
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now. Imma stop working in this. I'll be writing on the main book and the storyline won't be as shitty as this one.

Unproffessional · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs


I stood before the darkness that enveloped the woman once more. Tingles were going down my spine once again. The very woman that brought me into the world I've grown attatched to.

"Well...Is this it then? You did warn me that if I died once more to her then, I wouldn't be able to come back. Will I be reborn back onto my old world?" I asked, her head was down as she kept quiet, sitting on her throne. She then slowly got up.

She placed a cold hand on my shoulder. "Don't be silly. I was only kidding. I'll let you go back. Just don't die to her again. This is your last chance."

I gasped and turned around to face her. "Why? Why do you continuously toy with me? What am I to you? Am I some joke? Why can't I just be free!?" She stayed quiet and spoke up after a few minutes.

"I'm giving you a purpose." She said seriously.

"Huh?" Now I was even more confused.

"Just forget about it. Alright?" She said with a slight smile.

And with that, I was back. I was back in the classroom. The students were already gone and heading home. Quickly I got my things and walked out into the school grounds. The students have just watched the movie. If I wanted hope, I had to find Lunar. It was then I spotted the black and red colour scheme she usually has and approached then to find out it Tsugaki. He turned around to face the approaching steps.

"Hah? Oh. Sensei. Its just you." He said in a tired tone.

"Tsugaki. Have you-" I then paused. Flashbacks returning to my unfortunate slaughter. He was the one standing above my corpse. Now I stand before him once more, his scarf swiftly swaying in the wind.

"Sensei? Are you alright? You seem blue." He said to me with a look of concern. I then gripped his shoulders.

"Is there..." I gulped. "Is there something I should know about Lunar?" He then gasped and scratched the back of his neck. "I see..." He said slowly.

The bright orange sun continued to shine onto us on the school grounds. "We have been childhood friends for a long time you see. She's always been a great friend to me. And if something were to happen to her..." He clenched his fist with the metallic cover as I gulped.

He then slowly sighed. "I'm sure you don't understand. However..." He then points to the forest. "We live in there, to be more precise, the fallen pillar. It's in the east side. You can't miss it. Pay us a visit sometime. Maybe I could make you something to eat or drink." He then waved goodbye to me. "I'll see you later."

Strange, he didn't mention anything about Kurohana. Was Kurohana an alter ego? Or a secondary soul that lived in Lunar? It was difficult to find out. I knew that Kurohana was going to attack since that's what the events that followed along with the concert were. It was a bright full moon. The night she attacked me and Shirakama, it was also a full moon. Yet, she attacked me in the forest in the middle of the day.

I had to skip out on the concert this time. I walked over to the same area Shirakama attacked. It was a relief knowing Takashi and Kenji were alive once more. However, I haven't met Rinen yet. That was something I needed to do. Yet, I had to go fend off Kurohana too. I had no idea what to do. I was stumped. Boro then peeked his head out of his pocket. I was walking back home to Omocha's shop. "Oi Wanderer! What's with all the sweating? Its so damn damp in here!" He was being a grunt once more. Guess it was expected.

"S-Sorry Boro. I'll try to cool down a bit." He then went back in and fell asleep once more. I really should've asked Omocha for a nicer looking toy. This one was definitely too feisty.

I headed back to Omocha's place on my walk. I've noticed many students would use the train to get to and from school. Probably because of the lurking Runesukaji in the sand.

"Wanderer-Kun! You're back!" She yelped as she wrapped her arms around me.

Its been a while since I've felt this. She wasn't usually this enthusiastic. I know I should he used to this by now but, from what I've been through. This hug feels nicer than usual.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." I said in a gentle voice. "Please be a little softer though." I said laughing nervously.


The quiet girl, sat at the middle of the room. The kids around muttered at her strangeness. Times were tough for her. She couldn't focus with the endless amounts of tormental papers thrown at her.

"Alright everyone that's enough." The teacher spoke out as the students all stopped giggling and sat in their seats quietly. The girl stayed quiet, a single tear running down her face. She coudn't bear it anymore. Being near them drove her mad.

She sat quietly in her seat, gathering herself as much as she could. The sun was shining quite brightly through the window. It was shining on her. She couldn't think about anything else except the boy from the orphanage in the forest. He was so kind, he managed to make her smile which never usually happened. She was always eager to leave school and talk to him over and over for hours.

By the time the bell rang she was pushed around in hallways like a pinball trying to get out as fast as possible. People kept shoving and pushing talking about other things as she kept trying to leave. Her face hidden away from everyone else, her black hair tied neatly in a bun. Her eyes bright emerald green.

The forest was quite damp since it had rained recently. She carried her notebook with all her drawings eager to show the boy like she always did. When she arrived, she heard the sound of the other kids playing and laughing. However, she wasn't interested in them, she was only interested in this one boy. His name was Tsugaki.

"Hey, you're back, Lunar." He said with a kind smile.


As I began to walk through the crowd which were going the opposite direction of me, towards the concert, I thought about what Void said. a purpose? What kind of purpose had me dying over and over constantly? She must be mad.

When I arrived at Shirakama's bar to pick up the drinks for Boro, I went in and saw that it was quite empty. Seems like everyone else really did seem to be interested in the performance. I can't really blame them. Onarumi did really well for her performance.

"Ahh Wanderer. Here for a drink? Or just here to get some more cans for your little friend over there." Shirakama joked.

"Quit being annoying." Boro said in a tired and blank voice. "I'm sick of being ripped on for being little. Do you really have to mention it around me all the time?" He said, turning his neck to Shirakama.

"E-Eh...Gomen, Gomen." He said a bit nervously with his hands out. I could see the two joking and it made me smile. I know damn well Boro would lose to Shirakama yet he still acts like this to cheer Boro up.

"Anyway, that'll be 13,000 Yen" He said abruptly to me with a straight face.

"Aw what." I groaned.

"Chop Chop boy! I don't have all day!" Boro called out. "Tsk. We're still on equals. You formed a link with me so stay quiet." Boro was one of the only people besides Kazeka who knew I had Hyper. He may seem annoying but he's also quite trustworthy. This was going to be a bad night however. I knew, Kurohana was going to attack the city soon. I could already hear Onarumi's song from back here which must mean Kurohana's planning to attack soon. SInce I was already at Shirakama's bar, I should ask him to help me take her down. After all, he is practically on par with her.

"Alright Shirakama. I have one favor to ask of you."

Fun Fact!

Zakayuki works at a ramen shop but hides it from everyone to avoid being embarrassed.

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