Welcome to your judgement. I am officer Bleak of the Soul judgement bureau. It is my job to determine the value of your soul. So what is your story? ------------------------------------
Life is strange has always been a weird sentiment in my eyes. Between the inexplainable origin of existence and the inevitable heat death of the universe, it loses a bit of its glamour. I do not condemn people thinking about life, nor would I ever dare to do so. Each person who manages to find his or her purpose in this world has done far more than I could ever achieve.
Life for me contains so many opportunities and so much variety making it hard for me to put a label on it calling it strange. It is so much more than just strange. Life is mysterious, it is wonderful, it can be daunting or horrible. Just calling it strange does not do it justice.
Each being has so much potential in it, they are destined to shape the world. A bug is not of any less value than a human. While the scope of their impact is widely different both of them are able to influence their surroundings.
In the grand scheme of time, both of their exitances are destined to just play a very minute part. Is the entire human race capable of wiping out several planets as a black hole can? Do more bugs exist than planets in the universe? Everything loses its importance the broader the outlook is.
But such an outlook is just counterproductive for everyone involved. Dwelling on things and problems that can not be changed is pointless, it just ruins your precious time by worrying about things outside of your control.
We turn to religion and science seeking an answer to our most profound questions, that leads to just more questions the more we get to know about the universe. Who am I to tell anyone on how to cope? There is no right or wrong in that regard. Each person sees the world through their own lenses. A god can exist for you, while it also can be extinct for me.
Right or wrong are just different perspectives held by different observers.
If you trace back this system to its origin you might notice a certain pattern. Everything is the result of a near-endless loop of action and reaction. This aspect includes active and passive parts. What else is choice but a catalyst starting a chain of action and reaction?
You had no choice of being born, this decision was made from others in your stead. But this decision enabled you to even have the ability to choose. This just marks the starting point of the decision others make in your stead. Your parents raise you in a way they deem fit shaping you indirectly. As a small child, you would look instinctively at those around you copying certain traits of them. All these things are still outside of your control as this decision is based on your instinct alone.
You are just a product of your surroundings. In your whole life, your character is honed by every contact you make, by all the positive and negative experiences and the general zeitgeist. While you are shaped by their choices and your decisions it is also you who will shape others indirectly.
If someone commits a heinous crime is it the sole responsibility of said person? Or are the parents that might have neglected him partly to blame? Is it the girl, who did not think much about the young boy she rudely rejected without much ill will? If they are not to blame does the fault lie with the surrounding world or are the genes the real perpetrator?
What if the said person never was born in the first place? The crime could have not been committed without the person existing. So are his parents to blame for giving birth to him? Where does this chain end? Are we supposed to blame the big bang for all our problems as without it life would not have been possible?
It all started with a singularity, In this infinitesimally small point of mass was every energy of our current universe. The big bang was the first act starting the chain of events, leading to the universe as we know it.
What was before the big bang and what kind of laws applied to it before? No one knows. I fail to comprehend how something might have existed for eternity and nothing becoming something is also unfathomable for me.
So did the verdict change with all this newfound knowledge? No, it did not, the person is still as "guilty" as before. It was their choice that caused those consequences. No matter how big your outlook is, no matter how insignificant those humans are. Past, present or future. Your action will lead to consequences whether you like it or not.
" Applicant Number 42 your test is about to start. Please head to the nearest chamber."
A cold robotic voice interrupted my small philosophical trip.
I stood up and walked straight to the nearest room clad in a big iron door.
Why should I care though? I am dead after all.