
Front Matter

To the readers, this book is the 1st book in the series, Amazonian Paint Lady, and read the whole series in order so you won't get lost or sidetracked when reading. Please also note that English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for the grammatical errors, typographical errors, and misspellings that may come along the way your reading this book.

Disclaimer, this book is a work of fiction from the names to the characters, places, events, locale, and incidents are all by-product of the author's imagination. If anything or anyone has any resemblance to a person Dead or Alive is purely coincidental.

Warning, this story contains violent scenes that may not be suitable for young readers to indulge in. Reader discretion is advised.

Genre: Mystery/Thriller and Fantasy

Amazonian Paint Lady Series:

Grimoire Heart 1#

Royal Shame 2#

Aftermath 3#

Litigation 4#

Lethal Intelligence 5#

ZERØ Antecedent 6#

Mysteries Of Paragon Bersilion 7#

Amazonian Paint Lady Novels:

Recondites Abstruse 1#

Diamond Authority 2#

Forgotten Panacae 3#


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