
Poems 1-3

Arrogance to Love

I shall dominate the world just for you,

The arrogance to do so, stemming only from the knowledge of you by my side,

I'd of killed myself if you so wished,

And this may be blunt but your beautiful,

So beautiful that the stars would fall in your favour,

From the beginning, I could only tell you one thing,

That is,

I Love You...

Death yet Beautiful

The sky is empty,

Devoid of Life,

Yet each passing day fills it with light,


Why so Beautiful?

Yet so evil, dangerous,

I have sinned yet I hide in darkness,

While the sky shows it's face without shame,

I hide in guilt, pain ridden, persecuted,

Yet why isn't the sky?

It killed but no one blamed it,

I killed even by a mere accident,

yet I, was called dangerous,

Even still I stay in fear,

Life passing while I stay in the past,

This is why I regret...

Path, Bittersweet it is,

In the next life, I will show my face,

Answer those who dare give ill intent,

And change those who thought me wrong,

The path I walk on,

Is guided by darkness,

yet even so, the light is there,

Death may be the end but sweet it will be,

reliving the memories of the past,

So bittersweet though the path shall be...