Vivian, who has been disillusioned by reality, finds himself in the world of pirates. Determined to live a peaceful life, his plans are disrupted when his patrol ship encounters a Whitebeard pirate ship. Faced with this unexpected danger, Vivian’s mind presents him with several options, each with its own unique reward: 1. Confront the pirates boldly: Shout and order the ship to approach, earning a random Logia-type Devil Fruit. 2. Challenge Whitebeard: Use a loudspeaker to demand a 1v1 duel, gaining a random combat skill from another dimension. 3. Flee: Turn the ship around and escape, receiving a random Zanpakutō. 4. Surrender: Admit defeat and surrender, increasing a random basic attribute. After a brief internal struggle, Vivian decides to use the loudspeaker and calls out to Whitebeard, addressing him as “Dad,” which is a humorous and unexpected twist.