
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Chapter 50

Years later, in the present time, Lucario was awoken from the staff when it was held by Evan and was about to leave the Cameran Castle.

"Sir Aaron!" Still blinded from the attack years ago, Lucario initially mistook Evan for Aaron,"I am Evan the current Aura Guardian of the kingdom of Rota" Then he regained his sight,

"Sir Aaron abandoned me,Queen Rin and the castle!" Lucario became stubborn and distrustful of humans after being sealed in the staff.

"You mean Sir Aaron abandoned the Kingdom of Rota, thousand of years ago, Do you not trust the bond between you and Sir Aaron?" Evan couldn't help but ask Lucario who is unaware of Aaron's sacrifice, Lucario held a grudge toward Aaron, thinking that Aaron had abandoned the castle and him. He had considered himself Aaron's servant, and he could not understand the friendship between human and Pokémon.

However,seeing Lucario Evan decided to take him directly to the tree of beginning where there was a time flower message left by Aaron shortly before his death told; that Aaron considered Lucario a friend, not a servant.

"Come with me to the Tree of beginning, you will know the truth over there!" Lucario reluctantly agreed he also wants to know the truth why he was abandoned. Evan then took Lucario to the heart of the tree of beginning and touched the time flower where he left message for Lucario.

"Lucario, Sir Aaron didn't abandoned neither you, Queen Rin nor the Castle, Sir Aaron knew you would follow him and sacrifice yourself as Sir Aaron did to save the kingdom." Evan explained to Lucario who was feeling guilty because he doubted their friendship between himself and Sir Aaron.

"Let's go back to the Castle Lucario, I'm sure Sir Aaron would want you to have a great life,

He might leave this message to inform you that no matter where you are, you'll always be friends with Sir Aaron"

"Alright Evan I understand and Thank you for bringing me here to let me know about the truth, I'm ashamed of myself to even think that I doubted Sir Aaron"

"You don't have to be, Lucario you loved the Kingdom and Sir Aaron so of course you have a right to doubt it's just that Sir Aaron's circumstances was in a dire" Evan comforted Lucario and went to the castle together.

"My queen everything has been resolved, I will be leaving for Hoenn now" Evan bowed and informed about everything to Queen Ilene.

"Evan are you leaving?" Lucario suddenly asked Evan.

"Yes Lucario I'm going to participate in a competition, I have been training here to become a Aura Guardian from 4 years ago, and since I have finally completed my purpose, I want to go on a journey, and Don't worry we'll be friends if you need my help just ask Queen Ilene, I'll come in a flash" Lucario nodded reluctantly.

Looking at the reluctant Lucario Queen Ilene smile "Lucario do you want to follow Sir Evan?"

"Will that be Okay?" Lucario eyes lit up since he just started learning about friends Lucario wanted to spend time with Evan.

"I would most welcome to have you in my team Lucario as a successor of Sir Aaron, it would be most honorable moment for me to have Sir Aaron's friend and a partner as my Pokémon!"

"Then that's settled, Lucario please protect my knight" Queen Ilene said with a smile and nodded to Evan.

Understanding what she meant, Evan took put a Luxury ball and put in front of Lucario where he got in without any hesitation.

After capturing Lucario successfully,Evan released Lucario to let him follow because Evan knew he would love to stay outside instead of a Pokéball just like Ash's Pikachu.

"Then my Queen Lucario and I will ne leaving, Thank you for taking care of me all this time" Evan said with a smile and walked out of the room.

Evan and Lucario greeted the guards at the castle entrance and headed for the helicopter, greeting the pilot and after settling in together with Lucario, the aircraft took off, heading for Rustboro city in Hoenn region.

Joseph was feeling down, it's been Four years since Evan said he would go and become an Aura Guardian to protect himself and his dear ones and his eldest son, Steven became busy after taking the title of Champion, until the propellers echoed through the house.

Joseph got up and ran into the backyard as the butler and the servants followed. Arriving at the scene, they saw a military helicopter with the flag of Rota emblazoned, and a man in a suit got off the aircraft, talking one last time to the pilot and soon a Lucario jumped off the helicopter. The aircraft took off and when Joseph and the others could see the boy's face, they were in shock.

Obviously it was Evan, but he had changed alot, his hair was now very long and tied in a ponytail,he also now almost looked like a Steven.Wearing a sleek black suit that gave glimpses of a strong physique, well-polished black shoes and a Lucario by his side.

Joseph walked slowly to the boy, no, the man who was now a few inches taller than himself, and asked uncertainly.

"Evan, are you my son?" The man smiled and hugged his mother.

"Yes, it's me Dad, I am back." Joseph cried as he held his son tightly, fearing that if he were to let go, he would go away. After a long hug, they both parted.

"Dad this is my Pokémon and My friend from Rota, and Lucario this is father" Evan introduced his father and Lucario to each other.

"Nice to meet you Sir" Lucario greeted as he bowed politely and Joseph was startled to see a Pokémon talking.

"Yes nice to meet you too and welcome to your new house" Although Joseph was stunned for a moment he responded politely with a smile.

"Well Dad I heard that brother has become the Champion of Hoenn region" As Evan asked everyone nodded.

"Let's go in first we can talk alot later" Joseph said to his son and Lucario who just came back home after 4 whole years.

Evan took the TV remote and handed it to Lucario. "Make yourself comfortable here at home, I'll take a shower and change my clothes. I like the suit, but it's impractical to wear this type of outfit all the time. Sylveon will keep you company." Lucario nodded at his friend in agreement, as Sylveon ran down the stairs and sat beside Lucario.

Getting naked in the bathroom Evan looked in the mirror and smiled at the evolution of his physique. He was still having a hard time getting used to his long hair, but he would get used to it in time. The only thing he didn't take off was his dogtag, which he gained at his graduation as a soldier of Rota. It was one of his obligations to always have his identification with him in case he urgently needed to report outside the realm.

After the shower, he still naked walked around to choose his new brand clothes,He then wore a formal cloth just like Steven and a black boots.

The boy tied his hair in a ponytail and then went downstairs, attracting looks from his father and the servants, who had never seen him dressed formally.

As Evan went downstairs, the lunch was prepared on the table. While eating Evan shared his experience to his father and they talked about their regular days.

"Oh Evan, Queen Ilene sent a Pokéball and a letter while you were in the shower." Suddenly Joseph said to Evan. Then Evan received the letter and Pokéball and released the Pokémon.

The Pokémon that came out of the Pokéball/ultra ball left everyone in a state of shock.

Its body was huge, entirely composed of ice, being bipedal and possessing seven yellow spheres that appeared to function as eyes, its arms and legs were composed of smaller crystallized ice blocks, with three small ice crystals at the tips of each arm, appearing to function. like fingers. Four ice crystals were present on the Pokémon's back. It floated a few inches above the ground and addressed Evan, who was in shock at the sight of the legendary ice pillar. The Pokémon held a small black box on its right arm.

It was Regice, but why the hell was he here? This Pokémon was a guardian of the tree from the beginning, something wasn't right. The mood was tense as the massive pillar stood beside Evan and his eyes began to flash in random patterns as he spoke in a high-pitched robotic voice.

"Regi Regice Ice Regi~" Said the ice pillar as he extended his hand wanting to hand the small box to Evan. The young man reluctantly accepted as the legendary Pokémon began to float around him.

Upon opening the box, a coat of arms of the royal guard of Rota, which consisted of a gold brooch in the shape of a rose with a sword and shield in the center, and also contained a letter. The content of the message surprised him almost as much as Regice being at his side.

{Dear Aura Guardian

If you are reading this, it means that Regice has accomplished his mission and is by your side right now.

Don't worry, Mew allowed Regice to be in your possession, it's a wish of the Pokémon, for some reason he has a lot of appreciation for you Evan, feel honored to have a legendary willingly going to your team.

Take good care of Regice, and whenever possible bring him a visit to the tree of the beginning, Regirock and Registeel may not show it as they act like machines without feelings, but they miss their brother.

And I also sent you the cross of Rota, you must always wear this brooch when representing our country as Guardian of the Aura at political meetings or when your presence is requested before Queen Ilene.

Well, having informed you all that was necessary, I can only wish you good luck on your journey.


Sir Riley, head of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Rota.}

Evan read the letter twice more to make sure he hadn't misunderstood anything, and looked curiously at Regice. Approaching the legendary pillar, he saw that the water in the air around the golem was condensing into snow.

"Regice, is it true that you want to be part of my team?" Regice responded by hugging Evan, surprisingly without freezing the poor boy, which allayed Joseph and the servant's fears at seeing the legendary act so friendly.

While everyone was in the midst of shock, Evan informed Joseph that he will be leaving on his journey to Kalos region tomorrow.

Joseph was upset that his son just came home and was leaving early soon, he was starting to feel like Evan was avoiding him, but there wasn't much he could do to stop him. Evan already had his belongings and the basic needs for a trip until he had a chance to restock.

The next morning in the airport,

"Evan, take care of yourself ok? Don't get involved in anything too dangerous if you can avoid it, and good luck on your journey." Joseph hugged his son as Evan returned the hug before walking away from his 'father'.

"Lucario you also take care ok? You're a good friend of Ash's, and I know I can count on you to keep him out of trouble. I know you will take good care of him." Joseph patted Lucario,then Evan and Lucario headed towards the flight where they would take a plane to Lumiose city, home of Professor Sycamore.

~To Be Continued....