
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Phim ảnh
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78 Chs

Chapter 24: End of First Day

The thundering of hoofs was all that could be heard, all in attendance held a collective breath as the two knights sped towards the other.

They watched with anticipation as both riders leveled their lances at the other, while also moving their shield into position to try to deflect the others lance. The few seconds it took for the knights to meet in the middle seemed to take minutes, then the defening crash and splintered wood filled the air.

Both men remained on their horses, so both rushed to the end where they were handed another lance and dashed forward once again as they reset their positions to attack again.

The cheers that erupted when the knights had met quickly died down as they watched both knights charge again.

This time however Jorah was just a little quicker at setting the lance into position, so this time when they collided Jason Mallister was knocked from his horse, he had focused on setting his lance but not his shield. Rather than deflecting the lance it took it head on, throwing the knight from his sattle.

Cheers erupted once again, which got even loader once they saw Lord Mallister beginning to rise. The banner of House Mallister was moved to the side of defeated knights.

Jorah approached the wall of banners to choose his next opponent, Lord Yohn Royce was his next opponent chosen.

Aiden watched the knights carefully, watching how jousting was done, he was thankful that he wasn't chosen first since he had never jousted before.

He watched each charge, paying attention to placement of the lance and shield, with each match he gained more insight into how it worked.

Jorah won the match against Lord Royce and chose Ser Ryman Frey next who he easily defeated with a single charge.

Lynesse Hightower had a big smile on her face, the knight she had given her favor too had won three matches back to back.

Jorah then chose Ser Hosteen Frey as his fourth opponent, he had seen Aiden was young and inexperienced so he wanted to save him for last if possible, an easy final victory to seal his win for the day.

However Hosteen Frey was a big man, his nickname was Ser Stupid, but he was built like a bull. He was a seasoned warrior and fierce fighter, so it took three passes for Jorah to finally knock Hosteen off his horse.

Seeing that he needed to recover a little, he decided to choose Aiden as his fifth opponent. Aiden shook his head, knowing now why he wasn't the first to be chosen, but this was also his mistake.

After seeing how jousting was done he had seen not only how it worked, he was able to also see how it could be improved. Having the divinity of Martial Arts was a cheat in of itself.

When Aiden took the field the cheers erupted, as well as whispers, Aiden wasn't wearing a helm like all other knights.

"If you can't afford a helm we can offer to provide one to borrow, that face seems too pretty to get ruined, bastard." A man shouted which earned some laughs which quickly ended with the sounds of multiple slaps.

"Thank you my Lords but it isn't needed. Lord Mormont, if you wish a few more minutes to catch your breath I am willing to wait until your signal rather than the trumpets."

This had stunned many in attendance, even King Robert finally began to watch more, he had been distracted by a maid servant he was fondling next to his queen.

Cersei too had taken note of Aiden and was wide eyed at how handsome he was. Barristan had recognized Aiden from the start, his guilt grew as memories of his time as Kingsguard for Aerys came to the forefront of his mind.

He remebered the children playing in the yard, although he didn't like serving the Mad King those last few years, Elia's children made it worth all the struggles.

"Thank you Aiden, but not necessary. As you said in the tent before, friends support each other by giving it their best. Not by giving an advantage over the other. It took a bit for me to understand the meaning behind those words. No matter the outcome you have my respect." Jorah replied with a smile.

When the crowd heard the men talk, many thought about what was said. Many who had jeered at Aiden before had saw him in a new light. Though they still felt he was being too arrogant by refusing a helm.

"And you mine Lord Mormont." Aiden said with a smile, he then looked to see Margaery Tyrell standing and watching nervously.

As the trumpet blast he gave a wink, to try to show her it was fine, then with a kick he charged along with Jorah. As he neared the middle to meet Jorah head on, at the last moment he shifted the angle of his lance, Jorah saw the shift and widened his eyes, he had no time to adjust as the lance crached into his shield.

The force threw Jorah from his horse instantly, it was a full force hit dead straight on the shield, this was what you didn't want in a joust. All the kinetic energy would be pushed directly into the shield rather than glancing off to the side.

The crowd went silent as Aiden lept from the moving horse and landed near Jorah on the ground. Reaching a hand down, he offered Jorah help in getting up.

Jorah was still stunned by what had happened, usually it was a bad idea to adjust so late, if you didn't have the strength to compensate the move, most of the force from the impact would bounce back onto yourself, possibly breaking or dislocating the arm.

Seeing a hand appear in his line of sight, Jorah looked to see Aiden smiling down to him, not in a condescending manner, but a friendly one.

Taking the hand he was once again stunned by the ease at which Aiden pulled him up, although he didn't have full plate armor like southern knights, his was boiled studded leather, but he did have chain mail underneath.

"That was a good match Lord Mormont, I hope this doesn't ruin our chance at being friends." Aiden said as he raised Jorah's arm to show unity and comrodery.

Although Jorah was upset about his loss and did have a thought of chosing to challenge melee, all could see Aiden had no sword, which was why many were shocked by Aiden dismounting, this would leave him open for an attack.

"It does not, but I do suggest not dismounting in the future, at least till you know your opponent does give up." Jorah chuckled as he waved to the crowd.

"Oops. I didn't think about that. Thanks for the advice."

Aiden then chose to go against Ser Lyle Crakehall, who he unhorsed first charge as well. This time he didn't dismount as he did with Jorah.

The next opponent he chose was Lord Whent, however before the trumpet blared Aiden raised a hand which quieted the crowd.

"Lord Whent, I knew your brother Oswell, he was a fine knight and Kingsguard. He taught me much before he passed. He spoke highly of you, I wish to honor his name by going all out. I hope that before this day is over, we can share several cups of wine and speak of our times we shared with him."

A collective gasp was heard, after all Oswell Whent was an enemy to the current crown, which was why House Whent had suffered and declined greatly since the Rebellion.

Lord Whent gave a salute, "Aye my boy, I look forward to that drink very much. It saddens me to hear confirmation of what I feared. It warms my heart to know he taught a worthy man what he knew. Bastard or not, you will always be welcome at my table."

The trumpet blasted but Aiden didn't charge, he returned the salute and added a bow, Walter Whent also didn't charge. It was as if they both wanted to give a moment of respect to the fallen.

Right when the Robert was about to shout, both men charged forward. Once again Aiden readjusted the lance at the last moment to dehorse Walter. Just like he did with Jorah he dismounted and helped Lord Whent to his feet.

This time Walter gave Aiden a big hug as his laughter boomed over the cheers, he had tears in his eyes.

"My brother taught you well my boy, I look forward to that drink later. Be careful son, the king isn't as honorable as many wish, you may have made an enemy of the king."

Lord Whent whispered so that none would hear.

"He has been my enemy from the start my Lord. I still protect the dragon and the rightful heir to the throne. You have suffered because of your brothers loyalty. Let us talk later. I aim to right the wrongs done to your house." Aiden whispered back, causing Walter's eyes to tear back up.

"Fire and Blood." Walter said with a cracked voice.

"Fire and Blood dear Uncle." Aiden said back before mounting his horse and taking his position.

As he did he noticed the King's attendant whispering to the last of his opponents for the day. Although he heard what was said with his hearing, he didn't need it to know this one would get bloody.

He looked up to see Ned who had a pale face, as did Margaery. He all but told everyone who he was, the bastard that was raised with the Targaryens. Lady Olenna could just shake her head thinking he was foolish. All he did was smile.

Whatever comes will come, he was going to make a fool of Robert and take his gold from him.

Ser Boros Blount, better known as Boros the Belly, he was a ugly man with a broad chest, flat nose and looked to be bald at first glance, but it was just his hair was grey and short. He was a short heavy set man with a temper just as short as he was.

He was in his full Kingsguard armor as he strode onto his side of the arena. Aiden already knew what the man was going to do, so he decided to humiliate him.

When the trumpet blared Boros charged forward, but to everyones shock Aiden sat still, he watched Boros charge, he could see the mans anger building as he watched Aiden just smile.

Then with uncanny ease, Aiden threw the lance hard at Boros' shield, shocking everyone since this was unheard of, and stupid since if the opponent blocked it you would be unarmed.

However what was more shocking was when the lance hit the shield Boros was thrown from his horse, hitting the ground with a loud bang.

The arena was quiet until a bunch of women cheered, Margaery was one of the first to start it. Even Leyton Hightower stood up abruptly, he knew that shouldn't have been possible, without weight behind the lance it shouldn't have dehorsed someone as short and heavy set as Boros, unless the strength behind that throw was uncanny.

Right as the cheers erupted Boros stood and unsheathed his sword.

"Get down here you little bastard and meet your death!"

The crowd instantly quite down, a few protests were heard since they saw Aiden with no sword. Only Oberyn and Ned knew that Robert was about to lose another Kingsguard.

"500 Gold dragons says my nephew wins over Boros the Belly." Oberyn shouted aloud causing laughter to erupt across the arena.

"I'll take that bet." Petyr Baelish said aloud which was soon followed by a few others.

"T..Ten gold dragons on Aiden." Margaery also yelled timidly surprising even Olenna. She knew that was all the gold her granddaughter had, so she added, "I'll add 490 gold dragons to that making it 500 gold dragons from House Tyrell on Aiden."

'I hope she knows what she is doing.' Olenna thought, she mainly did it so they could maintain their reputation.

"House Stark also bets 500 gold dragons on Aiden."

"House Whent bets 500 gold dragons on Aiden, shove that fat fucks sword right up his ass my boy."

"House Mallister bets 500 gold dragons on Aiden."

"House Mormont bets 500 gold dragons on Aiden."

Various shouts then resounded, some had went for Aiden but many more went against, even the crown went for Boros.

Aiden calmly dismounted and slowly walked towards Boros, his red cape billowed behind him as he walked, his smile never leaving his face.

Boros was infuriated by Aiden's calm demeanor, letting out a roar. He charged forward. Aiden even started laughing, at the comical scene, the man had short legs and a round body, his laughter even caused many in the crowd to laugh at the sight.

Just as Boros reached Aiden and swung down, Aiden side stepped to the left and threw a punch into the mans gut, the impact made a loud bang, shocking the crowd and stopping the laughter.

But that was only for a moment, Boros let out a large fart as well as puked up some food as he dropped to his knees. As he toppled over, a large brown object fell down from his pant leg and rolled onto the ground.

Oberyn was the first to burst into laughter, "Nephew, you just brought a whole new meaning to beating the 'shit' out your opponent."

To which the whole arena erupted in laughter as Boros puked again, but this time it was filled with blood. He was so angry and humiliated, but he couldn't breath in right away, he ended up fainting from lack of oxygen and his anger.

This was what Aiden hoped for, even though he could've killed the man and Robert wouldn't have been able to do anything, it was more humiliating to have the man live.

"See you tomorrow, Uncle Barristan. I look forward to our spar, I'll bring a sword next time, it'll be like we used to do those years ago. By the way, Uncle Gerold, Uncle Arthur and Uncle Jaime send their regards."

With that said Aiden walked out, the crowd was shocked by the implications this comment had.

Everyone had the same thought running through their minds. This comment basically told everone that he had been trained by the best Kingsguards this kingdom has had in a very long time.

Barristan Selmy, rather than feel sorrow or fear, couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face as he watched Aiden's figure disappear.

The first day was over, tomorrow was a new day, one that was said to be the most anticipated of all days. Word spread fast, not only of Boros the Belly shitting himself but also of the indentation of a fist that was found after they rolled him over onto his back.