
Pokemon: Unlimited Growth

Our protagonist mike died and meet GOD and get some wishes and got sent to reincarnation. he wants living like a random npc but problems always come in front of him. He is not like a hero but will always help out when there is a need for. He is almost invincible but don't want to make moves unless necessary. Disclaimer : I don't own pokemon or any original characters only my own character . Also you can support me in Patreon at patreon.com/DangerZone69

Danger_Zone_69 · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Ch 26: The Rookie tournament (1)

In the evening at about 7 pm.

"Ahhh. Haaahi" Mike start to stretching his arms and legs. He wakes his Sylveon up as she was also with him napping.

He then get downtown for looking around at night market. It was because of the tournament, there was many stalls that was open.

He with Sylveon get something to eat form each stalls. Then he found a place to take out all his Pokémon. Then he feed them there dinner.

After a night strolling around the city. Mike get back to the Pokecenter and get to sleep for the night.

In the next morning. Mike took out his younger Pokemon and decided to visit the shops to see what he can find.

There was many good restaurant, factories, hotel and many more in here. He learn something when he was looking at a building in front. It was 'League Association' that can be found in every big city or some town.

It was like a 'guild' in many fantasy light novels. They have quests that you can complete and earn some money and other benefits.

The quest not only related to Pokémon and trainer. But some quests are like cleaning, surviving as waiter in high peak hours, Being bodyguard for some customers, catching wild Pokemons, burglars, pochars and many more.

Another interesting thing he found out was the auction. Every big city has a auction house they sell rare and valuable items and even Pokemon at a very high price.

He was thinking of earning some money for himself. He can't always relying on parents money. The money he loot form Team Darkness was also being used up to cultivate Pokemon, and there diets. He was running low on funds now. The money his father give him was there but he didn't spend them he only spent the amount he loots from the Team.

He start making some plans for earning money. After some time they went back to Pokecenter, Mike and his Pokemon eat then he rest for some time. Then he took his Pokemon to move muscle for the time being in the back yard of Pokecenter where a field was.

Then next day. Mike wake up early and get his Pokemon running to get some exercise. Today was the day tournament will be held. So he wants to have his Pokemon get warm up for the time.

He was going to use Poliwhirl first, as he already used Nidorino with Brock. If Poliwhirl get tired after going through so many matches he will switch to Nidorino.

After getting his breakfast done. Mike headed for the venue where the tournament will be held.

There were 160 participants in this Rookie tournament. There were 3 judges for the tournament.

When Mike reach the tournament stadium he saw a lot of energetic participants, almost all the participants were around his age. After seeing the list of participants, he found out his battle was with a girl name Luna. His battle was in the 4th round.

The top 32 that was going to the next round need to battle 5 times to get a chance in the qualifier round.


Stadium of Rookie Tournament.

"Hello!! People of Grainger town. I am James Deen, the host of this exiting tournament. Today we have 3 judges here with us. The 1st one was Liam corn, our mayor of the town. Our 2nd judge was miss nurse joy of our town Pokecenter. And last but not least Our Rookie Tournament president Nike Goodshow."

The crowd erupted when they heard the judges introduction, especially for Nike Goodshow.

"I would like to hand the mic over to our mayor and say the rule of the tournament. Give him a round of applause."

Liam was an old man in his 55 years old with white hair which seems to be falling with the passage of time. He was around 6 feet wearing a black suit and expensive watch. When he took the mic the crowd went silent for a moment.

Thinking he has the attention now, he said." Welcome dear citizens of Grainger town and trainer of outside. In this Rookie tournament, every time we try to give something different to the pertinent. This time we have something different from before.

For the winner we decide to give them a rare dragon type Pokemon Swablu and a TM of Dragon Rush. The second place will get Good quality of the three basic stone and a Leaf stone. The third place will get a Fire Crystal of Duke Rank resources.

There was 160 pertinent then there will have 32 people among them 16 will get to qualifiers. Then come the quarter finalist and Sami finalist. There are few rules for this tournament.

1. Since this is the rookie tournament, until the qualifier round every match participants can only use 1 Pokemon.

2. Use of potion and antidotes are prohibited and until the Pokemon faint or the participants surrender, the battle will continue.

And the Champion also get an extra 1 million dollars. 2nd place will get 500k Pokedollars and the 3rd place will get 200k Pokedollars. Now, without further Ado let the battle begin!!"

Mike was Inside the room with his Pokémon discussing battle tactics. Not that much only discussing who go first and who will follow. After some debate he decided to follow his previous line up of Poliwhirl, Nidorino and lastly Sylveon.

Mike turn for battle come after 10 minutes. Tournament was for rookie trainer so the Pokemon was very week and get tired fast so the battle didn't last much time.

"Now Mike from Bright town and Luna Karo from Floral town. Please step on stage."

Mike and Luna stepped on stage. The stage was very big about half the size of football stadium. The stage has green grass, some mud and small rocks all over. There was a big PokeBall printing at the middle of the stage.

Mike looked at his opponent to gauge her strength. The girl wore a tight hot pants barley cover her thigh. She has fair skin and one of those tomboyish black short hair. Her height was around 5'4 feet. She has tone muscles on her bicep that can be seen from the short shirt she was wearing. But the look the girl give made him surprised.

He could sense a bit of killing intent from her. He was wondering what she had gone through in her life to look so fierce. She looks only 1 or 2 year older than him.

"Took out your Pokemon," said the referee.

"Go Poliwhirl!"

"Go Machoke!"

Mike seeing the Machoke was a little surprised at how healthy and powerful it was. It was at Mid Rare Rank. He guess previously that the girl should be a fighting type specialist with how much fighting Aura she release.

"If you are both ready, then start the battle," signal the referee.

On the other side host of the tournament said." Wow. It seems the young trainer both has Rare Rank Pokemon. It was going to be very exciting. But unfortunately one of them has to go out early. They have the potential to be on the quarterfinal at least. Let the match start then!!"

"Poliwhirl use, Bubble beam!" Mike said calmly

"Machoke use Protect!" Luna said.

Poliwhirls Bubble beam was stopped by Machoke using Portect.

Machoke then use move forward with his trainers command and try to use Low Sweep. But Poliwhirl dodge it then use Low kick and Machoke choose to get hit and attack with Revenge.

Then because of being close Machoke then use Vital Throw. Poliwhirl get some distance and use Hydro pump Machoke start using Endure to reduce the damage but still was thrown back.

Machoke has injury from this but it get up and start using Bulk up. Then run to get closer to use Cross Chop. Seeing Machoke Bulk up he ordered to use Rain Dance. It was start to rain and make Poliwhirl more faster.

So Machoke can't get closer to use any effective move.

"Huh!! Coward, why don't you came and fight like a man!" Luna start to use Tash talk to get Mike riled up. But he didn't answer her much only smile at her taunting.

Mike then said to use Hypnosis to make Machoke confused for a moment. He then give the single for a finishing blow.

Poliwhirl start using Belly Drum with a white glow over his body, this reduce his Hp by half but increase his attack to maximus then get closer to Machoke. His hand was glowing with red fighting type energy. Now with a devastating Focus punch Machoke was knocked out directly.

Everyone was shock by the intense back and forth between the two Pokemon. They don't expect a beginning match would be this intense. So for a moment even the referee was daze for a second.

Realizing his mistake, he shouted. "Ahh.. the winner is Mike." The crowd erupted after the match.

Mike also come toward the Luna and they did a handshake to give congratulations. Luna then hurriedly took Machoke to check up as it was very injured. The nurse were in the stadium for any check up.

Mike also took Poliwhirl for a little check up, as he also use a self harming move. So with the help of nurse joy it took 19 minutes to finish everything.

For the next round it was going to held in the afternoon. So he was going back to have lunch. He will come back in the afternoon to check his match time.

Mike decided to use Nidorino for the second match, as Poliwhirl can rest some time. He will use his the next day. The number of trainer in the tournament was large so it was going to take 6 days total to finish everything.

The then get back to the Pokecenter for a little rest after luck. Then once again headed toward the venue where his match will be decided.