20 Ability

My life is on repeat, day by day, doing the same things, going to the same places.

I see the same people I saw yesterday, doing the same things they aspire to put an end to.

Like me they are stuck in the repetitive cycle of failing dreams and ambitions, that they are stuck believing they can't achieve.

They rethink every possible answer, deny the truth right in front of them.

Even when we all know the right answer, we don't trust how we got to it.

We don't trust or have faith in our own ability.

Every achievement we have gained is questionable.

People do what they want to do and ask questions later not caring about the repercussions of their actions.

We all lie and cheat in life to get ahead .

The person we do this the most to is ourselves.

We tell ourselves we can't, won't, we're not worthy.

When we do this the only person we are cheating is ourselves.

We will never be able to strive and achieve what we want to do if we keep lying to ourselves about our own ability.

When we allow ourselves to open up to failure we can finally set ourselves free and rise to the occasion.

We can become an individual and stand out from the rest and guide others to do the same.

We can become


And hope


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