
pokemon starting my next life

I dont know how I ended up here all I know is that I will live my new life to the fullest

Boltbit77 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

By the time the girls and I got into Pewter City it was night, so we made our way to the pokemon center to get three rooms for the night and also get are pokemons checked out and healed and one we got everything done we went to our rooms and called it a night.

I woke up early to train with my team one last time before the gym and as they went over there moves I sat down and meditated for a bit to try to get in touch with my psychic powers that I found out I had in school. Now they did not teach me much about Psychic powers they just told me the way to get my powers to get stronger and how I can talk to pokemon's with it but I have not got a hang of it yet but I will one day.

Once Me and my team finished up Misty and Leaf came outside, I said "good morning Misty Leaf we where just getting done with training and then we where off to see if we could battle the gym do you want to join me"

Misty-"Yeah we will come with you Mark and after that we where going to make appointments to battle the gym for the next day"

Ok then its off to the gym

As we got to the gym I walked up to Brock the rock gym leader and asked "hey Brock can I have a battle with you today" lucky he did not have to battle anyone else today so I got to have the gym battle right away.

As I took my place on the battlefield, I saw Misty and Leaf setting down watching us so I waved at them, and they waved back with a smiles on their faces and just after that the referee came down to the field and said "this will be a three-on-three pokemon battle where only Mark can change pokemon mid battle with that said you may begin.

As the battle began Brock sent out geodude and I sent out squirtle and she has been close to evolving soon and I hope that this will push her to it as our training is as far as it can go.

Brock-"you may think you have won with your water type, but we will show you how strong rock types are. Now geodude defense curl into roll out."

As I see geodude rolling at squirtle fast I tell her to use water gun on the ground in front of geodude and then jump to the side and use water gun again but this time on geodude.

When brock saw I used water gun on the ground he did not think anything of it and had his pokemon still go on with roll out, but he found out that was a problem real fast as he told geodude to roll to the side to doge the second water gun but found out that the mud i made with the first one slowed him down a lot making his pokemon take the hit head on.

As geodude got hit it added to his speed because the water gun hit him from behind and boosted him into the wall and made a thick cloud of smoke not letting us see the damage that squirtle did to the geodude but after some time the smoke went away and we saw geodude took a lot of damage from that attack but was still standing.

As I saw that I had squirtle send one more water gun that way but geodude used roll out to get away and started heading to squirtle so I let him get close and then I told squirtle to use rapid spin around him and hit it in the back with a water gun and this time the geodude did not get back up.

Brock-"well done but let's see how you do will my onix " and after that he sent out a long rock snake with a pointed rock on top of its head.

Seeing how squirtle did not get hit I let her stay in but i was not going to take any chances with how hard onix might hit so I started off with water pulse and just after i told her to use that move three pulse of water hit onix's body at the same time and I thought to myself that this is going to be easy if I just stay out of range but just like that the battle took a turn.

As I was just thinking how easy this is going, I saw onix's tail wrap around squirtle and her cry out in pain and with that happing I started panicking and told her to use rapid spin and water gun at the same time and it was working but it was only hurting the onix as she did not have enough power to get out.

But when I thought that all hope was lost squirtle started glowing and changing shape and when she was done a wartortle came out of the light and started spinning faster and got out from onix's tail and blast it in the face with a water pulse knocking it out.

I am back I will try to stay this time but I dont know what life is going to hit me with this time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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