
Razar et Herdis: The Chronicles Of The Dead

“In the deep and dark forest of Athens a grave is laid there for Ignitia the only survivor of the Athenian and Mal-dohian war centuries back, she was a maid of the great witch, Queen Karen who was amongst the authors of the chronicles of the dead, she alone knows exactly where the Arenian diary consisting of the chronicles of the dead is. Awaken her and request her guide only her can help you” The commander of the Olcian army, Razar and the second general, Herdis ( Princess Azrath's fiancee ). Go on a search to find THE CHRONICLES OF THE DEAD, to save the King's daughter from death. Facing supernatural wars and battles to get the correct antidote to bring the princess back to life. Read to find out what happens when the 90 day dead line is almost crossed and within those days many secrets of the royal family and everyone's loved Razar is exposed. Pls vote I promise a great novel.

AnnaKhris · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Like a Father


Urien is seated on a side chair by the window, sipping the famous dried rice liquor from his wooden mug, when Herdis walked in.

Ever since the decision was made to go in search if the chronicles of the dead the king made sure that no one involved in the issue had lived outside the palace, for reasons best known to him.

Urien's room was wine designed, the walls were made of brownish gold bricks, giving the vibes of the old and fashionable 16th century Elizabethan castles, hi wall was designed in fine wine coloured robes with golden inscriptions and his queen sized bed was covered with black and wine coloured sheets.

Completely oblivious to how enchanting the room was, Herdis walked to his dad with his hands in the pockets of his royal blue French coat with white braidings, which was worn over stale black pants and black leather boots. Herdis stood staring at his father with a glare full of hate and disgust, for some minutes until Urien broke the awkward silence.

"Aren't you going to say anything or will you keep staring, seriously if eyes could kill then I would probably be dead right now", Urien chuckled loudly at his joke without sparing Herdis a glance.

"Enough if your jokes, Urien, you don't have to act all sweet with me okay, speak up, why did you send Ximeya to get me", Herdis questions with a not so polite tone.

"So you met her, I mean that girl, Ximeya, well judging from the look you had on your eyes when you called her name it seems you haven't gotten over her yet, you better control your emotions, Herdis, or face the consequences of going against our deal", Urien says.

Herdis staggers back in fear, almost toppling over the flower vase by the side table, almost as if he was reminiscing on the so called consequences, Urien sees this and welcomes a light and mischievous smirk on his face obviously happy that his threats still had that much effect on his son.

"Am glad that my words still has that edge over you, I hope you remember your place here, so sit we have something else to discuss".

Herdis slumps on the sofa chair close by and rests his head, listening to his father. "I want you to keep an eye on Razar, it seems he is planning to go in search of something and I believe he would start his plans once he sets out for the journey in search if the chronicles of the dead".

"We have already turned his home upside down and I have been keeping an eye on him for all these years, but we still haven't found anything suspicious about him, he doesn't seem to hold anything special or memorable, not an ornament, a diary or even a journal, so how much longer am j going to be used as a tool of your satisfaction and instincts". Herdis says, giving his father a look that seems to question, aren't you turned in his eyes.

"That's the point, he doesn't have anything he holds dear which means all the information he needs is stored in his head, we just need to keep an eye on him and we will find everything that we need to know", Urien says, unconcerned of the hateful glares that Herdis has been shooting at him.

"Everything we need, huh, or do you mean everything you need am done with this, madness, Urien, am not a toy that you play with as pleased, dies the Kung know what his trusted right had man, does to his sister and nephew". Herdis says standing, and heads out for the door but before he could proceed in turning the door knob, Urien's words snapped him out of his anger.

"Then why don't you go let the King know how adulterous and promiscuous, his sister is, you know the King doesn't support any breaking of the Olcian laws especially when its by a relative, besides we both are aware of the punishment when an Olcian woman commits adultery, both the woman and the lover would be sent on a exile into the forbidden lands of Mal-dhor, and since your mother even had a son with these lover hers, then the punishment would be a lot tougher, and trust me if you go out there to inform the King about your feelings for that wretch, Ximeya, then I promise to end her life, so quit sulking and listen to what you have to do for me". Razar orders.

Herdis turns to his father with tears in his eyes, lamenting. "You are a monster, you are a beast".

"It feels good to finally hear someone call me those names after all these years", after heaving a heavy sigh Urien continued, "I need you to keep an eye on him and note down if he asks suspicious questions, and if he goes on any weird outing then make sure you keep you eyes on him, an report everything to me once you get back from your journey, now you may leave, I need some rest".

Herdis walked out of the door in haste and bumps into Darloc whose seems to be heading to Urien's chambers, Darloc drapes his hands on Herdis's shoulder and questions him about the tears in his eyes.

"What happened, Herdis why do you always look sad after every visit with the General, did you both get into any argument, you know you can share anything with me, besides am just like a father to you, right".

" There's nothing serious going on, Darloc, its just a Father-Son mild conflict, don't worry it will be resolved soon", Herdis says giving him a reassuring smile trying to hide back his pain.

Darloc and Herdis share a warm bear hug, before the both went their separate ways. Darloc went into Urien's chambers to discuss about the preparation of the meeting with the council and the towns people, while, Herdis decided to head to his mother's room (Princess Alrize the Kings sister).

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