
please reset the booktitle Edith_Eyitemi 20231218092329 13

Tác giả: Edith_Eyitemi
Magical Realism
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What is please reset the booktitle Edith_Eyitemi 20231218092329 13

Đọc tiểu thuyết please reset the booktitle Edith_Eyitemi 20231218092329 13 của tác giả Edith_Eyitemi được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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Lia adalah seorang gadis cantik dan cerdas yang memiliki minat yang aneh di mata teman-temannya, yaitu bercita-cita menjadi insinyur robot. Lia sering di-bully di sekolah karena minatnya itu, namun ia tetap teguh dengan impian dan minatnya. Lia memiliki semangat yang kuat untuk mengejar mimpinya dan merasa bangga dengan minatnya pada robot. Lia juga pandai bermain video game dengan tema robot, yang membuatnya memiliki banyak pengetahuan tentang teknologi robotik. Jake, sementara itu, adalah anak konglomerat yang terlahir dengan tangan robot super kuat. Namun, ia merahasiakan kemampuan tangan robotnya dan merasa kesulitan untuk menjaga rahasia itu di tengah-tengah teman-temannya yang penasaran. Jake cenderung pemalu dan tidak terlalu percaya diri di depan orang banyak, namun ia memiliki kepribadian yang baik dan selalu membantu orang lain ketika diperlukan. Lia dan Jake bertemu di sekolah dan menjadi teman dekat karena minat mereka pada robot. Namun, perbedaan latar belakang dan karakteristik mereka menjadi penghalang dalam hubungan pertemanan mereka. Ketika Jake mulai jatuh cinta pada Lia, pertentangan dan rintangan muncul karena Lia merasa tidak bisa menerima Jake yang memiliki tangan robot. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, Lia mulai membuka diri dan memahami bahwa keberadaan tangan robot Jake tidaklah penting jika itu tidak mengubah kepribadian dan karakternya yang baik. Lia akhirnya jatuh cinta pada Jake, dan mereka memulai hubungan percintaan yang rumit karena perbedaan latar belakang dan karakteristik mereka. Lia dan Jake harus menghadapi konflik dan rintangan dalam hubungan mereka karena perbedaan pandangan dan keinginan. Lia merasa tidak cocok dengan lingkungan keluarga Jake yang kaya raya, sementara Jake merasa kesulitan menghadapi sikap skeptis dan sinis dari teman-teman Lia yang meremehkan kemampuan tangan robotnya. Namun, perubahan karakter yang dialami oleh Lia dan Jake membantu mereka mengatasi konflik dan rintangan dalam hubungan mereka. Mereka belajar untuk menerima perbedaan satu sama lain dan berusaha untuk memahami pandangan dan keinginan masing-masing. Meskipun mereka mengalami banyak kesulitan dan konflik dalam hubungan mereka, Lia dan Jake akhirnya memutuskan untuk tetap bersama dan memperjuangkan hubungan mereka. Kisah percintaan antara Lia dan Jake menjadi bukti bahwa cinta sejati tidak mengenal batas-batas dan perbedaan, melainkan hanya membutuhkan kepercayaan, pengertian, dan kesediaan untuk saling berjuang.

Ariefwiguna · Kỳ huyễn
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Bury The Light [Black Clover]

It is of every unaccomplished man's desire to just... have a big red button with the words RESTART on it. To be able to reverse time, to be able to right their mistakes and start again. Unfortunately, such a thing is nothing more than fantasy... not! No, you see, the world is not as cruel as one might think. It's much, much worse. Everyone gets a free restart after they expire, be it a natural or unnatural death. And yet everyone says that you only have one chance at life, why is that? Because nobody remembers their past lives, their past mistakes and therefore, they are doomed to repeat them. But, thankfully, such is not always the case. Murphy's law states, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Such is the case even on an outerversal scale. If there's a possibility for it to happen, it will happen given enough time. And so, a reincarnated man, just like an uncountable number of other people presses the big red button to have another chance at life. But his journey doesn't begin in his world, but in another one. A world filled with magic and beauty so unlike his own... if he remembered it. ₁ ₀ ⁶₃₀⁸₃⁹⁷ ⁴₃₀Or so⁷⁹⁷ would you₀₂think⁶₃₂₀⁶ ⁸⁹⁷₁ "Sometimes... I get this weird feeling that something isn't quite right. Nothing is wrong, but it certainly doesn't feel like it... Sometimes, I see these flashes... Flashes of a place... A world so... so STRANGE it doesn't make any sense! I don't want to live like this! To fight for nothing! It feels like I'm losing my identity. And I can't help but wonder... Have I gone insane?"

Braggski · Tranh châm biếm
5 Chs

life span system

n the desolate expanse of Xyloth-9, where the air hung heavy with the acrid scent of alien flora, a tremor resonated through the barren landscape. The ground cracked, revealing ancient fissures that whispered of eons-long slumber disturbed. Beneath the violet skies, a creature emerged from the depths of oblivion, his form small and unassuming against the cosmic backdrop. The creature's tentacled appendages unfurled as it rose from the fractured ground. Its ever-shifting exoskeleton emitted an otherworldly glow, reflecting the alien light of Xyloth-9. Its three eyes, orbs of cosmic malevolence, gleamed with an unholy awareness as it scoured its surroundings. With a deliberate and almost curious motion, the creature extended its tentacles, feeling the strange energies that permeated the desolation. The twisted flora that clung to the fractured ground seemed to recoil at its touch, as if disturbed by the malevolence that now walked among them. The creature moved through the desolate landscape, its tentacles brushing against the twisted foliage, and its exoskeleton pulsating with an ominous energy. It reached out to the fractured ground, feeling the ancient scars that marred the surface of Xyloth-9. The tremors beneath its appendages spoke of a planet that bore witness to untold upheaval. As the creature traversed the barren expanse, it encountered peculiar objects scattered across the desolation. Alien remnants of civilizations long forgotten

Oceanbrezze · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

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