
Chapter 2

February, 11

So it's been a couple of days since my last chapter. A couple of hours after writing the last story my best friend we'll call her E.T text me on Instagram saying how she wants to know I'm not talking to her or if I am mad at her and let's talk about it. My lazy ass went to sleep from 5-10 which. She sent the message at 7.I woke up to my brother holding a phone to my ear.The voice I heard was recognizable but I deadass thought it was my mom.I started off my going hmmm as yes (I become mute when I first wake up). Then I realized it was My brothers Best friend. She was telling us to come outside. Uggghhhhh I started to put on my slides and my glasses.I walked downstairs and went outside. I was greeted by both e.t and we will call her dest(my brothers Best friend) so ey just said to my brother "I'm gay haha" mad my brother just replied with awesome. Then both of them were told to get out of here so me and e.t can talk. She basically said I'm her best fucking friend and how she doesn't want to lose me. I felt like a dick TBH and she was freezing her ass off. She told me she was at the mall (this bish is there like every fucking week I swear) and she started to cry because she didn't know if I was mad at her or not and why I wasn't talking to her. Anyways we ended our conversation on a good note and I went upstairs trying to go to sleep but I couldn't.


Same day February 11

last night I had a dream about a school shooter I don't know why all I know is I was scared shitless. So he shoots a shit load of people but I escape but when I tried escaping earlier the police wouldn't let me. Anyways I leave and there is blood on the floor and some dead people I guess. I came back inside at some point idk why.I saw my real English teacher going to assist a girl who's face was extremely bloody and I just stood watching.this is the first dream I've ever had in which this much Gore was involved. Anyways next to this rectangular class where bathrooms and he was in there I went to check the stalls and in the biggest one was an obese girl who was wearing a green shirt he tried to shoot me but I wiggled my way out it some how. then everything resets and this time I walk In and he starts shooting all the girls get cornered and im in the middle I drop dead with all the girls who got shot (I was faking being dead). He leaves and the shoot him and kill him I think. Then the day is kinda an off day and we just kinda chill me and my best friend we'll call her Shay are chilling afterwards when she tells me he came in on a hanglider. bitch what,? so then everything returns to kinda normal and we go fuck around and then we go back into the classroom where there is still blood in the exact same spots as before then we go back outside and the school bell rings to go home we started heading to the gym for basketball practice then a shit load of people are there for no reason anyways I'm started to wake up a bit at this point then I to do some conditioning when I set my glasses down. I'm fine until we started to do some individual drills and the apparently I go fucking blind and everything is so fucking blurry I'm pissed wtf brain you could have been nice and give me 20/20 vision but no.Anyways overall for some reason I would really call this dream a nightmare so if I have it again or something similar I don't care TBH.

To be Continued,


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