
Quantum Leap - Vol. 3 - I Will Wait For You On The Other Side

PaperbackWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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5. Mukō De Anata O Machimasu

Ozone Station was definitely not unlike other railway stations that you may encounter in major countries but here in Metropolitan Japan, you may find similar countries with similar influences such as Singapore and the Philippines.

Both countries had ever been occupied by Japan during the Japanese Occupation between 1941-1945, and in those years, some of the Japanese soldiers, traders and merchants decided to stay back and build their own community over the years, thus forming a booming trade of several Japanese products within the locally manufactured produce.

Take for example the Ozone Station that comprises of a range of commercial and retail shops, cafes, restaurants and convenience stores as well as a huge and spacious Oz Garden with an underground mall beneath it.

There was a public garden, a museum and a sports dome within walking distance to it and a sprawl of budget and luxurious hotels around it as well.

Akira and I were walking around in the business district after our meal and decided to do some window shopping at Kinokuniya, a super mega bookstore that ranges from paperbacks to hardbacks, fiction to non-fiction as well as other books that covers many other languages from other countries as well.

The mentioned Kinokuniya bookstore that was located within the Ozone MRT Station was situated on the 4th floor of the building itself.

Akira was browsing some paperback novels at the 'Romance' section and she had picked up a novel and was reading the back of it and was unable to browse the contents as it was unfortunately been shrink wrapped. The cover was of a teenage couple and the title of the novel was "I Will Wait For You On The Other Side" The paperback novel was about 1 inch thick or so and seemed to be of light reading material.

I watched Akira from the corner of my eyes as she held the book up and reading the title alone made my emotions that I had managed to suppress earlier to begin rising once more. I had no choice but to turn away and walk over to another aisle where I had chanced upon a corner where there was a self-service kiosk that served up free hot beverages that we could consume all we want as long as we spend the time over in the bookstore.

I saw that there were some brands that I was familiar with and I decided to have a cuppa while Akira was still browsing through the rest of the aisle. Romance was never my cup of tea but the sachets of coffee would be indeed to be one of mine soon. Hahaha...!

This kind of self-service kiosk was provided for the customers only who had made their purchase. However, since I have not made mine and neither does Akira, it would be the norm for us, students, to be shooed off from that corner, thus eliminating us from getting any free coffee. Hahaha...!

Somehow, one of the bookstore staff recognised the original Shiro who used to siphon free coffee there before I had exchanged bodies with him, came over and invited me over next to a dispensing vat that contained all the black coffee I could drink. Hahaha...! "Thank you... Thank you... Arigato... Hahaha..."

I helped myself to a sachet of AGF Blendy Cafe Latory Mocha Latte instead of the free vat of black coffee that was provided and sat down on a circular table that was meant for 3. "How shameless could I be...?!?!"

Sipping on the newly brewed and piping hot drink managed to soothe and correct my psychological imperfection. I was pondering and wishing that Max was here so I could ask him what the hell was wrong with this Leap that somehow managed to take control of my emotions and ran wild with it.

Luckily this poor old sod named Shiro was not a bawler or I would be bawling every time I cry and be sitting on the ground as I rubbed my feet in front of me like a spoiled child. Hahaha...!

Akira finally made a decision on her purchases as she joined me at the refreshment area with the book that she had chosen tightly clutched on her chest. HOW I WISHED I WAS TRANSMIGRATED INTO THAT BOOK INSTEAD...!!!

Once I had turned the book over, I saw the price tag and it was stated as ¥1, 589 which was considered as quite an alright price for a paperback with about 120 - 150 pages thick. The most important is the clickbait title and its flashy book cover design like the one you readers had decided to lay your hands on. Any girl or even boy would easily fall for the trap. Hahaha...!

"Akira, how do you find the book after reading the blurb or the synopsis at the back of it? Would you like to have it since you had mentioned earlier that you need a little reward for being able to shave off one second from your current swim record? Do you wish for the book as the reward...?"

"Go on ahead and place it over to the counter then... Since you liked the book so much, would you like me to get someone to unwrap for you so you could read a page or two before deciding to purchase it? Don't worry a thing, Akira, I think your parents won't see a dip in your savings at all...!"

I was acting like a cheapskate to her since I don't have any idea or any recollection of how much I have inside the wallet because the supper that we had was dutch. Is that the right term for it? It was basically we pay for what we eat separately. Hahaha...!

Besides, I have not even investigated nor probed into myself on where and how I would be able to feed myself and also Akira if I do not have any kind of employment or financial support from Shiro's parents. I have to blame the juku and ice cream session that disables me to find out about these details. Hmmpphh...!!!

I saw that Akira was somehow biting her lower red lip and at the same time, clutching the paperback novel close to her chest. Anyone who understands body language and studies them somehow was able to comprehend through her body language, and without even uttering a single word, shows clearly that she really desired to have the book for herself and would pay 10 times as much as the price stated if its the ONLY paperback novel left on the shelf.

Besides, Akira knew that she would not be the one paying for it so no matter what price it stated, the one who would be paying would really do it through his nose. And that poor SOB would be me...I mean Shiro. Hahaha...!

Don't mind me, Shiro. I just used your body and savings for some time before I make the next Leap, yes? Hahaha...!

"Aahh yes... Let me guess, you wished to get a reward by your excellent swimming capabilities earlier right...? Then let me have the honour of rewarding this book to you then... Come, let me have the book and I get someone to gift wrap it for you... No need to unwrap the plastic to read; you may read it at home then... "

I realised my mistake of shooting the mouth first without thinking and decided to make amends immediately by turning the whole scenario to be just that. When Akira heard that, she made a quick bow and handed the book outstretched in two hands.

I told her to pick a wrapping paper to turn this paperback as a gift and a ribbon as well. She nodded her head and went off to look for the right wrapping paper that suited her most and the largest ribbon that she could find. A short time later, she came back to me and handed the items that she had chosen to have the paperback wrapped up.

If anyone sees that scenario, it seemed like as if the girl was making the book as the gift for the boy. However, as you already knew it, this Shiro guy seemed a bit insensitive about romance or even a relationship at all. Hahaha...!

I quickly finished up my free hot beverage and returned the used porcelain cup to the washing area, rinsed the cup and let it hang on the drying rack. It was a normal practice in Kinokuniya bookstore to add a personal touch to their refreshment corner as disposable cups were disdained. I then took the book that Akira had wished for and placed it under my arm as we both headed straight to the checkout counter.

"Autograph the first page of the book and say something in it. It's customary for those who buy books for their girlfriend."

She whispered to me and handed me a glittery ink gel pen as the salesgirl carefully unwrap the plastic shrink wrap and placed the book before me. WOW...! At last...! I had gotten an answer to many questions that were playing around in my head. She was my girlfriend after all and not only acquaintances.

I turned to the first page that was intentionally left blank as I took the glittery pen and wrote the date and time stamp, then I wrote a remark for Akira to "Keep Up With Your Progress!" and finally signed my Alfred Hitchcock and annotated my full name in bold below it.

I blew on the writings for some time to let the ink dry up before I finally closed the cover. I handed the paperback novel to the salesgirl as she began to wrap it up like a dumpling before attaching the ribbon at the corner.

Altogether, I had paid slightly over ¥2,100 for the book, wrapping paper, ribbon, the wrapping services and promptly handed the gift over to Akira. She was beaming from ear to ear as she received her gift and she immediately clutched it against her chest, thanked me and bowed slightly once again.


I guessed it had been the second time I had repeated myself of my willingness to be transmigrated as that particular book...!!!

I gestured to her and we soon made our way to the first level to take the train back to our respective dorm. On our trip back, while sitting next to one another, we took a selfie on our phone cameras with her holding the book and made comical faces as we took one photo after another right until we reached our stop. We alighted and laughingly compared the selfies that we took while walking back, Akira clutching the gift close to her chest while I just held my hands behind my back.

When we reached the entrance of the female dormitory, she conveyed her thanks to me once again and slightly bowed. I scratched the back of my head awkwardly not knowing what my next reaction would be as I bowed slightly to her as well...

Should I kiss her forehead... Should I kiss her lips... Should I embrace her... Should I pat her head... Or should I chest bump her like what brothers do...? I was just staring at her and wished I could do all that all at the same time but of course, she also had to make sure her name was not tainted as she was afraid that rumours would reach her parents.

I was in such a dilemma that particular evening and was pondering on what should I when she suddenly turned around, glanced at me once and lashed her sweetest smile before entering her premise.

When she was out of sight and had closed the door after her, I stepped back and retreated to my own dorm.

Suddenly, I had a sinking feeling deep in my heart and panic began to choke me by my throat...!


Right now, the problem I am about to face would be - "WHERE THE HELL SHOULD I BE HEADING RIGHT NOW?!?!?"

I do not even have a single idea of which floor, which room and which bed I was supposed to occupy right now. I rummaged through the contents in my school bag and all I could find was a whole lotta rubbish instead. DAMN...! Is this Shiro a rodent before in his life? There's so much rubbish inside the school bag that it would be comfortable to rear a whole family of mice of inside it...!!!

Ara ma...!!!

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