
Quickened Love

The son of an abusive father and the daughter that nobody knew. Who knew it would draw them together as quick as their eyes met?

aika_ama · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

"Love at first sight always leaves a mark on the heart."

Before the story...

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When Andrew requested his foster father to venture out with Addy, his dad was hesitant but ultimately complied, yet only with the promise of being back home before nine o'clock. With each step they took together, Addy gained insight into Andrew's preferences, like how red is his favorite color and how he loves cheese and broccoli rice - which wasn't what she'd expected at all.

As they approached the street with Addy's house, Andrew had remembered the night, he had gone emotional and ran off. He felt bad, yet if the situation grew more, he would have said something he shouldn't have. He was glad.

Addy opened the door for him, which Andrew accepted gladly and was welcomed with the fresh smell of cookies was in the room. "Oh, dad must be home early," she said curiously, knowing nobody but her father could bake as good as it smells.

The man she claimed to be her father popped his head from the door, seeing her daughter with the young boy from yesterday, and gleamed, "Welcome back! Make yourself home, son," he said with the usual fatherly tone, and held a platter full of smoking cookies, smelling chocolaty. Addy smiled happily at the cookies before taking one herself, though the intense heat of the cookie on her hand made her flick it around with her hands until it landed on her pants, which the two boys laughed at.

Though, Andrew regretted it immediately and mumbled an apology, to which Addy accepted gracefully. Her father proclaimed they could all enjoy the cookies while he quickly prepared dinner. Although Addy wanted to stay in the kitchen and help her father out, Andrew requested her to show him around the house and let him know everything she knew about the place. She took a deep breath before leading him up the stairs, holding tightly to his hands as they climbed them together. Even though he was older than her by few years, Andrew felt he had been taken care of like a younger brother when Addy looked after him with such kindness.

Once they were done with cookies, Addy brought Andrew to her bedroom - which was filled with colorful blobs scattered everywhere on the walls that made it look like a gallery from a modern art museum - and sat beside each other on her bed looking through some of her old pictures that were stored inside big photo albums.

Throughout their conversations, Andrew couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort around Addy. He never felt like he could open up to anyone before, but Addy made it easy. He found himself telling her things he never thought he would tell anyone, like how he felt lost and alone sometimes, even with a family who cared for him. Addy listened intently, her eyes never leaving his, and he felt as though he could trust her with anything.

As the sun began to set, Addy's father called them down for dinner. They all gathered around the table, enjoying the meal that had been prepared. Addy's father had made his famous spaghetti and meatballs, and it was delicious. They talked and laughed together, and Andrew felt like he was part of the family.

After dinner, Addy's father excused himself to watch the game on TV, and Addy took Andrew outside to show him her favorite spot in the backyard. It was a small treehouse that her father had built for her when she was younger. As they climbed up the ladder, Andrew couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. The treehouse was cozy, with a small table and chairs set up in the corner. Addy pulled out a deck of cards from her backpack and suggested they play a game of Go Fish.

As they played, Andrew couldn't help but feel a sense of attraction towards Addy. Her smile lit up the whole treehouse, and her laugh was infectious. He found himself stealing glances at her, admiring her beauty. He knew he shouldn't feel this way, but he couldn't help himself.

Addy noticed the way Andrew was looking at her and felt a flutter in her stomach. She had never felt this way before, but she couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him. As they played their game, their hands brushed against each other several times, sending shivers down their spines.

Finally, as the game came to a close, Andrew couldn't take it anymore. He put his cards down and turned to face Addy, his heart racing. "Addy, there's something I have to tell you," he said nervously.

Addy's heart skipped a beat as she turned to face him, her eyes wide with anticipation. "What is it?" she asked softly.

Andrew took a deep breath before speaking. "Addy, I know this might sound crazy, but I can't help how I feel. I know we just met yesterday, but I can't get you out of my head. Every time I'm around you, I feel like I'm home. I feel like I've finally found something I've been missing my whole life," he confessed, his voice shaking slightly.

Addy's heart swelled with emotion as she listened to Andrew's words. She had never felt this way about anyone before, but she knew that what she felt for Andrew was real. "Andrew, I feel the same way. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I've known you my whole life," she said.Andrew smiled and brought his lips to meet hers in a soft kiss. In that moment, they both knew that the attraction between them was too strong to ignore. They were both scared, but they were also excited for what the future held. They talked more about their feelings for each other, discussing how to move forward with their relationship.

They talked late into the night, sharing hopes and dreams for the future and exchanging ideas of where their relationship would take them. It was clear that although neither of them had had much experience with romance before, this was something special and worth exploring further.

As the sun began to rise in the sky, the two had stayed up all night, enjoying their presence's and talking amongst themselves. As the sun began to rise in the sky, the two had stayed up all night, enjoying their presence's and talking amongst themselves. Andrew's face scrunched up in worry as he shot up from his seat, remembering that he was supposed to be home hours ago. He nervously fidgeted and bit his lip, thinking of all the possible consequences he may face.

Andrew's wide eyes darted around the room in fear, his body tight as he stood up quickly. He swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as he imagined the consequences of his father learning of where he had been all night.

Andrew's face is a mixture of fear, surprise, and regret as he realizes the amount of trouble he may now be in. His breathing is shallow and quick as he stands abruptly and paces, his mind racing with thoughts of how to explain his lateness.


Addy spoke in a soft voice, seeing the panicked Andrew look around to find the owner of the voice. He trembles when he saw Addy. "I'm sorry..." he whispers as he exits the treehouse, running home to not make his punishment worse.

Once Andrew comes home, he sees his middle-aged man with a beer belly and slurred speech lounging on his almighty lounge chair in the living room, drinking away. He tiptoes to his room, trying to stay as quiet and unseen as possible; but it's too late - his foster father had noticed him.With an angry voice, he calls out "Get here boy!"

Andrew's heart sank as he slowly made his way towards his foster father. He could smell the alcohol on his breath, and he knew that he was in trouble. "Where have you been?" his foster father slurred, his words coming out in a jumbled mess.

"I'm sorry, sir. I lost track of time," Andrew said meekly, trying to make himself as small as possible.

"Well, you better be sorry! You know the rules, boy. You're supposed to be back by sunset," his foster father growled, standing up and towering over Andrew.

"I know, sir. I'm sorry," Andrew repeated, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes."You're damn right, you're sorry." Once he was finished, he took the palm of his hand and slapped Andrew in the face. If he had backtalked his father for that, he didn't know what he would suffer with, so he just let him. "No excuses, you damn mutt. Go to your room, or sweet baby Jesus, you won't know what'll hit you!"

Andrew quickly made his way to his room, feeling a mix of emotions. He was angry at his foster father for treating him this way, but he also felt guilty for disobeying him. He collapsed onto his bed, feeling the sting on his cheek from the slap. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

As he lay there, he couldn't help but think about Addy. He knew that what he felt for her was real, and he wanted to be with her more than anything. But he also knew that it would be difficult to navigate a relationship with his foster father constantly watching over him.But he refused to give up. He was determined to find a way to be with Addy, no matter what it took. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was worth it.As he drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with thoughts of Addy, he made a silent promise to himself that he would find a way to make it work. No matter what obstacles came his way, he would overcome them for her.