
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 12

'I bet she doesn't even understand what she did! She just thinks that she's hot shit…well, she is hot, but that's not the point! She shouldn't be able to revive me just like that! She should have asked me when I was still alive and human! Now, Yuuma's gone and I can't do anything to save her…' he thought sadly as he slowly approached a house.

Remembering a conversation that he had with Yuuma about where she lived, Issei made his way up to a house that he believed that was once Yuuma's home.

Taking in a deep breath, Issei knocked on the door. He had to explain to her parents why their child hasn't come back.

Opening the door was a black haired woman that looked a lot like Yuuma. She looked at Issei and gave him a nice, polite smile. "Hello, young man. How may I help you?"

"Uh..Hi…I-uh… I'm bringing b-bad news." Issei was shaking in anxiety as he prepared his speech.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" asked the women with a head tilt. A man came up behind the woman, making Issei guess that this was Yuuma's father.

"Everything alright here?" he asked as looked at the shaking Issei.

"Umm… Well, you see… I knew your daughter…Yuuma…" he muttered.

"Yuuma?" asked the wife. "Who is that?"

"Uhh… What do you mean 'who is that? Yuuma is your daughter. I'm here bo-boyfriend." Issei murmured.

"Well, sir, we don't have a daughter." said the husband, shocking Issei.

"Wha…What do you mean you don't know Yuuma? She's your daughter! She's your daughter that died because of me! How can you not remember?!" he yelled.

"Son, listen. I think you have the wrong people." said the man with a frown. "You should go home."

Issei slowly backed away from the confused couple in fright before running away in a full sprint.

'What's going on?!' he yelled from his mind. 'Why don't they remember Yuuma!? That' their child and they don't even remember!'

While running, Issei brought out his phone and opened up his photo app to see the pictures that he had took with Yuuma during their date. He came to a halt when he kept scrolling but couldn't find their picture.

"What's going on!" he yelled as he kept scroll. He checked his photo five times before giving up. The photos he had with Yuuma weren't there.

"I… I don't understand…" he muttered as Issei started to cry. His first girlfriend, the girl that he couldn't protect from some dark angel that had big boobs, was gone. Yuuma was gone and it was his entire fault.

Issei broke down on the sidewalk, but it was late enough where as to nobody would be out and see him.

30 Mintes Later

After recovering from his major break down, Issei was making his way back home. It was really late out and he didn't want to make his parents worry anymore than they probably were. He still had Yuuma's dead fresh on his mind, but he had slowly and painfully came to accept that she was truly gone.

'But,' thought Issei as he continued his walk, 'if I can find this Lee guy, then I can at least bury her body properly.'

Lost in his thoughts, Issei didn't notice the flying dark angel floating above him. The blue-haired fallen angel was none other than Kalawarner, wearing a maroon trench-like top and matching mini-skirt, the fallen was watching her prey slowly trek his way back to his home.

"Seems like they resurrected him…" Kakawarner muttered to herself. She produced a yellow-spear and aimed it at the newly reincarnated devil. "Oh well, if Raynare couldn't finish the job, then I will!" she shouted as she chucked the spear at Issei.

If Issei wasn't lucky, he would have died again, 24 hours past his first death, but a passerby devil swooped in and saved Issei as the yellow, devil killing spear stab the ground Issei was once on.

"What the!" shouted Issei as he tried to struggle out of the grip of however had him in their arms.

"Are you safe?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

"Safe from what?!" shouted Issei. Whoever had Issei in their arms dropped the poor devil, causing him to groan as he hit the ground. "What was that for?"

"Didn't you want me to let you go?" asked the voice that sounded like a boy to Issei. The brown-haired boy shook his hair out of his face and looked up to see some weird-looking boy in a green jumpsuit.

"Yeah, but… Not like that." Issei said as he slowly stood back up. "Who are you and why did you do that?"

"Well, my name is Lee," Issei's eyebrows rose when he heard his name, "and I just saved you from her." Lee said as he pointed up at Kalawarner.

Issei looked up to see the blue-haired fallen and his eyes widened in shock. 'She has those wings…just like that other woman!'

"Well, well, well," said Kalawarner as she crossed her arms over her breast, which caught Issei's perverted attention, "seems as if you have a guardian devil watching over you."

"You!" shouted Issei as he pointed up to the fallen angel. "Where is that other women with those same wings that killed Yuuma!" he shouted.

"Raynare?" Kalawarner said with fake confusion. "She's in the area. But I'm going to kill you both here to avoid problems later on."

"No you're not…" Issei growled as he summoned his Sacred Gear, surprising both Lee and Kalawarner.

"Ah! So that's your Sacred Gear." Lee said with a head nod.

Kalawarner smacked her lips as she analyzed her situation. 'Fighting two devils, no matter how new the brown-haired one is, will be a disadvantage for me, especially since that one with the jumpsuit could be quick enough to dodge my attack.

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