
Chapter One

Dark Specter's reign of terror overrun Nebula Planet as the Psycho Power Rangers tried their best to defend their planet. However they were defeated as Dark Specter's forces turned Nebula Planet into wasteland. The Psycho Rangers disappeared and no one has heard of them since they were defeated as Billy, the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger, Trey, the Gold Zeo Ranger and the Phantom Ranger are now monitoring Nebula Planet.

" Any survivors?" Phantom Ranger asked.

" No confirmation. " Gold Zeo Ranger said.

" Just as I thought." Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger said. " It looks like Dark Specter's forces lay wasted Nebula Planet. I wasn't awared of this because I was in Aquitar, working on fixing my power coins in order to get myself morphed."

" What about the other power coins?" Gold Zeo Ranger asked.

" I don't know." Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger said. " Only Triceratops Power Coin which I managed to fixed it. The others might have been lost and destroyed."

" Is there anything we can do?" Phantom Ranger asked.

" We'll just followed Dark Specter's moves. He captured Zordon and plotted to drained his powers." Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger said. " Let's just hope Nebula Planet's Power Rangers survived the invasion. Dark Specter invaded Eltar and now turned his attention to Earth."

" Sounds like it would be a brilliant idea." Gold Zeo Ranger said.

Meanwhile, Ecliptor was called by Astronema.

" You called me Princess Astronema?" Ecliptor asked.

" Let's set course to Earth and followed the Power Rangers." Astronema said.

" As your wish my princess." Ecliptor said.

Meanwhile, in Planet Galaxido, the mysterious planet that was not part of Dark Specter's planets and it was a neutral planet. One spaceship has been crashed within the planet as the five cloaked hooded figures arrived and scanned the area. They removed their hoods and revealed themselves to be the Psycho Rangers, Hector, Monica, Kirk, Kristine and Sylvester.

" Looks like this planet is uninhabited." Hector the Red Psycho Ranger said. " We could set here as our temporarily base."

" Our planet has turned into wasteland." Kristine the Pink Psycho Ranger said.

" I agree." Monica the Yellow Psycho Ranger said. " Dark Specter might turned his attention to Earth."

" We have to stop him." Kirk the Blue Psycho Ranger said.

" Our ship is badly damage." Sylvester the Black Psycho Ranger said.

" Let's set camp here." Hector said. " Just to make sure that we are alone in this planet and this planet remained neutral and uninhabited. "

" What about our home planet?" Monica asked.

" We will save some inhabitants from our home planets who were captured and made them not only prisoners but also slaves." Hector said.

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