
Pokemon - A Bright Adventure

What would you do if you were mysteriously brought into the mystical world of Pokemon? Become a Legendary Trainer? Or maybe even the devious leader of a wicked organization? The possibilities are endless. One moment, Noah was outside the convenience store, and the next, a humid forest in the middle of nowhere. Wait, are those Pokemon? And what's this egg in front of him? Follow our protagonist - Noah - as he makes his mark on this mysterious world. (Cover is made by me)

Takaie · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - CHUUUUU

Leaping over fallen logs and ducking under low-hanging branches, Noah and Riolu fled from the murderous flock of Spearows.


"Caw" "Caw" "Caw" It was a constant, almost rhythmic, symphony of fury that seemed to echo through the forest, creating a rather nightmarish backdrop to the scene.


They weaved through the forest terrain with ease, unhindered by the low-laying branches.


"Oh fuck," Noah cursed in his mind, realizing the flaw in his plan. He had thought that darting into the forest would throw off the pursuing Spearows, at least slowing them down amid the densely packed trees.


Unfortunately for him, this was their turf, and they were all too familiar with it.


Ironically, Noah and Riolu were the only ones who seemed hindered by the terrain, having to zigzag around tree roots and jump over rocks, draining their stamina quickly.


"CAAAW" The chorus escalated in volume as one particularly bold Spearow darted forward with a burst of speed, only to be swatted from the sky by Riolu's decisive chop.


Unfortunately, this only served to fan the flames of the Spearows' anger, making them even more persistent.


Gasping for breath and trying to ignore the burning sensation in his legs, Noah could feel his energy waning. Riolu seemed to sense this and adjusted his pace to stay beside his human companion, ready to intervene if necessary.


To their dismay, the distance between them and their pursuers seemed to be decreasing with every passing second.


"Riolu! Do something!" Noah exclaimed, his voice laced with a blend of desperation and urgency.


"Ruff!" Riolu retorted in protest. In an extraordinary display of strength and agility, the Pokemon grabbed Noah's legs with its forepaws and hoisted him onto his back.


Then, after confirming Noah had safely arrived on his back, Riolu sprinted through the forest with nearly supernatural speed, making the trees around them blur into a greenish haze.


Although the distance between them and the Spearows started to widen, a few aggressive ones propelled themselves forward with a burst of speed, launching themselves with kamikaze-like attacks.


Riolu could only dodge their suicidal dives, his paws occupied with holding Noah securely on his back.


As Riolu managed to dart behind a massive oak, Riolu performed an almost mystical feat. For a split second, his form flickered, and then, he reappeared a couple of meters away, ensconced within a dense thicket of bushes.


His fur shimmered momentarily, taking on a metallic-white glow before returning to its original hue.


Confused and disoriented, the Spearows circled above, letting out a series of puzzled caws.


In a fit of frustration, they unleashed their fury upon the giant oak, pecking and clawing at the bark.


Just then, a thunderous "RAAA!" resonated from within the tree, and a fuming Pokemon burst forth, baring its teeth and eyes filled with fury, glaring at the Spearows that had disturbed its peaceful nap.


It was a Raichu, a Raichu who had been understandably pissed off. The Spearows seemed to reassess their target—some flying off, sensing the danger and scattering in various directions, while others, perhaps too stubborn to retreat, chose to stay.


"Raaaaaai," Raichu growled, its fur sparking with electrical energy that bathed the surrounding area in an eerie glow. Those Spearows who stayed seemed to waver, but it was too late for regrets.


"CHUUUUU" The Raichu unleashed a bolt of golden electricity that struck the cluster of Spearows.


At that moment, the Spearows realized, they fucked up.


"BOOOOM" The thunderbolt exploded, arcing from one avian to another. The air was filled with the smell of singed feathers, and in an instant, nearly all of them were taken down, incapacitated or worse.


Noah watched the bizarre display of power with bated breath — it was beautiful. "Riolu… you must become strong like that." He muttered, his attention still on the majestic Raichu.


Riolu, on the other hand, had other thoughts..


As he stared at the angry expression of the creature. He could only lament his powerlessness. A single creature had easily overpowered the birds that had tormented them for so long.


If they ever encountered one, how would he be able to protect his friend? That's when he swore to himself, that he would become stronger, much stronger. Strong enough to protect his friend from anything, no matter how daunting.


Shaking its head, Raichu gave a disapproving look before sauntering back into its tree, which now bore the scars of the Spearows' futile attack.


"Let's go, Riolu," Noah whispered, his eyes lingering on the Raichu for just a moment longer. Riolu nodded in agreement, and together, they made their stealthy exit.


Feeling a rush of adrenaline taper off into relief, Noah muttered, "Thank God," he heaved a sigh of relief, "I've never felt so happy to be alive."


But they were still deep in the forest, lost amid the towering trees and winding pathways.


Noticing Riolu tugging on his sleeve, Noah turned to see him pointing in a particular direction.


"You think we should go this way?" Noah inquired, guessing what Riolu's intentions were.


"Ruff!" He exclaimed, nodding his head fervently.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Noah questioned, his eyes squinted, an eyebrow raised.

"Ruff!" Riolu replied, nodding his head once more.

Well, it's not like I have a direction to go, Noah thought, "Alright, lead the way." With a grin, Riolu grabbed Noah's hand and eagerly led him through the foliage.


Together, they made their way through the underbrush, the ground beneath them crackling with each step, as if the forest itself was whispering secrets.


The path was a labyrinth of nature: bushy foliage, jagged rocks, and logs that seemed like the petrified remains of ancient titans.


"Hisss" An Ekans suddenly appeared at their feet. Before Noah could even react, the poor snake had already been dispatched; a glowing fist pinning it down onto the ground. Its body went limp, signifying its death.


"You saved me again," Noah pet Riolu furry head, "Thank you," He let out a heartfelt smile, to which Riolu reciprocated. Leaving the dead Ekans where it lay, they ventured forward.


As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, enveloping the forest in twilight, they decided to set up camp beneath a large, gnarled tree.


Noah gathered some twigs and leaves, arranging them into a makeshift bed. As they crawled into bed, the sleeping Pokemon began to wake.


And the nocturnal sounds of the forest's inhabitants seemed even more unsettling than the cacophony they had left behind.


"This is worse than that time I had to sleep in a bush," Noah murmured, futilely trying to cover his ears to block out the noise.


Riolu, apparently unfazed by the symphony of the forest's nightlife, was already fast asleep beside him.


Noah looked at his Pokemon companion and smiled, despite the precarious situation they were in. At least they were together, and for now, that was enough.


Takaiecreators' thoughts