
One Shot Story

– a tragic love story inspired by wars in Eastern Europe. Try playing "I'll be home" of Leah Salonga.

I met her again in the peak of the summer, it was the solstice of the season and she was happy. Soon afterwards, we parted at the peak of the winter. It was the solstice of her favorite season and she was hesitant to let me go, so do I. She was hurting. Sorry. Her contagious smile could not be seen anymore; frozen by the winter and me.

Spring arrived, animated, breathed life into its zenith but not for her. The blooming season was climaxing and the gloom of the Autumn could be trace in some of the maple trees.

Fifteenth sunset of August rebounded longing in her sapphire eyes. Raven night came when she saw me staring at her from a distance. Between the dim lights of the boulevard, our hug neared the interval. Quite frankly, I missed her a lot that our hug remained for minutes. Quiet were the both of us, no words escaped, just looking and to be this close with her says more. War is coming, and I promise to be back home.

A week passed us, the day she doesn't want to come, came. Neither I, but can't say no to my country and for the peace we long to achieve. A sacrifice, after this, when the war's gone, I pledge to alter the weariness and suffering in her eyes to happiness and all can be seen is eternal bliss. Our love, her love will be my shield to all the bullets and blades. I need her smile and she did so I chuckled. "I love you, I adore you, wait for me, I'll be home."

Desperate for the peace we want and desperate to return home. We did our best in the battle. I can't wait of what will be her reaction when that happens. When I go back and lift her and kneel down to ask and offer a wedding. Wait for me, I'll be home.

Cry for the victory, we won. Eager to meet my woman again but when we arrived, village was burning. Immediately, I run to home. Gone. Bodies were gatherd in the center of this small place. I slowly walked there to se a hand with engagement ring I made. My knees lost its balance. I closed my eyes hoping it's not her but when I open my eyes, it was really her. "Love, I'm home." Motionless and lifeless. The wind blew, I'm cold.

Summer came again so quick. Spring just flew. Autumn came like one night and winter ran fast. Intently looking at the bricked wall, a portrait of a woman with her sweet smile melts my heart. Where's home? I'm not home anymore. I'm yearning for love, love that I can not have even when all the four seasons arrive. Wait for me, I will be home...for sure.

–Written by: Truly yours 🖋