
Pokemon: Back Into The Light

Six years. For six years I have worked on keeping the world safe from the shadows. Many left, having something to return to. Many died in the line of duty but I was lucky enough to survive. Each battle made me a little stronger, a little more smarter, and a little more deadlier. But now that I'm back in the light, I don't know what to do anymore. __ I don't own pokemon or the picture. I only own the OC's.

LegitHuman · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter Six

"I challenge you to a battle!"

I blinked, looking at the child that was challenging me to a battle like it was the most normal thing to do.

He was wearing a blue cap with a yellow shirt and blue shorts...

Oh, and he looked like he was six.

I debated using Garchomp so that the kid would shit his pants and run away, but that was below me... I was a grown adult and scaring them with my fully grown Pokemon wasn't acceptable.

But beating the shit out of their Pokemon with my own newly caught Shinx was totally fair.

"... Well, this wasn't what I was expecting in the morning, but okay."

I reached for the newly occupied Pokeball on my waist and enlargened it, lets see how I fare at it.

I clicked the button and the sphere snapped open, Shinx appearing in front of me in a bright light and looking around.

We talked yesterday, by that, I mean guardian fallen angel that liked to remain in two dimensional plain to intimidate him and promised him that he would be as strong one day.

Currently, Shinx knows five moves: Howl, Charge, Thundershock, Tackle, and Bite.

...Wait, how does this work again? I don't remember!

The kid that was standing in front of me scoffed, as if unimpressed and threw the Pokeball he was holding up in the air, releasing a Bidoof on the field.

The Pokeball fell in the grass, and the child actually had to walk over and pick it up...

I almost died from cringe right then and there.

This wasn't a contest, people didn't throw their Pokeballs in the air if they didn't have a glove that would magnetize the Pokeball back to them.

"Now, Bidoof! Use defense curl!"

The kid swung his arm to the side like this was some dramatic movie and the Bidoof glowed brown and called out its name proudly...

God kill me now.


I spoke blandly because I was too filled with regret to feel anything but numb as the battle started.

My Shinx cracked with electricity, lowering the front of his body as if he was ready to pounce.

"Now! Use Aqua tail!"

An egg move, but it was easy to counter for an electric type, still though, that Bidoof was lucky.

I took a deep breath, not believing that I was actually playing a turn-based battle... That wasn't a thing, by the way.

"Howl, follow it up with Thundershock, aim it at the tail"

The kid blinked as the new member of my team howled, only for a bolt of electricity to shoot out of his body a second later, aiming for the medium water pillar that was Bidoof's tail.

The electricity was powerful enough to blast the small beaver back since it was powered up with a charge.

"Now, tackle, follow up with bite."

I hadn't done this for so long, it felt nostalgic. But seriously, the flabbergasted expression of the kid was funny too.

Shinx glowed white and dashed off faster than his normal speed could manage, slamming into the injured opponent and biting down on its body.

Since all three of his attacks were boosted with charge and Howl, the Bidoof was knocked out soundly.

There was silence for a few moments as Shinx let go of the Bidoof, allowing its unconscious body to drop down to the ground and walk over to me.

The little bugger sat down and waved his tail around excitedly like he was expecting praise...

I bent down and ruffled his little head.


Daw, I will make you a deadly killing machine yet!

"What was that?!"

The kid shouted out... I didn't even know his name, but he had tears ready to pour out of his eyes...

Ah shit, I made a kid cry, I mean, what did he expect? He didn't know who he was challenging, no information on the opponent, that was deadly, you could have died kid. If anything, I went easy on you.

Despite my annoyance, I stood up and walked over, taking off my bag and reaching inside to take out a normal potion that I bought as I was leaving the city.

I crouched in front of the child that was shaking but still trying not to cry as he looked down at the ground.

"Listen, kid... Whats your name?"

He looked up at me with confusion as a few drops dropped from his eyes. God, I was bad at this.


I nodded, handing him the potion.

"Listen, Charlie, go heal your partner."

Placing the healing product in his hands, I watched as he blinked and sniffed.

As he ran over to his knocked-out Bidoof, I stood up, glancing around at the practically empty road, and shifted my position slightly to look behind me.

By the time I looked back, the kid was done with spraying the little guy with the contents of the container.

I raised my hand and stood awkwardly as I waited... Would I have to give him a pep talk? Would I have to give him advice?

Charlie picked up his Bidoof, who looked like it was sleeping peacefully, its previous expression of pain now claimed down into a neutral one.

Little Charlie walked over to me and looked up at me with curiosity, using one of his hands to wipe away the tears.

"What's your name, Mister?"

Now, that made me feel old.

"Adam, Adam Gray, kid."

The confusion to recognition and then excitement...

"Adam gray?! Like the Lost Champion? Man, that's such a cool name! And you look like him too!"

Say what?