruit me when the time comes as I could be a strong piece for him considering his probable need to save up his mana due to it's slow regeneration caused by his time loop ritual. Though I would definitely like to join him if he comes with a reasonable offer, it doesn't mean I wouldn't be nervous as fuck about meeting him again… I mean the guy just casually defeated our party of three, absolutely destroying me in the process only to then casually heal me from near death… He must have used a King or Emperor class healing spell back then! Even I can only use Saint class healing! Though I could use my handy God class detox magic which is of a higher rank than even Emperor, it doesn't have the versatility the Healing Magic does. But regardless it did it's job back in the day of protecting me from any vernal diseases that I may have contracted from my carnal activities… You know, instead of saving my wife?

But regardless I should always keep in mind the possibility of things going sore. The conclusion of our potential fight would be dependent entirely on when he decides to confront me. If we met when I was younger than thirteen, than I would definitely loose. I'm sure at my sixteen, I would most probably tie with him though it would depend on how much he was willing to waste away his mana. Even if I beat him, killing him is about the worst thing I could ever do as it would be the start of the end of this loop! Even if I succeeded in killing him in this time loop, what is stopping Orsted from killing me as a baby in the next loop? Haha, no matter how I think about it, making Orsted my enemy guarantees my damnation in every shape or form! But it is counterproductive to wallow in despair at this point. I have to be ready for when he shows himself, to at least show him I could be a more valuable ally which would increase my odds. And also, I had to be careful to not to give him a hint that I was a time looper as well. Though from Nanahoshi's impressions of the Dragon God, I don't think I would have to worry about the worst case scenario happening.

Also if Orsted acts the way I expect him to, he shouldn't have changed things that much since the new loop began. It is only common sense that a time loop is only as useful as it's ability to predict, and Orsted shouldn't risk damaging it any time soon. Though there is always the possibility that he would just say fuck it I'm going to just sit back and relax in this loop, or he might just blow shit up to vent some stress which I wouldn't fault the damn guy as I'm sure he must have been in the loop for some time now… I wouldn't even want to think about what would happen to us if either of the latter two options were true as I could not fight against a divine being all by myself! He is omnipresent and has the ability to see the future for goodness sake! And if my research about him is correct, he also has the power to gain the trust of any of the residents of this world which he might use to turn them against me! If that isn't overpowered, I do not know what is!

Though I shouldn't have to worry too much about things I couldn't change, but what I need to worry about is that in my obsession to turn back time, I had neglected to think about potential countermeasures against the worst case scenarios for when it succeeds and I feel embarrassed that I am only now starting to take into account such possibilites… Maybe it was my regressed and immature brain's fault… I mean I was only focusing on increasing my mana capacity, as well as enjoying spending time with family… And also wooing my mother… I think it is high time I should build some basic defensive ruins to protect the village, starting with my home…

And with that, come midnight and when everyone was asleep, I silently snuck outside and used earth magic to dig myself deeper into foundations of our house, making space for a large magic circle while strengthening certain parts to keep the integrity of the foundations. The formation I was using had three properties. The first was sensing enemy intent and notifying me no matter how far away I was as it was bound to my soul, the second one only activated when the first was active, teleporting me to my own room to deal with said threat depending on the danger of the threat though I had to keep a runic formation on my person at all times for it to function. The third one was the last resort, if my mana signature was not detected even after the second one kicked in, it would teleport the residents of our home to a random location in a five mile radius as it would mean I was either dead or in a place that interfered with my summoning.

In the future, I hope to create a hidden teleportation circle in a room for my family that is connected to various other locations which will be the main way to keep them safe but until then this much rudimentary work should suffice.

I didn't want to add any direct attack or defensive formations as those can be traced easily. Also they wouldn't do much against a King or upper ranked sword practitioner which I'm sure Hitogami has a few of as apostles. But such formations had their uses so in the coming days I plan to fill the forest surrounding the village with enough attack formations to thin out the herd so to speak if the monster population goes up a certain level. This will also have the added benefit of lightening my father's workload which I am sure he would rather spend training his swordsmanship… Or plowing my mother.

After I was done with our home's formations, it was already the breaking of dawn so I quickly went back to bed, my last thoughts before sleep overtook me was of a certain blue haired girl and her undergarments.

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