Normal people may never seen it, but i did. Normal people may never heard it, but i did. Ghost, Goblins, Beast, Dragon. you see them as story and tale. where brave men and women fight for honor and glory. but mine will not be as grand. because i am a Ranger. We who live in the shadow, Who hear the wishper We who live Between death, and return to tell the tale as a report. *** *** *** i'm not native english writer, so please forgive me for any grammatical error. and do kindly put the correction on comment, so i can edit it later
My name is William. an Orphan.
Not like anyone else that proudly present their name, i am not a genious. at least, not in educational term. i am also not a very bright and cheerful kid, while i do still have some friend.
i am 10 years old. and my life until now is full of surorises. i live in an orphanage till i was 6. after that, i am adopted by a new family who have no kids for more than 3 years.
turns out they were just too fast to conclusion as a months after they adopt me, my new mother got pregnant!! and after 9 month, plus a few days, i have a little brother!
and that makes me an elder brother, while technically, my younger baby brother IS the first born of the family. you know, he is first born? since i am adopted?
after that, for 4 years, i help my father who is a mechanics and my mother who is a housewife, to take care of my little brother.
and sister!
my mother was pregnant again, one and half year after her first baby. and now my father have to fed my mother, and me, and my siblings, which is apparently become quite a burden.
my father is a mechanic for a average level Automotive workshop. he do tune up, fixing broken mechines, and sometimes custom some car. but since he is a mechanic, his pay is not as much as he wish it to be. and that bring him to make a hard (?) decision. that is to return me to orphanage.
i know, why the ? mark. it is because when they leave me back to the orphanage, they looks so happy. with a smile on their face. makes me wonder if they ever love me at all.
so he i am, back to the orphanage, with few new faces, a couple of new baby, and a lot of un founded face. looks like some of my orphan friend already got adopted. hope they will never come back here. clap hand. close eyes. pray.
and that is a summary that will bring us to a new surprise of my life.
it have been a month since i am back to orphanage. a lot sadness in my heart, since i feel unwanted by my adoptive parents. currently, im hanging on a swing, close to my REAL mother grave. or so i am told.
there is name on the grave. not even a sign. kidding.. there is a sign. a pile of rock, placed Tidily below a tree.
i like to sit here. swinging slowly while enjoying some breeze and breath some fresh air. watching some kids playing, or chatting, or staring blankly at nothing. sometimes, i can hear un Recogniseable wishper. as if it call my name. but i just let it be. if there is some ghost in there, i don't care. just don't come to me at night.
i took out a picture. manager said it was my mother. while i can see it was heavily edited, but it was nice. she had a charming smile and a pretty eyes. its color was purple, like me.
"TV times, kids. we will watch while we have lunch!"
ah yes! lunch with movie is the best!
i keep my mother photo in my pocket and run back to orphanage. i can see a lot of my orphan friend stood on queue, while the manager count us one by one, make sure that no one left outside.
"ah, there William. he is the last. please close the door later sweetheart. we will have lunch in tv room, okay?" said manager to me.
" sure ma'am, be there soon" i said.
as the last kid enter the Orphanage, i close the door and lock it. keep the key on my pocket, so i can return it to manager later. i soon enter the tv room, that already packed full of kids, boy and girl, 9years old till baby. they all sit there nicely with a plate on their hand, not the baby of course, and ready to eat while watching "Lions Kings".
"pick your food there,William. and sit here with me" said manager.
the rest, as you can guess. we watch, we got excited, we go to bed, and have afternoon nap. perfect!
a whisper sounded in my ear.
who is it? ghost? can you call me later? i am sleepy.
[something heavy fall]
i'm awake!!
what is that?
i look around and found nothing suspicious. what is that sound? its like something heavy fall right around my room. im in my room? how?
must be manager. she really loved me.
ups, who is that? where is it?
i am freezing, scared. who is it that makes that sound? ghost? I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME AT NIGHT!!
i cried while calling the manager. she hurriedly come to my room, her face full of worry. she lift me up and hug me who is crying loudly.
"hush dear... it is okay.. we are in your room. no ghost will come here as it is still 3 in the afternoon."
oh, that good! glad it was not the ghost!
"ma'am, there is something heavy fall in my room. i don't know what it is but i am scared." i said as i see her face while wiping my tear.
and this time, it is manager turn to be shocked and scared.
"where is it Will, we have to make sure it is not something Dangerous. you with me?" she said with scared but reasuring smile.
"okay" i said as she put me down but still hold my hand.
" where did you hear it Will, show me "
" i don't know ma'am, i hear it while i was asleep. but it say urrgh once. maybe it is outside?" i said weakly.
while still holding my hand, manager and i walk to the window. since manager is way taller than me, she could see something out there that i can't see. suddenly she stop me.
"William, can you help me call Mr. Smith. he is in dining room. and if you ever see Mr. Jonathan or anyone else, please call them here too. okay?"
" yes ma'am." i said as i go out of my room and go to dining room.
as i leave, manager look back outside the window. there lay a man with torn out coat and ripped uniform. blood cover all of his body. and a wide, gapping wound, can be seen on his back. as he lay Unconsious.
on the back of her ear, she can hear a wishper calling for William.
"miss, i don't know what it is, but please let this be your way to guid your son to a good future"