
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Gem looked upset as he walked towards An "Senior An! I have to talk to you" Gem shouted, Making An to look at him confused

Gem took a deep breath "is it alright if I grab your hand to drag you away from here?" Gem asked with a serious voice

An looked more confused "well go ahead but-"

An couldn't finish her sentence as she got dragged away by the arm towards the stairs as the people watch the two leave

Gem immediately let go of An and looked at her "I don't know who or why They posted that photo but everything is just a misunderstanding Senior An!" Gem said looking nervous yet angry

An sighed and rolled her eyes "Look, misunderstanding or not you still went to see him, even after all that"

"he called me! if you don't believe me I can show you the messages that Senior Neil has sent me!!, please believe me!" Gem said as he shows the messages that Neil has sent

An looked and thought "Fucking Neil, why didn't you tell me about this, now I don't fucking know what to say". An places her hand to her hips "Okay and?, are you here to brag?" An said with an annoyed tone

Gem shakes his head in disagreement "no, I'm not here to brag at all, I want you to tell Senior Neil that dont let him talk, or meet me ever again" Gem said

"why won't you tell him yourself?, why me? you already know that things is still awkward between me and Neil right?" An said with a annoyed tone

Gem looked down and frowns "Senior An, if I told him myself everyone's going to misunderstand again and make up some more rumours about me, especially since YOU literally made a fuss with A LOT of students in OUR university" Gem said with a irritated tone but still has abit of a manner towards her.

"look, I know I was in the WRONG I should have refused him when he was starting to flirt with me! I was drunk!, I keep telling him that he has you! but he keeps on pestering me, but I felt weak because I have a crush on him! but what else do you want me to do? he started it so I went along with it! and it happened! I regretted it a lot! I , If anything, if Time traveling exists I would have gone back in time and literally won't join my friends that night." Gem keeps muttering as he felt Nervous

An's eyes looked like she's observing Gem looking serious "wait, you were drunk but you seems to know what you were doing that time"

Gem realized what he had said "Ay shit" He said as he his eyes widen

An tried stopping herself from laughing because Gem just exposed himself that he knows what happened that night as if he wasn't really drunk that night "Gem, look, I'm also sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that Infront of the whole students at the university, I was enraged,if you have a lover and found out he was cheating on you, you're also going to react the same way right?"

Gem nodded as he listens

"See, you understand now but Gem, Be completely honest with me because I really hate liars a lot you understand?" An said looking serious

Gem avert his gaze to An and just nodded

"okay, so were you really drunk that night or not, I won't be mad just be really honest with me" An said

"I..No I wasn't drunk at all, I was sober that time..but I really tried my best pushing him away Senior An, honest!" Gem said Hesitantly

An sighed and was tapping her foot as she listens to Gem "I get you, Neil's a handsome man, if I was single I would totally fall in" An said with a giggle

"yeah but he already had someone, only those people who are stupid enough will actually fall for the seduction" Gem said with a serious tone

"yes, you are correct, but here's another question, do you really really regret on what you did?" An asked

Gem looked away looking guilty and nodded

"I see but before I forgive you then , if I told you that you should go and tell Neil about this will you do it?, We make be no longer together and still going to be awkward between us, but I didn't tell you this but we decided to just stay as friends" An said in a calm manner

Gem slightly looked An in the eyes "alright, I'll do that, but I want to ask a favour"

"what is it?" An asked as she crossed her arms

"is it possible for you to tell everyone the truth in the photo?, I would do it myself but it's going to make a huge conflict" Gem said with hesitation

"alright, I'll do that" An said with a smile

Gem still doesn't look at her instead, he looked at the time and it's already 8 he got there by 6.

"I still have time to talk to him, Senior An do you perhaps know where he is?" Gem said

"oh actually I don't think hes going to be here this time since he has afternoon class instead of morning class" An said

Gem crosses his arms "Then I won't be able to talk to him today since I have to hang out with my friends" Gem said.

"oh that's fine, you can talk to him on Friday, that's the time he has morning class" An said

Gem thinks for a second "oh then I'll talk to him on Friday" Gem said with hesitation.

"I see, well I got to go now Gem, I'll do something about the post, I'm a woman of my words" An said with a proud look

Gem nodded and raised his hand to gesture respect to his Senior

An soon after left


Gem paused for a minute "wait ,why am I even afraid or anxious of Senior Neil, he already apologized about the things he did, he had good reasons why he was treating me like shit before..." Gem suddenly shook his head and went to walk towards his building

Class starts, it was a normal day normal class, boring classes. Gem took notes and listens attentive, even when some students looked at him disgustingly except his seatmates whom he got to be friends with.

when the class finished they had a break.

"Gem you doing alright?" his seatmate asked looking concerned

Gem looked at her "I'm fine, I'm surprised you're still talking to me since I'm that "Gay whore who's going to seduce your lover" Gem said sarcastically

His seatmate smiled and laughed "of course I would talk to you still why wouldn't I?"

Gem raised his eyebrow "uh didn't you hear what I just said?" he said

His seatmate placed his hand to Gem's shoulder "Gay or not, I'm pretty sure you're not the type of guy to do so and besides I would rather hear the truth from you than social media" he said with a smile

Gem gave him a slight smile, relief that he's not disgusted or believes the rumours "well Ill tell you everything soon Kit"

"alright,oh I was going to have some Japanese food, wanna come with me?" Kit asked

Gem thinks "Oh that's fine by me, but is it alright if my friends come along?" Gem asked

Kit nodded "sure, the more the merrier, I'm excited to meet you friends Gem"

Gem stood up "yeah, I'm sure you are gonna love them, as much as I do haha" Gem said as they walk outside the room. Gem texted his friends

"haha we're already infront of your building since it's closer to the entrance" Rosa said

"And of course Max isn't here yet y'know the guy always running late" Luis replied

"y'know that I'm almost there" Max replied

Gem chuckled at the messages "Well good thing you guys are there, cause There's a person who's join us"

"is it a boy? tell him I said hi" Luis replied

"what, you're going to flirt with him? haha sorry but he's straight I think" Gem replied as he looked at Kit

Kit looked back "don't text and walk Gem or you're going to hit someone" he said

"oh don't worry as I text I keep looking on where we're going, I'm multitasking" Gem replied

"I don't know if I should be amazed or what" Kit said as he chuckled

They finally met up with the Gang, they all introduced themselves and talked as they walk towards where the parking lot is. when they arrive Kit was surprised about Gem's car, it looked expensive that he seems to not want to get in since he never rode an expensive car before

Max looked at Kit "what's wrong?" Max asked

"oh uh well" Kit scratches his head as he stutter

Gem looked at Kit and then looked at his own car "well if you're uncomfortable should we just go and grab some street food instead?, we can eat Japanese food after" Gem said

"Oh well I guess that's a good idea haha, but I'm surprised, you rich people eat those stuff" Kit said jokingly

"well we may be rich and stuff but sometimes street foods is far way better than those fancy food" Gem said

"mhm oh don't worry, we may be rich but we know how to spend our money and we don't really like to brag about it" Rosa said

"hey, now I feel bad, y'know what I shouldn't have used this car, should I sell it instead" Gem said with a serious look

"oh no no no!, you shouldn't, y'know what let's just go haha" Kit replied while he's feeling bad about It

"haha oh don't worry Kit I was just being sarcastic, although I did thought about selling it, since it's to attracting and" Gem paused as he remembers about Neil's words before "so that expensive car that almost hit my friend was yours then?", "well if I were you I will find him and destroy him". Gem turned pale.

"wait Gem you doing okay?" Luis asked as he pat Gem's back

Gem looked at Luis "oh yeah yeah, I'm fine, anyways Im going to sell it y'know to have some money" Gem said as he smiled

They all walked and joked around, they reached where the seller is and ate,talk and laugh around. While they were sitting, Gem finally told them about what happened earlier, making them feel surprised and they understood what Gem is going to do

Luis grabbed Gem's hand with a serious look "Gem, do you want us to go with you?" Luis said

Gem shook his head and looked at Luis being serious "No need, I can handle this"

As Kit was sipping his drink he looked at Gem and Luis "do you guys have to be that close to talk to each other? are you guys dating? you're not going to kiss are you?" Kit asked innocently

Rosa and Max burst out to laughter

"hahahaha I can't believe you just said that!" Rosa said while laughing

"hahahhaha even when they are each other's types, They Dislike the thoughts of Dating each other But kissing?!" Max said as he banging the table with his hand

Gem and Luis made a weird look and had some chills and releases hands

"Kit don't ever mention about that ever again, and besides Luis already has someone who's in his mind lately" Gem said sarcastically

"fuck off Gem, I'm not thinking of him at all!" Luis said as he grunted

"oh come on you're in denial again, you have his number don't you" Gem smirked as he tease Luis

Luis got pissed off and they started to bicker again.

Moments later on they went back to class.it was boring as ever

eventually after that class ended, Gem looked at the page where the post got posted and it was gone. Gem finally became relief. when he was about to head to his friend. Someone suddenly grabbed him "Gem" a familiar yet sweet voice called him

Gem slowly turned around as his heart beats fast, and it was Neil, Neil then let's go of Gem

"I'm sorry, were you surprised?" Neil asked looking apologetic look

"ay shit Senior Neil, of course I was surprised you suddenly grabbed me!" Gem said as he fix himself

Neil made a small laugh "okay okay, I'm sorry alright if I knew you were that surprised I should've called you out first"

"oh no worries Senior Neil, but next time please just call me out" Gem said and sighed

"Alright, once again I'm really sorry" Neil said with a calm tone

Gem finally realized that he is talking to Neil now and he stiffen up

"I'm glad I saw you because, I really wanna apologize to you about yesterday...you looked really uncomfortable around me..." Neil said as he looked at Gem slightly smiling but he looked sad

Gem looked surprised "oh!, no! no I'm not uncomfortable at all Senior Neil!, no need to apologize! I should be sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you that day!" Gem said with a sad look

"Gem you're shouting at me right now and please calm down, why do you always tense up whenever you're with me?" As he grab Gem's hand giving him a reassurance "did I perhaps do something bad to you?' Neil added feeling sad and disappointed

Gem flinches and became flustered "no Senior Neil! you didn't do anything bad, I just,..ay shit, sorry Senior Neil, let me just gather up my thoughts" Gem said

"mmm" Neil said with a flat tone

after 5 minute Gem finally took a deep breath

"Senior Neil I have something to tell you but I don't want to tell you here is it alright if I can tell you somewhere?" Gem said trying not to be nervous around Neil

Neil nodded "Do you want to go to a park?" Neil suggested

Gem was about to agree but he realizes that Neil will have some class still "Wait Senior Neil, don't you have a class yet?"

"well it seems that the things you wanna tell to me is important, I can skip it" Neil said in a flat tone

Gem shook his head "no, I can tell you another time, I think it's better if we talk tomorrow or on Friday"

Neil thinks for a moment "but I have somethings to do on Friday, tomorrow I also have afternoon class..maybe on Saturday?"

"oh Saturday is okay Senior Neil" Gem said

"then Saturday it is, did you perhaps save my number?" Neil said

Gem bites his lips and avert his eyes for a moment because as soon as he showed the message to An, he already deleted the number.

Neil took a hint and looked away, secretly clicking his tongue. "why would you delete my number?, forget it I'll just give you my phone number to you" Neil said as he look at Gem

"alright" Gem said as he gave his phone to Neil feeling Nervous

Neil placed his phone number and gave back Gem's phone

Gem looked at His phone and wrote down Neil's name, He then smiled.

Neil saw Gem's smile and it made Neil's heartbeat beat fast making him blush and clench his own shirt where his heart is

Gem didn't notice since he was still looking at his phone "Senior Neil, before I go I wanna say that Me and Senior An talked to each other" When Gem looked up Neil's face doesn't seem to show emotion making him confused

"oh, yeah, An told me about it, it's good that you guys reconciled now" Neil said

"then, maybe we can finally eat lunch together, well together with your friends that is" Neil added

Gem felt a bit disappointed that they won't eat lunch together alone, but he doesn't mind if considering his friends is there with him. He nodded and smiled

Neil was taken aback and and caresses his cheek and smiled "never thought you can actually smile like that Gem, whenever we meet up you tensed up"

Gem flushed red a little "who wouldn't?" Gem replied

Suddenly Neil flicked Gem's forehead, causing Gem to touch his own forehead and yelled 'AY SHIT OUCH!'

"haha, worth, well I should really get going now..and oh, about the post, I asked them to delete it, and told everyone not to bully you..well Gem see you" Neil then walked away as soon as Gem said "See you Senior Neil" as he raised his hands gestering respect to Neil.

After awhile He went home and texted the gang

*Gem added Kit to the group*

"EYY a new Victim" Luis said

"😧 Victim you say?" Kit replied

"He's just joking Kit haha" Rosa said

"But I don't think he is considering Gem and Luis is going to give Kit a headache" Max replied

"fuck off Max you're so rude, this is the reason why Lin doesn't talk here, you keep saying nonsense" Luis replied

Gem felt offended to what Max said too but he made a small giggle

"I know right, You suck Max" Gem replied

"what a one way to greet a new member Brother Gem, Brother Luis" Lin replied

"oh yay! Lin! you finally replied!" Rosa said

"hehe Im sorry I don't reply much :(. but I try my best Sister Rosa!" Lin replied

"Who is she?" Kit replied

"Oh she's my girlfriend" Max replied

"oh! I see nice to meet you Lin, I'm Kit a classmate of Gem" Kit replied

"nice to meet you too Brother Kit :). I don't really talk much here, and you'll understand why hehe" Lin replied

"oh come on Lin, it's not bad is it?" Gem said to himself

"oh yeah, guys Me and Senior Neil talked to each other earlier and He told me that He asked someone to delete the post and everything's going back to normal tomorrow" Gem said

"that's great!, but Gem I warn you don't trust him to much" Luis replied

"Why is that?" Gem said

"nothing really After everything he did to you, he didn't even apologize to you" Luis replied

"oh come on Luis, he did already, he was genuine" Gem replied

"eh if you say so" Luis said

He placed down his phone and took a shower changed clothes,ate dinner,clean plates,brush his teeth and went to lay on his bed. He noticed the broken necklace and grabbed it. as he stared at it, it made him flustered and sigh. he tried to fix the chain of the necklace but it doesn't seem to work, he decided to remove the military style silver tag from the chain and placed it to the table.

He proceed to sleep.

after a while, everything seems normal now, Day after day Gem hangs out with his friends, goes to class, goes home, eats, and it repeats. he did Bump to Jun and An, but he didn't see or hear from Neil those days until it was Saturday.

"Gem, I don't think I can meet you up, I got sick, so is it alright if we can delay our talk?" Neil texted Gem

Gem saw the message and looked shocked because he was awaiting for Neil's message only to receive that Neil is sick. He decided to call him