

John was just your average everyday man except for the fact that he was struggling to barely get by living in a run down apartment. He also was an avid Pokémon fan.Ever since I was a child I fell in love with pokemon watching the series up until x and y. Sighing heavily and dreaming of what it would be like to be in the world of Pokémon. Coming back from my daydreaming I was focusing on the task at hand going to find a place of employment. Finally spotting a sign on a Mac Donald's saying wanted for hire. I couldn't believe will employment problem finally come to to an end. Just as I was crossing the street I heard the roaring sound of a horn being blown in his direction. Snapping my head to the left I felt immense pain as I was hit by a truck. Pedestrians rushing to the scene trying to help out. I felt tears coming to my eyes this is the way I'm about go out not accomplishing anything,not even getting to live my life to fullest! Vision starting to fade I finally started to come to terms with my death.

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