
Power book

Albatross_3688 · Phim ảnh
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

---Third party POV---

Lobos was yet to finish his lunch when Ghost and Tommy got to the room. Somewhat he was very disappointed in them though.

"Oh there you are...come on Ghost join me for lunch."

"No thanks jefe. Actually let's get straight to business. Tommy and I have some errands to run."

"How about you start by telling me why my money did not come in full pendejo," Lobos muttered with a change in tone.

"I am very sorry about that jefe. We got hit a couple of days ago and..."

"And what Ghost? What have you done about it?"

"We are in the process of tracking those responsible."

"Do it fast or I will be forced to look for a new distributor and things might not be good for you. Remember your life is also in the line here alright?"

"Who are you to threaten Gho..."

Tommy tried to cut in but was stopped by Ghost. He was already angry. Who is Lobos to threaten his friend? He couldn't care less. He could just take out his gun and shoot that motherfucker right there.

"Alright jefe, we'll have to get going now. My apologies," Ghost said as he Shaked hands with Lobos.