
206. Smith's Word To Aurora

Smith sighed, he chose to sit on a bench under a shady tree and stared at the apples on top. The weather that morning was very cold and humid. he did not know whether the weather at that time was a good weather or a bad sign.

Smith rarely does complicated things like this, he is used to killing and discussing defensive strategies. being in the strange atmosphere he was feeling right now made it impossible for him to think properly.

Smith once again sighed tiredly, he closed his eyes slowly and enjoyed the morning weather. the feeling in his heart was very messy, he was so afraid of not being able to work properly. and he was also afraid that Fate had said otherwise, that this world would fall apart and everything would end in bloodshed.

"You came back from outside?" Aurora's voice made Smith open his eyes and look to the source of the sound, then he started to smile when he saw the beautiful woman who was sitting beside him and looking up at the sky again.