
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Shopping time

"I mean it Aron, I know you want to keep battling and become the strongest. You start fights to get stronger no?" I question my new partner.

Aron hearing this goes silent and looks at the ground. This seemed a bit off to me as its nature was more on the Brave side.

"Aron ron aron." It stated which I could weirdly "translate". I couldn't fully understand what it meant but I could see that I was on the right track.

Aron seems to want a bit more convincing and didn't mind working with me. This conversation went very smoothly which I'd have to thank Davis for.

'I can't be timid now, I'll have to convince Aron to be my Pokemon to avoid complications later on.' I think to myself remembering how Ash couldn't train Charizard when it first evolved into a Charmeleon.

Like I understand Ash was a new trainer and all, but I wouldn't take disrespect from a Pokemon I'm entrusting my life with.

I hate how "friendly" and ignorant Ash and his companions are to straighten out their Pokemon. Like in the series, it's fine but looking at it from a realistic standpoint it's completely stupid.

Half of the time the crew gets lost or in trouble because they follow one of their Pokemon who disobeys them.

This includes May's Torchic and Dawn's Piplup who think they're above their trainer at times and roam around while their trainers are distracted.

There were multiple instances of Piplup separating from the group and getting the gang involved with terrorist organization which is a big no no.

'I won't let something like that happen to me.'

Thinking this I grab some Pokemon food that my dad packed for me to give Aron. It's his custom-made food so Aron's got to like it.

"Don't get me wrong though, I'm doing this to help myself. I train and support you to get stronger and in return, you become my Pokemon and listen to me without fail." I say with my voice getting a little edgy at the end. Aron hearing this, smells the scent of the food and waddles towards me with a bit of drool.

"Aron!" It shouts determined looking me in the eyes.

Realizing that it's accepted, I hold out the Pokemon food which Aaron calmly went up to and nibbled on it.

"Ronnn!" The iron armour Pokemon shouts in delight. Seeing that the little guy is enjoying the food I pat the little guy's head to which he just eye smiles enjoying the attention.

'This went better than expected, being confident to a Pokemon does work after all.' I thought to myself with a giddy feeling. Of course, several factors came into play like me already having a bond with the guy, but overall everything went well.

"Let me set some ground rules first." I tell the little guy. This will be important later on and could even decide life or death depending on the situation.

Later on in my future, Aggron will be my ace, but for now, he's an untrained Pokemon to who I will not entrust my life.

Still in the resort, I started to explain three simple rules he must follow.

The first rule was to never leave his Pokeball unless I give express conditions/orders or if I'm in danger. I specified it so he couldn't use it as an excuse to fight every wild Pokemon we encounter.

The second, was for him to only battle when I ordered. I refuse to let him fight just any Pokemon to satisfy himself. He must learn to hold back and listen to my orders.

For the last rule, my words were law.

Obviously, a prideful Pokemon with dragon genes wouldn't just listen, so I used food to convince the guy as I had an indefinite amount of this stuff anyways.

"Alright buddy I'll take you outside for the first time, just don't get into any fights," I tell little Aron in a serious tone. Aron nodding at my words ecstatically walks by my side which looked a bit ridiculous.

"I'll be your guide till you return young man." Davis says escorting me outside of the Aron resort.

"Can you show me the shopping district? I wanted to buy a bike and a few other things for Pokemon." I asked not before returning Aron to its Pokeball before we left the place. The resort was located a little bit away from Rustboro City, so after a few teleports, we shortly arrived at the shopping district.

"Mommy I want a celfairy plushy!"

"Go get me some jewellery Sebastian."

"Selling evolution stones!"

The district was lively with people from all different places of society roaming around. There were rich people walking around in their fancy suits while you could see common people walking around and just enjoying themselves.

Taking a second look at my surroundings, it didn't take long to locate a bike shop using my Pokedex to search up a location.

"This should be it." I murmur walking up to a store. Taking a good look at the place I enter.

I wonder how expensive a bike would be considering their prices in the games. But I guess it would depend on what technology it had as there are multiple little niches that have been used to improve its overall use of it.

An example of this is a feature on how a bike sponsored by Silph co could be stored in a special pocket in a Silph co bag for easy access. This is the exact function I'm looking for as it's something I'll need for my journey.

Pulling out my Pokedex I pull up my contacts and message Dad.


[Dad (Flint Harrison)]

You: Dad can i buy a bike for my jroueny ples 😭

Dad: Sure, also buy some jewellery for mum as she's an "artist" now.

You: I will if you help me catch a wild pokamon?

Dad: I've got the weekend off, where?

You: In Sunburst Island ther is Onix I relly want, its made of crystal! It can become a mascot for the gym.

(Map with location of Crystal Onix marked)

Dad: Why is there an island off the coast of Sunburst?

You: Idk but the pokemon is there dad, I NEED ITTTTT!


After that short conversation over the phone, I was off to the shop called Elebike. From what I saw on the website they were mostly known for selling electric bikes but also sold the type of bike I was searching for.

*ring* *ring*

Going through the doors with Davis, I realize that it looked very similar to the game's shop with a cashier in front and multiple bikes laid out to my right. Walking up to the counter I greet the person in front.

"Hello sir, I'm looking for Silph Bike model-SC305." I say getting straight to the point. The man hearing this nods and without a word said, goes to the back of the shop to grab it.

The electric bike I was getting was obviously developed by Silph co. On top of being able to be stored inside the Silph co bag, it had a huge battery that could last months and was solar-powered.

This made it convenient for me to be able to go to all types of places as the bike could also switch modes like the different types in the games. I'm not sure how to use the modes but I'll figure it out later.

After a few more minutes the man came back with a cube which I assumed stores the electric bike.

"This will cost you 450,000₱" The man asked putting the cube on the counter. Before I pulled out the card though, the man opened up the cube to confirm that the bike was the correct one. "Model-SC305."

Seeing that it was what I'm after, I quickly pay through card and stash the cube and bike separately as the cube is an extra storage I can use now which was for small items.

After this purchase, I went on a "spree" by buying a couple of dolls and toys for my siblings. I bought things like Eevee and Clefairy Plushes to satisfy my little sisters.

For my brothers, I purchased baseball bats as they were big fans of the Tyranitars which was a baseball team.

Walking past the streets looking for a jewellery shop that also sold Pokemon items, it took a little bit before I got impatient and searched for one.

"Is there a requirement to join the battle club here?" I question Davis as I was on my Pokedex.

"The only requirement is to have a Pokemon and be 10+." Davis said impassively.

Hearing this I smirk knowing what I'm gonna be doing later today before heading back home.

I want to test how well Aron does in a battle, but before that, I'll need to tell him the basics of my commands. It would be troublesome to watch him get smacked around.

Well maybe not smacked around...

It's more of the line of me holding him back from killing his opponent as I don't think any starter Pokemon can handle Aron.


"Does this store sell any evolution stones?" I question looking at a piece of jewellery. The man attending to me frantically nods as he shows me another part of the store.

"Just this way young master!"

A little weirded out by these words, I follow him and look at their collection of stones. I wasn't wearing anything fancy but I guess Davis escorting me makes him think I'm some young master.

Arriving at the area, there was a hallway with rocks being displayed behind a glass.

I looked around for a while and bought a Dusk stone, Dawn stone, Thunder Stone and Fire stone. I'm not sure if I'll use them all but it's so I got more options for the future.

'I guess I've gotten everything I need.' I thought to myself as I picked out a necklace for my mother.

"Aron use {Head Smash}." I command. Aron hearing this, immediately engulfs its head in a light brown hue and rushes towards the target.

It took a few seconds before Aron got up and smacked the dummy which ended up breaking in half.

"Holy shit!" I shout seeing the damage. Luckily though the room and equipment had a repair feature that would automatically repair itself.

It's a neat resource most commonly seen in public battlefields and gyms. Because we all know nobody gonna fix them battlefields themselves.

Grabbing some more Pokemon food, I walk up to Aaron with a happy look.

"Good job Aron, you so strong." I praise the little guy as I rub the crook of his neck. Aron taking pride in its attack just pridefully bathes in my praise.

"Ron aron!"

Watching the little guy gain more confidence I smirk. Nothings wrong with my Pokemon thinking that it's better than others.

I'll need to keep his confidence and slowly train him up. Choosing my battles wisely will probably determine how long Aron's pride will stay which is important.


Hearing the noise I turn around to see the mechanical door open. And as expected it was Davis who finished his lunch break.

"I scheduled your fight in the battle club in a few minutes." He says making me nod.

"Aron let's go." I signal for Aaron to follow me as the little guy pridefully puffs up his chest and walks by my side.

It will be a hassle to choose my fights well but it will be worth it when Aron grows up.

"This battle will be a one on one. The winner will be decided when the opponents Pokemon faints!"

"You got this Aron." I say choosing him as my Pokemon. Aron who was beside me, ran into the field with a roar.


My opponent seeing my Pokemon sends his own out

"Phanphy!" The small elephant looking Pokemon cutely growled out. The girls in the crowd seeing the little guy started to squeal.

"Kyaaa did you see its adorable roar?"

"Holy shit that Aron's huge!"

"A blue Aron?"

"That's what she said haha."

I was currently on a hard maple surface to make each battle for challengers equal. This removed the rocky field advantage I was used to but I'd need to get used to it.

There were a couple tens of people watching the match as it was quite common to hang around the area like some gym.


Both of us hearing the referee immediately get started.

"{Rollout} Phanphy!" My opponent commands. Seeing the incoming Phanphy I smirk knowing that I've already gotten the advantage.

"Challenge its attack with {Dragon Rush}!"

A purple hue spread all over Aron as it barrelled it self towards the rolling Phanphy.


The two Pokemon meeting somehwere near the center, create an explosion but the winner of the impact was quickly decided.

"Phanphy!" The long nose Pokemon cried out as it was sent flying back. Aron still pumped up ran through the smoke cloud and rushed after Phanphy.

"Aron use {Dra-" Before I could finish my sentence a bright glow appeared on Aron's head as I realised it was going for another attack.

Seeing it attack by itself I get a frown and get some mixed feelings. It's not a bad thing that it attacks itself, it shows it's intelligence and decision making.

But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing it "out of control".

'Ill leave this for now, I will let it do its thing and see if it really knows how to make decision.' I thought to myself seeing that my opponent realised that his Pokemon was in trouble.

"Phanphy dodge the attack and use {Bulldoze}!" My opponent responds making me whistle.

"Aron keep on following it, don't let it get a footing." I quickly command.

Aron charging at Phanphy misses as it jump towards its left. Not giving up though Aron makes a slow turn which gives enough time for Phanphy to use {Bulldoze}.

Phanphy proceeded to stomp the ground and terraform it a little which made the surface unstable.

"Ron…" Aron winces at the pain. But to the surprise of everyone besides me, Aron tanks the hit and jumps at Phanphy.


Aron makes impact and for the third time sends Phanphy back to the floor on its side.

"Don't let it recover and use {Headbutt}!"

"Phanphy get up quickly!" My opponent says in a panic. Phanphy trying to recover, limps as it gets up. Unknown to it though Aron was already in front of it ready to give the final blow.

"Phanphy!" A loud cry could be heard in the battlefield as for the third and final time Phanphy was sent flying behind its trainer with swirling eyes.

The referee seeing this announces the results.

"The winner of this match is Aron making DEL the victor!"

Hearing my alias being called out I grin at Aron who was speeding towards me wanting its reward.

"Aron aron!" Aron says nudging my legs. Rubbing his head I give Aron some Pokemon food that it deserves.

"I should go heal him up at a Pokecentre." I murmur seeing that there were scratches on his body. Aron not hearing me just happily chews on its food.

"You're such a foodie." I comment as we exited the battle club. Aron agreeing with me just dumbly nods it's head which makes me laugh.