
Death and Meeting with God

"Truck-kun I'm reading the newest chapter of The Seven Deadly Sins right now, and the boss gave us a new mission. Can you please go out?" A voice rang out.

"Sorry but I am having a date with Jet-Sama. Go ask Tank-Kun if you want the job done properly. Once he runs someone over they never get back up unlike I once did. Damn, that guy got lucky." Another voice rang out.

"Hey, maybe our newest member Train-Kun might help? I would give the job to the intern Yacht-Kun, but she is still getting the hang of it. I'll get Train-Kun to do it for us!" The first voice rang out. A phone suddenly turned on illuminated a bus. The bus then started calling someone with the ID of [Train]

Quickly the arrangements were made, and their evil plot began. They were psycho's who loved to run people over because they thought that Isekai stories were real and they were helping. They were wrong most people they run over just go to heaven or hell (If you believe in that sort of thing)


Somewhere else a train was circling. It looked as if it was just bringing passengers around but some people or should I say transport vehicles new better. The train was on the lookout for people to run over.

At the next train, stop stood a man well past his prime. He was greying and slightly hunched. He stood there alone with an empty and lonely look in his eyes as he read the latest issue of [Fate/Stay Night]. He was a fan of the series since it represented a world where magic exists. People can do whatever they want and have as much fun as they want. And can face each other in battle and games of the mind.

He was in no way a genius, but he had a talent when it came to battle strategy. He realized this when he tried to play one of the new online games that the kids always played. He wasn't special. As a kid, he had a loving family. He grew up normal. Good friends loved and was usually happy.

But he had something wrong with him in recent years. The doctors said it was [Desociation with reality] basically he had a detachment from his surroundings. He doubted everything and questioned if it was even real.

To him, it didn't feel real it just all felt... Dull and boring. Nothing was exciting. No new event's in his life, just the same old routine. It all felt like the same old game he was playing all over again. The same storyline, the same characters, the same places. Even when it introduced what he called an [update] or [extension pack], he was bored with it. Those updates and extension packs always were in some sort of new person in his life or new environment though. He just simply didn't care.

A woman was arguing with her husband next to him 'Tch, how annoying. Listening to those two blabber is so annoying.' He thought. He didn't see though that a little girl was having the exact same thought right behind that couple.

He glimpsed over from time to time to give the couple a distasteful look. About five minutes through there arguing he was about to move and looked at them and saw the kid next to them, sneaking away from what he guessed were her parent's.

'Poor kid.' He thought. The kid was headed for the train tracks, and as it didn't look like the parents were going to stop arguing anytime soon, he decided to look out for her. 'My good deed for the day, I suppose.' He thought.

'Damn that kid is getting awfully close to the train tracks I wonder what she's doi- Oh sh*t she is going to try and kill herself! Her parent's arguing must have driven her to the edge!' I thought and rushed toward her as she walked onto the tracks.

The train saw this, and if it had a mouth, you would have seen it smiling a creepy smile which would remind you of the Joker.

The person in the trains controls room, making sure everything was running smoothly saw the girl and tried to stop the train, but for some reason, it wouldn't listen to him. 'Shit, that girl is going to die! I am so going to get fired for this!' He said while starting to sweet. I guess humans are selfish, even when they are about to kill someone accidentally. Disgusting.

Our MC rushed towards the train tracks intent on saving the girl. "Kid get away from there! You don't deserve to die!" The MC yelled.

The girl simply looked towards him, tears in her eyes. "NO! Don't come any closer! I want to die, so please don't risk yourself for me!" She pleaded.

'This girl has a good heart. Even though she is about to die, she is still thinking about others.' I thought as my resolve hardened as I didn't even hesitate when jumping onto the track.

"You have a bright life ahead of you. Make sure to be someone great like I never was. I was never meant for this reality. So go and live your life." The MC said as quickly as he could as he lifted the girl up. And dragged her over to the edge.

"NO! Stop and get out of here! Let me go this has nothing to do with you!" The girl screamed and tried to get out of the MC's grip.

The MC didn't even feel it as adrenaline pumped through his body, giving him the extra push he needed to throw the girl out of the train track. 'I guess this is my good deed for this life. What a boring life it was. I guess I can at least go to heaven now and meet my family again.' Our MC thought resigned to his unavoidable fate.

"Live life to the fullest child. And promise me not to get traumatized by this and use it as a driving force in accomplishing great things." Our protagonist said. A smile crept onto his face. 'So I finally get to di-

He was cut off by Train-Kun. 'Hehe, mission success. Maybe now I will get a promotion? Some more money to pay for my anime watching time would be nice.' The train thought not even bothering to think about it just having killed someone. It slowly stopped confusing the train conductor as to why it was just stopping now and not a couple of seconds ago. But that confusion was quickly overshadowed by sorrow as he knew he was going to lose his job.


A soul was floating around in the void it was so empty that around him even nothingness didn't exist, even though it looked peaceful there was a struggle as the soul was fighting itself it did not know what was real and what was fake anymore he had died yet he felt he lived, he thought this was real yet he felt it was also fake. His heart, guts, and mind all told him different thing. This went on for centuries, and it did not calm after millennia it finally resolved itself.

"Young one I can feel your pain and suffering, and it makes me sad" a voice was heard through the endless nothingness

as the soul turned or maybe it didn't, as it had no face or body it was impossible to tell, it started communicating by projecting its... you can't say thought or feeling as he was without a brain to process those things, but somehow a link was established between the soul and the being.

"I'm guessing your God, or someone like a god." the soul said

"Yes" came a simple reply

"So what are you gonna do with me?" The soul kept on questioning

"You have excellent karmic value due to the girl you saved aspiring to help people so she did experiments on herself and she ended up becoming the first-ever mutant and her power being of disease/virus expulsion, and she saved trillions with the things she did with her power from stuff like eliminating the common cold all the way up to curing Ebola and cancer.

So, I will give you three wishes, and it has already been decided about where you will be transported to." The god said

"Very well I wish for

1. The body, weapon, and grace of Escanor

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

3. a way of storing the sun's energy in his body to use

And that is all."

"You've thought about this?" God asked.

"Yeah, when every second is confusing and feels like a lie, you try to occupy yourself." The MC said back.

"Very interesting, most people would ask for a system from what I have learned. Anyway, your wishes shall be granted, and I shall give you an extra gift, all of Escanor's memories as well as how to use your other two abilities.

Farewell young one, and live a good life. Owe before I forget your class is neutral with the same class skill as the archer class." God said, giving away where the MC will be transported.

'Maybe with the EMS power I give him he will be cured of his problem? I doubt it though as no one has ever had such a connection to reality before. He even knew the whole time that the world he lived in was something another world fantasized. Those fantasy worlds they create about such as Naruto become real, and his world was part of a comedy television on a different planet. With his wish, he will be able to see through reality with his eyes, and with the abilities I give his eyes, he will be able to mold reality to his liking. The god of reality is long since dead. He is the best candidate I've seen so far. Maybe...' God thought

I am just making this because I can't update my other book. This is probably only going to be updated when I am free and have nothing else to do. It might also be updated more if this gets good responses.

I hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

UnlimitedBladeWorkcreators' thoughts
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