
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 78 Stay

Chapter 78 Stay

Florentino's hobby of collecting superstars is innate, and he will never feel sorry for money because of it, let alone feel tired because of it. From the beginning of the seven superstars, until now Hu Hansan has made a comeback. Florentino's idea of ​​building Real Madrid has never changed.

In today's world football, there are not many stars who can be regarded as the same level as Kaka and Ronaldo. They are the four major candidates for the new world champion that the media has hyped before. Now two of them have been collected by Florentino When it comes to accounts, there are two more. Messi doesn't need to think about it. Barcelona will never allow a second Figo, so the only option is to hit Digan.

"Looks like my time in Florence is really coming to an end!"

When Degan said this, his face was full of anger. It was Manchester City before, and now it is Real Madrid. The Fiorentina club turned out to be open to all comers.

Just yesterday, Real Madrid offered 130 million euros to the Fiorentina club for Degan. The Fiorentina club, just like at the beginning of this year, once again mentioned the ball to Degan.

Pakinwa also kept saying: "I know that Degan has a higher pursuit, so the club respects Degan's wishes!"

Obviously, both Della Valle and Degan's rival Pakinwa in the club were moved by the huge transfer fee. After all, it was 130 million Champions League, not worthless lire.

Although it is still not as good as the transfer fee offered by Manchester City at the beginning of the year, as long as Degan nods, he can still surpass Jin Maoluo, who just broke the transfer record, and become the most valuable player in today's world football.

"Rod! What do you think about this matter? Although I don't want to encourage you to transfer, is it really worth it to work for such a club?" Zahavi also looked aggrieved.

Digan was taken aback, and had to admit that Zahavi's words had reached his heart. He had won so many championships for Fiorentina, and now Dela Valle actually wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge. The tricks were really cool.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that Pakinwa wants to make Digan a money slave. He will not hide this matter at all. As early as when Real Madrid sent the offer, Pakinwa put The news was disclosed to a familiar reporter.

"You think I should leave, don't you?" Digan said with a disappointed tone.

Degan didn't want to spend his whole life in Fiorentina, but the feeling of being betrayed by the club he had played for for three years still made him feel the sadness of a professional player in his heart.

Even if it is a superstar like Degan, in the eyes of those club owners, these sought-after world superstars are no different from commodities with clearly marked prices in supermarkets.

Since it is a commodity, it is valuable. Whoever offers the highest price will sell it to him. The painter Madrid is a rich patron, and he has so many ultra-films in his pocket that he wants to risk it. Both De La Valle and Pakinva surrendered.

The current De La Valle is no longer the fanatical fan who did not hesitate to pay any price to revive Viola. He has returned to his identity as a businessman. In his eyes, money is more important than anything else.

Before, Degan thought how great he was, but at the beginning of the year, he knew that in the eyes of De La Valle, he was nothing but a wage earner.

Originally, Degan's idea was to wait at least until the end of the World Cup before considering the issue of leaving, just like Kaka said: "Even if you leave, you must hold your head high and walk out from the front door."

But now, it seems impossible!

Zahavi could understand Digan's thoughts, and said: "Rod! The football world is like this. The so-called loyalty may have existed in the last century, but now, people all look at money!"

Digan smiled when he heard the words: "Then what about you? Mr. Vampire!"

Zahavi also smiled: "No! I don't need it, because I am not short of money!"

Zahavi is indeed not short of money. He originally planned to be Degan's exclusive agent before, but later he became the agent of most of Fiorentina's players under Digan's matchmaking. Now which club has the most expensive players? , without a doubt Florence.

Switching to Real Madrid is not unacceptable to Degan. His thoughts are similar to Kaka. Even if he wants to leave, he must go to a team worthy of his status. Real Madrid is undoubtedly the best choice .

And if he goes to Real Madrid, he can still fight side by side with Kaka, but there is an unavoidable problem that there is a person he least wants to work with-Cristiano Ronaldo!

Irina is just a small problem. Degan is not someone who can afford it and can't let it go. He has long forgotten about Irina, but the conflict between him and Jin Maoluo does exist.

"Do you think I can fight alongside that Portuguese?"

Zahavi smiled and said: "Rod! I don't think this is a problem at all. You are playing for yourself, and going to Real Madrid and playing for the same team as the Portuguese can make people more mindful. I feel like, who is the number one in the world, with your strength, you can push him to the bench and become the king of Real Madrid, isn't it very exciting?"

Zahavi's words touched Digan, and he pondered for a while and said, "How about this! You should contact the Real Madrid people first. If they want me to go to Madrid, they must at least show enough sincerity!"

Zahavi smiled and said, "Of course, your annual salary must not be less than that of the Portuguese!"

Degan agreed to negotiate, which made Florentino overjoyed. He originally wanted to buy Degan, but he just tried it. Although Florentino could do anything to get a certain player he liked, but for Degan, he is really There is no good way. The previous purchases were either rejected by Florence or ignored by Digan. I did not expect that this time it would really be possible.

In order to show his sincerity, Florentino went to Florence in person. You must know that Valdano was the only one who went to buy Kaka and Golden Mauro before. This time, Real Madrid's sincerity really used 10% of it.

Degan met Florentino at home, and as soon as he came up, Florentino gave a big talk to Degan, outlining one beautiful blueprint after another for the future.

"Rod! Real Madrid is the most popular team in the world right now. As long as you can come to Madrid, I can guarantee that your career will rise to a higher level!"

Degan was not at all interested in what Florentino said. He admitted that Real Madrid is indeed very attractive. There are the best players in the world and the most extensive fan base. In the Dream Theater, countless players dream of becoming a member of the Galaxy Battleship.

However, those things are not what Degan cares about. Is Fiorentina worse than Real Madrid?

In Florence, Degan is the unique king. Everyone here regards Degan as a hero. In recent seasons, Fiorentina's results cannot be kept up with Real Madrid's flattery.

If he went to Real Madrid, Degan would be just one of many stars. He would not be the core, the captain, or the banner of the team.

Seeing that Degan was unmoved, Florentino couldn't help being a little surprised. Degan was different from all the players he had come into contact with before. After thinking about it, he said, "Rod! Don't you want the combination of the Wright Brothers Reappear on the football field?"

Digan smiled. This is what attracted him the most. Although it felt good to confront Kaka head-on, he still hoped to fight side by side with Kaka.

"Mr. Florentino, I want to know, if I go to Real Madrid, what kind of position will I be in the team!?"

Deegan doesn't want to be "one of them", he always wants to be "one of a kind".


This Florentino is really hard to say. There can only be one boss of Real Madrid, and that is himself. The current captain of the team is Raul, but Raul is old, and his competitive state last season Very average, although he is a player he likes very much, but Florentino already has plans to sell Raul.

"After Raul Gonzalez, you will be the captain of the team!"

Florentino hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind. According to his idea, the team's next captain should be between Casillas and Ramos, but in order to get Digan, the world's number one star, , he can't care so much anymore.

Florentino is very clear that a Degan means that it is the guarantee of the championship. What Real Madrid is thinking about is the tenth Champions League trophy in their history. For this, they pay a captain's armband as a price. Florentino thinks It's a very good deal.

Seeing that Digan was a little moved, Florentino continued: "Rod! I remember you said before that professional players eat a youth meal, so we are willing to make a big concession in terms of annual salary!"

Digan pondered for a while: "Mr. Florentino can discuss these matters with my agent."

When Florentino heard this, he couldn't help but burst into ecstasy. He knew that Degan had been shaken, and his heart was tilting towards a transfer to Real Madrid.

Florentino couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of holding the three superstars of Digan, Kaka, and Jin Maoluo in his hands.

"I think the cooperation between us will be very pleasant!"

Although the contract negotiations will take a long time, and they will negotiate repeatedly for the benefit of each other, but Real Madrid's official website can't wait to announce: The Fiorentina club has accepted Real Madrid's offer for Belgian star Digan. Negotiations with the player on the contract started.

The Real Madrid fans cheered for a while, while the Fiorentina fans were completely angry after being shocked. Although Parkinwa had said before that if Digan wanted to leave, the club would not set up obstacles, but they believed them The captain will stay at the Frakki Stadium forever, but now, they feel that there will really be a day when they break up.

Could it be that after Roberto Baggio and Batistuta, they will lose their captain again?

Perhaps the young fans are not very impressed with what happened at the beginning, but the older fans will never forget that in May 1990, in order to solve the debt crisis, Fiorentina was going to sell Baggio to Juventus.

At that time, Baggio was not willing to leave Fiorentina, because he spent the most difficult time here. He went to the owner of the club, but the other party had already signed a transfer agreement with Juventus, and said: If Baggio stays, he I'd rather have the team relegated.

So Baggio secretly went to Rome to find a rich man. He suggested to the rich man that if the rich man bought the Fiorentina club, he would be willing to play for Fiorentina for life.

But later the rich man told him that there was no hope in this matter, because even if the club was to be sold, Baggio had to be sold first.

On the day Baggio was officially sold to Juventus, a riot broke out in Fiorentina, with angry fans clashing with the police.

In order to excuse the responsibility, the club suggested to the fans that Baggio moved to Juventus for money. After seeing these news on TV and newspapers, Baggio cried bitterly, for those poor fans, but also for the fate that he could not control.

At that time, the Italian national team began to train for the World Cup. Baggio insisted that he was selected for the national team as a Fiorentina player, not a Juventus player. Even so, in the eyes of many Fiorentina fans, he is still a traitor. They prepared to take action against him, so Baggio was forced to hide in a bulletproof police car and head to the training camp.

Baggio, on the other hand, simply did not realize that his move had hurt Juventus fans, many of whom could not forgive Baggio until he left Juventus five years later.

Baggio suffered so much pain and so much grief from this transfer that it hurt him almost as much as a missed World Cup penalty four years later. Since then, this melancholy taste has never disappeared from him.

Similarly, Baggio's departure will always be an eternal pain in the hearts of Fiorentina fans. People will never forget the pain in their hearts after Prince Melancholy left Fiorentina.

At that time, Baggio had just left Florence, and the arrival of a lion-like Argentine inevitably brought hope to the Florentines who had lost their spiritual leader. People quickly accepted this lion from the Banpas Plateau. Batistuta also used one goal after another to make people forget Baggio and the damage caused by Baggio. So, in a flash, Nine years have passed, and at this time, more people call him the God of War.

During the nine years in Florence, Batistuta fell deeply in love with the city and the people here, but after nine years, he is still empty-handed, as is the honor of Florence room.

Therefore, in the dragon chant of Batistuta's long sword unsheathed, people finally heard the loneliness and loneliness of a peerless killer, which was clearly a desire and longing for honor.

As a result, Fiorentina fans began to beware and began to fear that Batistuta would be another Baggio, fearing that this lion-like man would become another Fiorentina "never forgiven" person.

Finally when it was time to break up, Fiorentina fans couldn't believe that Batistuta, who had played for Fiorentina for nine years, really left just like that, didn't he say they would be together forever? Didn't you say that you will lead Florence to win all the championships and win all the glory? Didn't you say never to leave Florence?

When the Fiorentina fans finally healed the pain, a blow came. There was once a statue erected by the fans in Michelangelo Square. However, the locals wandering around the square now rarely remember the statue that once erected in this square, which is the statue of the "God of War" Batistuta.

It was a memory of age and youth, but in 2001, angry Fiorentina fans overturned everything about the memory.

Is it time for another reincarnation now?

Is Degan leaving them too, are Fiorentina fans going to lose their captain again?

Fiorentina fans were outraged. They flocked to the door of the Fiorentina club's office building to protest, demanding that the club reject Real Madrid's offer.

At this time Parkinwa appeared, still with a hypocritical smile: "I'm sorry, but we must respect Digan's opinion. He is an excellent player and has brought countless honors to Fiorentina, but maybe the time has come It's time to break up, he has a higher pursuit, we can't stop him!"

Pakinwa's words were humane, but to the fans, the feeling was really mixed. Could it be that Digan wanted to leave?

Didn't he say two months ago that he would lead the team to create another miracle in the new season?

Did Digan forget all his promises so quickly?

No, the club must sell our captain.

More and more fans gathered in front of the Florence headquarters, and they "greeted" Pakinwa with singing. The lyrics were to the effect that Pakinwa should sell his family.

The demonstration started because of Degan, but it was strange that no one mentioned the name of "Degan" in the short gathering, and the traffic conditions were completely paralyzed by the fans' protests. Thousands of fans.

The situation has made Della Valle and Pakinwa feel tricky. They thought that the fans were not guided by them, and vented their anger on Digan.

The fans don't know what happened to Fiorentina. Is this still the Viola they have been supporting?

At the beginning, in the most difficult time in Florence, de la Valle, in order to revive the Viola, at all costs, for the championship, he brought Digan to the fans, but now, facing the bid from Real Madrid, de la Valle It seems to be shaken!

I remember that Pakinwa once swore that he would never sell Digan. Now it seems that the fans underestimated the ability of this master of lies. The fans even wondered if it was because the price of Manchester City at that time was not a big deal in their eyes. , This is the good talk of defending Digan to the death.

What now?

Paginwa said that he could not stop Degan's future and could not harm Degan's interests, but the fans all know that since signing the new contract, Degan has never asked Milan to raise his salary again. It seems that Pakiwa and Della Valle They all want to kick the ball to Digan.

Is it because the financial crisis has affected De La Valle's wealth, or is it because of the years of waste that De La Valle has lost his interest in Florence or football. In the past, Florence could always get his selfless sponsorship, but what happened now?

The fans began to go to Degan's residence, gathered in front of Degan's house, and begged Degan to stay, which made Degan, who was at home, very painful.

Zahavi saw that Digan was shaken: "Rod! If you change your mind, I will never stop you!"

Digan looked up at Zahavi and smiled bitterly: "I don't know what to do now!"

Digan was very conflicted. If it was because of De La Valle and Pakinwa, he would not even look back when he left, but those fans~~~~~~~~

"Rod! What do you think if you leave after the World Cup?"

Go ahead and stay for another season!

Digan looked at Zahavi, and after a while, he stood up suddenly, walked to the door, put his hands on the handle, looked back at Zahavi, and said, "I hope I won't regret this decision. "

After finishing speaking, Degan directly pushed open the door, and seeing the door opened, the fans also fell silent, looking at their captain, their eyes were full of prayers.

What would happen to Fiorentina if Degan left?

Will the newly established dynasty fall apart in an instant! ?

Digan took a deep breath and said, "Go back! I won't leave!"

Degan's words stunned thousands of Fiorentina fans present. They looked at Degan, and from Degan's eyes, they could also see the look of pain. They were not persecuting Degan, nor did they want to Want Deegan to see that emotion in his eyes.

Degan smiled, but the pain and struggle in his eyes were still there: "I decided to stay, next season, we will still be together!"

After the crowd was silent for a minute, there was a sudden burst of cheers. People hugged each other and crowded in front of Digan.

Throughout the night, Fiorentina fell into a carnival. When Fiorentina won the six crowns, the fans were never as excited as they are now.

Back home, the fans outside had dispersed, and the fans left many roses in front of Degan's house, which was to thank him for staying.

"I've decided to stay and negotiate with Real Madrid, cancel it!"

Zahavi smiled, as if he had guessed everything that would happen today: "Okay! I know what to do! Rhodes, leave the rest to me!"