
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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78 Chs

Chapter 23

Author's Note:

Here is the extra chapter for reaching 900 votes! Thank for supporting the book!

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"Zubat use confuse ray on all of the beedrills, and use air cutter to finish them off." We're currently fighting with a group of beedrills, and they're numbered 10. Nine of them are left with zubat to handle while the other one is for my beedrill.

All of the nine beedrills have a power level of beginner (1st Tier) but zubat is at the beginner (2nd Tier). Even though zubat has that power level, he just got to that stage last three days ago, and will still have to train for about a month more by my calculations to be at the average level of a 2nd tier. These level of a power is still enough to over power the nine beedrills though, and combine it with zubat's type advantage, the beedrills can't do a thing.

This beedrill that my beedrill is facing has a potential of 3 stars but I didn't have to worry about it since my beedrill was overwhelming it. My beedrill also reached the 2nd tier while this beedrill she was fighting was only at the 1st tier, and only a bit stronger than the nine beedrills.

We're attacking this group because I wanted to catch this beedrill to be sold at the black market. I already caught about 15 pokemon with a potential of 2 stars. This is the first time I saw a 3 star potential though, and I plan to catch it.

In here, I found a decent amount of pokemon with 2 stars potential. I think this happened since we're currently at the middle between the deepest part of the forest, and the outer part of the forest.

In the outer part of the forest, I only found pokemon that aren't that strong, and I only caught one pokemon with a 2 star potential there. But in here I can see a greater rate of finding pokemon that has 2 star potential higher. I can already imagine the money that I'll get after selling these pokemon.

Soon enough, zubat and beedrill finished the group. I then caught the 3 star beedrill. We then walked around the forest while being careful of not getting to the deeper side of the forest.

The whole day though, we weren't lucky enough to find a pokemon worth catching.


It's been a week since then, and I can feel that zubat is getting closer to his evolution. I already saved one toxic orb for him which I plan to feed him when he undergoes on his evolution. He already finished 4 toxic orbs but his potential didn't increased at all.

I think that zubat needs a strong pressure that will help him evolve. I don't plan to go too deep in the forest but I think a bit of risk can help zubat evolve.

"Liz, I plan to go deeper in the forest. I want you to return to the road side of the forest, and stay there. I'm sure you'll be safe there with your pidgey, or you can go first to viridian city. I'll meet you there." I say to her, and I can see her frown as she hears my plan.

"I'll rather go with you, master, if you don't mind." Liz said as she bows down with a pleading voice.

"But you'll only be a burden if you go with me-"

"I have concealment skills which can help me go unnoticed so I'll be fine, master." She said.

"Why didn't you use that when we're fighting wild pokemon for the past months!" I yelled since I thought she was a helpless girl but I shouldn't have underestimated her.

"I didn't thought that my skills we're necessary to be used at that time, master." She replied.

"Sheesh, you can come if you want. Just don't blame me if you get hurt, or worst, die out there." I said while smiling. This girl is a real headache.

"Yes, master." She answered while smiling back.


With that, we go a bit deeper into the forest. We started looking around for a strong pokemon for zubat to fight, and soon found a suitable foe.

It's only alone which is one of my criteria, and it's an fearow that has a beginner level (3rd tier) power level. It looks like it is eating a butterfree on the ground. I then signalled for beedrill to always be alert with the surroundings while zubat will fight it.

I then signalled for zubat to fight this pokemon alone. I then readied the toxic orb for zubat. Since I plan to throw it to zubat if he evolves while fighting the fearow. I'm already great a throwing things since I did some pokemon catching for a month already.

Soon enough, zubat appeared on fearow's sight. It didn't do a surprise attack like we always do to have an advantage since I wanted zubat to fight fearow fairly. Zubat then used confuse ray to confuse the fearow. Confuse ray might be a ghost type move but it can still hit and affect normal types so it's better to use than supersonic. Fearow wasn't successfully hit though, and it counter attacked with peck.

Zubat though dodged that. If zubat has the same strength a month ago, he might not have been able to dodged that attack successfully.

Zubat continued using confuse ray, and this annoyed the fearow. It made an angry sound, and used aerial ace. Zubat was then hit by it since an aerial ace move is hard to dodge but zubat then used bite.

This made fearow flinch, and zubat used that chance to use confuse ray. This time fearow was hit, and zubat used that chance to attack.

Zubat used poison fang consecutively, and then used quick attack to move away after. Fearow got poisoned. It then woke up, and it used another aerial ace. This time zubat was critically hit, and this made fearow's ability sniper to activate.

It made zubat severely hurt, and got blown to a tree. Zubat screeched, and used swift. Fearow tried to dodged the attack but swift is a move that can't be dodged.

Zubat used that chance to use confuse ray while fearow was distracted, and this made fearow turn confused again. Zubat used that chance to use life stealing moves to fearow, and then used poison fang. This made zubat recover some of his health back.

Fearow woke up from it's confused state, and used roost which healed up his wounds. This made the situation back to zero but fearow is still poisoned though.

Zubat used swift, and confuse ray again. Fearow this time didn't dodge the swift and confronted that attack but focused it's attention to dodge the confuse ray.

Seeing that situation, zubat used haze which summoned a smoke. The haze move is used to remove the stat changes of both active pokemon but this time I think zubat used haze to make a smoke filled area.

This made fearow unable to see clearly. Fortunately for zubat, fearow haven't unlocked it's keen eye ability yet to see more accurately. The keen eye here is different from games since it helps not only prevent one's accuracy to go down but also help in making one's eyesight better.