

It all started here 1 years ago as if the day I can remember like it happened today. when she said

  "you are nothing more than a nuisance, so get lost from here"

  that day for first time in my life I said

  "this world is the worst thing that God has ever made"

  so, let's begin the story.

  it, was a normal day of my school, I was chatting with my friends in the breaktime but my class

  teacher comes to me and says

  "aiden principal ma'am is calling you, what did you do?"

  "ma'am i didn't do anything"

  "whatever, now come with me"

  I thought 'why the fuck is principal calling me '

  when we arrived it the principal office

  there was a girl standing and she was looking at me

  like she was going to kill me, but she was very beautiful.

  my principal sends my class teacher out of the room.

  and after that she said

  "aiden I'm proud of you"

  I said

  "ma'am but I didn't do anything"

  the answer comes from the girl

  "aiden from now onwards 

you are a part of kills, so you are not going to study in this school anymore"

   so let me explain 'what is kill?'

   kill is an independent organisation in which there are 12 people who handle kill organisation and Kill is also known for their military power and their budget of 420 billion dollars.

   but I was surprised, why I'm a part of Kill.

but I was surprised, why I'm a part of Kill.

l said

"what...and why l'm a part of Kill"

the girl replied.

"sorry I did't introduced myself, my name is Luna

and from now onwards you are my partner in kill military and management"

I was surprised and thought 'what the fuck did she said a partner' 

I was happy but at the same time I was surprised and shocked. and I asked her a question.

"but what if I refuse to become a part of Kill"

Luna replied.

"Kill organisation will pay you 1 lakh dollars for a   month, what do you think now?"

I was shocked like hell. 1 lakh dollars is a very huge amount to pay to just a 18 years boy and I was also curious to know why are there doing this, but before that I had a question for Luna 

"isn't my age to small to work in kill"

Luna replied

"age doesn't matter in kill, the work matter the most"

I thought 'this very interesting'

after chatting for a few while, I and Luna  leave the school and take a taxi to that headquarter of the kill

when I and Luna where sitting in the taxi I asked her a question 

"where are you from?"

Luna replied

"sorry I can't tell you about that"

I got little curious why isn't she telling me where is she from.

and then we arrived at the headquarters, after that she takes me to the lab and I thought 'why the fuck is she taking me to the lab' 

Luna says 

"can you please set on this chair"

I said

"ok, no problem"

that was my biggest mistake in my life to sit on that chair because after that I did never come back to this world.

when I set on the chair, suddenly I was in an another world,

and that's how my story begins.