

Yan Liucheng woke up and looked around the huge dark space around him that seemed to go on and on forever wondering where he was, suddenly a floating white furry blob appeared in front of him holding a blank sheet of paper and two pots of ink.

"Who are you," he asked in and emotionless voice seemingly not disturbed by the fact that he woke up in an unfamiliar place.

[ I am system 001]

"Where am I?"

[You are in the void between worlds]


[I request to sign a contract with you as my host and complete some missions]

"Why did you choose me?"

[Out of the several worlds at your level you seem to be the best both physically, mentally and psychologically]

"So what do you want me to do,"

The white blob moved closer to him and brought the paper and the ink pots with it, now that he could see clearly he saw the ink pots had inks of different colors, gold and black. The gold was on the left side of the paper while the black was on the right and a glowing feather was in the middle floating above the paper.

[If you sign with the golden ink you will wake up in your bed the next morning and believe that this encounter was nothing but a dream. If you sign with the black in you sign a contact with me and you will learn just how wide the universe is.]

Without a second thought he took the pen and signed using the black ink. His life was getting boring anyway, being a genius wasn't as fun anymore.

[A contract has been established and I will now explain what you are going to do. As you know the universe is huge and it houses trillions of world with trillions of alternate versions of those worlds. In order for these worlds to keep holding life there must be an energy source to keep the worlds alive, but recently the energy source has been disappearing causing chaos in lower level worlds and rifts to form in upper level worlds. Some of the worlds have started collapsing, your job is to travel in to these worlds and save them before they collapse as we find a way to fix the energy source.]

"Can you show me where I am going?"


Lower word: planet class E

Destination planet ZX: 1888376444.454282

Dimension: 2-97

Target: chaos

Mission: stop the chaos.

Mission information:

There has been on growing tension between the different alliances in the world. The dead of a minister's child on enemy soil sparks the fuse and it light causing the beginning of a war that destroys half the planet and because of the pollution of the war, smoke covered the sky preventing the star's rays from entering the planet thus causing the surviving population to freeze to death together with all the living things and the world collapses.

All you have to do is stop the minister's child from dying and punish those who were responsible for it]

"How do you I stop it if it already happened?" Yan Liucheng asked the floating ball while looking at it with interest.

[What I'm giving you is one of the calculated scenarios that the main system deemed 99% probable to happen after a series of calculations]

"Okay take me there,"

And it all turns black.