
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

28. Kinema district beatdown.

July 5th 2018.

Zack POV​

We had gone on 2 dates with Nobara over the course of the last two weeks, Nobara seems to like us but is hesitant to get into a relationship with us full on.

Her will is breaking though.

However, I think it's time to eliminate Mahito. 

In fact I had Majima put out feelers to try to find out exactly what sewer he was hiding in a week ago.

My phone rings, and clearly, thinking of the crazy bastard somehow summons him as if narrative causality wants to fucking play a joke on me.

Shrugging I pick up the call from, 'That crazy Tojo Motherfucker' and say, "My good friend, my wonderful teacher! Do you have any news for me about the fugly soul-fucker yet?"

"Yeah that's what I was callin' about. Also you trying to call me something like 'my good friend' and the other sing you said I won't repeat, freaks me the fuck out, don't fucking do that again and I'll wave the fee for finding this fucker." I can feel majima's disgust on the other end, and agree.

"Sure, Sure, just tell me where he is." I say, smiling a mean, sadistic smile.

"Ight, he should be hanging out beneath a bridge with sewer access. The bridge is at-"

He rattles off an address and an intersection point where the bridge is located. I memorize it and hang up after he says. "Just enjoy killing the fucker. He killed one of my info-gathering guys who went to find him."

He didn't need to tell me that. 

I knew how to have fun while ridding the world of some shit.

"Miu, we have the location!" I shouted, knowing Miu could hear me even if I talked normally but was too excited to care.

Miu fell from the roof where she was trying to mimic the tree-walking exercise with cursed energy. She had been watching Naruto and had just finished the wave arc.

Sadly, as she realized cursed energy didn't work that way naturally.

She still tried though.

"Cool, I really like Nobara, so killing this fucker sounds fun if only to prevent a shitty future where I don't get to shove my face inbetween her thighs." she smiles.

I nod, "Truly a woman of culture you are. I agree, those jeans she's fond of wearing really bring out her lower assets." 

I wiped My pervy grin off my face and got serious. "Let's go."

Miu gets serious as well and we speed off, Miu following close behind.

July 5th, 4PM, near the Kinema district bridge 2 blocks from the Kinema District 2nd selection High-school.​

My eyebrow twitched as I realized that Kinema wasn't the name of the brand of cinema that Mahito first attacked in the story.

It was the literal name of the district where it was situated.

I sighed and was extremely glad I didn't have to pay Majima for something I could have found by staring at a map for 5 minutes and then 30 minutes of searching the area.

I decided I didn't want to wait to engage him due to his slippery nature.

That and he was juggling his little people-grenades and laughing like it was funny while they twisted and writhed in his hands.

Fuck dude, they're already dead and you're just killing the thing you keep creating what the fuck is wrong with you? What's so funny about murdering a bunch of newborns every few moments.

I shuddered.

Pushing all of my hatred to the forefront I released my cursed energy and then multiplied it with Style-Ki and Battle aura.

I noticed that A terrified look appeared on Mahito's face for a moment.

But then my view was blocked by a fucking nobody who had a knife to Miu's throat.

Before she could utterly wreck this guy, he pricked her skin with the knife and Miu froze.

Her eyes darted around but she couldn't move.

This motherfucker.


Kai Duro

Titles: (25% toji #2) (Shinju clan hired assassin)(Fiat-backed idiot that has no idea how bad he fucked up.)

Kai duro was paid to eliminate the two fuckers helping the Tojo clan. His cursed weapon arsenal is large, but not as large as his ego. He thinks he can take you.

Note from jump-chan: the 50% toji's will start coming out after the Kyoto Goodwill arc! Sorry for the inconvenience but you're the one who wanted to take 5 assassins. 



My eyebrow twitched.


I needed to work this out.


I needed to be able to save miu, kill this guy, and catch up to Mahito before he got away.


If this idiot wants to stand in my way, I would just go through him.


I would shatter him and then I would escalate.


I would escalate until I could Defeat anything in front of me.


I would break anything in my path.

Unconsciously my hands entered the form of a formal martial arts bow reversed. Instead of my hand covering my fist, my fist was jutting out, and my hand was open-palmed and pointing towards the enemy.

"Domain Expansion: Escalation of Ten Thousand Kata's"​

A vast training hall appeared around us. In all directions were hundreds of stone statues of me.

The stone statue next to me crumbled and reformed into an exact copy of me as phantom fists and palms began to hammer the assassin before he could react. He didn't have time to react as the knife was flung from his hands by one of the stray blows, Miu jumped backwards, but she just smiled gleefully and decided to watch.

Upon the 10th direct strike from a phantom palm, another statue turned to dust and reformed into a copy of me. The strikes doubled in intensity and speed. He was being pummeled into an unrecognizable mess, he couldn't even react anymore. Every 10 hits spawned another me, which sped up the blows, which spawned another me, which sped up the blows.

Truly this was an escalation.

Before long he was a smear on the ground. I didn't even have to activate any of the Domains abilities besides the passive copying and automatic sure-attack speedups.

I dispelled my Domain and grimaced.

Mahito was long gone.

For the next 2 days, we kept searching for the bastard.

There was no trace of him

On july 8th, I sighed.

I looked at miu. "Looks like we're gonna have to sign up with Jujutsu tech. We need to be close to the action in order to get another chance at Mahito." 

Miu could only sigh as well, "Well, look at the bright side, at least we get to hang out with Nobara some more."

Nodding, I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Wow! Way to wait for the last day to decide!" an annoying voice declared.