
Predator - Hunt!

Eee'kiel hissed, :There! My target! Hunt!:

The hunt dogs growled as they ran after the Houndour and the who were training for their final battle against the Champion. Karen had looked up hearing a strange growl coming from ahead of her and felt her eye brows raise towards her hair. She had never seen such um ugly creatures? She did not know what to say but soon snapped out of it and dodged away from the attack which would have bit off her head. Houndoom was pissed and used flamethrower on the one attacking his partner, who did that creature think they were?

Karen shouted in anger, "Come out! Come out, you coward."

Eee'kiel appeared, :Oooman, you are mine.:

Karen didn't know why but she felt a shiver run down her spine, "What are you? You look human but.... I can tell, you are not human."

Eee'kiel hissed, :Enough talk.:

Karen, "Scatter!"

The Houndour and Houndoom jumped away at that command and growled as the strange dog like creatures attacked them. They were not pushovers however and fought back against the strange creatures attacking them and their partner. They would not allow anyone to hurt their partner, especially not after everything she had done to protect them from those cruel humans. Houndoom barked at her pack and told them to make an arrow formation and use ember on the enemies.

Karen meanwhile was in a one on one battle with the predator, 'Who or what are you?'

Eee'kiel clicked, :Not bad Oooman, but not good enough!:

Karen, "Shit! Houndoom, all together use fire spin together now!"

The three Houndooms nodded and together used the powerful flame attack to create a flaming shield around them. The heat made it difficult for Eee'kiel to pin point Karen with her helmet and was forced to take it off. Karen paled when she saw the face and wondered if the rumours that were about human Pokemon experimentation had some truth to it. Karen stared at the female, at least it's body looked female to her and wondered who she really was.

Eee'kiel, "Huntr... "

Karen, "What?"

Eee'kiel, "Huntress."

Eee'kiel pointed at her, "Karen."

Eee'kiel pointed at herself, "Huntress."

Karen didn't know how to respond, "Is that your name?... Wait why are you introducing yourself?"

Eee'kiel started to take off her armour making Karen pale and flustered. She was not interested in any sort of intimacy let alone with someone who attacked her. Yeah, no! It was time to skedaddle! Karen returned all of her Pokemon and called her Rapidash who used agility to get them away from the area and the crazy female. Karen winced when she heard the angry screech following her escape, apparently that creature was not expecting her to do that.

Karen, "I really don't know what that is or what we did to capture their attention."

Rapidash neighed in worry but didn't stop moving till they were far away from that area and female. Rapidash nudged her and Karen realized she was shaking like a leaf and clutching him like he was the last hope. She breathed in and out slowly before her heart calmed down and she started to think straight again. She took out her Pokemon and winced when she saw the wounds and flesh missing from the Houndour and Houndoom. Karen took out her potions kit and started to help her Pokemon heal from the wounds.

Houndoom watched her care for their pack before turning to Rapidash and having a quiet conversation with him. The two fire types had gotten closer over the years and helped their trainer together, despite having a few hiccups in the beginning. Houndoom looked around and noticed they were near an active volcano, now she was not the type to be comfortable near a disaster probable area. But the heat would be a boost for her pack should they be attacked by that creature from hell. She gave a low growl thinking about that monster. She was pretty sure that beast wanted to kill her trainer.

Karen, "Okay then! That is the last one."


Karen looked up, "Liza?"

Liza, "Karen, you look like you have been through hell."

Karen, "Well I have been hunted by a devil woman from hell... If that counts."

Liza, "Oh? Well my Charmeleon is ready to evolve into Charizard soon. We are here to challenge Entei."

Karen, "Best of luck. Now if you will excuse me I need report what happened..... "


Liza, "What the?"

Karen grabbed her, "Everyone move!"

The group ran as fast as possible from the place they were standing and watched with pale faces as large stones fell. Liza pointed up and Karen felt her stomach drop at the site of another creature like the female from before. This one she could see was clearly male and was attacking the Fire Lord Entei relentlessly. Karen pulled Liza away as an attack came towards them and burned the tree behind them to ash.

Liza, "What is that thing?"

Karen, "I don't know but I was attacked by a female creature of a similar build earlier."

Liza was trembling, "Y... You me... mean h.. her?"

Karen felt a cold sensation go down her spine as she turned, 'Crap! She found me.'

Liza shivered, "She looks really angry. Or at least I think she does."

Karen looked at the younger girl and made up her mind, "Listen Liza, I will distract her, you get to the Ranger station and get help."

Liza, "Huh? But her weapons look dangerous."

Karen, "No more dangerous than poachers with guns."

Liza bit back her protest and nodded, "Alright but you better be careful."

Karen watched as Liza left, "Okay! You want me. You got me!"

Entei roared in anger when Ree'ked attacked using one of his weapons. The weapon cut his shoulder getting an angry hiss from the fire legendary. Entei roared loudly making Karen and her Pokemon flinch when the earth started to to shake and erupt. Karen called her Pokemon to be ready to battle, the heat coming from the eruption would work as sunny day for them. The Pokemon nodded and stood beside Entei as the male and female hunters stood side by side watching them quietly.

Eee'kiel, :Our targets together.:

Ree'ked, :What fun!:

Karen murmured, "Lord Entei, I request you run. I don't think they are interested in battling fair and square. I think, they want us dead."

Entei rummbled, -Indeed! They are hunters, they want our bones.-

Karen's eyes widened, "Ah! So there is no escape then... Well fight to the end then."

Eee'kiel, :Attack!:

Karen, "Fire fang Houndoom, Houndour overheat."

Entei roared and threw a powerful flamewheel towards the two, -Be gone!-

Ree'ked and Eee'kiel clicked excitedly about the hunt as they both jumped away from the dangerous fire attack. Karen called her Pokemon to attack using dark pulse while Entei used sacred fire or at least she thought it was sacred fire. Eee'kiel started getting impatient and used one of her hunter dogs for a ride to get closer to Karen. Karen moved back from the crazy female who jumped off her pet from hell and attack her with her long claws. Houndoom was not amused and attacked using inferno against the creature holding her and Rapidash back.

At that moment Karen gave a scream as Eee'kiel's claw literally cut her arm off. The fire Dog Pokemon froze at the sight before the three Houndooms saw red. Karen clutched her arm where it was half cut and stared in horror as the creature approached her with an unholy look in her eyes. The Dark type specialist was unable to move because of the pain and shock that was going through her system. Her oldest Houndoom jumped on the creature who hurt his trainer getting a loud roar as he used crunch on her shoulder.

The Rangers came at that moment and paled at the sight before them. Liza shrieked on seeing the state Karen was in and rushed to her side followed by a nurse. The nurse looked at her arm and said it was a very clean cut and asked where half her arm hand was? Karen pointed at the hand and half arm which was lying next to a bush and the nurse took out the spirit cleaner and cleaned the cuts getting pained hiss. The Houndours were keeping the hunting dogs away with the help of the Rangers and Liza and her Pokemon.

Houndoom was relentless in her attack and she went for the hunters neck which Eee'kiel defended against by slipping below the attack and heading towards Karen. Entei had at that moment attacked his opponent who jumped away from the lava plume but it hit the female as she attacked Liza and Charmeleon who was in her way. Eee'kiel gave a screech as she was hit by the hot lava and burned to a crisp, Ree'ked sensing he was for lack of words outnumbered grabbed Eee'kiel and activated the self destruct in her wrist.

Entei, -RUN!-

Charmeleon's eyes widened and grabbed Liza and started to run while Rapidash grabbed Karen and started to run. The Rangers who were shocked at hearing Entei speak got up and started to climb their Pokemon to get out of that area. If Entei was willing to talk then it most likely was dangerous. They managed to get cover in one of the trenches left behind from Entei's eruption as a loud explosion took place. When they came out half the forest was gone, just gone.

Karen, "WTF?"

Liza, "WTF!"

Ranger Trent, "We need to report this."

Ranger Tori, "No shit."

Nurse Casey, "The Head Honchos are not gonna be happy."

Casey turned to Karen, "I have done what I can but you need professional help."

Karen nodded feeling numb and looked up as an emergency helicopter appeared above them and people came out. Karen felt her Pokemon move closer to her as she started to black out and loose consciousness. The events of the day finally catching up to her as she realized that she was almost killed in cold blood for no reason. She never met that female before and if Entei were to be believed then they hunted and killed just for the fun of it, nothing else. She thought she heard someone call her name but couldn't be sure.

Karen came to after three days, 'What? White ceiling?'

Liza, "Karen, you are awake! Thank Mew!"

Karen looked at her blankly, "Liza? What happened?"

Liza, "It... I... Karen... I'm so sorry, Karen."

Karen looked around, "Liza where is one of my pokeballs?"

Liza, "Your Houndoom the oldest, she didn't make it. She was rushed into the emergency room but, she passed away. I'm so sorry Karen."

Karen was staring blankly, ".... what did you say?"

Liza was tearing up, "I'm sorry Karen."

Karen felt her vision darken, "I need to be alone. Can you release my Pokemon for me, please?"

Liza nodded, "Yeah, I will call the Doctor."

Rapidash, the young Houndours and two Houndooms appeared in the room and Liza left to get a Doctor or nurse. Karen broke down in her room surrounded by her Pokemon who mourned their lost pack mate and friend. The Doctor entered after twenty minutes and quietly greeted her and took her vitals before checking her hand. The Doctor informed her that the Jhoto Gym Leaders and one of the ex Champions was visiting her to ask her a few questions. Karen nodded in agreement and waited while hugging her youngest Houndour apologizing to him about what happened to his mother.

Giovanni walked in, "Ahem! May we enter?"

Karen nodded, "Let's get this over with."

Rapidash neighed annoyed.

Giovanni, "We are all friends. And she was not the only one who had to deal with them."

Houndour looked at him before nodding and Giovanni along with a few Gym Leaders entered the hospital room. The Psychic Gym Leader ordered his Psychic Pokemon to secure the room for them. Karen watched it all dispassionately feeling very empty and dead inside. She knew at some point she would have to face loss but not in such a brutal and cruel manner. The Gym Leaders sat down and observed her state carefully.

Giovanni, "I'll get straight to the chase."

Karen looked up and gasped, "Your right arm and left eye.... Don't tell me!"

Giovanni nodded, "My family was attacked too. My father and brother were the first to fall then my mother and her Pokemon. Not a single one survived. I'm only alive myself because my Alakazam and Rhydon risked their life for mine."

Karen looked at the photos Giovanni spread out, "That's the same creature that attacked me except it was obviously female not male."

Tatsumi, "I see. Tremaine what do you think?"

Tremaine the psychic specialist frowned, "We should warn those who are above Seven Gym badge level. It seems they are targeting the strongest battler across different regions."

Pryce, "I received news from my old friend Drayden, his teacher is dead. They killed her."

Tatsumi was shocked, "Artemis is dead?"

Pryce, "I apologize for the blunt admission."

Tatsumi nodded, "It's fine."

Giovanni, "Karen, point is I want to recreate Team Rocket, not as a mafia group but as a protection group against these things."

Karen, "I'm in!"

Tatsumi, "That fast? But I suppose, I can understood your feelings in the matter."

Giovanni nodded, "I should get going. I still need to check on my younger siblings. They still don't know."

Karen nodded, "Okay! Stay safe! I suspect they are not done yet."

Giovanni left Karen and went outside giving an exhausted sigh, "Things just became more complicated."

Giovanni touched his robotic shoulder and arm remembering what happened a few days ago as he returned to Jhoto. Giovanni had just left a meeting when Alakazam made him aware of his irritating and persistent stalker who would not give up. Giovanni motioned to Alakazam to teleport him towards an abandoned area, he was going to deal with his stalker once and for all. Alakazam nodded and teleported them to the rooftop before glancing back and teleporting again. The stalker followed them to the abandoned area outside Blacktop City where the meeting had taken place.


Giovanni, "I think we have chased each other long enough. Don't you?"

Ooo'kiel clicked, :Indeed!:

Giovanni narrowed his eyes, "You look like that creature that attacked my mother."

Ooo'kiel pointed at himself, "Tracker."

Ooo'kiel pointed at Giovanni, "Hunt."

Alakazam bristled, -You! You won't touch him.-

Giovanni, "Calm mind! Don't loose your temper. As for you. You have some nerve."

Ooo'kiel clicked amused and then he attacked Giovanni lunging at him with his claws only for Alakazam to stop him and push him away from them. Ooo'kiel growled at the yellow creature and shot him with his lasers which pierced Alakazam's armour. Giovanni gritted his teeth on seeing that and called his Rhydon and Nidoking to help them in battle while taking out his guns. He didn't think he would have to defend himself against a crazy killer of all things.

Giovanni, "Be careful, you three."

Ooo'kiel clicked pleased, :So you can use weaponry. I picked a fine target.:

Giovanni frowned and ordered his Pokemon to be careful as the creature disappeared from sight. He called Beedrill and told her to use her eyes to find their target who was hiding from them. Beedrill nodded before grabbing Giovanni and flying away from where he was standing. Alakazam growled when the place where his partner was standing had three shots embedded on the ground. The next thing anyone knew Rhydon's head was ripped off from his body.

Giovanni, "NO! How dare you! I'll kill you!"

Alakazam, -You'll pay for that.-

Giovanni, "No holding back. Go all out."

Giovanni and his Pokemon went all out against their opponent and the creature went all out against them as well. He had ripped Giovanni's arm off and blinded him in one eye which caused his Pokemon to loose their calm and attack indiscriminately. They were not holding back and Beedrill maxed out her speed as she pierced one of her needles through that male. The male looked at them before laughing and pressing a button on his wrist making Alakazam widen his eyes. The Psychic type didn't waste a moment grabbing that blasted male and teleporting away from their place.

Giovanni was clutching his shoulder trying to stop the blood, 'No Alakazam, please!'

Alakazam, -It was an honour fighting beside you.-

Giovanni, 'Come back please.'

Alakazam, -.... How strange! I feel satisfied, I saved you this time. Thank you for everything my friend.-

Giovanni, 'Alakazam!'

Giovanni, 'Alakazam, come on!'

Giovanni, "ALAKAZAM!"

Beedrill who steadied herself pointed at a large explosion down south. Giovanni could do nothing but watch. He lost two of his most trusted Pokemon to that thing. That blasted thing from hell! Unacceptable! He would not loose anyone else.

Flashback end!

Giovanni, "Come Persian, we have a lot of work to do."

Persian stared at his partner and nodded following him back to Kanto. Giovanni worked day and night recreating Team Rocket over the years spreading them across Kanto and Jhoto regions. Over time he heard report from Kalos who had to deal with a similar creature as well then a Ranger who went by Ketchum fall fighting one. His wife and son safe in Pallet town. Of course! Cyan Oak his best friend would not accept it laying down and searched him out demanding answers from him.

Giovanni looked at the man, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Cyan snapped, "My best friend is dead, what do you think?"

Giovanni sighed, "I suppose you are aware of the warning given to strong trainers about a hunter, we dubbed them as Predator?"

Cyan nodded, "Yes?"

Giovanni, "This is what we know."

Mr Oak went through the files looking paler by the minute before fury took over. He gave him a thank you and started his own search, a search he didn't return from alive. Giovanni closed his eyes when the funeral was held and Professor Samuel Oak demanded answers. Giovanni was honest with him and the old Professor closed his eyes before turning to leave. The next thing they knew he was demanding the age of trainers be increased.

[A. N.: Okay! This chapter was a bit of a struggle to write. But I did it! Yay!

Anyway next chapter will have Ash and his friends.

Mind you this will be different from the Transformer one because different au, ok?

They are not in the same universe.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave a comment if you want any popular Yautja to appear from the movies or games.

Till next time my lovely readers.]

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