

In a world fractured by ancient conflicts and divided by warring factions, a lone warrior named Ragnar Blackwell embarks on a quest of vengeance that spans across the vast expanse of the multiverse. Ragnar seeks retribution against other-worldly forces that destroyed his homeland and took away the lives of his dear ones. Being received a second chance, it remains a mystery on how he operates...

Solitary_817 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs



Yes. That's what I saw after waking up from a nightmare which turned out to be real...

The last thing I remember was hundreds and thousands of Illuminated Holes popping up and leaving everything..  no.. "everything" is too small to describe.. leaving our whole world in lights which burned one's soul itself.

Having woken up, i wondered if it was a nightmare... I mean in no way I would have survived... But.... Well the destruction is real.. maybe it was real

I need to look for my brother- my family first.. Keeping hope would be too optimistic for me.. but if there is a chance.. if someone would be breathing like me... Even though it's strange...

Then the search began

While going through numerous burning buildings... I noticed some things have changed

"Weird" I muttered

<Note: One person has a pulse>

Someone spoke inside my head

"Hmm? Whose voice was it?" I asked

No response came for a while... Though 'it' was guiding me to a place where apparently someone was alive...

"A girl.. whom i don't know..." I sighed.. not that i was sad that this girl was alive.. but that it's not my brother...

"Well, still, let's save her, shall we?"

<Tsk Give her food, she will be fine>

Hmm.. i don't know who is speaking inside my head... But it seems to have a cold personality...

"Um... Hey Miss... Here, you can have this"

With utmost gratefulness she took the Bread

A few minutes had passed

The girl spoke up

"So, how are you alive?

"Well, I would like to know that myself" i sighed

"Hmm.. in this world only 4 are alive.. Two being us, the other two are scattered... So, what is the skill you got in the second resurgence?

I tried to analyze the situation... Only Four alive?

And what the heck is the second resurgence??? Isn't it something only the people with most will power receive? What's this girl talking about?

"Umm.. I am not sure what you're saying... Someone like me wouldn't-"

I paused ... No. The girl has no reason to lie... And also it wouldn't be impossible to acquire the Second Resurgence... As the girl said only Four are alive...if that's true....

"Wait lemme check" I answered by cutting off my previous line




*‽‽‽ (‽‽)*


Summoner (SSS-Class)

Future Sight (SSS-Class)

Telekinesis (SSS-Class)

Appraisal (SSS-Class)

Concealment (S-Class)

Natural Element:

Wind, *Dark*


Luck lv 99

Intelligence lv 5

Strength lv 10

Agility lv 10

Stamina lv 10

Mana lv 10

HUH??? What a Pleasant surprise.... Second resurgence.... From what I've heard through years only gives one SSS-CLASS skill or higher... How do I have 5 of them? Well Not that questioning that would change anything... But if this leaks out, I will be a target for sure... A mere S-CLASS Concealment is useless if the opponent has SSS-CLASS Appraisal.. and what is bugging me is the skill which is not visible...

So I decided to let only two skills go public unless i stumble across an Appraiser

"Yea looks like i got two SSS-CLASS skills.. APPRAISAL and SUMMONER" I concluded my sentence which was followed by me using *SSS-CLASS APPRAISAL* on the girl




Summoner (SS-Class)

Concealment (S-Class)

Natural Element:



Luck lv 20

Intelligence lv 50

Strength lv 30

Agility lv 30

Stamina lv 60

Mana lv 80

Hmm.. better attributes than me.. i have to train

Aurora after hearing that I have two SSS-CLASS skills, stared blank at me.. her facial expressions were piercing me and screaming at me "How Lucky this guy is".. i sighed realizing this...

Before she could say anything, i spoke up

"Pleasure meeting you, Miss Lark"

Having no further doubts, she replied

"Your appraisal seems the real deal.. and yea, nice meetin...."

"Ragnar Blackwell", I introduced politely without hesitation.. because of Future sight maybe? I saw her asking my name.. maybe i should have waited?

Well it's done.,..

She cheerfully stated about adventuring together, reluctant at first, but later i had to agree.. i cannot do anything till i polish myself... And i hope my brother to be there in the rest two who are alive.. hope