
please reset the booktitle Queen_9329 20231218092329 82

"Tangled hearts," Diana, Liam, Lucas, and Maria Find themselves entangled in a web of complicated emotions. As childhood friends, Maria´s growing Jealousy towards Diana Creates a rift, causing tension and conflict among the group. Secrets, Misunderstandings, and unexpected twists Further complicate their relationships, Leaving their hearts in a tangled heart. Get ready for a gripping tale of love, Friendship, and the challenges that come With navigating the complexities of the heart.

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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Liam: "Calm down the truth is..."

(Diana was wondering)

Diana: "What is the truth"

Liam: (Liam talking to him self) ("What if i tell her the truth and she leaves me no i cant tell her about the face transplant besides the doctor told me that anything i say can make her head hurt, like now she has a memory lost no i can´t do that! my wife died and i gave her my wife face and pretty sure that i can make something up")

Diana; "you have been lost in thought for a while, what were you thinking about"

Liam: "Oh..i was thinking about telling you the truth now" (He Lied)

Diana: "Fine"

Liam: "Well you said you don't remember your name...Your name is Sarah your my wife"

(Diana´s name has been changed to Sarah)

Sarah: "I´m Sarah...".

Liam:" Yes!"

"Look i will go sign your discharge papers"

(Sarah Looked around)

Sarah was eagerly waiting for liam to return When suddenly, A nurse entered the room and got startled. She accidently dropped the tray Filled with injections on the floor and quickly ran out. Liam immediately rush in to check on Sarah.

Sarah; "What is going on why was the nurse startled when she saw me.

Liam: "Hold on i will be right back"(Liam ran as fast as he could)

As the nurse was running, She accidently collided with Naina, Who happens to be

sarah´s assistant in the office. Naina promptly halted her and inquired about the reason for her haste.

Naina: "Tell me what is going on"!

(Emma finally spoke)

Emma: (Breathing heavily) "You know when i went into that room i was shocked to see Sarah standing and she looks healthy."

Naina: "What do you mean"?

Emma: When me and doctor philip was examining her, she wasn't breathing like her heart stopped but now..she is..(Liam came to interrupt)

Liam: "What do u mean by that"

Emma: "Sir but i..

Liam: "Enough!

How can you make such a big lie against doctor philip i was there during the time of Sarah´s treatment now leave or i will have your boss fire you!"

Emma: "I´m sorry sir"

(Emma walked away)

Liam: "Naina what are you doing here"?

Naina: "Oh i came to check on my boss and show her this document"

Liam: "She will be there tomorrow"

Naina: "But sir it important"

Liam: "Don't argue with me right now Sarah´s health is very important now leave i will see you tomorrow"

Hold on!

Naina: "Yes"..

Liam: " The News of Sarah´s accident shouldn't reach the media at all cost!"

Naina: "I will take care of that sir"