2 and another random one (2)

and I was thinking of one with essentially omni spider powers. like Spiderman spider powers.

like the wall-crawling, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, balance, and healing factor. with spider sense (it can detect all forms of I'll intent) and some stingers (essentially like Wolverine's claws except these ones have a paralyzing effect) and night vision. and you know the senses boost (the five Senses Boost like sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing). and fangs with a paralyzing Venom. and a bioelecticity manipulation. with organic webbing. and a control over spiders (like you can spy through them and command them). with a camouflage. and the universal spider weakness to Ethyl Chloride.

and with the wall crawling, they can never be pulled off. and you can use them on any part of your body. (like you wanna hang of a ceiling from your private parts then go ahead and do that) and how they work is that they essentially bind you to an object. (example) say you put your hands on a wall and use your wall crawling ability to stick to it. To get you off that wall against your will they would have to essentially pull off some of the wall with you. like you would have some wall on your hands when they rip you off.

and with the strength. spider man can lift like max 25 tons. now just imagine if you over trained that ability.

and spider man can fucking run... like way over 50 mph.

and with the spider sense. like I noted before it can detect ALL forms of I'll intent. like if you even have slightly negative feeling towards the person. they can detect it. if you have a gun in your hand and don't intend to use it on the spider then they wouldn't detect a thing. and if you have the DNA of the spider in you then they wouldn't detect you even if your trying to kill them either.

and with the bioelectric manipulation. you can quite literally kill someone as easily as snapping your fingers. or you can easily make them brain dead. or make them paralyzed. because the nerves use alot of electric impulses to work.

and then with the organic webbing you can make it a hunger thing. like it uses your bodies nutrients to work.

and if your wondering what Ethyl Chloride does. look up "Marvel what does Ethyl Chloride do to Spiderman" or something like that and you'll find out what it does to spider hero's

That's it... that's an okay-ly detailed spider power idea... hope you can use it somehow...

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