
Chapter 1

A sweet looking girl and adorable boy of four or five years old were playing with ball in garden . The boy calls her Niannian very sweetly adorably "Niannian, let's eat our lunch now or mom will scold us ".She looks at him adorably and nods at him and went inside the house to eat her lunch. Their mothers has been school friends. They loves to spend time with each other when they have free time.

When Wu Jin was born Lu Nian was pregnant with Lu Nian. They promised each other if Lu Nian mother Sui Wei gave birth a girl they married them off.

After Lu Nian was born they were very happy as they thought their wish has been granted by the god.

Lu Nian is very beautiful looking adorable child Wu Jin was very fond since day she was born so she spent most of her time in his house.

Wu Jin was six months older than her and very handsome looking boy who loves stay quite most of time.

While they were eating their lunch their parents also join them .Both of them were eating silently and parents were happy to join them as most time they eat alone in afternoon as their parents were busy with their works.

After eating they went back their for afternoon nap.

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