
Quadruple System: Are 4 Systems enough to rule the Universe?

Two centuries ago, a mysterious universal system descended upon Earth, granting individuals aged 21 and older one of four distinct systems: Level-Up, Cultivation, Quest, or Store. However, in a seemingly ordinary apartment, a young man named Orion, who may not be as ordinary as he seems, unexpectedly awakens a Fused system that encompasses all four types. A voice, deep and resonant, echoed in his mind: "Welcome, Orion. You have awakened to the Fused System – an unprecedented convergence of the Level-Up, Cultivation, Store, and Quest systems." This newfound power sets the stage for a journey that could reshape not only his life, but also his city, Earth itself, and perhaps even the entire universe and beyond. As he delves deeper into this extraordinary power, Orion must also unravel the enigma surrounding his family's past, the origins of this mystical system, and the eerie dungeons and small worlds that mysteriously appeared alongside it, harboring untold secrets and unimaginable challenges. Join us as we embark on an epic adventure, seeking answers to these and other mysteries and uncovering the true potential of the Fused system, as well as the untapped potential of the universe itself.

Orion_Vale · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

Chapter 77: Alliance

Orion and Mira made their way to the campsite of The Mystic Shadows, following the directions provided. Upon arrival, they observed the setup – two tents and a small fire pit – arranged efficiently for a team on the move.

As they entered the clearing where the camp was situated, the members of The Mystic Shadows were busy with various tasks, seemingly preparing for the evening. The atmosphere was one of organized activity, each person contributing to the setup and maintenance of the camp.

Cassian, the team leader, stood near the fire pit, organizing supplies. He looked up as Orion and Mira approached and greeted them with a nod. "Orion, Mira, welcome. We've been briefed about the alliance. It's good to have you join us here."

After the initial greeting, Cassian's expression softened slightly, and he extended his gratitude further. "I also want to thank you both again for your role in getting us released from the beastmen. "

Orion, acknowledging Cassian's thanks, responded, "We were glad to help. It was important to clear up the misunderstanding and maintain peace. Our alliance should help in avoiding similar situations in the future."

Cassian's appreciation was evident. "Your ability to communicate with the beastmen is an invaluable asset. We're looking forward to working together and utilizing our combined strengths."

Seizing the opportunity to foster a deeper collaboration, Orion decided to share the information he had gathered from the beastmen. He believed this knowledge could be crucial in planning their future actions and strengthening the alliance.

"I've learned some key aspects about the beastmen and their society that might be useful for us," Orion began. He detailed the concept of bloodlines among the beastmen, explaining how it influenced their social structure and individual strengths.

He then spoke about the significance of mana stones, or 'blood purification stones' as the beastmen called them, in their economy and culture. "These stones are highly valued here, not just as trade commodities but also for their role in enhancing the beastmen's abilities."

Orion also produced the list of items available for sale in the Lyrathorn village shop, along with their descriptions and prices, as well as the map he had acquired. He spread the map out for everyone to see, pointing out key locations and the areas covered.

Cassian and his team listened intently, examining the map and the list. The information about bloodlines and the local economy opened new perspectives on interacting with the beastmen and navigating the small world.

After sharing the information and examining the map for some time, Cassian voiced his thoughts on their next steps. "For now, it might not be beneficial to visit other beastmen settlements unless we need supplies. And while this map gives us a layout of the land, it doesn't detail what we might find in these areas."

He looked at Orion thoughtfully. "Can you gather more information, or possibly find a guide among the beastmen? It would make our exploration more informed rather than going in blindly."

Orion considered Cassian's suggestion. "That's a good idea. I think it would be best if we approach this together as a team. We can return to the village and gather more information. Having a guide would certainly give us a better understanding of the area and what to expect."

He then proposed an additional idea. "Also, I noticed a tavern in the village. We could spend the night there. It might be more comfortable than camping out here, and it would give us a chance to interact more with the locals."

Cassian nodded in agreement. "Spending a night in the village could offer us valuable insights into the beastmen's way of life. It's a plan then. We'll accompany you back to the village and work on gathering more information and finding a guide."

The Mystic Shadows team, agreeing with the plan, swiftly dismantled their camp, efficiently packing away their gear for the short journey back to Lyrathorn.

Upon reaching the village gate, Orion spoke with the guard leader, explaining their intention to stay in the village for the night. After a brief discussion, and reassured by Orion's presence, the guard leader agreed to allow the eight-person team to enter.

Their first destination inside the village was the tavern. It was a modest establishment, but it offered what they needed – shelter and food. Orion negotiated for four rooms, paying two mana stones per room. The arrangement was simple but adequate, reflecting the village's straightforward approach to accommodations.

Curious about the local cuisine, they decided to have dinner at the tavern. The meal consisted of grilled meat and an assortment of vegetables. While the food was similar to human cuisine, they noted the lack of variety in spices – the dishes were seasoned primarily with salt. The meal was modest but satisfying, providing them with a taste of the local fare.

After dinner, most of the team members retired to their rooms for some well-deserved rest. However, Orion and Cassian had other plans. They decided to pay a visit to Rokar's shop, hoping to gather more information and possibly secure a guide for their exploration.

Orion and Cassian entered Rokar's shop, a place already familiar to Orion. He introduced Cassian to Rokar, explaining that while Cassian was an ally, he did not speak the beastmen language and would rely on Orion for translation.

Their first order of business was to inquire about a guide. Rokar informed them that he knew a pair of siblings who could serve as guides, but their services came at a steep price – twenty blood purification stones per day. After Orion translated this to Cassian, the latter nodded in agreement, understanding the value such guides could bring to their exploration.

Rokar then mentioned that the guides would meet them at the tavern in the morning. With the guide arrangement settled, Orion asked Rokar for recommendations on destinations where they could engage in combat practice and learn more about the world.

Rokar suggested they visit a town, which he named as "Galdorak." It wasn't marked on the map Orion had, but Rokar described it as the second-largest town in the small world. "In Galdorak, you can trade, gather information, and even visit the local library for historical insights," Rokar explained. "Additionally, the journey there involves passing through a tunnel beneath a mountain range, home to various underground beasts. It's an excellent opportunity for combat training."

Once translated, Cassian agreed that it sounded like a promising venture. He also suggested they make a stop at the main expedition camp near the entrance portal to meet with representatives from their clan and resupply, particularly with mana stones.

Before leaving, Cassian, with Orion's assistance, purchased various tools, herbs, and materials from Rokar, spending over 400 mana stones.

After thanking Rokar for his assistance and information, Orion and Cassian returned to the tavern to rest. The day had been eventful, and with the plans for the next day set, they looked forward to what new adventures and discoveries awaited them in the Trial of Mortals.