
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Tranh châm biếm
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129 Chs

S4E2: Battle At Sea - Part One

It wasn't long before Foxx, Captain Namor and the very impatient Ace Trainer had arrived at the battle arena and cleared the crowd to the stands. All that was left was for these mystery judges to arrive and have the terms of the battle explained before they are able to start the battle. So as Foxx knelt next to Joy petting her while waiting. As for the Ace Trainer he just stood there getting very impatient.

The first of the two guest judges to show up was the Dragon Master Lance, and current Kanto Champion. He strolled over to the captain to see what this was all about only to wait until the other judge had arrived to save on having to explain things twice. Who was the second judge? Well I'm glade you asked for it was none other then Fantina.

"Thank you both for coming I have a unique situation here and need you to help judge. You see the young Ace Trainer there challenge the trainer with the vulpix yet he refused saying he was trying to relax. This angered the Ace Trainer who flipped the beach chair he and his vulpix were relaxing in sending the vulpix over the edge of the ship." explained the captain, "The trainer was able to recall his vulpix before it could hit the water but he wasn't happy. Then after a debate on the purpose of Pokémon he excepted he challenge yet only on the grounds of a one on six battle winner takes all."

"Wait, he's risking his vulpix in hopes it can hold off six unknown pokemon all because the Ace Trainer was a jerk? He's either very good or very stupid." replied Lance with a puzzled look over at Foxx and Joy.

"If I'm not mistaken Lance that is Foxx Oak, the adopted son of Professor Oak. He's beaten almost every gym in the Kanto and Johto leagues with just that Vulpix and an Eevee." replied Fantina with a smile at Foxx, "He's even more attractive then Misty and Candice let on."

"You know he's only ten and you're..." started Lance only to stop when Fantina shot him a death glare. To which he then added, "Either way in gym battles you know a bit ahead of time what you're getting into this is far to risky even for me."

"Well, I tried talking him into using more Pokémon but he insists that his Vulpix can do it for they have something the Ace Trainer doesn't yet all I can see is patience." replied the captain, "Your job here is to be the voice of the league and make sure the loosing party hands over their prize as promised."

"Understood captain." replied Lance and Fantina together.

And with that the captain signaled for the battle to begin to which the Ace Trainer quickly throw out a pidgey. Foxx the smiled and nodded towards Joy as he stood. Joy bolted right for the pidgey slightly opening her mouth for a type of ember yet letting her whole head be covered in flame before striking the pidgey right in the chest with a flaming tackle. She then kicked off from the dazed pidgey forcing it into a downward spiral before blasting it in the face with the well charged ember. Joy then gracefully landed on the ground as if the battle hadn't even started.

As for the pidgey it crashed to the ground fainted. With a huff he recalled the pidgey and sent out Skunktank in hopes of dealing a little more damage as well as feeling out the full extent of his opponent. Foxx could tell two things about the Ace trainer; the first was that he was using his first few Pokémon to test him and Joy, and second that he truly didn't care about his Pokémon. Joy looked to Foxx who just grinned and waved with his hand to which she nodded.

Joy then waited for the Skunktank to charge at which point she released a smokescreen as it chased after her. She then through to cover of the smokescreen performed a back flip like jump allowing her to hit the Skunktank right in the back with a fire blast. This caused her opponent to stagger a bit but before it could recover Joy used her agility and the cover of the Smokescreen to strike at the Skunktank from all sides before it finally fainted as well.

The Ace Trainer once more recalled his Pokémon before this time sending out Ralts, which at first glance one would think was a foolish move to send a grass Pokémon out against a fire but just as Joy had a secondary type so does Ralts. Oddly enough they are the same. For this was now going to be a test of Psychic abilities, or was it? Foxx has faced off against these type before and has won. So with a wink and a nod towards Joy she just tilted her head to one side in confusion.

Joy then slowly opened her mouth yet nothing seemed to come out or at least that's what it seemed. So with her mouth partially opened she avoided the mixture of psychic and grass attacks from the Ralts. The Ace Trainer grinned at Foxx as it seemed like Joy was finally beat for she kept missing or during low damage attacks yet Ralts still couldn't touch her and when Foxx finally gave her word she allowed Ralts to get close enough to scratch her to which she returned a bite before before leaping backwards and igniting the air around them. She'd been only releasing part of the force of a flamethrower thus filling the battle area with flammable gasses just waiting to be sparked.

This fainted Ralts and boosted her fire powers while also doing a little damage to herself that may in the long run determine the fate of the battle. Frustrated the Ace Trainer selected his Gastly, that way he'd at least have an advantage over the physical attacks of Joy. Foxx looked at Joy with a slight tear in his eye knowing that the last plan more then likely means she wont be able to use ember, flamethrower, or fire blast. So with closed eyes he tried to think while she avoided the gastly's attacks.

Finnally, with a grin Foxx looked over at the Ace Trainer who figured he had this in the bag since he also realized that Joy needed some time to recover before using any fire attacks from her mouth. Yet Foxx now had a plan and it might just be enough to turn things around but only if he can plan things just right.