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Abraham_Alice · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Tale Of The White Wolf

ALICE POV: The White Wolf is a savior born every one thousand years. A White Wolf is a Wolf that has many more supernatural powers than every other Wolf.

It is a Wolf that is feared and respected by every other Wolf, because it always protects them. All past White Wolves that lived were males, but it was going to be different this time.

The sixth White Wolf was carried by Justina Adams, the Queen of the Wolf Country. Everyone was happy that the next White Wolf would be born into a prestigious family, but their happiness were short lived. The Grunts (worst enemies of the Wolves) figured out the birth of the White Wolf, and they decided to destroy it. They attacked on the day of the White Wolf's delivery. It was unexpected for the Wolves, so they were brutally attacked. When the Grunts attacked, the Queen was at the verge of almost delivering. The Wolves tried to prevent the Grunts from hurting her and her unborn baby, but the Grunts were well prepared.

When the Queen figured out the Wolves won't be able to protect her, she took to her heels, in her condition of almost delivering, she wanted to save the child that will put an end to the Grunts. As she ran a huge pain struck her, then she fell on the floor, she was sweating so much, then she knew it was time for the baby to come. She pushed on her own trying to hold her pain, so the Grunts won't be able to track her. She pushed, pushed and pushed and on the sixth push, the baby slipped out. When the Queen saw the crying baby she smiled.

JUSTINA: (Smiling) It's a girl (The baby had white baby hairs, but her eyes were closed. As the Queen was admiring her baby, she heard footsteps, she quickly took the baby in her arms, she tried to stand up but her legs gave out and she fell back down, tears slipped from her eyes, as she didn't know what was approaching them, if it was a Wolf or a Grunt, she tried to get up again, but she fell down. Then the owner of the footsteps reached where they were, she turned to see who it was, when she turned a feeling of relieve watched through her, it was her husband, the King's younger brother Murphy).

MURPHY: My Queen (he said running to her) My Queen are you okay?


MURPHY: We've been looking for you, you must deliver (the Queen covered the baby with her clothes so Murphy didn't see her).

JUSTINA: I already did (she said then opened the baby for Murphy to see, Murphy smiled when he saw her).

MURPHY: It's a girl

JUSTINA: Umh, the first of her kind

MURPHY: We must get to safety my Queen.

JUSTINA: Yes (Murphy helped her up, then they started moving, when they moved a little, the Queen stopped them).

MURPHY: Why are we stopping my Queen?

JUSTINA: (Breathing Profusely) I don't think I can go any further.

MURPHY: My Queen you must try, we're almost there.

JUSTINA: (Still breathing) I can't, you must go without me, I'm only slowing you down.

MURPHY: I can't leave you behind, My Queen.

JUSTINA: You have to, if we continue to move in this pace, they might catch up to us.

MURPHY: That doesn't mean I'll leave you behind.

JUSTINA: It's a command Murphy, she has to survive, she is the only one who can completely put an end to the Grunts. If she dies what do you think will happen to this world, we'll have to wait another one thousand years for the next White Wolf to be born. Please Murphy you have to save her and also take care of her.


JUSTINA: (Smiles) Thank you.

MURPHY: What should I name her?

JUSTINA: I can't think of a more suitable name than Alice (when she said this tears slipped from Murphy's eyes) Please name her Alice (Murphy nodded with more tears in his eyes) You must go now (she kissed the baby's forehead then gave her to him) Go on.

MURPHY: (Still in tears) Take care of yourself my Queen.

JUSTINA: I'll try, go on now (he looked at her one last time, then he took off with the baby).


ALICE POV: That baby has grown, and that baby is me. The world is no longer the way it used to be, scientist has come up with things that has modernized the world.

Uncle Murphy changed his look, so that he would not be recognized, he is also among the top ten richest people in America. He has several companies around the world, I know how hard he worked for years to get here. Uncle Murphy made sure I had everything I wanted. We lived in a luxurious mansion, I lived like a princess, but a hidden princess.

For the past two hundred years I was hidden, I never mingled with people, I lived, but it felt like I do not exist. I do not know any human, the only people I know are my uncle, Mrs Mackenzie Luther (my caretaker), Annabelle Luther (my best friend and Mrs Mackenzie's daughter) and Benjamin Adams (my cousin and Uncle Murphy's son) I was always within the mansion's fence, I never left the mansion, anybody who mistakenly saw me, my uncle wiped their memory of me.

You might want to ask what I did indoors for two hundred years. I studied, I learnt how to do anything learnable.